View Full Version : Why the gem dispenser is never on sale

06-24-23, 08:03 PM
I wanted to ask if anyone knows why the devs seem so reluctant to bring back the gem dispenser. In the 7+ years that Ive been playing its gone on sale 1 time as part of a back to school sale and was removed almost immediately as it was apparently a mistake. My question here is why not bring it back from time to time, as its easily one of, if not the most requested items in the game and it would obviously bring in a lot of money from players. I think it would make a great addition to Black Friday and other major holiday sales but again Im not sure why they refuse to bring it back. I suppose if I were a dev I would make it so that every 1,000 gems a player purchased they would be rearward a free gem dispenser but thats just my take on the situation.

06-24-23, 09:37 PM
I think it's probably because it's an item that only iOS users can access as of this time. Until they can make it so droid users can also use them, it's highly unlikely to be relisted.