View Full Version : Bakery Story: ADD ME / Jan-Mar 2023

01-02-23, 01:46 AM
Looking for active neighbors?

Post your Storm8 ID here. Only one post per ID please. If you posted previously in this thread, and no longer want neighbors, you may edit your own post.

Feel free to include any additional info (i.e. if you only want certain gifts, want people to tip you daily, etc) if you like.

Information for new players:
Check out Welcome to Bakery Story (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104565-Welcome-to-Bakery-Story) to get started. Happy Baking! :D

01-02-23, 07:18 AM
ID: kimmy42. I am Level 99 and looking for high level players. Daily gifting, Goal player, parts only please. Thx. No tipping, sorry.

01-02-23, 11:32 AM
Hi! I?m a daily player! I tip & gift from my wall, then my news, then the rest if I have time!
Looking for neighbours that:

✨✨✨Tips daily!✨✨✨
⭐️Reads walls for gift preferences!⭐️
❤️Love my wall readers❤️
❌❌Doesn?t mass gift!❌❌
✏️✏️Writes what gifts you would like on your wall!✏️✏️
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Has 3-4 stars!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

ID: K2dumbdumb
Please write Hi on my wall or I will decline neighbor invite! Ty for reading & HAGD!❤️

01-03-23, 02:26 AM
Hey folks! Daily player here, leveled 84 (And working up to 99!), that SILENT tips mostly, but ALWAYS write back on people who leaves messages on my wall. Gift daily, I try to meet each person’s requested gift preference. MASS gift goal parts during goal events. I always read walls, yours and mine!

Looking for neighbors that-
- Tips (Not required, but preferred)
- Participates in goal events
- Active
- Helps sending goal parts for game events when it occurs

Please add ID- Deafwitch

01-03-23, 04:48 AM

add me ������

01-03-23, 06:43 AM
Hey folks! Daily player here, leveled 84 (And working up to 99!), that SILENT tips mostly, but ALWAYS write back on people who leaves messages on my wall. Gift daily, I try to meet each person?s requested gift preference. MASS gift goal parts during goal events. I always read walls, yours and mine!

Looking for neighbors that-
- Tips (Not required, but preferred)
- Participates in goal events
- Active
- Helps sending goal parts for game events when it occurs

Please add ID- Deafwitch

Can you let me know how to Mass Gift please? I assume this is how you can gift all your neighbors at one time?


01-03-23, 09:20 AM
I am:

01-03-23, 07:54 PM
ID: ASbakerij ,

I am level 99 and looking for high level players only. in the BS

Daily gifting, Goal player, parts only please.

No tipping, sorry.
and can not write on the wall due too handproblem

📌parts only please, NO FOOD 📌
Thx Hagd

01-05-23, 11:43 AM
Id: IrisSitJiaQian

Returning player starting from scratch. Intending to play regularly/ daily. All players welcome to add :)

01-06-23, 02:41 PM
Back from a hiatus and looking to bake!

Bakery Name: Magee's Cafe

Looking for neighbors;
⭐Active, Daily, Goal Playing
⭐Makes their gifts preferences known (their wall or mine)
⭐Does not MASS gift
⭐Tips regularly (3or4⭐)
⭐Gifts my preference
⭐Plays similar as me

I am a neighbor who;
⭐Gifts Daily, answers your requests
✨Plays from my wall first, then by my news feeds, then general if there is time
⭐⭐Is a 3-4 ⭐ Lvl 99
⭐I ask for goal part A in my daily preference and request goal part B. My request is not my preference. (read my wall, or the comment I left on yours)
⭐I NEVER want FOOD OR CAPPA!!!!! (you get two chances then you're out, Sorry 🤷🏻) Goal or Basic parts only!

I know I am a bit tough but I know there are others out there just like me....

🆔 mrsmcghee33107 🆔

Lets bake together!

01-06-23, 07:17 PM
Add me: aecasey1221

Plays daily, will answer all request, check several times a day. Please send goal parts only, no food. Occasionally tip. Level 99

01-07-23, 06:58 AM
add me: harrisone14

01-07-23, 07:02 AM
add me please. I play daily, gift and send material requests.

id: jaybugz1006

01-08-23, 05:45 AM
Back from a hiatus and ready to start baking again!

ID: pinnkbows

Looking for active neighbors as well since most of mine are probably still on hiatus.

I am an active neighbor who will (when not working or studying):
⭐️responds to requests
⭐️leave daily tips (if I haven?t tipped yet just leave a message on my wall!)
⭐️ will tip back as soon as possible
⭐️ help out as much as possible!

01-08-23, 01:17 PM
*Not accepting new neighbours for now. Thank you.*

01-09-23, 02:56 AM
I accept Requests daily and gift daily, I'll occasionally tip if I have the time (tough it's rarely but you also don't have to tip me that's fine)

I'm looking for neighbors that don't send me food but send goal parts or basic parts instead and accept request, Thank you

I accept anyone regardless of the level as long as you're accepting my request and sending me parts :)


01-10-23, 02:47 PM
ID crayonpink2002

I'm level 73. Daily player! 🙂🙂

01-10-23, 06:36 PM
ID: Tanatanababy

level 99, daily player

I do goals, so I prefer neighbors who gift goal or basic parts. No food preferred.

I accept ALL neighbor requests

01-11-23, 11:20 PM
my id: nathanemartins
I'm a level 99 player. looking for high level players.
I also send gifts every day and goals parts.
I don't leave tips

01-12-23, 03:59 PM
Hi. I?m looking for Castle story players who can help out with challenges. Not bothered about gifts, visits etc it?s just those ?ask neighbours for?? requests that take so long☹️ I try to play every day. Thank you

01-13-23, 02:41 AM
ID: utsumiin

Please only send parts!

I recently got back into this game and really want to build many different ovens.

I?m in the middle of removing inactive players from my friends list so sorry if I don?t send anything for a few days while I sort this out.
I accept part requests every day though!

01-15-23, 03:31 AM
No longer adding

01-18-23, 12:32 AM
Id wisshha . Serdecznie zapraszam aktywnych sąsiad?w. Mam poziom 99 . Gram codziennie. Codzienne wysyłanie prezent?w

01-18-23, 12:58 AM
Please apply only if you are level 99, can send each other goal parts or basic parts, request help, and★do not post★
ID 16bliss8

01-18-23, 08:41 AM
Hello everyone ☺️

I am an active player and I am looking for neighbors, who post their gift preferences on their wall and keep their wall clear so the 🎁preference can be seen

Also neighbors who read my wall and gift my preference 🎁

Also tips 🤗

my ID: bojovnice

01-28-23, 05:53 AM
ID Mizarvs. Only Goal parts, please.

01-30-23, 03:24 AM
Level 99

01-30-23, 03:09 PM
In search of high level neighbors that don't mind me mass gifting goal/basic parts. I don't want/gift food. I do gift & accept requests daily. I tip when time permits. If we'd be a good fit, send me an invite!

I'd: sjmccabe

02-01-23, 05:14 PM
Heya! 🆔 royce62 I?m an active player, sometimes slow (probably off) on the weekends. I do silent tip but write on walls once in a while. Always do goals so please send me goal parts, otherwise other or basic parts (except oven element) would be appreciated. No foods or drinks, please. If I don?t send gift, it?s either maxed out or you?ve never gifted me, same as tipping. I do remove neighbors who are inactive to me and continuously sending wrong gifts. If you?re up to be my neighbor, you?re welcome to add me! ☺️💕

02-02-23, 07:23 AM
Just returned after a few years off.

Add me: Kingyoung73
Easy, chill DAILY player. I play for leisure.
Leave your preference in my comments. I gift and/or tip fr there.

02-04-23, 05:16 PM
Add me: inversesin

02-04-23, 09:10 PM
Hello, please add me on bakery story and restaurant story if you only gift basic parts. I gift the same gift that you send as a request. Let me know on my wall you are from forums. Thank you!
ID: jackwithoutac

02-05-23, 11:39 PM
i just started playing but if you want to add me
then my
id: buttsniffer69

ill try to be active as much and also try to gift parts to people

02-07-23, 06:50 PM
ID: sleepybear164
i?m a goal player, looking for neighbours who gift goal or basic parts and accept requests daily NO FOOD PLEASE!!
no tips required i don?t tip you don?t have to either
accepting everyone as long as you gift n accept requests, i?ll do the same :)

02-07-23, 06:59 PM

I am a level 99 long time player trying to get back into it. I took some time off when I had my baby but intend on playing again daily. Looks like most of my neighbors from when I last played are no longer active.

I respond to gift requests daily, and will always return the gift you gave me. I only send goal parts.

I don?t read walls, and I rarely tip unless I have time. If we sound like a good fit, please add me! Looking for active neighbors to gift and receive goal parts.

02-07-23, 08:15 PM
Heyo fellow bakers!!! OG player here lvl 99 started playing in '12 and quit for a bit but returned to the games (bakery and restaurant stories) now! Naturally, lost most of my original loyal neighbors so I'll need another solid reliable batch!

IMPORTANT: I play for GOALS/PARTS/REQUESTS only, meaning I would like likeminded neighbors who do NOT gift food and I do not care for tips. Daily request responder and I will try and gift what you need (usually I'll return the same gift but you may specify on my wall if you need something specific--sorry I have an extremely busy schedule and cannot visit and check walls)

If you play the same way, pls add ID: hellobunni (also play restaurant story if you have that too!)

C: let's crush these goals! :love_heart:

02-08-23, 11:06 AM
Add me for goal parts. shellyclmc

02-10-23, 02:55 PM
Long-time player, level 99 & working on goals. Play for fun, not too serious. 3-4 star rating, but I silent tip. I send all requested items and gift based on goals (basics between goals). I do not keep a list of what people need individually on my wall. Would love some new friendly neighbors with cute bakeries to visit when time permits. Need help building ovens faster.
ID- xKuikenx3
(When I created my account like 10 years ago I didn't expect that to be how people found me. I know it isn't easy to remember 🤦🏼*♀️)

02-19-23, 03:15 AM
Id: eivom
Level: 13
Same id: eivom restaurant story
Level: 99

02-21-23, 03:52 PM
ID: sleepybear164
i?m a goal player, looking for active neighbours who gift goal or basic parts and accept requests daily NO FOOD PLEASE!!
accepting everyone as long as you gift n accept requests, i?ll do the same :)

02-21-23, 03:53 PM
ID: sleepybear164
i?m a goal player, looking for active neighbours who gift goal or basic parts and accept requests daily NO FOOD PLEASE!!
accepting everyone as long as you gift n accept requests, i?ll do the same :)

02-23-23, 04:09 PM
Add me:alyssamacaroni

02-24-23, 05:24 PM
my�� flora0824
Level99 need goal gift
Welcome add me

02-24-23, 09:02 PM

Looking for neighbors who gift goal or basic parts!

02-25-23, 03:15 PM
Please add LadyofSpades
I tip and gift daily 🌹🩷🌹🩷🌹🩷

02-27-23, 06:39 PM
ID : kenuskenus

Level99 .
also in Restaurant Story same ID

02-28-23, 08:58 PM
Add me knav1987
Active daily, gift goal parts and tip silently.

03-01-23, 11:19 AM
I gift based on wall preference so it's a requirement that you write on my wall or yours what you need. I gift and tip at reset time. I hold gifts on goal days.
Continuous wrong gifting will result in removal.
Level 68 player, id is LuckyTania. Please let me know you're from the forum.

03-02-23, 11:03 AM

03-06-23, 06:54 PM
I'm a returning player who intends to play daily. I gift basic or goal parts and would want the same in return. NO FOOD PLEASE!
ID: xgawkenx

03-07-23, 05:28 AM
Edit: I am not looking for new neighbours anymore.

03-07-23, 06:07 AM
🎂My son and I both play daily
🧁 Tips and gifts daily.
🎂Goal gift unless otherwise requested.
🧁My bakery is Dreadful Delite level 49 🆔 bellamorte6981
🎂 My son?s is. Anthony?s bake level 17. 🆔. Anthony5017107

03-07-23, 06:08 AM
🎂My son and I both play daily
🧁 Tips and gifts daily.
🎂Goal gift unless otherwise requested.
🧁My bakery is Dreadful Delite level 49 🆔 bellamorte6981
🎂 My son?s is. Anthony?s bake level 17. 🆔. Anthony5017107

03-09-23, 07:37 PM
Add me Pls. I need neighbors
Storm8 ID: Justplayin27 - restaurant story
Justplayin28 - bakery story

03-10-23, 10:23 AM
Bakery story id: peas2001
I play daily and i like to occasionally participate in goals. i dont do mass gifting, and prefer to check walls, I check my neighbors walls regularly. please feel free to add me if we have similar plays styles.

03-11-23, 02:29 PM
hi there! i'm trying to keep a small neighborhood of good but also understanding nbrs so if you have the same playstyle and would like to be part of that, please add me :D

i tip and gift daily, silent on rare occasion
i play goals and prefer basics in between
i update my gift changes on your wall and mine
i do not mass gift, and i keep track of gifts for my nbrs!

pls note that:
i can't make reset every day due to time zones, but i am very active throughout the day
i'm okay if you silent tip/don't tip other than to let me know your gift preference, just lmk so i'll do the same :love_heart:

03-13-23, 03:57 PM
Hi there! I am a young player from South Korea that plays casually. Ill tip and gift whenever possible, but it wont be every day, knowing my current consistency.

My ID is Syonico (Nicos Bakery is the name youll be looking for once it goes through!)

03-24-23, 09:53 AM
🧁 Goal player - looking for active gifters 🧁

I mass gift goal parts daily, including 5-day goal oven parts (I don?t expect you to check my wall because I don?t)
I rarely tip and don?t expect you to tip either
If you can gift early it?s preferred, but no stress if you can?t do it every day. (Not always possible for me either)

Overall I like to play to relax so I?m looking for other chill players 💜

ID: bettyss98
Bakery name: 🧸 Viola

03-26-23, 02:51 PM
Please add fancyjewel level 99
Thank you!

03-27-23, 03:24 PM
ID: Lexxisbreee

Add me ☺️

03-28-23, 06:37 AM
Add me! ID - bakermarsu.

Starting the game again, looking for active neighbours ☺️