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View Full Version : A Bug!!! All my 50 GEMS gone for no reason!!!

05-14-11, 08:38 PM
Dear Developer, While I stored my gems reach 25 in my Fahsion Story, it will suddenly turn all my Gems into 0!!! This is the 2nd time happened in this way, my previous e-mail to support team is 4th May 2011! Now, it is 15th May 2011! I lost 50 GEMS!!!! Please help!!! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

05-14-11, 08:46 PM
are u sure u didnt tap buy slot for 25 by accident
it can happen easily with no confirmation , if u tapped too fast u wouldnt even notice

but u should email them again if its not the case

05-14-11, 08:55 PM
I would check it out, thanks for reminding!

05-19-11, 03:38 PM
You will probaly never see those Gems again...

05-19-11, 10:44 PM
Even though what happened Annywaiting was that she accidentally bought the new slot, at least there should be a confirmation box for us to click, not just taking the gems without any notice!

05-19-11, 11:16 PM
Even though what happened Annywaiting was that she accidentally bought the new slot, at least there should be a confirmation box for us to click, not just taking the gems without any notice!

This is actually the one thing I don't like about TeamLava and Storm8. It's deceitful, plain and simple.

05-20-11, 02:37 AM
I agree, and they could solve it so easy. :O

05-20-11, 10:47 AM
You will need to contact TeamLava Support regarding this issue. You can contact them at support@teamlava.com.

05-20-11, 06:20 PM
This is actually the one thing I don't like about TeamLava and Storm8. It's deceitful, plain and simple.

I started a thread similar to this and was treated like I was insane. Like I was seeing an "agenda" where one doesn't exist.

05-20-11, 08:17 PM
I have a huge problem! I have earned hardly any money since last night! For some reason, all day, every time i open up my game, the welcome back box pops up, it tells me how much money i earned while i was away...BUT, when i close the box, another box pops up and it says it was out of sync and that it will be refreshed...PROBLEM! When it refreshes, it doesnt add the gold to my account! It said i made 56,000 while i was away, but when i went to bed i had 178,000 coins and when i opened it up this morning i had 178,000 coins! What is going on? PLEASE HELP!!! The worst part...all my inventory is disappearing...BUT NO MONEY for them!!!! :-(

05-22-11, 06:31 AM
I've been having the same problem. I'd fill up my stock. I'd leave the game and come back minutes later and my stock is gone.

05-22-11, 07:29 AM
I have a huge problem! I have earned hardly any money since last night! For some reason, all day, every time i open up my game, the welcome back box pops up, it tells me how much money i earned while i was away...BUT, when i close the box, another box pops up and it says it was out of sync and that it will be refreshed...PROBLEM! When it refreshes, it doesnt add the gold to my account! It said i made 56,000 while i was away, but when i went to bed i had 178,000 coins and when i opened it up this morning i had 178,000 coins! What is going on? PLEASE HELP!!! The worst part...all my inventory is disappearing...BUT NO MONEY for them!!!! :-(

I don't really know what that's got to do with disappearing gems. But Norman wrote a thread that should explain it.

05-23-11, 06:20 PM
Even though what happened Annywaiting was that she accidentally bought the new slot, at least there should be a confirmation box for us to click, not just taking the gems without any notice!

Yea there have been several times that I have accidentally bought things I didn't want because I try to x out of he confirmation, but I hit the speed up order for 5 gems button instead. This needs to be fixed!!!