View Full Version : Who hates having to scroll for a long time for basic parts and other things?

04-12-23, 10:34 AM
In my opinion I find it frustrating to have to scroll a while for basic parts for gifts. I just don't know why they can't sort it out into groups like in RS, when they did it was so much easier and quicker. I could gift to people regardless of them asking if they had some sort of system (e.g. a search system). But no! Instead I am there scrolling for a minute JUST FOR ONE PERSON, so if 39 neighbors asked for different basic parts/food then I would be at the gifts for a while. STORM8 PLEASE FIX THIS IT CURRENTLY TAKES TOO LONG TO GIFT PEOPLE BASIC PARTS/FOOD AND ITS SO ANNOYING!
P.S. If anyone has already made a thread about this, I am really sorry, I have not seen it

04-14-23, 12:59 PM
Thats me and I hate how time consuming to gift neighbors. Not everyone participate doing goals all the time. I get real annoyed there needs to be a more organize system for gifting. Thats one of the biggest things I don’t like about this game. There’s too parts in the inventory.

04-15-23, 07:27 AM
Everyone that has been playing for a while hates it. The gifting and time/effort/tapping required for decorating is why most people quit playing.

It’s supposed to be fun, not a chore.

04-15-23, 08:29 PM
Add me to the list. I really wish there was a search function.

04-16-23, 04:11 AM
In my opinion I find it frustrating to have to scroll a while for basic parts for gifts. I just don't know why they can't sort it out into groups like in RS, when they did it was so much easier and quicker. I could gift to people regardless of them asking if they had some sort of system (e.g. a search system). But no! Instead I am there scrolling for a minute JUST FOR ONE PERSON, so if 39 neighbors asked for different basic parts/food then I would be at the gifts for a while. STORM8 PLEASE FIX THIS IT CURRENTLY TAKES TOO LONG TO GIFT PEOPLE BASIC PARTS/FOOD AND ITS SO ANNOYING!
P.S. If anyone has already made a thread about this, I am really sorry, I have not seen it

I totally agree searching for items is horrible. And when I go to list of items requested it use to allow me to press return gift and be there, it hasn?t allowe me to do this for years! Even if we can search item by first and second letter of item. Or at least put main parts in front. Even better, make a different tab for older items and boy k regular parts and i ms for all goals available could be a easy solution. Please. Tyty

04-16-23, 02:57 PM
Count me in. I hate scrolling for parts

04-17-23, 03:33 PM
Yes, I have tried a few ways to make it quicker by making lists of what people want (food list, basic parts, etc.) and then gifting in groups so I don?t have to scroll so much but I do end up spending time figuring out what each neighbor will need. If Storm8 wants to help all players out they could update and put a search button in the gifting somehow. That would make a world of difference.

04-18-23, 12:12 PM
I agree 100%

04-18-23, 01:08 PM
Yes put tabs atleast for heavens sake...I agree it's too time consuming ..or just get rid of gifting... only during goals..everyone is too picky as to what they get its annoying too...just make gifting available during goals thats it.

04-18-23, 01:55 PM
Me me me me me me me me me.
I wouldn't even care if they stop doing goals for some tlme in order to have that properly updated, at the gift (own or to choose to send), desing, requests and neighbors sections 😭🙈

04-18-23, 02:55 PM
In my opinion I find it frustrating to have to scroll a while for basic parts for gifts. I just don't know why they can't sort it out into groups like in RS, when they did it was so much easier and quicker. I could gift to people regardless of them asking if they had some sort of system (e.g. a search system). But no! Instead I am there scrolling for a minute JUST FOR ONE PERSON, so if 39 neighbors asked for different basic parts/food then I would be at the gifts for a while. STORM8 PLEASE FIX THIS IT CURRENTLY TAKES TOO LONG TO GIFT PEOPLE BASIC PARTS/FOOD AND ITS SO ANNOYING!
P.S. If anyone has already made a thread about this, I am really sorry, I have not seen it

I am totally with you on this aspect of the game.

04-18-23, 04:55 PM
If you look through very, very old posts, making scrolling easier, has been requested, but has never been given. Also, neighbors do build appliances outside of the goals, so that would be extremely unfair to only have gifting during goals, not to mention that some people don?t do goals, but request food or parts for building non-goal appliances. If you prefer not to play in-between you can always let your neighbors know that you only gift during goals. Most neighbors do request parts at anytime for current or future building.

Yes put tabs atleast for heavens sake...I agree it's too time consuming ..or just get rid of gifting... only during goals..everyone is too picky as to what they get its annoying too...just make gifting available during goals thats it.

04-18-23, 05:37 PM
Hate it. If they really listened to us they'd move the 14 day goals to the end of the list

04-18-23, 06:23 PM
Omg yes it?s why I mostly don?t do and just ask for people to request. But THAT TAKES FOREVER TOO!! I wish there was a way to highlight all your neighbors and not have to check every single one it?s infuriating and tedious

Plus there should be a search function, like by the appliance or name of part you need

04-19-23, 06:50 PM
yo tambi

04-20-23, 12:26 AM
Me too !
I also wish they can add <TO ALL> function so that i can gift or send request to all neighbours
It is so tedious to tick all my (active and non-active) neighbours

04-20-23, 08:03 AM
I hate to send basic parts, my eyesight no good,very tired.. Many of my neighbors quit this game

04-24-23, 02:34 PM
This is especially annoying if you play on Android, as I do. You have to tap like 100 times before you find the right gift. Then, if you accidentally touch the wrong gift, you have to start all over again. It is infinitely easier on Apple devices. There, you can swipe and go through multiple pages at one time. If you accidentally tap on the wrong gift, you just go back and you will be where you left off.

04-27-23, 11:33 AM
T h a n k y o u f o r t h e f e e d b a c k..

04-27-23, 05:33 PM
In my opinion I find it frustrating to have to scroll a while for basic parts for gifts. I just don't know why they can't sort it out into groups like in RS, when they did it was so much easier and quicker. I could gift to people regardless of them asking if they had some sort of system (e.g. a search system). But no! Instead I am there scrolling for a minute JUST FOR ONE PERSON, so if 39 neighbors asked for different basic parts/food then I would be at the gifts for a while. STORM8 PLEASE FIX THIS IT CURRENTLY TAKES TOO LONG TO GIFT PEOPLE BASIC PARTS/FOOD AND ITS SO ANNOYING!
P.S. If anyone has already made a thread about this, I am really sorry, I have not seen it

Me too, there has to be a better way

04-27-23, 05:54 PM
Me too, there has to be a better way

I would be happy if they would fix the bar in your last position so you could move to the parts area and select multiple kinds of parts instead of starting at the beginning. Also, is it possible to have a button that takes you to the midpoint and end of the scroll bar? Even that would be better than starting at the beginning each time.

05-03-23, 05:46 PM
They could do something but don't want to

05-09-23, 02:22 PM
( ・ェ・)ノ meeeeee

05-12-23, 03:51 AM
Oooohh, I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like this. RS has the tab feature and I would like BS to have the same thing as well. It has been like that for years.

I also wish they have a search button too!

05-16-23, 04:59 AM
Yes! There are so many gifts available from old goal ovens as well. It takes forever to scroll through them.
I'd also love a "check all" box for both sending gifts and requesting parts. It would save so much time.
A search button would be amazing!

07-13-23, 05:02 AM
They could do something but don't want to

I have been playing 10+ years, and asking for this feature almost as long. Why wont they address this? It would save so much time and make players very happy. Just wish someone would say, no it cannot be done or fix it.

07-13-23, 08:05 AM
Me me me me!!!

07-13-23, 02:58 PM

But scrolling for parts isn’t that big a deal. Scrolling to redecorate is the horror and the reason so many people give up and quit playing.

Between the insane goals and the scrolling, the game takes too much time to play. Not possible.

07-18-23, 01:05 PM
kayjo <<scrolling for parts isn’t that big a deal.>>>

Kayjo I'm curious if you use an Apple device? Scrolling / Gifting / and Taking inventory on 'My Gifts' is MUCH harder for Android users than it is for Apple users. Though I just realized that placing design items is actually harder for Apple users than Android users. Still, people don't redesign as often as gifting which usually happens every day.

Debbie Downer, here. I've seen a lot of these same complaints come up over the years and never seen company take action. But what the heck I'll add my 2 cents if only to help neighbors understand the challenges other neighbors have - especially if one neighbor plays with an Apple Device and the other an Android.

Summary of Complaints I'd like fixed - and match the fix on BOTH ANDROID & APPLE:
1) for sure a "food" tab on BS would be great, (like in RS)
2) so would a "basic parts" tab for BOTH BS & RS
3) Once you've used the food tab (or potential parts tab) - be able to SCROLL FROM there.
4) AND being able to FREEZE scrolling at the place where you stopped/sent your gift - (which you can do on Apple but not Android)
5) In the "my gifts" catalogue - arrange the last-received gifts at the FRONT of the catalogue - the way it's arranged on Apple devices. Android places the latest-received gifts at the back of the 'my gifts' catalogue - where a player may have to scroll 100s of pages just to see / take inventory of basic parts/food.
6) Apple's gifts catalogue, and 'my gifts' catalogue, allows you to "spin" through the catalogue, jump a few pages per spin. So you don't have to tap 100+ times to get to the end.
7) Ads work on Apple - so you can still reduce the time to cook some recipes. Ads no longer work on Androids since a few years ago.
8) arrange the 'design' catalogues with more detailed tabs
9) Freeze scrolling on Design catalogues --- like on Android devices. On APPLE (the only downside to apple I've seen, but it's a biggie) - When you place an item from design catalogues, don't start the menu over - forcing player re-scroll in order to see and/or place items beyond the item you just placed. On androids - it freezes where you were - where you selected an item to place. So if you place an item and want to keep scrolling for more items, or decide you don't like it & store it again - you can continue browsing from where you left off.

With regards to the gift catalogue - It'd be great to arrange the catalogue backwards --- so that all the oldest parts (&food) are at the front - and then create a Tab to jump to the beginning of the 'main goal section' of parts - where you would land on current main goal parts - but - then -- could scroll onward to find other older, main-goal parts - in case you're working on old main goal appliances.

I'm sure I've got other complaints but these are the ones coming to mind - I just keep editing and adding.

07-18-23, 06:32 PM
Never knew the differences apple users have gifting. I've never been able to have neighbors that request individual basic or odd parts because it'd take 70ish slow taps to find the right part each time. Even getting to the basics takes about a full minute.
Stopped buying gems recently since the game doesn't seem to improve user experience. The basics tab suggested would be great.

08-01-23, 07:29 AM
I agree with you on every point.
Generally, playing has become a nightmarish chore when it used to be relaxing fun. To the point that these days when I manage to win a goal prize I can't face the prospect of trying to find it! I play now because I like my neighbors, not because I like the games (RS & BS). I'm not adding any more neighbors atm, largely because of the gifting process.

08-02-23, 07:45 AM
I also HATE having to scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll and keep scrolling for the basic parts. TABS NEED TO BE CREATED just like there?s tabs for the cooking recipes. Because of this time consuming task there?s lazy people who just mass gift goal parts without caring what others need or want even after I?ve asked them multiple times to stop sending me goal parts. I feel like if there?s tabs to organize the gifts it would make gift giving more efficient.

05-16-24, 05:46 PM
How about if the gifts were alphabetized! Sometimes I have to go through the gifts three times before I see what I am looking for! Very frustrating!

05-17-24, 01:59 PM
It definitely takes extra time and can be frustrating. Even more so if you?re not familiar with the part. Scrolling through parts and scrolling through all the items in the design tabs (tiles, decorations, appliances, tables, chairs). Scrolling isn?t even the worst part of redesigning/the design tab. Items that don?t show a price and jump you back to the beginning after placing said item. THAT, is frustrating!

05-17-24, 10:02 PM
Hi! I think, storm8 should sort the gifts , and we can choose.

Thank You

05-21-24, 01:36 AM
I wish if the game would not support gifting changes they would tell everyone. Why ask for feedback and not answer the most hated feature of the game..

05-21-24, 09:54 AM
I agreed that Storm8 need to do some improvement on gifting section.

All gifts should be arranged in alphabetical order. When you press GIFT button


The Gifts should be sorted into 4 categories as below

ALL: existing gifts list but in alphabetical order including those parts for removed appliances. Jolly Roger, Treasure Chest etc
BASIC: Basic parts like fuse, gear, knob, metal sheet, red motor, nozzle, paint, screw, spring, wiring etc
FOOD: Cappuccino, brownies, chocolate cake, croissant, hot chocolate
14 Days Goal Parts: For players who reached certain levels and able to do 14 days Goal then this column appears for them

This way all players will be able to gift their neighbours the gifts easily in the shortest time.

06-06-24, 03:14 AM
Neighbor #1 needs a frozen blue pane. Easy! Neighbor #2 needs a screw. *scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll* Whew! Ok, now Neighbor #3 needs a frozen blue pane. *scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll* Seriously? Neighbor #4 needs a gear? *scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll DIE*

06-09-24, 08:17 AM
I agreed that Storm8 need to do some improvement on gifting section.

All gifts should be arranged in alphabetical order. When you press GIFT button


The Gifts should be sorted into 4 categories as below

ALL: existing gifts list but in alphabetical order including those parts for removed appliances. Jolly Roger, Treasure Chest etc
BASIC: Basic parts like fuse, gear, knob, metal sheet, red motor, nozzle, paint, screw, spring, wiring etc
FOOD: Cappuccino, brownies, chocolate cake, croissant, hot chocolate
14 Days Goal Parts: For players who reached certain levels and able to do 14 days Goal then this column appears for them

This way all players will be able to gift their neighbours the gifts easily in the shortest time.

Yes this would be great. It’s such a hassle now to gift specific gifts to certain neighbours who had requested for them. Another thing they could also do is do a return to first item in the list with a tap instead of having to scroll all the way to the front again for the first item on the list.

06-09-24, 10:19 PM
I agreed that Storm8 need to do some improvement on gifting section.

All gifts should be arranged in alphabetical order. When you press GIFT button


The Gifts should be sorted into 4 categories as below

ALL: existing gifts list but in alphabetical order including those parts for removed appliances. Jolly Roger, Treasure Chest etc
BASIC: Basic parts like fuse, gear, knob, metal sheet, red motor, nozzle, paint, screw, spring, wiring etc
FOOD: Cappuccino, brownies, chocolate cake, croissant, hot chocolate
14 Days Goal Parts: For players who reached certain levels and able to do 14 days Goal then this column appears for them

This way all players will be able to gift their neighbours the gifts easily in the shortest time.

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con tu aporte; ser?a mucho m?s f?cil mandar regalos.

06-11-24, 11:01 AM
A Search Engine would be beneficial and fairly simple to do.

This would alleviate the issue and is easy to do since the items are already in a list, so just code a simple search engine from that list, with a form to input the search and then the results.

06-11-24, 11:21 AM
A Search Engine would be beneficial and fairly simple to do.

This would alleviate the issue and is easy to do since the items are already in a list, so just code a simple search engine from that list, with a form to input the search and then the results.

I agree. So tired of scrolling.

06-11-24, 12:21 PM
Yes please Storm8 fix this, they need to remove past goals so it can be easier to gift basic parts

06-11-24, 01:31 PM
Yes please Storm8 fix this, they need to remove past goals so it can be easier to gift basic parts

The problem is increasing at least twice a month with the addition of new goal items. Why not use existing parts for new goals? I don't understand why 4 new items need to be added for each goal? In the early days, multiple appliances would use the same part. Additionally, Android previously had a version of the game where the bar would stay fixed in the place it was last used. PLEASE re-trigger this fix. I am starting to think they want us to quit.

06-13-24, 01:28 AM
I have arthritis in my hands and find it impossible to keep hitting the little arrow perfectly each time to to find everyone the gift they want.

06-13-24, 10:06 PM
yes they should have tabs. One for food, one for basic parts like screws, gear, oven element etc, one for goal parts

06-14-24, 08:41 AM
Please fix this problem. I agree with all of the above. It’s taking away the fun of gifting.
Thanks �� please fix ��

06-16-24, 02:58 AM
This would be such a huge improvement! It seems like the developers haven't made very many fundamental changes to the game, so I wonder how likely it is that this issue will ever be addressed.

06-16-24, 09:31 AM
kayjo <<scrolling for parts isn’t that big a deal.>>>
Kayjo I'm curious if you use an Apple device? Scrolling / Gifting / and Taking inventory on 'My Gifts' is MUCH harder for Android users than it is for Apple users. Though I just realized that placing design items is actually harder for Apple users than Android users. Still, people don't redesign as often as gifting which usually happens every day.

Debbie Downer, here. I've seen a lot of these same complaints come up over the years and never seen company take action. But what the heck I'll add my 2 cents if only to help neighbors understand the challenges other neighbors have - especially if one neighbor plays with an Apple Device and the other an Android.

Summary of Complaints I'd like fixed - and match the fix on BOTH ANDROID & APPLE:
1) for sure a "food" tab on BS would be great, (like in RS)
2) so would a "basic parts" tab for BOTH BS & RS
3) Once you've used the food tab (or potential parts tab) - be able to SCROLL FROM there.
4) AND being able to FREEZE scrolling at the place where you stopped/sent your gift - (which you can do on Apple but not Android)
5) In the "my gifts" catalogue - arrange the last-received gifts at the FRONT of the catalogue - the way it's arranged on Apple devices. Android places the latest-received gifts at the back of the 'my gifts' catalogue - where a player may have to scroll 100s of pages just to see / take inventory of basic parts/food.
6) Apple's gifts catalogue, and 'my gifts' catalogue, allows you to "spin" through the catalogue, jump a few pages per spin. So you don't have to tap 100+ times to get to the end.
7) Ads work on Apple - so you can still reduce the time to cook some recipes. Ads no longer work on Androids since a few years ago.
8) arrange the 'design' catalogues with more detailed tabs
9) Freeze scrolling on Design catalogues --- like on Android devices. On APPLE (the only downside to apple I've seen, but it's a biggie) - When you place an item from design catalogues, don't start the menu over - forcing player re-scroll in order to see and/or place items beyond the item you just placed. On androids - it freezes where you were - where you selected an item to place. So if you place an item and want to keep scrolling for more items, or decide you don't like it & store it again - you can continue browsing from where you left off.

With regards to the gift catalogue - It'd be great to arrange the catalogue backwards --- so that all the oldest parts (&food) are at the front - and then create a Tab to jump to the beginning of the 'main goal section' of parts - where you would land on current main goal parts - but - then -- could scroll onward to find other older, main-goal parts - in case you're working on old main goal appliances.

I'm sure I've got other complaints but these are the ones coming to mind - I just keep editing and adding.

Hi! I think, storm8 should sort the gifts , and we can choose.

Thank You

I agree wholeheartedly!

I think they should also allow people to REQUEST which part they want gifted (the same way you do for challenge parts). That way the giftee could do the scrolling for what they want gifted and all the gifters would have to do is press "accept"!

06-18-24, 11:27 AM
Agree completely! It used to be much faster to return the same parts to others. Now, I scroll through 10+ years of parts to do it. Who wants the bother?

06-19-24, 04:33 PM
This would be great!

06-19-24, 05:46 PM

08-18-24, 03:40 AM
The one thing I probably find the most annoying is in "Gifts" (the inventory)

Why WHY do you have to scroll to the bottom/end to see the most recently part(s) you received?
Surely 99% of the time you'd want to see the latest parts you've received?
To do that now you have to scroll by endless and endless of old goal parts.

Just making a switch so the most recently received part(s) to be at the top/start, would make this game so much more enjoying.
And it shouldn't be more than a couple of minutes work of programming either.

Absolutely baffles me this hasn't been done already.

08-20-24, 07:59 AM
It's really annoying especially on android devices, iPhone has smoother tabs and gifts are ordered by newest to oldest.. please could you give this benefit to android users as well?

08-21-24, 09:52 AM
The worst part of the game. Especially for those with arthritis, that arrow is so annoying.

08-30-24, 03:50 AM
Yes it?s frustrating I wish they remove past goals to the end or just remove them so it will be easy to gift basic parts

08-31-24, 08:49 PM
The worst part of the game. Especially for those with arthritis, that arrow is so annoying.

Agreed! My pet peeve is decorating and if the items aren’t currently available for purchase it starts back at the very beginning of the list after E V E R Y placement. Gets super tedious with wallpaper and floor tiles. I hate it.

09-03-24, 10:54 AM
This has been asked for as long as I can remember..why haven't they said they are not going to do anything about gifting. If you care about the people you count on to keep playing and buying gems at least tell them you are not going to fix it!!! It takes less time to put up a paragraph letting everyone know than it takes me to gift 1 neighbor cappuccino!