View Full Version : Dear God.....

05-19-11, 07:28 PM
Dear God,

PLEASE let us have our water after this once again, for the 6th day in a row, unannounced maintenance!!!!

Increasingly Frustrated and Annoyed

05-19-11, 07:46 PM
This just in!! A record breaking drought shocks the Farm Story world!! Read all about it!! ALL WATER has been sucked from our farms!!
.......Oh wait, this is old news........ <<< 1 for each day with no water

05-19-11, 07:47 PM
Incase this happens again, check this out for future reference. (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11900-Tips-on-dealing-with-a-water-shortage)

05-19-11, 07:50 PM
yes ... i agree .. is been few days in a row ... please advise what's wrong ?

Dear God,

PLEASE let us have our water after this once again, for the 6th day in a row, unannounced maintenance!!!!

Increasingly Frustrated and Annoyed

05-19-11, 07:56 PM
Dear God,

PLEASE let us have our water after this once again, for the 6th day in a row, unannounced maintenance!!!!

Increasingly Frustrated and Annoyed

If you must use prayer as sarcasm, at least pray right. Nothing comes after "amen".

05-19-11, 11:49 PM
It was sarcasm and there was no offense to anyone intended. We all have our own beliefs. When it comes to actual prayer, I'm pretty sure that whatever god you worship isn't going to care where you put the "amen". I believe that there is no wrong or right way to pray. One should pray, if they believe in that sort of thing, however they're comfortable. So, you pray and do and say the things you want to, and I'll do likewise.

Actually, I won't be visiting here for some time. I've finally had enough. I watered my 151 neighbors for the last time and said goodbye. About 10% of my neighbors were done as well...one had 3 farms. I'll stay in touch with a couple of the ones that are still farming, and may return once this water loss issue is fixed. Otherwise, it's become more of a time consuming job than a relaxing game, which is what it used to be for me prior to the major update a couple of months ago. Try not to be too upset by me leaving, I'm confident that you will hold true to form and find someone else to pick at. 

05-19-11, 11:52 PM
Incase this happens again, check this out for future reference. (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11900-Tips-on-dealing-with-a-water-shortage)

Yes, I skimmed over this post a couple of days ago, but rolled my eyes and chose to not comment and moved on.

05-20-11, 12:44 AM
k bye :) hope you find happiness in whatever you move on to!

05-20-11, 03:17 AM
I don't want to lose my water again. When it happened yesterday it felt like TeamLava ****ed my life and set it on fire.

05-20-11, 06:38 AM
I agree totally...This is getting seriously frustrating TL, not only have I lost all my water (three days in a row) All my ripe crops have died because of lack of water resulting to lost xps. I should be in level 84 by now. Please kindly fix this, TL. A lot of players are already screaming in *******ing the games.

05-20-11, 06:45 AM
I agree with everyone, This is seriously getting frustrating Team Lava, Not only did I lose all my water (3 days in a row now), All my ripe crops died because of lack of water, resulting to loss of xps... I should be in level 84 by now. Kindly fix it team lava, a lot of players are screaming about *******ing the games.

05-20-11, 09:14 AM
It was sarcasm and there was no offense to anyone intended. We all have our own beliefs. When it comes to actual prayer, I'm pretty sure that whatever god you worship isn't going to care where you put the "amen". I believe that there is no wrong or right way to pray. One should pray, if they believe in that sort of thing, however they're comfortable. So, you pray and do and say the things you want to, and I'll do likewise.

Actually, I won't be visiting here for some time. I've finally had enough. I watered my 151 neighbors for the last time and said goodbye. About 10% of my neighbors were done as well...one had 3 farms. I'll stay in touch with a couple of the ones that are still farming, and may return once this water loss issue is fixed. Otherwise, it's become more of a time consuming job than a relaxing game, which is what it used to be for me prior to the major update a couple of months ago. Try not to be too upset by me leaving, I'm confident that you will hold true to form and find someone else to pick at. 

Whilst there may have been no offense intended, it certainly can be. Mog is right. Picking at you? That sort of sarcasm isn't very polite, friendly or clever. Think before you post.

05-20-11, 10:26 AM
People need to lighten up around here.

05-20-11, 11:23 AM
People need to lighten up around here.

Couldn't agree more

05-20-11, 12:19 PM
It's a game...... A very nice and free game.....
Be thankfull for it!

05-20-11, 11:41 PM
People need to lighten up around here.

Amen!! 
Independent Thinker Who Doesn't Have to Please Everyone

05-21-11, 02:41 AM
People need to lighten up around here.

Some people are deeply religious and would find it extremely offending to have it blasphemously thrown around like that. I'm not offended particularly. But really, we have to consider everyone when we come to the controversial subject of religion.

05-21-11, 06:49 AM
But really, we have to consider everyone when we come to the controversial subject of religion.

Where is religion being discussed? Heck, it wasn't really intended to be a discussion at all. I was very simply making a smarta$$ed comment. Let's end this ridiculous thread.

05-21-11, 06:53 AM
Whilst there may have been no offense intended, it certainly can be. Mog is right. Picking at you? That sort of sarcasm isn't very polite, friendly or clever. Think before you post.

I was referring to all of Mog's comments towards me in this and several other threads. So yes, picking at.

05-21-11, 06:58 AM
Some people are deeply religious and would find it extremely offending to have it blasphemously thrown around like that. I'm not offended particularly. But really, we have to consider everyone when we come to the controversial subject of religion.


this is just because someone wrote a sentence after Amen

05-21-11, 12:21 PM
Some people are deeply religious and would find it extremely offending to have it blasphemously thrown around like that. I'm not offended particularly. But really, we have to consider everyone when we come to the controversial subject of religion.

We don't have to "consider everyone," we can say what we want, when we want. Just as you feel it was unnecessary for DoubleZ to post that, I feel it was completely unnecessary to, yes, "attack" him/her for it.

05-23-11, 07:39 AM
I agree with everyone, This is seriously getting frustrating Team Lava, Not only did I lose all my water (3 days in a row now), All my ripe crops died because of lack of water, resulting to loss of xps... I should be in level 84 by now. Kindly fix it team lava, a lot of players are screaming about *******ing the games.

Lol, your ripe crops dying has nothing to do with the lack of water. Water only adds a little bonus amount of gold when you harvest the crop.

05-26-11, 10:24 PM
People need to lighten up around here.

Heck ya they do!!!! (Notice I used "heck" so as to not offend) Sorry, I couldn't resist being a smart

06-04-11, 01:22 AM
heck ya they do!!!! (notice i used "heck" so as to not offend) sorry, i couldn't resist being a smart

lmao!!! 