View Full Version : Classic Dragon, WOW!!!

06-27-23, 04:02 PM
Hey Neighbors,

I normally don't start threads on specific dragons, just what's needed in the Dragon Tales and sometimes that other event but I couldn't help but again praise the design team on EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of the dragons released today! The mining prize, the Classic Dragon is the most beautiful dragon I've ever seen in this game yet and I've played for many years (I absolutely love the stars on the wings. It's nothing like I've ever seen.). Now this is a dragon I will want copies of. You really outdid yourselves. My apologies to FlatFoot but Classic tops any dragon I've seen. It's simple yet elegant. Keep up the great work for real!


07-15-23, 10:42 AM
I would *love* to get it. Unfortunately for like 2 years I haven?t been able to log in more than maybe once every month or 2 and the problem has still not been fixed.

08-02-23, 12:39 PM
I managed to craft 2! How many did you get, NortherLight?

deamon506 - have you tried just starting a new account? I know it sucks, but I have been able to build a great new island in just a few short months (from February to now). I can still access my old games through an antiquated Android device, but it takes it about 15 minutes to connect, and game play is extremely slow, and it often logs me back out, so I only rarely visit my old islands, but I am having a lot of fun with my new one.

08-02-23, 05:24 PM
I managed to craft 2! How many did you get, NortherLight?

deamon506 - have you tried just starting a new account? I know it sucks, but I have been able to build a great new island in just a few short months (from February to now). I can still access my old games through an antiquated Android device, but it takes it about 15 minutes to connect, and game play is extremely slow, and it often logs me back out, so I only rarely visit my old islands, but I am having a lot of fun with my new one.

I was able to craft 4! Got essence off of 2 and kept the other 2.