View Full Version : new box and items in Restaurant and Bakery

05-22-11, 09:24 AM
My friend is able to open new box in both of her restaurant and bakery, what she opened in the new box is Toadstool and ice deer. However, most of us cannot find the new box. Besides, she can find the new table/chair which is mushroom style. But she found out sync problem when placing them on her restaurant.

Can administrator tell us what is going on for those new box/ items? When everyone can see these new items?

05-22-11, 09:33 AM
Mods aren't normally here weekends but now I'm curious as to what your friend is seeing too

05-22-11, 02:57 PM
I've also seen people with kiwi cheesecake which is not available for me. I have all the other update items.

05-22-11, 05:08 PM
In this case, that mean the updates is different to different players...so strange. Can administrator explain and tell when this situation can be settled?!

05-27-11, 08:54 AM
Please tell us!!!'!!!!!!