View Full Version : Getting new phone

05-22-11, 06:04 AM
Hi guys, I was wondering if once I got my new phone would I have to start over from scratch or is there a way to keep all my stuff such as current level, cafe size, money, food serving on the counters etc.... I would be devastated if I have to start over I have over a million dollars worth of food on my counters. Has anyone done this before if so what happen?

05-22-11, 07:31 AM
Nope. There's a thread by both GM and Norman. I can't find the address, but search and you'll find it. Keep your phone whilst transferring. Android users should e-mail support@teamlava.com.

05-23-11, 04:20 AM
Hi, unfortunately I had to start again as my phone died and only then did I find out what I was meant to have done!! You can transfer your game...to do this you need your storm id and the udid no from your phone. I know where it is on the iphone but not sure about androids. I think the the post Rachael is referring to is a 'sticky' so you should be able to find it pretty easily. Hope it works for you xx