View Full Version : Ovens or drink machines- which do u prefer

05-28-11, 11:21 AM
I prefer ovens, I think the cakes look really nice when you have a nice selection of cakes on the counter tops, the drinks look nice too, but i prefer to buy an oven when I level up. I'm going to have a total of three drinks machines, I think and the rest ovens. Which do you prefer? The good think I guess about the drinks is you have the five mins for coffee and half an hour for a mocca.

05-28-11, 11:26 AM
Drinks look nice especially egg nog. Cakes look best when you have lots of strawberry cheesecakes and red velvet cakes. Kiwi cheesecake is coming soon and i can't wait

05-28-11, 01:12 PM
I set strawberry cheesecake every night, I don't mind that it's not worth as much as others, but it's a good time of eight hours, raspberry macs look nice too.