View Full Version : How do you speed up customers eating?

03-28-23, 06:11 PM
My bakery is soooooo crowded with food. I'm having to put up more counters and no room. Dont have this problem in restaurant story. Cant keep counters full there. Would hate to clear the counters.

03-29-23, 05:12 AM
We can't do anything about the speed at which the bots move, that's preprogrammed and nothing can change it on our end. However, we can get them to complete their route as quickly as possible. If we make our table layouts as efficient as possible, they don't have to walk so far from the door, to the register, to the tables and back out again.

The best threads on the topic are really old but the information contained in them is still very accurate. Also, some of them are from the RS forum but the info in them still works for BS:

- most Efficient RS design (without maths) (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23320)
- Optimal number of doors and registers for efficiency layout (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?64713)
- Fecs Layout Compared To GroovyRuss (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?31366)
- minimum seats, minimum walking, max profits (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?34472)
- Adjust food Consumption speed, using this technique, (without Maths) (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23600)

I was having the same issue but after reading the above info, I changed my main layout. You can see a picture of my bakery in the Show Off thread right now as an example. You'll notice I have the seats for the bots stoppered with counters so they can't go anywhere else and it's separated from my decorations where I have more tables for tipping/looking pretty.

My bots only have to take 4-8 steps to get to a table but there are layouts that use less (the one I landed on just happens to work best with my layout preferences). Whichever set up you choose, it really will help maximize the efficiency of getting the bots in and out as quickly as possible.

Another thing I've noticed is that my food seemingly sells faster if it's not all stacked onto one counter so I always try to have more counters than I need at any given time. So, when I'm mastering recipes, I don't have a bunch of ovens churning out the same recipe since this increases the odds of getting one counter with thousands of servings on it. Instead, like for mastering goal appliances, I'll have three appliances out and each one is serving a different recipe. It takes longer to master so if a player is trying to get the gems right away this probably isn't for them. I've just found it works best for me to master a little slower since it means I'm not bogged down in unwanted recipes.

This counter thing isn't something I've sat down and recorded carefully, just a general observation I made once upon a time. I checked in periodically and noticed that I had several counters with the same recipe on them, the ones that had the most on them seemed to sell the slowest while the others didn't. That's about as far as I took the testing if I'm being super honest! So whether my extra counter method really has an impact or it's all in my mind, I can't say for certain, lol. Either way, it's a practice I keep to and it seems to work for me. When it comes time to remodel every month, it only ever takes a day or two to empty all my counters of goal recipes.

03-29-23, 05:36 AM
Thanks! Good information

05-28-23, 08:45 AM
We can't do anything about the speed at which the bots move, that's preprogrammed and nothing can change it on our end. However, we can get them to complete their route as quickly as possible. If we make our table layouts as efficient as possible, they don't have to walk so far from the door, to the register, to the tables and back out again.

The best threads on the topic are really old but the information contained in them is still very accurate. Also, some of them are from the RS forum but the info in them still works for BS:

- most Efficient RS design (without maths) (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23320)
- Optimal number of doors and registers for efficiency layout (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?64713)
- Fecs Layout Compared To GroovyRuss (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?31366)
- minimum seats, minimum walking, max profits (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?34472)
- Adjust food Consumption speed, using this technique, (without Maths) (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23600)

I was having the same issue but after reading the above info, I changed my main layout. You can see a picture of my bakery in the Show Off thread right now as an example. You'll notice I have the seats for the bots stoppered with counters so they can't go anywhere else and it's separated from my decorations where I have more tables for tipping/looking pretty.

My bots only have to take 4-8 steps to get to a table but there are layouts that use less (the one I landed on just happens to work best with my layout preferences). Whichever set up you choose, it really will help maximize the efficiency of getting the bots in and out as quickly as possible.

Another thing I've noticed is that my food seemingly sells faster if it's not all stacked onto one counter so I always try to have more counters than I need at any given time. So, when I'm mastering recipes, I don't have a bunch of ovens churning out the same recipe since this increases the odds of getting one counter with thousands of servings on it. Instead, like for mastering goal appliances, I'll have three appliances out and each one is serving a different recipe. It takes longer to master so if a player is trying to get the gems right away this probably isn't for them. I've just found it works best for me to master a little slower since it means I'm not bogged down in unwanted recipes.

This counter thing isn't something I've sat down and recorded carefully, just a general observation I made once upon a time. I checked in periodically and noticed that I had several counters with the same recipe on them, the ones that had the most on them seemed to sell the slowest while the others didn't. That's about as far as I took the testing if I'm being super honest! So whether my extra counter method really has an impact or it's all in my mind, I can't say for certain, lol. Either way, it's a practice I keep to and it seems to work for me. When it comes time to remodel every month, it only ever takes a day or two to empty all my counters of goal recipes.

i can't see the picture, of your bakery,plz upload it. Thx.

05-28-23, 10:59 AM
i can't see the picture, of your bakery,plz upload it. Thx.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, the image wasn't included in the post above but in the "Show Off Your Bakery" thread here (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?103964-Show-off-your-Bakery-Thread-2&p=1692052&viewfull=1#post1692052).

The tables my customers can access are the ones at the top of my bakery, all the others are just for deco/tipping.