View Full Version : On tipping back

06-01-11, 07:23 AM
Since I tip most of my neighbors (excluding ones that never tip back) every day and receive about 1/3 of the tips back, I just want to let you know that tipping does not cost you anything. It says -$, but in fact you actually gain money by tipping!

Could you please post some reasons as to why you wouldn't tip back?


06-01-11, 07:52 AM
Laziness, over commitment lack of time are what I hear. I tip everyone daily. It's irritating not to get tipped back. I think zoo is the worst tbh. It's not fair to put in the effort when others just clear their tables and reap the rewards of your hard work and have no intentions of reciprocating. I guess everyone plays diffeenly and we should just be thankful we have the edit button now so we can delete dead weight free loaders.

06-01-11, 08:09 AM
What saintlover said above, no time to tip all neighbours in all stories (some people have hundreds of neighbours in EVERY story game.) My main reason for not tipping is that it is hardly worth it once you level up past like, level 10, because you don't even notice any significant increase in your coins or xp. Most of the time, my neighbours' tables will be already tipped. I don't have time to check back all the time to see if they've gotten rid of their tips yet. I gift every day and occasionally tip, but for the most part, I don't bother. It becomes a waste of time when you level up, and is only beneficial for people who are new to the game and need all the coins and xp they can get.

06-01-11, 08:57 AM
My main reason for not tipping back is because I have to go to university, I have a part time job AND a volunteer job~ I generally try to tip once a day but seriously it takes me a lot of time since i have 200 neighbors on rs and bs..... :(

06-01-11, 09:24 AM
I return all tips, but I don't go through my neighbor lists daily and tip everyone. I just don't have the time, and it can get very frustrating since you have to remember where you were on the list, remember who you tried to tip but couldn't, remember if you tipped Chanel, chanel, cocochanel, CHANEL, etc. So I tip from my feed and my wall and sometimes hit up the neighbor list if I want to tip a specific person who is not on my feed or wall. Aybody who wants to delete me over that can be my guest.

06-01-11, 09:37 AM
I quote you 100%, I do the same... although I do not manage to tip everyone on my wall every single day... I try hard though! :-)

06-01-11, 12:07 PM
Laziness, over commitment lack of time are what I hear. I tip everyone daily. It's irritating not to get tipped back. I think zoo is the worst tbh. It's not fair to put in the effort when others just clear their tables and reap the rewards of your hard work and have no intentions of reciprocating. I guess everyone plays diffeenly and we should just be thankful we have the edit button now so we can delete dead weight free loaders.

Yeah, I agree. I have no problem whatsoever with people putting hundreds of tables out to collect tips and never tip back (some staying at zero star rating, some not); I just don't want to spend the time to tip them and gift them everyday. I would like my neighbor list as lean as possible so when I'm clicking through each one individually for tips and gifts everyday, I won't be going through a fluffy list of 90 people when only 20 of them ever give back.

06-01-11, 12:21 PM
My main reason for not tipping back is because I have to go to university, I have a part time job AND a volunteer job~ I generally try to tip once a day but seriously it takes me a lot of time since i have 200 neighbors on rs and bs..... :(

I'm not talking about your 200 neighbors. I'm talking about the limited number of people who actually tipped you. Like what the person above said, the gains from tips become miniscule when you reach high level. However, I say it takes roughly the same time to pick up 6 tips as it does clicking on the neighbor who left it and tipping back. It's hard to say you don't have time tipping back when you easily find the time to pick them up.

Then again, it's tough to ask someone to not pick up their tips if they're just going to freeload, but I guess the only thing us daily tippers can do is to hope to remove all these sorts of people from our neighbors list so we can have a lean list and also decrease the time we spend tipping and gifting.

06-01-11, 12:23 PM
I'm not bashing people who don't return tips. I just want to see if anyone has advice on how to decrease freeloaders to zero so I don't have to spend an hour each day going through my fluffy list of neighbors. I find it hard to track who plays and who doesn't, who tips back and who doesn't, beyond of course, your regulars.

06-01-11, 12:36 PM
I return all tips, but I don't go through my neighbor lists daily and tip everyone. I just don't have the time, and it can get very frustrating since you have to remember where you were on the list, remember who you tried to tip but couldn't, remember if you tipped Chanel, chanel, cocochanel, CHANEL, etc. So I tip from my feed and my wall and sometimes hit up the neighbor list if I want to tip a specific person who is not on my feed or wall. Aybody who wants to delete me over that can be my guest.

I totally agree, I tip the ones that tip me or send me gifts. I do give gifts everyday and really try to go through my neighbor list as much as possible but it is a little frustrating not to get tips in return. I know everyone plays differently and don't always have the time.

06-01-11, 12:42 PM
I'm not bashing people who don't return tips. I just want to see if anyone has advice on how to decrease freeloaders to zero so I don't have to spend an hour each day going through my fluffy list of neighbors. I find it hard to track who plays and who doesn't, who tips back and who doesn't, beyond of course, your regulars.

delete those that dont tip back or zero rating people
I keep tabs on mine by putting messages on their walls every day so i can see if they arent playing anymore.

06-01-11, 01:29 PM
delete those that dont tip back or zero rating people
I keep tabs on mine by putting messages on their walls every day so i can see if they arent playing anymore.

Thanks. That's a good idea. I guess I've been doing that, but I'm still undecided on how many days to give them before deeming them no longer playing or a bad neighbor. I guess another difficulty in deleting neighbors is the fear of becoming unable to receive 20 stews a day...

06-01-11, 03:16 PM
I'm not talking about your 200 neighbors. I'm talking about the limited number of people who actually tipped you. Like what the person above said, the gains from tips become miniscule when you reach high level. However, I say it takes roughly the same time to pick up 6 tips as it does clicking on the neighbor who left it and tipping back. It's hard to say you don't have time tipping back when you easily find the time to pick them up.

Then again, it's tough to ask someone to not pick up their tips if they're just going to freeload, but I guess the only thing us daily tippers can do is to hope to remove all these sorts of people from our neighbors list so we can have a lean list and also decrease the time we spend tipping and gifting.

Lmao who the frag do you think you are scolding others for not tipping. Your a jerk bro. Get a life. If no tip then delete the, SIMPLE.

06-01-11, 08:37 PM
I go thru my neighbor list weekly and write down the zeroes, send them notifications, note the ones who say "keep me" and give each person three weeks to shape up. Three weeks on the zero list is long enough to account for vacations and determine that a player has become inactive. If no response, I delete them. I will also delete any nbr without warning if I have had trouble with them in the past and they slip back to 0 despite my tips.

One thing to think about is that if you are not leaving notes on your nbr's walls, you shouldn't wonder why they don't tip back. I tip mainly from my wall because I find it hard to keep up with the feed.

06-01-11, 09:51 PM
I personally do not have a problem with neighbors not tipping back... That is, I do tip back everyone who leaves a message on my wall, and those I find in the news feed. If I do not have time to tip back, I do not even collect the money on my tables, so that I do not let neighbors tip me without being able to return the favour.... so simple! You do not have to go through your list of neighbor every day! I could not do that anyway, I have too many Lava games and unfortunately a little time to spend playing them all daily. I get more upset for those tipping without leaving a note, even a simple "t" or a smile so that I know they passed by. News feed keeps only last 10 entries! So do not complain of not being tipped back if you don't leave a note... :-)
On the other side, I "use" the neighbor list if I have been absent too long and my star rating has gone down, so that I can push it up quickly tipping 6 instead of 3 each time... and the 0 rated are the most "useful" being almost always empty :-) Look at the bright side and do not get upset for a game, which is mainly supposed to make you spend time having fun and distracting you from the everyday stress....!

06-02-11, 02:05 AM
I personally do not have a problem with neighbors not tipping back... That is, I do tip back everyone who leaves a message on my wall, and those I find in the news feed. If I do not have time to tip back, I do not even collect the money on my tables, so that I do not let neighbors tip me without being able to return the favour.... so simple! You do not have to go through your list of neighbor every day! I could not do that anyway, I have too many Lava games and unfortunately a little time to spend playing them all daily. I get more upset for those tipping without leaving a note, even a simple "t" or a smile so that I know they passed by. News feed keeps only last 10 entries! So do not complain of not being tipped back if you don't leave a note... :-)
On the other side, I "use" the neighbor list if I have been absent too long and my star rating has gone down, so that I can push it up quickly tipping 6 instead of 3 each time... and the 0 rated are the most "useful" being almost always empty :-) Look at the bright side and do not get upset for a game, which is mainly supposed to make you spend time having fun and distracting you from the everyday stress....!

Yeah i do the same when my star rating fall down below 3. And to the thread starter, expect some answers like " we have a life" " get a life" " get real" etc etc. But what keeps me wondering is, why accept so many neighbors more than what u can tip of? Isnt that ridiculous to have more than 20 nbrs and then slap other peoples word with those quotes? If u cant handle to tip ur nbrs then delete urself from their list and/or delete them from ur list. That wouldnt bother other players of feeling "jerky" by not tipping back...when i cant be online i leave a message in my wall or tell my nbrs why i cant tip back so they would understand... But to collect their tips and never go back is something of a puzzle to me.. If u have a life outside these games, then dont accept nbrs or write in ur wall that u dont tip back so they wouldnt be bother to leave some... But to cover ur floor with tables and remain zero star rating is what i called a "suck3r". Sorry but that is just my opinion... And im glad to have an active neighbors. I came from 150 down to 45 nbrs. Glad to have a lesser nbrs than annoy myself of tapping and expecting others to do the same but be disappointed 

06-02-11, 02:07 AM
Ooops i was supposed to quote only the lower paragraph and not the whole. 

how do u edit ur posts? Cos i can see some posters that can edit their posts

06-02-11, 03:09 AM
My main reason for not tipping is that it is hardly worth it once you level up past like, level 10, because you don't even notice any significant increase in your coins or xp.

^^ this ^^

06-02-11, 06:47 AM
I do have a life. If you're a construction worker then I understand why you wouldn't have time to be clicking your device, but I happen to have time intermittently throughout the day. Good luck... toilet on the second floor needs plumbing, sir.

06-02-11, 06:48 AM
I personally do not have a problem with neighbors not tipping back... That is, I do tip back everyone who leaves a message on my wall, and those I find in the news feed. If I do not have time to tip back, I do not even collect the money on my tables, so that I do not let neighbors tip me without being able to return the favour.... so simple! You do not have to go through your list of neighbor every day! I could not do that anyway, I have too many Lava games and unfortunately a little time to spend playing them all daily. I get more upset for those tipping without leaving a note, even a simple "t" or a smile so that I know they passed by. News feed keeps only last 10 entries! So do not complain of not being tipped back if you don't leave a note... :-)
On the other side, I "use" the neighbor list if I have been absent too long and my star rating has gone down, so that I can push it up quickly tipping 6 instead of 3 each time... and the 0 rated are the most "useful" being almost always empty :-) Look at the bright side and do not get upset for a game, which is mainly supposed to make you spend time having fun and distracting you from the everyday stress....!

Okay, thanks. I agree I'm thinking too much about this, and I'll just start going through deleting neighbors.

06-02-11, 06:50 AM
Lmao who the frag do you think you are scolding others for not tipping. Your a jerk bro. Get a life. If no tip then delete the, SIMPLE.

I do have a life. If you're a construction worker then I understand why you wouldn't have time to be clicking your device, but I happen to have time intermittently throughout the day. Good luck... toilet on the second floor needs plumbing, sir.

06-02-11, 07:04 AM
To all those people who are going to tell me to get a life, my response is this: Everyone needs some time to get away from their work, their lives, their responsibilities. Some people choose to smoke pot, others do drugs, ***** on their partners, murder their in-laws, drink and p*ss themselves, or even act like they're very important people. I choose to play Restaurant Story. It's a free country, and to each one's own, so don't try to make yourself seem more important than people who play Restaurant Story, you pretentious cornhole. What makes us the people we are is the actions we do when others aren't watching. You act like selfish people on a game but I but you pretend you're a good citizen in front of the cops, your peers, and God. Why can't you act with integrity all the time, even during a simple task such as tipping?

06-02-11, 07:39 AM
I for one that I don't have hundreds of neighbors. I used to but I remove the under rate 3/4. I'm thinking about to even remove 3 recently on some stories. I have roughly about 30 -50 neighbors on each stories now. Thing is I can't afford to visit everyone of them. So, what I do is I only visit those who tip & gift me to maintain my 4 star rating. Beside, this is the only way I can ensure that Most of my neighbors surely tip me back & even if they don't on a day or 2, they still will on the next day or so whenever they received my gifts. Frankly, they do receive my gift daily since I send exactly at 0 hour and I always received the message all my gifts send to all neighbors. Since, most of the neighbors normally tip according receiving gift, that means I practically have all my neighbors' tips daily. Most of the time. Hint is you can't have too many neighbors that will exhaust yourself & try to send gift at 0 hour.

06-02-11, 07:46 AM
I for one that I don't have hundreds of neighbors. I used to but I remove the under rate 3/4. I'm thinking about to even remove 3 recently on some stories. I have roughly about 30 -50 neighbors on each stories now. Thing is I can't afford to visit everyone of them. So, what I do is I only visit those who tip & gift me to maintain my 4 star rating. Beside, this is the only way I can ensure that Most of my neighbors surely tip me back & even if they don't on a day or 2, they still will on the next day or so whenever they received my gifts. Frankly, they do receive my gift daily since I send exactly at 0 hour and I always received the message all my gifts send to all neighbors. Since, most of the neighbors normally tip according receiving gift, that means I practically have all my neighbors' tips daily. Most of the time. Hint is you can't have too many neighbors that will exhaust yourself & try to send gift at 0 hour.

I think I'll try to do what you do. That is the ideal case. Are you able to receive 20 stews a day?

06-02-11, 09:23 AM
To all those people who are going to tell me to get a life, my response is this: Everyone needs some time to get away from their work, their lives, their responsibilities. Some people choose to smoke pot, others do drugs, ***** on their partners, murder their in-laws, drink and p*ss themselves, or even act like they're very important people. I choose to play Restaurant Story. It's a free country, and to each one's own, so don't try to make yourself seem more important than people who play Restaurant Story, you pretentious cornhole. What makes us the people we are is the actions we do when others aren't watching. You act like selfish people on a game but I but you pretend you're a good citizen in front of the cops, your peers, and God. Why can't you act with integrity all the time, even during a simple task such as tipping?

Are you really equating people who opt for different tipping strategies from yours with murderers? Christ, man, I have a 3-4 star rating on all the games I play. If you want to call me a freeloader who lacks integrity, not to mention a cornhole, have at it. I have my own opinions on the subject.

06-02-11, 01:09 PM
I can see why it would be annoying to spend time tipping and get nothing back, but I will agree that instead of getting irritated, just delete the neighbors who don't tip back. I've learned to keep only a small number of neighbors I can handle, since there's no point in having lots of neighbors who just fill your list and make it harder to get through which ones are active and which aren't. There's also some neighbors who want to focus on gifting daily rather than tipping...the ultimate end is really an understanding between you and your neighbor~

06-02-11, 01:41 PM
Are you really equating people who opt for different tipping strategies from yours with murderers? Christ, man, I have a 3-4 star rating on all the games I play. If you want to call me a freeloader who lacks integrity, not to mention a cornhole, have at it. I have my own opinions on the subject.

No. Please keep up with the logic. I'm comparing what different people do with their free time. Some murder, I play a game. That doesn't mean I don't have a life. Try reading more carefully next time so you follow. Thanks.

06-02-11, 01:42 PM
I can see why it would be annoying to spend time tipping and get nothing back, but I will agree that instead of getting irritated, just delete the neighbors who don't tip back. I've learned to keep only a small number of neighbors I can handle, since there's no point in having lots of neighbors who just fill your list and make it harder to get through which ones are active and which aren't. There's also some neighbors who want to focus on gifting daily rather than tipping...the ultimate end is really an understanding between you and your neighbor~

I know. I've come to realize I'm getting too worked up over this. I just started out wondering why it is people have time to pick up tips every day but never tip back to people who tip them every day. I've deleted neighbors and am just going to stop thinking about it.

06-02-11, 02:06 PM
Again, please refrain from personal attacks in the forums. This thread is now locked.