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09-17-23, 02:39 AM
Quando si ottengono le gemme? Non riesco ad ingrandire la panetteria.
Bello il gioco ma ci vuol troppo tempo per andare avanti!

09-17-23, 05:05 AM
Welcome to the forum! I'm a native English speaker but I translated your question online so I hope it was correct and my response is at least a bit helpful, lol.

Quando si ottengono le gemme? - How do I get gems?

The main way players earn free gems is by mastering recipes which you do by cooking and serving the same recipe multiple times. Each recipe has 4 levels of mastery and you will earn 1 gem for mastery level 2 and 4 so in total each recipe will give you two gems for fully mastering it.

Another way to earn gems is by watching daily videos but this is a random promotional offer that not everyone gets so you may not have the option. The final way to get gems is by purchasing them which is a choice that each player has to make on their own.

Non riesco ad ingrandire la panetteria. - I can't zoom into the bakery.

This may vary depending on what device you're using to play the game but generally, zooming is done with the standard two-finger pinching motion.

Bello il gioco ma ci vuol troppo tempo per andare avanti! - Nice game but it takes too long to get going!

Yes, the game is a bit slow moving for new players but as you earn XP and level up you'll unlock more items and find things move faster.

As a new player, I recommend reading through the Bakery Story Game Guide (link here (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?59840)) - it has a lot of useful information that can make your playing easier.

Hope this helps get you started and that you enjoy your baking :)

09-17-23, 07:12 PM
Per "ingrandire" non intendevo zoomare ma ampliare di dimensione. Quando ero a livello 26, cliccando su design e su espansione, mi dava la possibilit? di ampliare il locale con 69 neighbor. Arrivata a 65 vicini non me li faceva pi? aggiungere. Poi salita di qualche livello mi ha fatto aggiungere i vicini ma non c'era pi? la possibilit? di ingrandire il locale 🙄.
Come mai?
Comunque grazie per la risposta, legger? la guida!!!! ❤️

09-18-23, 12:17 AM
Per "ingrandire" non intendevo zoomare ma ampliare di dimensione. Quando ero a livello 26, cliccando su design e su espansione, mi dava la possibilit? di ampliare il locale con 69 neighbor. Arrivata a 65 vicini non me li faceva pi? aggiungere. Poi salita di qualche livello mi ha fatto aggiungere i vicini ma non c'era pi? la possibilit? di ingrandire il locale ��.
Come mai?
Comunque grazie per la risposta, legger? la guida!!!! ❤️

Oooh! I see what you mean and now that you say it, it's super obvious you meant expand not zoom, lol. Guess that was a fail for the translator :)

You can expand your bakery at any time but you have to use either coins or gems to purchase the expansion. The expansions must be purchased one at a time and in order so you can't just jump from a 7x9 bakery to a 24x26 bakery by purchasing the larger expansion, you's have to purchase each and every expansion in order no matter which currency you use.

Using gems is the easier option since it has less requirements and they open at an earlier level but it can be expensive if you're purchasing all those gems! Most players try to purchase expansions with coins but the way those expansions are shown in the game can be a bit confusing.

To expand with coins: you need to first meet the level requirement, once you're at the right level the game will then show you need a certain amount of neighbors, once that requirement is met, you'll then see the coin cost of the expansion which is when you can actually purchase the expansion.

Sometimes though, after you meet the neighbor requirement the game will show you need even more neighbors. This is the confusing bit and I've explained the reason why that happens in detail here (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?55478&p=1588303&viewfull=1#post1588303).

If you have any more questions, please feel free to post those and I'll see if I can clear up any confusion.