View Full Version : Gems!!!!

05-08-11, 05:14 AM
chumkia- storm id

A request..... Many of my neighbors have beautiful farm and have items bought for gems. Well, I am sure there are many people who get gems the hard way, not by buying them. Whether you start giving discounts, it still does nt matter coz some of us can't just blow up real money.
Hence for people like us can you come up with some brilliant ideas of earning gems??? Honestly, I love this game n play bakery and restaurant too. But have be*** to loose interest recently coz I know most of the things that I want are for gems, and that's where it gets restricted.
Can't you come up with this idea of being able to buy w/o gems as you go up the level!!!!
I am on level 47, 50 in two games and I hardly have anything!
Can you look into this matter.

05-08-11, 12:53 PM
Check out the event subforums for all the games. They're giving out tons of free gems every week.

05-09-11, 12:36 AM
Find yourself a rich husband

05-09-11, 03:55 AM
They are giving out free games every week with special events, So far i wont think they would change anything to the gem system.

05-11-11, 01:42 PM
Gems are their moneymaker. Can't believe they will ever give them away plentifully. It's possible to earn lots of coin to purchase by planning and crop rotation. I refuse to buy gems but have taken the time to raise my cash to buy fun things so keep at it!

05-11-11, 01:47 PM
So, along the same lines, I'm wondering if by purchasing gems for real $$$ you then get access to another kind of store? My neighbors have lots of things that I don't find in my store. What's up with that?

Also, I play on an iPhone and can only type standard letters/numbers, etc. Where are these cute icons for water, flowers, sunshine, etc coming from? iPads? Is there some kind of keyboard option for icons? Helps with multi-lingual neighbors.

05-11-11, 02:01 PM
Where do you find the event subforums?

05-11-11, 02:49 PM
So, along the same lines, I'm wondering if by purchasing gems for real $$$ you then get access to another kind of store? My neighbors have lots of things that I don't find in my store. What's up with that?

Also, I play on an iPhone and can only type standard letters/numbers, etc. Where are these cute icons for water, flowers, sunshine, etc coming from? iPads? Is there some kind of keyboard option for icons? Helps with multi-lingual neighbors.

1) These are probably items from the Magic Box/Spring Basket/etc., which are available from the Expansions menu.

2) These are called "emoji"; TL doesn't have a specific method for enabling these, but I'm sure some of the forum goers can help you (or if not, you can always check Google :) ).

05-11-11, 07:14 PM
As usual you answer the easy questions that everybody can answer. But the hard (uncomfortable) question from the OP is completely ignored by TL.

05-11-11, 07:20 PM
As usual you answer the easy questions that everybody can answer. But the hard (uncomfortable) question from the OP is completely ignored by TL.

The question (well, more of a suggestion) was provide ways to get Gems without purchasing. Others already answered the question (we give away a lot of Gems through various contests in the forums), and I didn't wish to be redundant. But thank you as always for your feedback.

05-11-11, 07:35 PM
Also, I play on an iPhone and can only type standard letters/numbers, etc. Where are these cute icons for water, flowers, sunshine, etc coming from? iPads? Is there some kind of keyboard option for icons? Helps with multi-lingual neighbors.

to get emoji go to app store search emoji. There's many free ones.

05-11-11, 10:57 PM
You may also have to go in to your phone's settings and change they keyboard settings to include emoji, but like GM said your best bet is to do a google search to find specific instructions.

05-12-11, 05:35 AM
Thank you dear Group magma.
Your answer clearly indicates that people who dont buy gems have to keep trying their luck in contests or events as there is no other way out for them once they cross level 2.
You have provided a suggestion and it seems that there will never be a solution to this. You choose to reply to mails for which you have answers and the rest are clearly ignored.
I hold nothing against team lava as i do understand buying gems is a way of sponsoring this game.
Unfortunately it's our bad luck that leaves with two choices - either continue playing this game with what we have or call it quits!!
These contests are purely luck based, and thats where i am stuck!!
Now there are two things to wait for - firstly gems. I dont have much, maybe another 10 more to earn and secondly LUCK! So lets wait and see!!

05-12-11, 07:55 AM
The question (well, more of a suggestion) was provide ways to get Gems without purchasing. Others already answered the question (we give away a lot of Gems through various contests in the forums), and I didn't wish to be redundant. But thank you as always for your feedback.

What the users are looking for are more in-depth answers from TL (you in this case. Norman doesn't seem to be around anymore).

Basically you are right that the questions was already answered. Posting #4 (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11625-Gems!!!!&p=65036&viewfull=1#post65036) hints the existence of events which "give out games" (should have spelled "gems" clearly).

What people are missing is a chance to acquire gem-only items without real money. The events are pure luck and some players might never "win" some gems, leaving them gem-less and consequently frustrated. You did not answer the question from the OP and also did not even clarify the typo.

The only game where we can get gems on a consistent basis is Treasure Island. Unfortunately TL already abandoned the game completely... No updates, tiny islands, no expansion, only a very few items are available, even the ancient and obsolete "Holiday chest" is still available... these are all signs that the game is dead.

The problem is that a lot of people just don't have the money to pay $5 or even more for a clip-art. $5 is very expensive for a single non-animated clip-art and so most people just don't want to spend their real $ on these items.

If there would be a chance to trade i.e. coins for gems, even if you need a lot of coins to get some gems or to buy gem-only items for coins, then those players would be happy, because they have the chance to get a gem-only item at least from time to time and then they would promote your games, instead of bashing the games.

As you might know: 100 good news can't make up for just one bad news... and you have a lot of disgruntled users on this board. Your (TL's) plan should be to please the customers. You could make so much more money... oh well.

05-12-11, 10:20 AM
While this event's contests are more geared around luck, they do vary from month to month. Or, you could try your hand at making the new Empire Story FAQ & Guide, which awards 50 Gems to the best entry (i.e. it's not a luck-based contest).

I understand your concern regarding the purchase of Gems, but one thing to consider is that our games are free to play. You can play a TeamLava game and reach the maximum level without spending a dime. We don't charge you any money to reach the maximum levels. We do offer premium items that are purchased with our special in-game currency, but you don't need these to progress through the game. And even if you do want these items, and you don't want to spend money, we give away around 1000 (often more) Gems every week on the forums. These can be won by anyone, whether they buy Gems or not.

05-12-11, 10:14 PM
Your answers are still not satisfactory and cannot help us in anyways. Its not the game's progress that matters. We will level up as we play, its the DESIGN and the NEW ITEMS that we players want to add to our games!! But w/o any other means of earning gems especially after you have achieved mastery in nearly most of the items, the game is neither interesting nor motivating enough to play further. What do you get by leveling up.........nothing. It does not change the look of your farm/restaurant/bakery. Hate to sound critical but you guys need to make the game more motivating. Its **** easy to spend money and buy gems.
Earning is far more difficult and time consuming process but I feel great and that strong motivation is there to continue playing the game to earn more gems ( if its still there)!!
You should come up with ways of giving out gems especially at higher level to keep the interest of the players going. Then the players will look forward to something!!
As far as giving out nearly 1000 gems a week is concerned......that will not solve this issue of earning gems! God knows how many people are hooked onto these games.......just like your discovery chest, in this too, chances of earning gems are 1%. This is my 3rd or 4th posting in your forum and I have realised that its a waste of time making you guys understand our perception. Your games certainly have limitations and you cant seem to find answers to these!

05-13-11, 06:53 PM
Thank you Dear Group Magma
I was the winner of the " restaurant of the week" contest! Thanks for keeping the hope alive!
But it does get me wondering did I win because I created a noise or was it sheer luck????
This will always bother me!!!
But no matter what this fight will not end.

Another problem that I faced today for the first time was to write a review about Restaurant story nag give it a rating. I did everything but when I pressed on 'send' button the server did nt respond. Tried many times then gave up!

05-13-11, 11:47 PM
But it does get me wondering did I win because I created a noise or was it sheer luck????
This will always bother me!!!

Sheer luck. The ___ of the Weeks are chosen at random, according to a number picked ahead of time.
And you're more than welcome to voice your opinion regarding the pricing of the content [though I'd prefer it's done in the Feedback section].