View Full Version : Why are goals more difficult?

05-12-22, 07:48 AM
Seeing TBA on goal prizes AND now on the 5 day goal recipes. Is this how it?ll permanently be going forward?

05-16-22, 11:46 PM
This has already been addressed in the Mod Note here:




For many, many months now, we've been spoiled with full information and step-by-step procedures whenever a goal drops courtesy of AnnirasSweeets.

Anniras has been very gracious to add information whenever a new goal/sale/box pops up, but please understand that her contributions thus far have been completely voluntary. The information she has been able to share is due to another (anonymous) player who goes through the goals quickly and is generous enough to share the process step-by-step for other players to follow.

However, this is far above and beyond the scope of information that is usually available whenever a goal starts. And in this case, the information is quite limited, since I have far less access to information.


But that's where you all come in! :) The forums are a community site, and you can contribute information about the goal in this thread as you go through the goals. We welcome any information you can share - screenshots; text instructions; prize pictures; recipe descriptions; side goal steps; and even bug reports (mods will flag those down as they are reported so they can get fixed). If you're new to posting on the forums, you can learn how to post a screenshot here (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?15881-How-To-A-Post-Photo-On-The-Forum). Mods can update posts with information as and when it is received :)

(As a side note - Mods do not have, nor receive, any special information about the goal. The information we receive is in the same way other players do - by participating and progressing in the goal, or if another player shares information on the forums. Please do not PM mods asking for goal details - we don't have it.)

Please also be respectful of AnnirasSweets's privacy. While she has been very active in the forums, there should be no expectation on any one player to solely make posts about new events, and Anniras is not obligated in any way to disclose her circumstances, to anyone. Questions about her whereabouts (or ANY player's circumstances) will be strictly moderated.

The Bakery Story community has been wonderful about contributing goal information as they progress in the goals. Even in previous posts where goal information was available on Day 1, that information was due to player contributions. Nobody receives any prior information about goal steps and prizes until the goal starts.

Understandably, there has been a shift recently due to the goal schedule changing, but goal threads (made by players, for players) have only ever been created and updated due to information voluntarily shared to the community by dedicated players. You are welcome to create and maintain one yourself if you progress faster in the goals and wish to share information with the community.

Closing thread as this topic has already been addressed, and a Speculation thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98762-Bakery-Story-Speculate-on-Upcoming-Updates-amp-Goals) is already active.