View Full Version : Fall Harvest County Fair

11-30-22, 03:55 PM
I am so excited!
A County Fair!
Final preparations prior to event

How to Play?

Getting Started
This is a 10 days event. Day 1 starts when you click start. Subsequent days start at game reset time, midnight California time. Complete all 10 days to win the Grand Prize.

Event Prizes
Your event prizes may vary according to farm levels.

Day 1 - Leaf Pile - Finish for 20 gems - unlock next day for 10 gems
Day 2 - Holo Map - Finish for 120 gems - unlock next day for 15 gems
Day 3 - Pilgrim Planter - Finish for 180 gems - unlock next day 25 gems
Day 4 - Fall Rocker - Finish for 240 gems - unlock next day 40 gems
Day 5 - Screw - Finish now 300 gems - unlock next day 60 gems
Day 6 - Wicker Cornucopia - Finish now 360 gems - unlock next day 85 gems
Day 7 - Pet Food - Finish now 420 gems - unlock next day 100 gems
Day 8 - Rustic Tractor - Finish now 480 gems - unlock next day 100 gems
Day 9 - Harvest Stand - Finish now 540 gems - unlock next day for 100 gems
Day 10 - Fall Pup - Finish now 600 gems
Note: Your event prizes can be found in your cellar upon completion of each goal day.

How To Play
1. Fill orders each day to earn prizes.
2. Orders with more Acorns give more progress!
3. New orders and prizes unlock each day.

4. Before you submit your last order for the day, ensure that your new orders for the next day are doable. Refresh it till you get a doable order or an order with higher value (to hasten your progress for the next day). Once you submit your last order for the day, your orders screen is locked and you can't refresh until the new event day starts.

5. Using gems to speed through the days doesn't help if you speed up a few days in between. Unless you speed through all days, the game will force you back to the original 10 days schedule. So either speed through all event days to the completion of your Day 10 or not at all. The last few days, usually the last 2 days, will be the more challenging days. Thus if you want to speed, its best you do so then.

11-30-22, 05:57 PM
Was this even priced right?


125 coins? More like 125 gems.

I magically have 125 gems missing on my main farm. It adds up as I had 037 prior to buying this, and now my ending total ends in 012.

11-30-22, 05:58 PM
Was this even priced right?


125 coins? More like 125 gems.

I magically have 125 gems missing on my main farm. It adds up as I had 037 prior to buying this, and now my ending total ends in 012.

Yikes I never even looked at price.

11-30-22, 05:59 PM
In fact, I tried using a secondary fern to buy this.. it directed me to buying some gems since I only have 22 gems on that specific farm.


Money/coins clearly isn't an issue on that farm.


11-30-22, 06:11 PM
In fact, I tried using a secondary fern to buy this.. it directed me to buying some gems since I only have 22 gems on that specific farm.


Money/coins clearly isn't an issue on that farm.


The tree Boost says 125 gems....which is correct
Other boost items says 125 coins which is incorrect.

11-30-22, 06:21 PM
Deployed fix for the issue of the Ticket Booth showing the icon for coins rather than gems.

11-30-22, 06:26 PM
This isn't right Storm8, even if by error or pure mistake. I am now out 125 gems that I have spent actual money on getting, and may not get back, even though it was an issue on your end by not stating in the first place that it costed gems rather than coins.

If I happen to not get a reinstatement of my gems, I will not longer be buying them. I am being genuinely serious for once. I can no longer ask Apple for a refund due to exceeding their deadline for asking for one.

11-30-22, 06:31 PM
This isn't right Storm8, even if by error or pure mistake. I am now out 125 gems that I have spent actual money on getting, and may not get back, even though it was an issue on your end by not stating in the first place that it costed gems rather than coins.

If I happen to not get a reinstatement of my gems, I will not longer be buying them. I am being genuinely serious for once. I can no longer ask Apple for a refund due to exceeding their deadline for asking for one.

Please contact Storm8.
There is a link at the bottom of my post.

11-30-22, 06:47 PM
Please contact Storm8.
There is a link at the bottom of my post.

Thanks was already on it almost right away. I have sent one out and am currently awaiting a response. Only time will tell if my gems get reinstated or not. Hopefully so, but honestly, I'm not holding my breath on that either way.

11-30-22, 07:14 PM
Is the pet basically the pickles dog with an outfit on it?

11-30-22, 09:53 PM
I thought the pickles dog was ugly but this one is even worse. Lol, please get a new creator!

12-02-22, 07:24 AM
I cannot delve into much of anything, though no reinstatement as of yet, if I will ever even receive one. As that much isn't clear to me one way or another.

To be fair, 125 gems isn't too expensive of a loss. It would equal out to being 3-5 dollars or since I now have 4 show ponies, 2 weeks of collecting from them. Though at the same time, I feel deceptively out of these gems. And honestly, that's not how you should ever make any player (especially a paying player) of your game feel. Because that's how you start losing them. I have never experienced this on any other game I play. The prices are as shown, you pay for what you get. Nothing is changed or changes last minute on it. Or that you're charged a different in game currency on/for it. It just has never happened before.

An issue like this one shouldn't have ever happened in the first place. I am not upset at the fact it costed gems, that's well and good. But when it initially showed a coin cost but actually was a gem cost just isn't good, to put it lightly. It was deceptive on their end, even if unintentionally. Technical issues happen but it should never affect the players wallet in game, whether that be gems (especially) or the coins too.

Anyway, if I happen to not get a reinstatement, I will no longer be buying gems. Who's to say it won't happen again where it shows a coin cost but actually cost gems, and who's to say it won't be more than a 125 gem loss next time? I don't feel monetarily safe to be buying gems again if an issue can and has now happened like this, and then possibly not be reinstated for it. As if I knew from the start it actually costed gems, I wouldn't have bought it/into it.

12-02-22, 11:12 AM
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12-03-22, 03:25 PM
The ticket booth boost is not giving extra points for the county fair like it suppose to. Please fix. This cost 125 gems

[S8] HungryGoblin
12-07-22, 02:38 PM
The ticket booth boost is not giving extra points for the county fair like it suppose to. Please fix. This cost 125 gems

If you haven't already, please send a ticket into support so that they can investigate. Thank you!