View Full Version : Why do you still play

07-27-22, 06:40 PM
When I started playing b s and rs it was fun and relaxing. I had neighbors you talked to. I use to visit bakery to see how they decorated them. I use to try to decorate my bakery. No more
I am a robot doing endless goals all because I hate locked ovens and recipes.

07-27-22, 07:34 PM
I do still enjoy decorating my bakery/restaurant but now with the goals how they are, I'm wondering why I even bother anymore. I'm also starting to run out of active neighbours and it's just making this harder on top of all the new demands.

07-27-22, 10:57 PM
When I started playing b s and rs it was fun and relaxing. I had neighbors you talked to. I use to visit bakery to see how they decorated them. I use to try to decorate my bakery. No more
I am a robot doing endless goals all because I hate locked ovens and recipes.

Same, though I still decorate from time to time. It's a pain pulling out seasonal items though given I now have so much across the years.

I do miss the 30-day goals, and the crates of the same theme (2nd week) + item sales of the same theme (3rd week).

07-27-22, 10:59 PM
I do still enjoy decorating my bakery/restaurant but now with the goals how they are, I'm wondering why I even bother anymore. I'm also starting to run out of active neighbours and it's just making this harder on top of all the new demands.

Happy to be your neighbor (who gifts goal parts and responds to item requests) - I don't tip though.

07-28-22, 05:00 PM
I play because it helps me feel like I've accomplished something when I complete a goal (mmm...serotonin) but lately it has gotten a little monotonous. I appreciate that the goal prizes are a lot of new items and cute, but wish we had at least a few days between goals.That being said, thanks for lowering the appliance parts, Storm8!!! ��

07-28-22, 05:46 PM
I also play nowadays just because I hate locked ovens and recipes. I have some locked recipes from when I first started playing BS -- drives me nuts. The flip side of this, though, is that once I decide to not do a goal, it'll be a decision to stop playing BS entirely because I wouldn't want to deal with the locked ovens and recipes.

08-09-22, 03:11 PM
I play bc it gives me something to do in my downtime. I work for a couple TV shows- one films in the summer and one films end of summer/early fall. There’s a lot of standing around and waiting on sets, but when you’re busy, you’re busy. I don’t stress about the goals bc the prizes aren’t usually something I’ll use. The character scenes take up too much room and are disproportionate to other decor. It’s fine for those that have really large bakeries, but I don’t. To expand several times, I’d have to stop doing goals completely and concentrate solely on saving money. That takes quite a bit of time bc the food profits are so low.

I like decorating, but that’s become a pain in the butt due to the amount of items I’ve gotten over the years and retired items. You put one retired tile out and it resets the inventory. You have to scroll all the way through to get to the tile you want. Put one out and do it all again. It’s frustrating.

Sadly, I messed up from the beginning. I didn’t know that not doing the lower level food goals meant never unlocking some ovens. I thought the game was giving me busy work. There wasn’t any indication that cooking those food items led to the goals that would unlock ovens.

I’ve also taken looong breaks from the game and missed a lot of goals. I have A LOT of locked food and ovens. Meh. At the end of the day, it’s a game. I don’t own these items in real life and won’t get anything for my time or money. One day, the company will stop making BS and what I’ve put into it will be gone anyway.

I understand why they’re making the game more difficult. They want us to buy gems. Those who do are trying to make it easier for themselves, but they’re feeding the monster that’s making it so difficult that they need to spend money on gems. It’s a never ending cycle and the house (S8 in this case) always wins. They’ll never listen to us if people keep paying for gems.

Ultimately, players have been making the same complaints for years. I really wish the designers and developers would address these complaints (like wanting organized gifts and inventory items, gift request glitches, etc.) instead of focusing on adding more and more and more items with constant goals.