View Full Version : Clienti e registratori di cassa

09-30-23, 12:10 PM
Quanti clienti possono esserci al massimo contemporaneamente nel locale?
Se acquisto due registratori di cassa, i clienti aumentano o il numero massimo dei clienti ? sempre lo stesso?
Il numero dei clienti ? legato al numero delle porte, delle casse e/o dei tavoli?
Il gioco ? bello ma non potendo acquistare gemme con soldi veri, l'ampliamento delle misure del locale ? troppo lento. Non avendo spazio non si ? invogliati a comprare arredi e decorazioni😓. Ho letto che alcuni ottengono gemme guardando video pubblicitari, a me non compaiono, come posso fare?

09-30-23, 02:58 PM
Everything I'm about to share is considered to be 'facts' of Bakery Story but is only based on player experience and has been confirmed by others over the years.

Quanti clienti possono esserci al massimo contemporaneamente nel locale?
The most customers/bots we can have in our bakeries at any time has been said to be 29.

Se acquisto due registratori di cassa, i clienti aumentano o il numero massimo dei clienti ? sempre lo stesso?
The number of doors/registers you have has no impact on how many bots can be in your bakery at a time. Basically the game is made so that bots walk at a constant and predetermined speed that cannot be changed or altered on our end.

Il numero dei clienti ? legato al numero delle porte, delle casse e/o dei tavoli?
If you change the placement of your tables/chairs and registers in relation to your door(s) you can make sure that bots take as few steps as possible. This will mean that they can complete their preprogrammed route from entering to exiting as fast as possible which will earn you the most coins per hour.

Il gioco ? bello ma non potendo acquistare gemme con soldi veri, l'ampliamento delle misure del locale ? troppo lento. Non avendo spazio non si ? invogliati a comprare arredi e decorazioni😓. Ho letto che alcuni ottengono gemme guardando video pubblicitari, a me non compaiono, come posso fare? Grazie.
There are two main things we can do to earn as many coins as possible: serve recipes that earn the most coins per hour (like Red Velvet Cake) and make sure our bakeries are set up so bots can enter and exit as fast as possible.

When anyone is looking to maximize their profits, I always refer them to the same informational threads. The information is old and sometimes uses Restaurant Story as an example but I promise it is still very accurate and can help you sell your food faster in BS as well :)

Minimal Steps, Maximal Profits - https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?34472

Most Efficient Design (without the math)

1 - https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23320

2 - https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?50267

Comparing Most Efficient Layouts - https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?31366

Adjust Food Consumption Speed (without the math) - https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23600

Number of Doors/Registers and Efficiency - https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?64713

The Math of RS Customers - https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23083

The Math of How to Maximize Profits - https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?40398

Math to Never Run Out of Food - https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23110

Also, if you want to find the details on every recipe in the game to see which ones you can access and which ones will give you the most coins per hour, the Recipe Guide HERE (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?112053) should help with that.

10-01-23, 06:42 AM
Grazie!!!!sei stato gentile ed utile!!!
Il problema non sono tanto le monete quanti le gemme, i diamanti che non riesco ad ottenere (non voglio e non posso pagare soldi veri per averli). Se sai dirmi come fare per avere pi? gemme o per accedere ai video che guardandoli ti danno gemme, mi aiuteresti. Grazie

10-01-23, 08:37 AM
We can't do anything to get the free videos - they are a randomly generated promotional offer so not every player gets them (I've never seen a single video in my bakery :( ) and those that do get the videos can see them disappear without warning.

The main way to accumulate gems is by mastering recipes, you'll earn 2 gems for each recipe you fully master. The only other way to earn gems are the goals that give gems for downloading and playing other storm8 games but those only offer a few gems so aren't a huge help.