View Full Version : GOAL: Baker's Set: Ruby - 2023 Nov. 09 (Permanent)

11-09-23, 05:41 PM
Baker's Set: Ruby
Lv. 12+

NOTES: To access the goal you have to purchase the Ruby Oven in the next 30 days.
After purchasing the oven, the goal set is PERMANENT and can be worked on at your leisure.
This goal set does NOT give any free decos, all unlocked decos will need to be purchased with coins

General Tips: Best practice is to purchase the required decos at the start of a goal.
This will ensure you don't cook/serve more recipes than the goal requires.

ISSUE: Ruby Chair half disappears when rotated - FIXED

ISSUE 2: Ruby Fountain footprint is 4x4 but deco looks like it should be 3x3
Bug post on issue HERE (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?116118)

Goal 1:
Buy 1 Ruby Oven (can't skip)

- 42 Gems

- Comes Fully Built

- ALL 3 recipes are unlocked after purchase
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - Ruby Flooring (unlocked at release)

Goal 2:
Serve 5 Ruby Promises (68g skip)

- 2 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Floorings (14g skip)

- Floor Tile

- $7,000 each

- ANY tile will count
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - Ruby Wall (unlocked at release)

Goal 3:
Serve 5 Ruby Petals (99g skip)

- 4 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Walls (20g skip)

- Wallpaper

- $7,000 each

- ANY wallpaper will count
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Counter

Goal 4:
Serve 5 Ruby Forevers (99g skip)

- 8 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Counters (20g skip)

- Counter

- $10,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Chair

Goal 5:
Serve 10 Ruby Promises (99g skip)

- 2 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Chairs (24g skip)

- Chair

- $10,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Table

Goal 6:
Serve 10 Ruby Petals (99g skip)

- 4 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Tables (30g skip)

- Table

- $12,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - Ruby Heart (unlocked at release)

Goal 7:
Serve 10 Ruby Forevers (99g skip)

- 8 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Hearts (36g skip)

- Wall Deco

- $15,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Chaise

Goal 8:
Serve 15 Ruby Promises (99g skip)

- 2 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Chaises (28g skip)

- 2x1 Floor Deco

- $18,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Cake

Goal 9:
Serve 15 Ruby Petals (99g skip)

- 4 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Cakes (40g skip)

- 2x2 Floor Deco

- $14,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Fountain

Goal 10:
Serve 15 Ruby Forevers (99g skip)

- 8 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Fountains (60g skip)

- 4x4 Floor Deco *NOTE: original was only 2x2*

- $20,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Pair

Goal 11:
Serve 20 Ruby Promises (99g skip)

- 2 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Pairs (30g skip) *NOTE: original deco was only 1x1

- 2x1 Floor Deco

- $30,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Ladder

Goal 12:
Serve 20 Ruby Petals (99g skip)

- 4 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Ladders (36g skip)

- 1x1 Floor Deco

- $15,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Lounge

Goal 13:
Serve 20 Ruby Forevers (99g skip)

- 8 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Lounges (40g skip)

- 2x1 Floor Deco

- $18,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Cake Display (2x2, $20,000 each)

Ruby Items:


Ruby Recipes:


Ruby Goal Cards:


Ruby Items vs Amethyst Items:

currently in progress...

Forum turning your apostrophes into question marks?
Turn off SMART PUNCTUATION in phone settings
Have a non-goal related question?
BS Help Me (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98676) is what you're looking for.
Looking for new neighbors?
BS Add Me Thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115889) is your best bet.
Experiencing a Bug in your game?
BS Bugs Forum (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?23-Bakery-Story-Bugs-amp-Issues) is where to report.
New to the game or just looking for a refresh?
BS Game Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?59840) is full of useful info and links.
Unsure of how to post a photo to the forum?
This thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?38891) has the BEST how-to by Mod SW!
Need to contact the team directly for a support issue?
S8 Support Ticket (https://support.storm8.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) will get you started.
Want to convert goal times to local time?
Time Zone Converter (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html) will help with that.
Unsure of the rules and regulations?
Forum Rules (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?6-Forum-Rules-amp-Policies) explains them.

Popular Links:
Daily Gem Videos (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?93097) -- BS Master Box Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98404) -- BS Speculation Thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98762) -- BS Neighbors and Etiquette (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?48495) -- BS Suggestion & Feedback Forum -- (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?242-Bakery-Story-Suggestions-amp-Feedback)Financial Analysis of Goals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?114795) -- Recipe Revamp Suggestion Thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115639)

Common Issue Links:
SweetCo Goal Issue - FIXED! (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?110537-Sweet-co-goals) -- No Notifications (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?107884-No-notifications) -- Videos with Issues (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98826-Videos-with-issues) -- Goal Deco STUCK on board (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111723)

Common Questions Explained:
How to Read Recipe Cards (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115363&p=1696519&viewfull=1#post1696519) -- Goal Timers (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115021) -- Part Requests (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115036) -- Table Layout (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115050&p=1692074&viewfull=1#post1692074) + Max Profit (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115206) -- Dump Method (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?81905&p=1648752&viewfull=1#post1648752) -- Mastering SG Recipes (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115458&p=1698148&viewfull=1#post1698148)

11-09-23, 06:44 PM
I like this.. something new (I know ppl will complain about yet another goal and about the oven costing gems) but regardless.. I like that they are changing things up a bit again for those of us who have played for a while!

*this is not my active acct.. no nbrs

11-09-23, 06:46 PM
Thanks for the info as always AnnirasSweets:))

11-09-23, 06:47 PM
Thanks for starting this thread!
I was confused because the goal requiring 42 rubies first was new to me. And it's permanent, but with 29 days left?
Now that you've explained those things, I'll give it a try!
Good luck with your work! Thanks again for everything.

11-09-23, 06:53 PM
Gracias Amira por la nformaci?n, saludos

11-09-23, 06:53 PM

Thank you for ALL you do for all of us! REALLY appreciate YOU!

11-09-23, 07:36 PM
Thank You AnnirasSweets!

I know this is a lot of work! :)

Baker's Set: Ruby
Lv. 12+

To access the goal you have to purchase the Ruby Oven in the next 30 days.
After purchasing the oven, the goal set is PERMANENT and can be worked on at your leisure.

Goal 1:
Buy 1 Ruby Oven (can't skip)

- 42 Gems

- Comes Fully Built
Rewards: $100, 10 xp

Goal 2:
Serve 5 Ruby Promises (68g skip)

- 2 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Floorings (14g skip)

- Floor Tile

- $7,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp

Goal 3:
Serve 5 Ruby Petals (99g skip)

- 4 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Walls (20g skip)

- Wallpaper

- $7,000 each

- ANY wallpaper will count
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Counter


11-09-23, 10:13 PM
Thank you as always you are so helpful AnirasSweets

11-09-23, 10:56 PM
At first I thought: Wow this is a great step for Bakery Story to implement such new goal and bringing new items into the game to refresh things a little bit. Then when I saw all the identical Amethyst themed items relating to this goal (All items and recipes RECOLORED) You think spending 42 Gems for an appliance grant you the luxury access to items or content that are exclusive and brand new, haha you would've thought! :rolleyes:

p.s. Let's see what is the final goal prize coming out from this.. Let's pray it's not yet another recolored decor from the Amethyst series lol

11-09-23, 11:10 PM
At first I thought: Wow this is a great step for Bakery Story to implement such new goal and bringing new items into the game to refresh things a little bit. Then when I saw all the identical Amethyst themed items relating to this goal (All items and recipes RECOLORED) You think spending 42 Gems for an appliance grant you the luxury access to items or content that are exclusive and brand new, haha you would've thought! :rolleyes:

Totally agree with this? so disappointing to see all items are exactly the same! Paying so much for an appliance is a scam when there's clearly such a lack of effort coming from the S8 team 🤯

11-10-23, 07:23 AM
There seem to be 18 stages to the goal..i just want to know how many recepies does this oven unlock..i mean if this is the amethyst oven recolored, does this mean it has all of the recipies of amethyst oven or only 3 because amethyst oven has been listed in several goals .pretty sure the ruby one has only the inital 3 recipies and not the rest but wanted to confirm. Also will one one be enough for the completion of the goal or more will be needed? Waiting for this details to be filled in to finally decide if it will be worth buying or not.people who have bought it, please share your feedback������

11-10-23, 07:26 AM
There seem to be 18 stages to the goal..i just want to know how many recepies does this oven unlock..i mean if this is the amethyst oven recolored, does this mean it has all of the recipies of amethyst oven or only 3 because amethyst oven has been listed in several goals .pretty sure the ruby one has only the inital 3 recipies and not the rest but wanted to confirm. Also will one one be enough for the completion of the goal or more will be needed? Waiting for this details to be filled in to finally decide if it will be worth buying or not.people who have bought it, please share your feedback������

So far it's just 3 recipes, all of which unlock as soon as you purchase it. Since the goal is permanent, one appliance will be fine for completing all 13 parts, it'll just take a bit longer but that's not an issue with this one! :)

11-10-23, 07:29 AM
At first I thought: Wow this is a great step for Bakery Story to implement such new goal and bringing new items into the game to refresh things a little bit. Then when I saw all the identical Amethyst themed items relating to this goal (All items and recipes RECOLORED) You think spending 42 Gems for an appliance grant you the luxury access to items or content that are exclusive and brand new, haha you would've thought! :rolleyes:

p.s. Let's see what is the final goal prize coming out from this.. Let's pray it's not yet another recolored decor from the Amethyst series lol

All of the items connected to this goal are indeed recolors so each step just unlocks one of the locked recolored decos; one of those will be the 'final' goal prize. Like with normal, timed goals, we can see all of the 'prizes' before doing the goals so I'm not expecting to see any unknown decos popping up in this one.

I'm wondering if we're going to see more permanent goals under the Baker's Set name. Something about the colon in the title makes me think that they're setting up something like Baker's Set: Opal or whatever in the future.

I do hope that if they continue this line of permanent goals that they'll: #1 lower the appliance price and #2 give completely new items (or at the very least new-to-BS items ported over from other s8 games.) I've been asking to see more Night Club Story items so I wouldn't be disappointed by that!

11-10-23, 08:19 AM
I love this! I noticed it’s similar to the amethyst theme and the oven is expensive but I am delighted we have something new. I hope we get more new goals like this :D

Thank you so much AnnirasSweets for all the information your amazing! :D

11-10-23, 10:04 AM
Baker's Set: Ruby
Lv. 12+

To access the goal you have to purchase the Ruby Oven in the next 30 days.
After purchasing the oven, the goal set is PERMANENT and can be worked on at your leisure.

This is a work in progress, this is the first permanent goal in YEARS so it's a new experience for us all :D

Goal 1:
Buy 1 Ruby Oven (can't skip)

- 42 Gems

- Comes Fully Built

- ALL 3 recipes are unlocked after purchase
Rewards: $100, 10 xp

Goal 2:
Serve 5 Ruby Promises (68g skip)

- 2 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Floorings (14g skip)

- Floor Tile

- $7,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp

Goal 3:
Serve 5 Ruby Petals (99g skip)

- 4 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Walls (20g skip)

- Wallpaper

- $7,000 each

- ANY wallpaper will count
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Counter

Goal 4:
Serve 5 Ruby Forevers (99g skip)

- 8 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Counters (99g skip)

- Counter

- $10,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Chair

Goal 5:
Serve 10 Ruby Promises (99g skip)

- 2 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Chairs (24g skip)

- Chair

- $10,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Table

Goal 6:
Serve 10 Ruby Petals (99g skip)

- 4 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Chairs (24g skip)

- Chair

- $10,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp

Goal 7:
Serve 10 Ruby Forevers (99g skip)

- 8 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Hearts (36g skip)

- Wall Deco

- $15,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS: Ruby Chaise

Goal 8:
Serve 15 Ruby Promises (99g skip)

- 2 Hours

- Ruby Oven
Buy 2 Ruby Chaises (28g skip)

- 2x1 Floor Deco

- $18,000 each
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS:

**That's all the info I've been sent so far, I should have the rest of the goals within the next day or two

My guess based on the pattern is goal 9 and 10 = serving 15 of the other ruby recipes and purchase new decos then goals 11, 12, 13 = serving 20 of the ruby recipes and purchase new decos.

Goal 9:
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS:

Goal 10:
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS:

Goal 11:
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS:

Goal 12:
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS:

Goal 13:
Rewards: $100, 10 xp - UNLOCKS:

Ruby Items:

Ruby Recipes:

Ruby Goal Cards:

Forum turning your apostrophes into question marks?
Turn off SMART PUNCTUATION in phone settings
Have a non-goal related question?
BS Help Me (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98676) is what you're looking for.
Looking for new neighbors?
BS Add Me Thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115889) is your best bet.
Experiencing a Bug in your game?
BS Bugs Forum (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?23-Bakery-Story-Bugs-amp-Issues) is where to report.
New to the game or just looking for a refresh?
BS Game Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?59840) is full of useful info and links.
Unsure of how to post a photo to the forum?
This thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?38891) has the BEST how-to by Mod SW!
Need to contact the team directly for a support issue?
S8 Support Ticket (https://support.storm8.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) will get you started.
Want to convert goal times to local time?
Time Zone Converter (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html) will help with that.
Unsure of the rules and regulations?
Forum Rules (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?6-Forum-Rules-amp-Policies) explains them.

Popular Links:
Daily Gem Videos (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?93097) -- BS Master Box Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98404) -- BS Speculation Thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98762) -- BS Neighbors and Etiquette (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?48495) -- BS Suggestion & Feedback Forum -- (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?242-Bakery-Story-Suggestions-amp-Feedback)Financial Analysis of Goals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?114795) -- Recipe Revamp Suggestion Thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115639)

Common Issue Links:
SweetCo Goal Issue - FIXED! (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?110537-Sweet-co-goals) -- No Notifications (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?107884-No-notifications) -- Videos with Issues (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98826-Videos-with-issues) -- Goal Deco STUCK on board (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111723)

Common Questions Explained:
How to Read Recipe Cards (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115363&p=1696519&viewfull=1#post1696519) -- Goal Timers (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115021) -- Part Requests (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115036) -- Table Layout (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115050&p=1692074&viewfull=1#post1692074) + Max Profit (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115206) -- Dump Method (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?81905&p=1648752&viewfull=1#post1648752) -- Mastering SG Recipes (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?115458&p=1698148&viewfull=1#post1698148)

Is there any prize upon completing this permanent goal?
And you mentioned just one appliances is enough which will take many months to complete 😆😆

11-10-23, 07:28 PM
Is there any prize upon completing this permanent goal?
And you mentioned just one appliances is enough which will take many months to complete ����

My best guess as of this moment would be that the Ruby Pair, Lounge, Ladder, Cake and Cake Display will be decos we have to purchase to complete the goals and the Ruby Fountain might be the 'final' prize. This is just my guess based on the original Amethyst items and their prices. The fountain was the most expensive gem item so it would make sense for us to get a free one for completing these goals but again, this being a new situation we won't know for sure til someone actually finishes.

The player that shares goal details with me only sent up to goal 8 so in the next few days I should get the final details to share with everyone. I only purchased one item (at 42 gems that hurt!) so I'm only on the first goal, lol.

Yes, it's going to be looong time to finish but that's part of the appeal of a permanent goal - you can take years to finish if you like :D

11-11-23, 08:19 AM
The idea of a permanent goal is great, but the fact that the goal prizes are re-colored old items, is quite disappointing…

11-11-23, 08:48 AM
I feel like despite it being a permanent goal we should still see the prize to know what we're working for

11-11-23, 03:33 PM
​goal 9





11-11-23, 03:37 PM
goal 10




Ruby Fountain (3 X 3)

11-12-23, 08:28 AM
Goal 11




Ruby Pairs (2 X 1)



11-12-23, 09:08 AM
To me it looks like this is a goal to give Valentines Day looking decor. Which makes sense because it will be around February for me to complete all of these steps. Lol I like the permanent goals and the timed goals. I’d like if they released new permanent goals in the 2 day gap between timed goals. I just love new stuff. I get kind of bored once I’ve unlocked the 10 hour recipes in the 14 day goals because I never have enough appliances built to complete cooking 40 of them to actually get the goal prize. I do agree with the majority that 42 gems for one appliance is bonkers. Don’t be greedy, Christmas is coming.

11-12-23, 07:57 PM
Goal 12




Ruby Ladder (1 X 1)


11-12-23, 09:10 PM
I love the idea of the Ruby Oven but not the reality. For 42 gems per oven I would expect more new content. I think giving us recolored items is disappointing. I love my amethyst oven so all a see when I look at the ruby stuff is lack of imagination.

11-13-23, 08:50 AM
Goal 13




Ruby Lounge (2 X 1)



11-13-23, 09:15 AM


Ruby Cake Display (2 X 2)



​goal completed!

11-13-23, 11:31 AM
I personally think it?s ridiculous we?re forced to buy a 40 gem oven to complete these goals. This game has become so monetized in every aspect it gets so tedious

11-13-23, 04:52 PM
Totally agree with this? so disappointing to see all items are exactly the same! Paying so much for an appliance is a scam when there's clearly such a lack of effort coming from the S8 team 🤯

The idea of a permanent goal is great, but the fact that the goal prizes are re-colored old items, is quite disappointing?

To me it looks like this is a goal to give Valentines Day looking decor. Which makes sense because it will be around February for me to complete all of these steps. Lol I like the permanent goals and the timed goals. I?d like if they released new permanent goals in the 2 day gap between timed goals. I just love new stuff. I get kind of bored once I?ve unlocked the 10 hour recipes in the 14 day goals because I never have enough appliances built to complete cooking 40 of them to actually get the goal prize. I do agree with the majority that 42 gems for one appliance is bonkers. Don?t be greedy, Christmas is coming.

I love the idea of the Ruby Oven but not the reality. For 42 gems per oven I would expect more new content. I think giving us recolored items is disappointing. I love my amethyst oven so all a see when I look at the ruby stuff is lack of imagination.

I personally think it?s ridiculous we?re forced to buy a 40 gem oven to complete these goals. This game has become so monetized in every aspect it gets so tedious

Read ALL of the comments above Team S8. I hope you guys can see the amount of disappointment from many players. The idea of a new permanent goal is fantastic but please improve by providing "actual" new contents rather than just giving us recolored, duplicate items thinking that will suffice. Again, if you want better business profit and our hard earned gems you need to provide us with contents of novelty.

P.S. Ruby Cakes Display as final prize is definitely underwhelming, for the amount of gems and effort we put in I was expecting for at least a 4x4 Grand Goal prize...
Ptest, you definitely splurged and supported this company a ton (all the 100+ items on each lmao) I hope they will at least improve their game content for your sake lol...

11-15-23, 09:26 PM


Ruby Cake Display (2 X 2)



​goal completed!

I'm so glad I didn't waste my time and coins on this cause it's the most anticlimactic prize. You'd think for the amount we have to do and spend to complete this goal we'll receive a grand prize - but no. I'm honestly not surprised cause I've been disappointed a lot in the past 2 years of this game. The ruby cake is not bad, but it's not worth it. It's like an item you have to buy halfway through a main goal. Definitely nowhere near main goal prizes level, and therefore not even higher. I do hope those who went for the goal likes it cause I have seen some enjoying the ruby decor!

11-16-23, 08:03 AM
I agree with everyone saying that 42 gems for just *one* oven is way too much.

I always try to buy at least 4/5 of the same oven so I can both master every recipe faster and be able to cook more than just one batch of food at a time even after I have mastered everything. I know the majority of players do this too, so if this oven was cheaper I think a lot more people would try this goal.
A neighbor of mine literally told me that they might do it, but they don't want to regret that decision so they'll think about it before buying the Ruby Oven.

If the oven price was 5 gems I would consider* doing it too. I know "giving away" a new goal (which doesn't provide actual new stuff though...) for only 5 gems can seem too generous, but maybe they could offer 5 ovens for 25 gems? Kind of like they did for the Wisteria Fence in the Wisteria Basket (if you open that box and get the Wisteria Fence you actually get five instead of just one).

*I say I would consider doing it because I'm not sure I'm interested in recolorings of things I already have 😕 there could be some exceptions though, so never say never... I mean, I'm pretty sure I have thought at least once "I like this item, I just wish it had a different color".

Anyway, I'm happy for the players that are enjoying this new goal :) ...and to be honest I actually really like the idea of a permanent goal.

Also, I was wondering if this kind of goals could give us a chance of getting items from old goals that we missed...? In different colors from the originals of course.

[ Btw, I like the Ruby Flooring tiles, thank you for those 🤓 ]

Edit: I know we can already get old stuff by buying the U-versions, but those cost gems... If they gave us recolored old items in these permanent goals we could get them with coins instead :)

11-16-23, 03:39 PM
I agree with everyone saying that 42 gems for just *one* oven is way too much.

I always try to buy at least 4/5 of the same oven so I can both master every recipe faster and be able to cook more than just one batch of food at a time even after I have mastered everything. I know the majority of players do this too, so if this oven was cheaper I think a lot more people would try this goal.
A neighbor of mine literally told me that they might do it, but they don't want to regret that decision so they'll think about it before buying the Ruby Oven.

If the oven price was 5 gems I would consider* doing it too. I know "giving away" a new goal (which doesn't provide actual new stuff though...) for only 5 gems can seem too generous, but maybe they could offer 5 ovens for 25 gems? Kind of like they did for the Wisteria Fence in the Wisteria Basket (if you open that box and get the Wisteria Fence you actually get five instead of just one).

*I say I would consider doing it because I'm not sure I'm interested in recolorings of things I already have �� there could be some exceptions though, so never say never... I mean, I'm pretty sure I have thought at least once "I like this item, I just wish it had a different color".

Anyway, I'm happy for the players that are enjoying this new goal :) ...and to be honest I actually really like the idea of a permanent goal.

Also, I was wondering if this kind of goals could give us a chance of getting items from old goals that we missed...? In different colors from the originals of course.

[ Btw, I like the Ruby Flooring tiles, thank you for those �� ]

Edit: I know we can already get old stuff by buying the U-versions, but those cost gems... If they gave us recolored old items in these permanent goals we could get them with coins instead :)

Agreed with the idea of -*this kind of goals could give us a chance of getting items from old goals that we missed* It doesn't have to be in different colors, Original colors are fine as long as they were using varieties from CLASSIC, OLD GOAL PRIZES from back in the 2010's. We can all hope for this, but don't hold your breath.. :rolleyes:

11-17-23, 03:35 AM
Agreed with the idea of -*this kind of goals could give us a chance of getting items from old goals that we missed* It doesn't have to be in different colors, Original colors are fine as long as they were using varieties from CLASSIC, OLD GOAL PRIZES from back in the 2010's. We can all hope for this, but don't hold your breath.. :rolleyes:

I agree that original colors are fine, but I highly doubt they would offer us old stuff in original colors through these permanent goals because they already do with U-items, which cost gems 😕 Why would they give us another way to have the exact same stuff for coins? It would not be convenient for them. That's why I said that maybe we could get old items "in different colors from the originals".
I don't think we're ever going to get another way to buy old items exactly as they are, especially with coins 🙃 Don't get me wrong though, I would be super happy if they did give us this chance of course :)

Edit: To be clear, I know that we would have to use gems anyway to get these permanent goal ovens, but between spending 33+ gems for one 4x4 U-item and spending 42 gems for an oven ( which in my dream would be 25 gems for 5 ovens 😆 ) that gives us the chance to buy 10+ old items with coins I think the second option would be more convenient gem-wise :) ...even though they would be recolored*.
At least that's my opinion 😆

*Again, I say this because they just gave us amethyst items recolored so I don't think we will get old items in original colors, but I would be very happy to be wrong 👀

12-07-23, 04:19 PM
The ruby oven is now available at 50% off for the last 4 days of its sale. It will obviously encourage a lot of people to purchase it who were skeptical to buy it due to its price. But I can see a lot of players getting hella mad now as well who already spent 42 gems on it...what is even up with these game creators !!!

12-07-23, 06:56 PM
The ruby oven is now available at 50% off for the last 4 days of its sale. It will obviously encourage a lot of people to purchase it who were skeptical to buy it due to its price. But I can see a lot of players getting hella mad now as well who already spent 42 gems on it...what is even up with these game creators !!!

I agree, that's pretty annoying. Would've made more sense to have it discounted for the first week of its release instead of the last few days :(

I just checked my game and since I purchased one Ruby Oven at the start, the discount's not even showing in my game. Feels like insult to injury at this point LOL.

Thinking about it a bit more, I wanted to add something for the team to consider about my suggestion: Discounting at the start wouldn't take away from any sales, I actually think it would boost them. With a discount, I would've purchased 3 Ruby Ovens while without it, I only purchased one. By discounting first they'd get the early birds like me spending more gems and the fence sitters would be more likely to buy if they saw they were getting a deal. (hint hint, s8)

12-10-23, 06:09 AM
I was one of the ones who refused to spend 42 gems over this oven, and even now I wasn't sure I wanted it...