View Full Version : Main Goal: The Rib Ranger - August 8th, 2024 (14 days)

08-08-24, 12:03 PM
Thanks to pixiegamer for additional information and images.






Texas Grill recipes and counter displays:





Stallion Statue (2x1, 20,000 coins)





Prized Pigs (3x3, 32,000 coins)


Texas Roaster recipes and counter displays:



Goal Prize: Bull Rider (4x4, 65 gems, 1 free)


Bonus Goal:


New Items:


08-08-24, 12:04 PM
Gran-Gran's Challenge (14 days)

Thanks to pixiegamer, Abbystop, kohimechan for additional information and images




Goal Prize: Cowboy Greeter (1x1, 4th place prize from the Cowboy Crate)


08-08-24, 12:07 PM
Infographic of New Items:


Note: the extra wallpapers (ILYSM 1 and ILYSM 2 are NOT required for the goal; they are extra wallpapers that are entirely optional to purchase).

The Side Goal Prize is the Cowboy Greeter, a 1x1 4th place prize from the Cowboy Crate (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98400-Restaurant-Story-Master-Box-Guide&p=1412938&viewfull=1#post1412938) (lower right corner):


New Bonus Recipe on Phoebe's Appliance:


First Appliance Recipes:


Also note that the clipboard now shows 13 days instead of 14 :( I've flagged this over to ask about the end time. If the goal time has been shortened I will ask if the requirements can be lowered to match.


08-08-24, 02:35 PM
I want everything from the cowboy crate and the old West crate. RS needs to have gem sales for the rest of the month, but I still will not get all the items I am sure. I love love love this goal. I am sure many will not like it, but I love having Texas themed items! Any part 2 info for Gran gran would be much appreciated!

08-08-24, 03:54 PM
Many thanks mogglo and pixiegamer! :)

08-08-24, 04:38 PM
Thank you dear everyone who posts information here for others❤️
And love the coleslaw counter presentation!❤️❤️❤️ Wooden plates/bowls are the best💪🏼 I think I would also love the pickles and 2nd appliance (Grilled items) as well.
Thank you team😊😊

08-08-24, 07:07 PM
Gran-Gran's Challenge Part 2
6 Chicken salads ( Stove)
6 Roast Chickens (Oven)
3 TBone Steaks (Grill)

08-08-24, 07:22 PM
I want everything from the cowboy crate and the old West crate. RS needs to have gem sales for the rest of the month, but I still will not get all the items I am sure. I love love love this goal. I am sure many will not like it, but I love having Texas themed items! Any part 2 info for Gran gran would be much appreciated!

I have everything from the cowboy crate thankfully some were side goal prizes and others I got with gem sales.I absolutely love all of them.

08-09-24, 06:19 AM
Hi! Has anyone flagged the fact that the WHITE BOOTS do NOT show up if they drop from the coleslaw, and I say IF because the parts drops are ridiculously minimal for how much money you have to spend!!

08-09-24, 01:45 PM
Hi! Has anyone flagged the fact that the WHITE BOOTS do NOT show up if they drop from the coleslaw, and I say IF because the parts drops are ridiculously minimal for how much money you have to spend!!

Yours is the only report in the forums thus far, so it's possible it could be an isolated issue. Usually when a dropped collectible does not register as having been collected, it is a sync issue with the game. From least-serious to most-serious method of resolution, this is usually resolved by visiting a neighbor and returning to your restaurant; closing and restarting the game; closing the app, clearing the cache in app settings, and reopening the game; or, worst-case scenario, by uninstalling and reinstalling the app. (All progress is saved in the Cloud so uninstalling/reinstalling should not cause you to lose data).

08-09-24, 06:39 PM
My white boots didn't show up either. There were several cook times where I received no boots at all. Ridiculous when you have to pay over 1,000 for every recipe.

08-10-24, 01:58 AM
Serve 6 Chicken Salads(stove)
Serve 8 Roast Chickens(oven)
Serve 4 T-Bone Steaks(grill)

08-10-24, 05:08 AM
My white boots didn't show up either. There were several cook times where I received no boots at all. Ridiculous when you have to pay over 1,000 for every recipe.

I'm always out of sync apparently. I counted last goal I had to make and remake recipes 12 times to get stove to drop 2

08-10-24, 05:41 AM
Hi! Has anyone flagged the fact that the WHITE BOOTS do NOT show up if they drop from the coleslaw, and I say IF because the parts drops are ridiculously minimal for how much money you have to spend!!

Yours is the only report in the forums thus far, so it's possible it could be an isolated issue. Usually when a dropped collectible does not register as having been collected, it is a sync issue with the game. From least-serious to most-serious method of resolution, this is usually resolved by visiting a neighbor and returning to your restaurant; closing and restarting the game; closing the app, clearing the cache in app settings, and reopening the game; or, worst-case scenario, by uninstalling and reinstalling the app. (All progress is saved in the Cloud so uninstalling/reinstalling should not cause you to lose data).

It isn't an isolated case. After seeing IrishElly's post, I went to check my own drops. Although the white boots do show up in inventory, they do not show up as they drop (making it more difficult to count how many that you're getting while fake baking). Just another problem that we don't even think to look for... *sigh*

08-10-24, 05:53 AM
My white boots didn't show up either. There were several cook times where I received no boots at all. Ridiculous when you have to pay over 1,000 for every recipe.

I'm always out of sync apparently. I counted last goal I had to make and remake recipes 12 times to get stove to drop 2

It isn't you... it's the game. It's CONSTANTLY "refreshing" the game! I try to remember not to collect food or anything else important within the first few minutes of opening or returning to the game so that I don't lose anything but sometimes I forget & wind up losing stuff.

As for the drops... they're almost always ridiculously out of balance. Many times you receive NOTHING for a fake bake (or perhaps even regular baking) which is outrageous considering how expensive everything has become. Why on earth should there be inflation in a game? A game is supposed to (temporarily) help us forget the frustrations of real life (RL) NOT add to them!

08-10-24, 01:58 PM
Yes i cant see the white boots either. But cant bother to complain

08-10-24, 02:00 PM
That is why i play too. To destress. But....

08-10-24, 02:01 PM
Anyone know what recipes are in the texas smoker yet?

08-10-24, 05:19 PM
Anyone know what recipes are in the texas smoker yet? Texas brisket, then Texas hot links. I’m not certain on the third item.

08-10-24, 05:21 PM
Noted - I'll flag over the White Boots issue. Apologies for the initial thought that it may have been isolated. Thank you for reporting everybody

08-10-24, 06:51 PM
Noted - I'll flag over the White Boots issue. Apologies for the initial thought that it may have been isolated. Thank you for reporting everybody

Thanks for always helping out! As for thinking it was an isolated case, it's certainly understandable... it's yet another error that should've been caught by the developers which seems very unlikely to happen but yet there it is. It seems very clear that they've decided that the forum makes a great error checker (can't remember the correct word) & they don't even have to pay for it!

08-10-24, 08:05 PM
Thank you Pixiegamer!! No worries, just thought everyone should check. Now, IF ONLY something could be done about the inconsistent and unequal amount if parts drops!!!! UGH!!!

08-11-24, 03:00 AM
Thank you Pixiegamer!! No worries, just thought everyone should check. Now, IF ONLY something could be done about the inconsistent and unequal amount if parts drops!!!! UGH!!!

Yes! This so much. The parts that drop at the beginning of either finishing or beginning a recipe are like fake drops. It shows the item but you are given nothing. Then on top of it, you'll end up with 50 of one item, then 30 to 40 of two items, then there's always one that hardly ever drops and is in the 20s. This happens in both restaurant story and bakery story. It is so frustrating.

08-11-24, 07:17 AM
I thought if I bought a Texan counter or a Texan table that would count for the requirement to buy any floor decoration, but neither did.

08-11-24, 04:37 PM
I bought 3 things that used to count as floor item that didn't on this goal. Another problem, didn't do side goal because I thought I had Cowboy Greeter. I do. On Bakery Story. 😡

08-11-24, 05:15 PM
The 3rd Recipe in the Texas Smoker is Texas Ribs.

08-11-24, 10:53 PM
I don't have Phoebe's appliance. Is there a way to unlock it?

08-12-24, 03:05 AM
I don't have Phoebe's appliance. Is there a way to unlock it?

Players have the option to unlock Phoebe's Oven with every 14 day goal. Once you complete all tasks of the main goal and receive the final goal prize, that will finish Step 1 of the bonus goal and unlock Phoebe's Oven. Step 2 of the bonus goal will require players to purchase the appliance (this will auto-finish if a player has previously unlocked the appliance) which will unlock the newest recipe, Cowboy Shake. Step 3 of the bonus goal will ask players to serve the new recipe 10 times but the only reward for that is some xp and like 5k coins.

Alternately, if players don't want any of the main goal items they can skip step 1 of the bonus goal by spending 99 gems. After that, Steps 2+3 of the bonus goal will proceed the same as listed above. If players don't complete the current 14 day goal, they will lose the chance at this specific bonus recipe. However, when the next 14 day goal starts a new bonus goal will also appear with the exact same requirements but offering a new bonus recipe.

A big thing to note is that the bonus goal will only unlock the current 'new' recipe on Phoebe's Oven, all previous recipes will remain locked like any other goal appliance. The other thing to note is that spending the 99 gems will ONLY proceed a player through the first step of the bonus goal, it will not unlock or reward any of the appliances, recipes or decos from the main goal.

08-12-24, 05:07 AM
I bought 3 things that used to count as floor item that didn't on this goal. Another problem, didn't do side goal because I thought I had Cowboy Greeter. I do. On Bakery Story. 😡

I have bought round plant, divider, floor lamp and barrel but nothing registers! It does say that tables and counters won't count now but neither does anything else apparently.

08-12-24, 08:03 AM
I usually buy 6 tables and 5 chairs at the start of the challenge together with 2 counters. Then I buy the 6th chair as my floor decoration. Like others it didn't count so I bought a wooden O which counted. Does this mean the counters won't count and I'll have to buy another 2 at 15,000 each?

08-12-24, 05:23 PM
I thought if I bought a Texan counter or a Texan table that would count for the requirement to buy any floor decoration, but neither did.

I bought 3 things that used to count as floor item that didn't on this goal. Another problem, didn't do side goal because I thought I had Cowboy Greeter. I do. On Bakery Story. ��

I have bought round plant, divider, floor lamp and barrel but nothing registers! It does say that tables and counters won't count now but neither does anything else apparently.

I usually buy 6 tables and 5 chairs at the start of the challenge together with 2 counters. Then I buy the 6th chair as my floor decoration. Like others it didn't count so I bought a wooden O which counted. Does this mean the counters won't count and I'll have to buy another 2 at 15,000 each?

Flagging this over as well!

08-12-24, 11:06 PM
Flagging this over as well!

Same issue with Bakery Story this time. Counters, Tables and Chairs are not counting.

08-13-24, 11:41 AM
I tippped a neighbour 6 coins. Went to Gift and there was no Gift icon. I was sure that the Gift icon is usually there although. Possibly one of us accidentally unfriended? I went and was able to send a neighbour request. How odd. We each faithfully Gift daily whatever is wanted. They message almost daily what they want.

08-13-24, 01:18 PM
Really? I did not know that. I have missed many recipes. With every goal, it seems I don't have time left for the last part. Replying on the phoebe stove. I hit the wrong button

08-13-24, 01:29 PM
Noted - I'll flag over the White Boots issue. Apologies for the initial thought that it may have been isolated. Thank you for reporting everybody


08-13-24, 06:15 PM

Oh - thank you for the screenshot! :)

Does this mean the issue is fixed for you, or should I add this to the report? (ex. They're showing but not counting in the collectible tab?)

08-13-24, 06:57 PM
Oh - thank you for the screenshot! :)

Does this mean the issue is fixed for you, or should I add this to the report? (ex. They're showing but not counting in the collectible tab?)

I believe the white boots were always being counted in the collectibles tab, since no one reported that his white boots total was not increasing from zero. The white boot image never appeared on the screen; you saw red, brown and blue boots dropping, but you never saw any white boot images. I'm seeing the white boots dropping now.

08-13-24, 10:25 PM
I believe the white boots were always being counted in the collectibles tab, since no one reported that his white boots total was not increasing from zero. The white boot image never appeared on the screen; you saw red, brown and blue boots dropping, but you never saw any white boot images. I'm seeing the white boots dropping now.

Ahhh, thank you for the clarification. Your explanation helps a lot :)

I haven't received an official update from the team, so it's possible this was a quiet fix. If others can report in that they're able to see the White Boots dropping that would be very helpful.

Somewhat side note: still no update on the Step 4 Floor Decoration bug either unfortunately :( So it may be a similar case where someone reports in if buying a table/chair/counter once again fulfills the requirement or if it's specifically a floor decor.

08-14-24, 10:47 AM
Update: the floor decor requirement has been reverted. Tables/chairs/counters should once again count towards the floor decor requirement.

08-15-24, 06:09 AM
Ahhh, thank you for the clarification. Your explanation helps a lot :)

I haven't received an official update from the team, so it's possible this was a quiet fix. If others can report in that they're able to see the White Boots dropping that would be very helpful.

Somewhat side note: still no update on the Step 4 Floor Decoration bug either unfortunately :( So it may be a similar case where someone reports in if buying a table/chair/counter once again fulfills the requirement or if it's specifically a floor decor.

I'm seeing the white boots dropping now as well. Glad to see that they fixed this issue (it's easier to tell how many more fake bakes you still need). It's even BETTER that they decided to reinstate tables/chairs/counters as counting for the "buy 1 floor decor".

Any chance that you could start a new thread that would allow us to weigh in on the exorbitant cost of wallpaper & flooring? I've been scraping by through buying least expensive wallpaper & flooring but I'm rapidly running out of them. I'm worried that I'll soon have NO chance to complete goals just because I haven't the coins to cover all these incredibly high expenses. My personal feeling is that inflation should be restricted to RL (real life) & that during economic struggles a game should have bargain basement bonanza (coin) sales to make us enjoy the game all the more & escape our RL troubles during play time! Maybe that's just me but I'm sick of wallpaper & flooring that greatly exceeds 1000 coins each! I'd like it to go back to 500 coins or less for each but I'll never hold my breath while wishing for that to happen!

08-15-24, 04:12 PM
I'm seeing the white boots dropping now as well. Glad to see that they fixed this issue (it's easier to tell how many more fake bakes you still need). It's even BETTER that they decided to reinstate tables/chairs/counters as counting for the "buy 1 floor decor".

Any chance that you could start a new thread that would allow us to weigh in on the exorbitant cost of wallpaper & flooring? I've been scraping by through buying least expensive wallpaper & flooring but I'm rapidly running out of them. I'm worried that I'll soon have NO chance to complete goals just because I haven't the coins to cover all these incredibly high expenses. My personal feeling is that inflation should be restricted to RL (real life) & that during economic struggles a game should have bargain basement bonanza (coin) sales to make us enjoy the game all the more & escape our RL troubles during play time! Maybe that's just me but I'm sick of wallpaper & flooring that greatly exceeds 1000 coins each! I'd like it to go back to 500 coins or less for each but I'll never hold my breath while wishing for that to happen!

Replying to this in a PM so as to keep this thread on the topic of the goal. I 100% support this idea though :)

Small Mod Note: I'll try to keep an eye out for a definitive finish time to report back for future goals since I haven't gotten an official response from the team. We have a bit over 5 days left I believe as of this writing.

08-18-24, 06:41 PM
Man, I'm quite bummed. I decided to participate in the goal after not playing for 4 years and I just realized now I won't be able to complete it. Before building 4 appliances was enough. Since when did they make the goals more difficult? :(