View Full Version : Game crashes when visting Neighbours

07-23-22, 08:10 AM
Since Support closed my ticket kinda quick, i ask for help here.
Each time i visit one certain neighbour my game, crashes.
Which makes leaving a message on my neighbours wall impossible, same goes for leaving tipps. I cleaned the cache of the app, but it didn't help.
Plz fix this, thank you.
I don't consider it as fair you take money for in game purchases for Nightclubstory, but you don't seem to upgrade the game for years.

06-10-24, 11:15 AM
Since Support closed my ticket kinda quick, i ask for help here.
Each time i visit one certain neighbour my game, crashes.
Which makes leaving a message on my neighbours wall impossible, same goes for leaving tipps. I cleaned the cache of the app, but it didn't help.
Plz fix this, thank you.
I don't consider it as fair you take money for in game purchases for Nightclubstory, but you don't seem to upgrade the game for years.

Hi. The solution is to have that friend redesign or remove some of their dance floor tiles. Too many dance floor tiles touching the gold static floors was my issue. I had to open another club to visit my first one and visit back and forth between to solve the issue. I put a band of purple static floor between the gold and dance floor that solved it.