View Full Version : Financial Analysis of the 14 Day Goals

01-19-23, 02:23 PM
Financial Analysis of the 14-Day Goals


With the 14-Day goal requirements having somewhat stabilized in Bakery Story, I decided to put together a financial analysis to see how profitable (or rather... spoiler alert: unprofitable) the present 14-day goals are in Bakery Story. Buckle up folks; it's bumpy.

Please note the following:

This is accurate for the 14-day goals as of January 19, 2023. Item prices and goal requirements are subject to change. This analysis may not be accurate in the future if the team decides to change requirements again.
As of January 19, 2023, the 14-day goal requirements in Bakery Story and Restaurant Story are identical - so, this analysis is applicable to the 14-day goals in Restaurant Story as well.


A big big big thank you to AnnirasSweets, without whose dedicated goal walkthrough postings I wouldn't have been able to figure out that (a) the goal structure had stabilized, and (b) the requirements between Restaurant Story and Bakery Story goals had become the same.

Another huge thank you to VanaCatu who pioneered these kinds of financial analyses. Mine isn't nearly as nice as hers, but the tables she published were of immense help (and significantly less complicated than the ones I initially ventured out to make).

Table Interpretation

There are a total of four (4) tables in this analysis:

Financial Analysis Up to Main Goal Completion Only

- Cooking only as many recipes as required by the main goal
Financial Analysis of Main Goal + Recipe Mastery

- Cooking the recipes to mastery beyond main goal requirements
Financial Analysis Up to Bonus Goal Completion Only

- Cooking only as many recipes as required by the main goal and bonus goal
Financial Analysis of Main Goal + Bonus Goal + Recipe Mastery

- Cooking the main recipes and bonus recipe to mastery beyond main and bonus goal requirements

Furthermore, each table is divided into 3 separate sections:

Goal Requirements (omitting recipes)
Recipe Requirements (including any mastery rewards)
Bonus Goal Requirements **tables 3 and 4 only

Because there are four, I'm giving each table its own heading and putting it in its own spoiler tag. I'm also giving a small summary of findings in each heading in case people don't want to go line by line through the table.

01-19-23, 02:30 PM
Table 1: Financial Analysis Up to Main Goal Completion Only

This is for those bakers who attempt the main goal and cook/buy only as much as strictly necessary to complete the main goal, before putting items/appliances in storage and moving straight to the next goal.

Outcome: Net loss of -468,010 coins* and net profit of +5 gems

*This is assuming you buy the exact wallpapers/flooring the goal suggests, and ONLY two of each appliance to just satisfy the goal requirement
*You will lose fewer coins if you buy cheaper wallpapers/flooring
*You will lose more coins if you buy more appliances
**Step 4 in the Main Goal calls for the buying of any floor decoration. The table DOES NOT TAKE THIS COST INTO ACCOUNT because it is so variable (players can buy as cheap or as expensive as they want, for coins or gems, etc). If you buy a floor decoration for coins to satisfy Goal Step #4, this also digs into your profits!!


Table 2: Financial Analysis of Main Goal + Recipe Mastery

This is for those bakers who complete the main goal and continue cooking the main goal recipes until they are mastered. A recipe takes 83 cooks to master, and along the way rewards 2 gems and 12000 coins as part of mastery rewards.

Outcome: Net loss of -92,910 coins* and net profit of +12 gems

*This is assuming you buy the exact wallpapers/flooring the goal suggests, and ONLY two of each appliance to just satisfy the goal requirement
*You will lose fewer coins if you buy cheaper wallpapers/flooring
*You will lose more coins if you buy more appliances
**Step 4 in the Main Goal calls for the buying of any floor decoration. The table DOES NOT TAKE THIS COST INTO ACCOUNT because it is so variable (players can buy as cheap or as expensive as they want, for coins or gems, etc). If you buy a floor decoration for coins to satisfy Goal Step #4, this also digs into your profits!!


01-19-23, 02:50 PM
Bakery Story recently introduced the concept of a "Bonus Goal" that unlocks for players after they have completed the Main Goal. Since these have remained fairly consistent with their pricing/rewards since their introduction, I have included these in the analyses below:

Table 3: Financial Analysis Up to Bonus Goal Completion Only

This is for those bakers who cook/buy only as much as strictly necessary to complete the main goal, and only as much as strictly necessary to complete the bonus goal.

Outcome: Net loss of -481,340 coins* and net profit of +5 gems

*This is assuming you buy the exact wallpapers/flooring the goal suggests, and ONLY two of each appliance to just satisfy the goal requirement
*This is also assuming you are buying a bonus goal appliance. If you have this appliance already purchased (example: Loretta's Oven in Bakery Story), you can complete the bonus goal without having to buy an additional appliance. This would bring your net loss to -446,340**
*You will lose fewer coins if you buy cheaper wallpapers/flooring
*You will lose more coins if you buy more appliances
**Step 4 in the Main Goal calls for the buying of any floor decoration. The table DOES NOT TAKE THIS COST INTO ACCOUNT because it is so variable (players can buy as cheap or as expensive as they want, for coins or gems, etc). If you buy a floor decoration for coins to satisfy Goal Step #4, this also digs into your profits!!


Table 4: Financial Analysis of Main Goal + Bonus Goal + Recipe Mastery

This is for those bakers who complete the main goal and bonus goal, and continue cooking the new recipes until they are mastered. A recipe takes 83 cooks to master, and along the way rewards 2 gems and 12000 coins as part of mastery rewards.

Outcome: Net loss of -47,140 coins* and net profit of +14 gems

*This is assuming you buy the exact wallpapers/flooring the goal suggests, and ONLY two of each appliance to just satisfy the goal requirement
*This is also assuming you are buying a bonus goal appliance. If you have this appliance already purchased (example: Loretta's Oven in Bakery Story), you can complete the bonus goal without having to buy an additional appliance. This would bring your net loss to -12,140**
*You will lose fewer coins if you buy cheaper wallpapers/flooring
*You will lose more coins if you buy more appliances
**Step 4 in the Main Goal calls for the buying of any floor decoration. The table DOES NOT TAKE THIS COST INTO ACCOUNT because it is so variable (players can buy as cheap or as expensive as they want, for coins or gems, etc). If you buy a floor decoration for coins to satisfy Goal Step #4, this also digs into your profits!!


01-19-23, 03:09 PM

Sadly, any way you slice it, doing the main and bonus goals result in a net loss of coins :(

Best-case scenario, you're out at least -12,410 coins (not factoring in the cost of your floor decoration; after completing the bonus goal and mastering all goal recipes; and assuming you didn't have to buy an extra bonus goal appliance). Worst case scenario, you're out -481,340 coins (not factoring in the cost of your floor decoration; after completing the bonus goal cooking only as much as necessary; and assuming you didn't buy any extra appliances).

Main takeaway: if you're going into a 14-day goal with the intention of completing it, try to have at least 500,000 coins on hand; and be prepared to cook recipes outside of the goal to keep your coin balance up.

What About 5-Day Goals and Side Goals?

Generally speaking: because Side Goal requirements are usually on basic appliances (which most people already have, or are otherwise relatively cheap to purchase), side goals are usually fairly profitable and can help bolster your coin balance/offset the main goal cost if you choose to do them. Because they don't ask you to purchase anything, they won't result in a coin loss unless you buy a truly significant number of appliances for them. However, it's on a case-by-case basis whether a side goal would be actually profitable enough to cover the losses from the main and bonus goals.

5-Day goals, unfortunately, are so variable that it's difficult to get an analysis down :( Between the new recipes being added to appliances at varying price points, and the existing recipes you are asked to cook also frequently changing, the profitability really varies on a goal-by-goal basis. They are generally profitable as they only ask for the purchase of one (1) extra appliance, but exactly how profitable depends on the appliance cost and what recipes are asked to be cooked.

01-19-23, 07:55 PM
Thank you for doing this analysis! I never did financial analysis thoroughly but I realized that usually the amount of coins I have never really went anywhere but down by 100k or so :/

May I add that for the floor decoration, just buy a counter (I usually bought the goal one). It'll count as floor deco and also count for later step so you don't have to spend extra coins for the goal :)

01-19-23, 09:39 PM
Thank you for doing this analysis! I never did financial analysis thoroughly but I realized that usually the amount of coins I have never really went anywhere but down by 100k or so :/

May I add that for the floor decoration, just buy a counter (I usually bought the goal one). It'll count as floor deco and also count for later step so you don't have to spend extra coins for the goal :)

It also works with purchasing a chair too! I tried it this goal and purchased the new chair that became available with the goal. It sufficed for the "buy 1 floor deco" requirement. I'm thinking it will work with the table as well but have not confirmed. I'll likely try it the next goal though.

01-19-23, 10:11 PM
Thank you for doing this analysis! I never did financial analysis thoroughly but I realized that usually the amount of coins I have never really went anywhere but down by 100k or so :/

May I add that for the floor decoration, just buy a counter (I usually bought the goal one). It'll count as floor deco and also count for later step so you don't have to spend extra coins for the goal :)

It also works with purchasing a chair too! I tried it this goal and purchased the new chair that became available with the goal. It sufficed for the "buy 1 floor deco" requirement. I'm thinking it will work with the table as well but have not confirmed. I'll likely try it the next goal though.

These are both fantastic tips - thank you for sharing :) I'm definitely going to try buying a table next time to satisfy this requirement.

This doesn't change the reported numbers above (the cost was marked as 0 for this particular step, and buying a counter or chair as you both suggested wouldn't change this number as Daengel pointed out), but it's incredibly helpful to know that we don't have to spend extra coins in this step :)

UPDATE: I tried this out in Restaurant Story, and can confirm that buying a table also satisfies the 'Buy Any Floor Decoration' step and counts towards the later 'Have 4 Tables' goal. Hooray for coin savings! :D

01-20-23, 02:42 PM
Thanks for this!

That's why I don't play goals for a while. I started the recent goal but I regretted it immediatelly. The amouth of coins lost for items I will never use is absurd.

01-20-23, 05:15 PM
Maybe Storm8 can increase amount of customers based on size of bakery? Or based on stars? Also, maybe once a recipe is Mastered, then profit amount goes up? This would encourage new players to expand and master recipes..Is there anyway to suggest this to them.

01-20-23, 08:22 PM
Muy interesante gracias pixiegamer por tu aporte.

01-23-23, 07:41 PM
Maybe Storm8 can increase amount of customers based on size of bakery? Or based on stars? Also, maybe once a recipe is Mastered, then profit amount goes up? This would encourage new players to expand and master recipes..Is there anyway to suggest this to them.

this is such a good idea!!!

01-26-23, 08:30 PM
The Final Side Goal Prize counts as a new floor decoration, as long as you complete it while doing Main Goal Part 4. Once you get The Final Side Goal Prize, close the app and reopen it again, and Part 4 floor decoration will be marked as completed.

I usually complete the Side Goal minus one dish, and cook the remaining dish while doing Main Goal Part 4.

01-26-23, 09:00 PM
So this falls right in line of what I was thinking. Every new goal recipe seems to give 4 coins, always 4 coins. Why couldn't that be more flexible i.e. six, eight, ten, or twelve coins? That would certainly help with the current losses and perhaps keep us afloat, or make a profit instead of keeping us at a constant loss 📉 .

01-27-23, 01:37 AM
This is a great summary!

Could you also include total cooking time calculations into "Table 1: Financial Analysis Up to Main Goal Completion Only" (since we know how long each recipe takes) and estimate how many appliances you actually have to build in order to finish the goals in time (even assuming 24/7 accessibility to the game a.k.a. no sleep breaks). Because I highly doubt 3 of each appliance would be enough, even if ignoring the time it takes to collect enough parts (maybe even resorting to tricks like https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?114790-Not-receiving-20-gifts-and-20-requests-daily&p=1688930&viewfull=1#post1688930 )...

Thank you.

01-27-23, 09:35 AM
This is a great summary!

Could you also include total cooking time calculations into "Table 1: Financial Analysis Up to Main Goal Completion Only" (since we know how long each recipe takes) and estimate how many appliances you actually have to build in order to finish the goals in time (even assuming 24/7 accessibility to the game a.k.a. no sleep breaks). Because I highly doubt 3 of each appliance would be enough, even if ignoring the time it takes to collect enough parts (maybe even resorting to tricks like https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?114790-Not-receiving-20-gifts-and-20-requests-daily&p=1688930&viewfull=1#post1688930 )...

Thank you.

I can do this separately, sure :)

01-28-23, 02:26 PM
I really appreciate you taking the time to do the math,.like, I felt I was loosing money due to goals but had no exact idea on how much. I think they should higher-up the profit only and that's it, we are talking about fake money so I think is fair enough for everybody 🤷*♀️ TYSM once again!

02-02-23, 10:09 PM
Hold on, I'm table 4, with Bonus Goal to Mastery. But I (wisely) got 5 of the Loretta ovens right off the bat. It was a larger out lay, but they're paid for now.

So the goals only lose me $12,140 now. And the 2nd ovens have been really different lately. And some of the recipes have been great!

I've got an efficient layout and way too much food on the counters, goal to goal, I still have an increase in coins. The 5-day goals probably make up the difference.

Overall, I think it's worth doing the goals. Except having to buy 2-3 of the same floor decorations. That's just silly.

02-22-23, 06:05 PM

Sadly, any way you slice it, doing the main and bonus goals result in a net loss of coins :(

Best-case scenario, you're out at least -12,410 coins (not factoring in the cost of your floor decoration; after completing the bonus goal and mastering all goal recipes; and assuming you didn't have to buy an extra bonus goal appliance). Worst case scenario, you're out -481,340 coins (not factoring in the cost of your floor decoration; after completing the bonus goal cooking only as much as necessary; and assuming you didn't buy any extra appliances).

Main takeaway: if you're going into a 14-day goal with the intention of completing it, try to have at least 500,000 coins on hand; and be prepared to cook recipes outside of the goal to keep your coin balance up.

What About 5-Day Goals and Side Goals?

Generally speaking: because Side Goal requirements are usually on basic appliances (which most people already have, or are otherwise relatively cheap to purchase), side goals are usually fairly profitable and can help bolster your coin balance/offset the main goal cost if you choose to do them. Because they don't ask you to purchase anything, they won't result in a coin loss unless you buy a truly significant number of appliances for them. However, it's on a case-by-case basis whether a side goal would be actually profitable enough to cover the losses from the main and bonus goals.

5-Day goals, unfortunately, are so variable that it's difficult to get an analysis down :( Between the new recipes being added to appliances at varying price points, and the existing recipes you are asked to cook also frequently changing, the profitability really varies on a goal-by-goal basis. They are generally profitable as they only ask for the purchase of one (1) extra appliance, but exactly how profitable depends on the appliance cost and what recipes are asked to be cooked.

The prizes are not things I display most of the time and why is Storm 8 being so ridiculous on the changes they?ve made? It makes no sense to keep losing coins on this garbage! They never listen to the players on the feedback they get

02-23-23, 10:36 PM
I can do this separately, sure :)

I tried doing the latest goal with 3 of the first appliance and 4 of the second appliance and was still unable to finish in time.
Also I used the parts trick I mentioned so my coins balance is even worse than estimated.

Are we sure it is possible to finish all goals in time with just 3 of each appliance?

03-01-23, 12:17 PM
Are we sure it is possible to finish all goals in time with just 3 of each appliance?

Of course not, the amount of recipes & time to cook needed will never allow us to finish just by having 3 ovens, I personally think it is not possible 👀

06-25-23, 03:42 PM
We end up spending half a million coins each goal, at this point we could at least get a 100,000 coin prize after finishing the first part of the goal, that would help us buy whatever we need on the 2nd half. After completing the whole goal, we should get another 100,000 coins or 200,000 coins and a gem :)?I mean it?s so much work and we have to spend on double and triple unnecessary decorations. Even 50,000 would be better than the 1000 we?ve getting forever?which not even covers the cost of cooking 1 dish. Whatever we earn overnight, we need to spend in the morning to cover, cooking, decor, or ovens?so it?s impossible to increase the $$$. Ever since I can remember it was RS that had the fast eating clientele, and now it?s been switched to BS?why not have them in both? They should give us something, coins or more clients :)

09-19-23, 06:07 AM
I tried doing the latest goal with 3 of the first appliance and 4 of the second appliance and was still unable to finish in time.
Also I used the parts trick I mentioned so my coins balance is even worse than estimated.

Are we sure it is possible to finish all goals in time with just 3 of each appliance?

I would say the minimum requirements is 4 First goal Appliance and 6 Second goal Appliance

09-19-23, 06:09 AM
Hold on, I'm table 4, with Bonus Goal to Mastery. But I (wisely) got 5 of the Loretta ovens right off the bat. It was a larger out lay, but they're paid for now.

So the goals only lose me $12,140 now. And the 2nd ovens have been really different lately. And some of the recipes have been great!

I've got an efficient layout and way too much food on the counters, goal to goal, I still have an increase in coins. The 5-day goals probably make up the difference.

Overall, I think it's worth doing the goals. Except having to buy 2-3 of the same floor decorations. That's just silly.

I personally think it's your layout that makes the difference as I also have an optimized layout and also gain coins from goal to goal :)