View Full Version : HELP! Accidentally spent gems

10-28-22, 08:03 PM
I accidentally spent 50 gems by pressing the button to skip a part of the goal.

Why didn?t the game come up with a warning like most other games. ? are you sure you want to spend 50 gems??

This was an accident. Is there a way this can be reversed?

Someone please help me. I?m so distraught right now. :(

Candy x

10-29-22, 04:49 AM
Sadly in most s8 games there are no confirmation pop ups to warn you that you're using gems so be sure to always click very carefully. We've all been burned at least once before by a gem trap while playing quickly/half asleep/not paying attention, etc. It's a painful lesson we all learn, lol.

If there's any chance of getting the action reversed, you'll need to open a support ticket with the staff of s8 here (https://support.storm8.com/hc/en-us/requests/new).

Good luck!

10-29-22, 06:15 AM
Thanks so much. I’ve sent a message. Hope they can help :(

10-29-22, 12:08 PM
Good luck. Closing thread now. Please remember you cannot post your comms with Support here on the forum including the resolution of tickets.

Moving thread to the correct forum too.