View Full Version : GOAL: Head in the Cloud Bread - 2022 Apr 13 (5 Days)

04-14-22, 04:56 PM
5 Day Goal - Head in the Cloud Bread
Lv. 42+
*Goal should end April 18, 2022*
(19:00 UTC / 2pm EST / 11am PST)

Note: New goal started during current 14 Day Goal intentionally

Sorry for any confusion! We were able to fix the issue with parts last night, so you should be able to recieve them now. You can feel free to contact support for assistance if you had any issues at that time.

We also can confirm that this additional mini-quest is intended, as the team is looking to make improvements and adjusments to Bakery Story. Please know that the team is listening to your feedback and we really appreciate you all sharing them with us. We're sorry for any inconvenience experienced in the meantime.

*Too Pink Oven Cookbook will now have FOUR pages of recipes.
Be sure to check all pages when looking for new recipes.*

Head in the Cloud Bread: Part 1
Serve 10 Cronut (30g to skip)

- Basic Oven

- 9 Hours *under CAKE tab*
Serve 4 Espressos (40g to skip)

- Basic Drink Mixer

- 4 Hours *under COFFEE tab*
Buy 1 Too Pink Oven (2g to skip)

- Must be newly purchased and fully built to count.

- Unlocks @ Level 13

- $40,000 each

- 8 Oven Element + 8 Pink Gem Knob
Rewards: $1,000, 30 xp, Cloud Bread Recipe (unlocked w/ appliance purchase)

Head in the Cloud Bread: Part 2
Serve 10 Arroz Con Leche (24g to skip)

- Basic Oven

- 4 Hours *under CAKE tab*
Serve 6 Latte (30g to skip)

- Basic Drink Mixer

- 22 Hours *under COFFEE tab*
Serve 12 Cloud Bread (30g to skip)

- Too Pink Oven

- 1 Hour
Rewards: $1,000, 30 xp, UNLOCKS - Chocolate Cloud Bread Recipe

Head in the Cloud Bread: Part 3
Serve 10 Citrine Cake (25g to skip)

- Basic Oven

- 4 Hours *under CAKE tab*
Serve 8 Mocha (20g to skip)

- Basic Drink Mixer

- 30 Minutes *under COFFEE tab*
Serve 14 Chocolate Cloud Bread (20g to skip)

- Too Pink Oven

- 3 Hours
Rewards: $1,000, 30 xp, UNLOCKS - Rainbow Cloud Bread Recipe

Head in the Cloud Bread: Part 4
Serve 10 Magic Trick Cupcakes (50g to skip)

- Basic Oven

- Unlocks @ Lv. 42

- 5 Hours *under CAKE tab*
Serve 8 Cappuccinos (40g to skip)

- Basic Drink Mixer

- 12 Hours *under COFFEE tab*
Serve 30 Chocolate Cake (40g to skip)

- Basic Oven

- 1 Hour *under CAKE tab*
Serve 12 Rainbow Cloud Bread (40g to skip)

- Too Pink Oven

- 8 Hours
Rewards: $1,000, 30 xp, 1 Free Spring Bubbles Floor Deco

Final Goal Prize:
Spring Bubbles - 3x3 - 24 Gem Value - Originally released March 30, 2016 (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?90317) as 2nd Prize in Spring Picnic (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98404-Bakery-Story-Master-Box-List&p=1412997&viewfull=1#post1412997) Mystery Box
*Deco on display, click for larger image/greater detail:

Goal Cards:

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Popular Links:
Daily Gem Videos (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?93097) / BS Master Box Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98404) / BS Speculation Thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98762) / BS Neighbors and Etiquette (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?48495) / BS Suggestion & Feedback Forum (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?242-Bakery-Story-Suggestions-amp-Feedback)
Common Issue Links:
SweetCo Goal Issue - FIXED! (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?110537-Sweet-co-goals) / No Notifications (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?107884-No-notifications) / Videos with Issues (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98826-Videos-with-issues) / Goal Deco STUCK on board (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111723)

04-14-22, 05:23 PM
I would be interested to know what you think about both goals running at the same time? And this going to be the new normal storm8 goal schedule?

04-14-22, 05:57 PM
I would be interested to know what you think about both goals running at the same time? And this going to be the new normal storm8 goal schedule?

Unfortunately, s8 doesn't give any forewarning or hints as to future updates or changes so if we take this new goal to mean that the goal schedule has changed then we're all in the dark. It will take a few months before we can see any definite patterns in the goal timings for a new speculation calendar. I mean, anyone can speculate at any time but if you want to make an accurate calendar then you need solid data which will take time to gather. Super annoying, I know but it is what it is.

04-14-22, 06:58 PM
Thank you for your hard work!

04-14-22, 07:12 PM
About both goals running at the same time..mostly I think people will be turned off because it’s hard enough to finish the 14 day & side goal that we have now. If you add the 5 day at the same time, it will make it more difficult to finish especially for this of us who only have the allotted 19 appliances. Also add the 5 days to the 14 days, giving players 19 days to complete the goals.

On the other hand, combining the goals, it would give people the option to choose which if any they wish to do.
Will be interesting to see how this turns out.

04-14-22, 07:41 PM
I was already getting complaints about the shorter goal. This is going to push some people out. If we knew this was going to happen, then yes we can choose. But we’re not given that info up front. Even as someone who always does the goals, I stopped doing the goal half way through. I don’t know if it’s worth the stress.
Thank you for all you do.

04-14-22, 08:23 PM
I personally like the 5 day goals better. Not as much work as the other and don't have to worry about not getting done in time! I don't really even bother with the 14 day goals anymore especially since they raised the required recipes.

04-14-22, 08:43 PM
I actually like the side goals where we just have to cook recipes that already exist and not collect 50 parts for one oven. Would love more of these , especially since the recipes are different per section

04-14-22, 09:52 PM
Thank you for all your help I always depend on your information to finish goals ����

04-14-22, 10:33 PM
Thanks, again, AnnirasSweets, for the info. ♡

04-14-22, 10:35 PM
I agree

I actually like the side goals where we just have to cook recipes that already exist and not collect 50 parts for one oven. Would love more of these , especially since the recipes are different per section

04-15-22, 01:23 AM
I think this is too much. With the increased requirements of the main goals and now this? Sheesh, I'm already struggling and debating whether to keep playing or not!

Let's face it, s8 doesn't listen or care anymore so idk why I'm even here complaining anymore.

04-15-22, 08:22 AM
Unfortunately, s8 doesn't give any forewarning or hints as to future updates or changes so if we take this new goal to mean that the goal schedule has changed then we're all in the dark. It will take a few months before we can see any definite patterns in the goal timings for a new speculation calendar. I mean, anyone can speculate at any time but if you want to make an accurate calendar then you need solid data which will take time to gather. Super annoying, I know but it is what it is.

Thank you for the goal details and for this information. It is very much appreciated 💕

04-15-22, 11:10 AM
I don't have enough room to do both goals.

04-15-22, 07:05 PM
I think this is too much. With the increased requirements of the main goals and now this? Sheesh, I'm already struggling and debating whether to keep playing or not!

Let's face it, s8 doesn't listen or care anymore so idk why I'm even here complaining anymore.

Well, I gave up on the 14 or 15 day goals. I just enjoy doing the 5 day goals or side goals. The new appliances don?t really make great looking food anyway. So, I decided to just enjoy making standard food and interacting with my nbrs. I tend to bring out the same old decorations for the different seasons and holidays.

You?re right. S8 hasn?t listened to anybody that has voiced an opinion. The moderators here don?t seem to have any say either. I do appreciate all they do to get us information ahead of time. Especially AnnirasSweets. She literally spends money to get ahead and inform us. This game is very costly, but she does it anyway.

Just enjoy the game again. Change how you play it if you have to. I have actually made some awesome friends here. I?ve been playing for 8-9 years. I am writing this from my secondary bakery.

Sincerely, Meri

04-15-22, 07:12 PM
Well, I gave up on the 14 or 15 day goals. I just enjoy doing the 5 day goals or side goals. The new appliances don?t really make great looking food anyway. So, I decided to just enjoy making standard food and interacting with my nbrs. I tend to bring out the same old decorations for the different seasons and holidays.

You?re right. S8 hasn?t listened to anybody that has voiced an opinion. The moderators here don?t seem to have any say either. I do appreciate all they do to get us information ahead of time. Especially AnnirasSweets. She literally spends money to get ahead and inform us. This game is very costly, but she does it anyway.

Just enjoy the game again. Change how you play it if you have to. I have actually made some awesome friends here. I?ve been playing for 8-9 years. I am writing this from my secondary bakery.

Sincerely, Meri

The response above is from my secondary bakery. I stopped doing the 2-week goals here as well. It has to offer some great food/desserts/drinks for me to do them. These 5 day goals have offered some better desserts than the longer goals. It was freeing to say no, even if it?s just a game.

Sincerely, Meri

04-15-22, 07:58 PM
Yes, thanks for the info. But this is next to impossible for some of us. I would love to have the new recipes on this one, but still finishing the other side goal. Without buying a ton of gems to skip or to get more appliances, nothing I can do. The main goal is hard enough to finish without buying gems. And I like getting the new appliances & decor, but I would quit the goals altogether otherwise.

04-16-22, 12:07 AM
Having at least 12 basic oven and drink mixer is more than enough to complete side goals in 2 or 3 days for me. As always accommodate for your bakery and what you have/ are able to do. I have a big enough bakery so I used gems to place more appliances. The way I got gems when I was younger was by doing the bonus gems at the top of the screen. When I got my own card and a job I did the bonus gems thing and got a lot of gems with my first Hulu subscription. I now have the privilege of just using my brother?s credit card, he lets me buy any little thing I want with it and he builds his credit too. The bonus gems tasks has changed since I was younger so I don?t know what the new task requirements are.

You NEED active neighbors. I lost a lot of mine because they stopped enjoying the game. Not having active neighbors made the game difficult because I couldnt build ovens in a reasonable time to complete goals. I found the forum and left my ID and I get new adds everyday ( I wish I knew about this sooner, Ive been under a rock). I dont tip everyday but I respond to requests and gift.

If you have plenty of active neighbors build as many ovens as you can, the more ovens you have, the more recipes you can make at one time, and the faster you move on to the next level. I for some reason was really picky and precise with how many ovens and parts I have but it doesn?t hurt you to just build what you need. I usually build 4 ovens and I always get the final recipe but if Im playing for final goal prize I build more. I have neighbors who can build 12 ovens and they finish goals fast.

Ive seen some complaints about coins and not having any left after goals. I use to have this problem too, but I have went from 900 coins back up to 250000 in a few hours and I dont remember what I use to do so if anyone has tips for this please share

I don?t have all the answers but this is what?s worked for me and I never had issues playing for years. I am 19 and my responsibilities are different from a lot of people playing but I am in the Marines and college so I dont have a lot of time some months, I have a lot of patience and I can just stop playing at anytime and be fine so I dont care if I miss goals/recipes I know my methods may take too long and frustrate people so if you have other tips please share them with me, Im still learning easier ways as well. And if you need a new neighbor my ID is tsj9 :)

04-16-22, 11:10 AM
4/16/2022 - If you have many ovens one can complete both goals. If you have good neighbors one can get the parts needed to build an oven.
But - Storm 8 is PUSHING their players by dumping this 5 day goal, on top of the 14 day goal.
Storm 8 is making this game a HARDSHIP for many players.
I CHALLENGE Storm 8 to work on a 14 day goal, along with an added 5 day goal.

04-16-22, 03:24 PM
Y'all don't forget about the side goal too! That's 3 goals all at once!

I only have 19 appliances. No way am I spending my hard earned gems or money for more. The game should be fair to ALL players.

While some have $$$ to waste on it, others (like myself) rather spend that money on more important things in REAL LIFE. You know, the life we live outside a stressful game.

I did not spend months cooking for gems just to use it and buy ovens to cook ugly food and win boring prizes.

It's clear Storm8 only want money.

04-16-22, 09:37 PM

Amazing Recipes!

04-17-22, 06:40 AM
Y'all don't forget about the side goal too! That's 3 goals all at once!

I only have 19 appliances. No way am I spending my hard earned gems or money for more. The game should be fair to ALL players.

While some have $$$ to waste on it, others (like myself) rather spend that money on more important things in REAL LIFE. You know, the life we live outside a stressful game.

I did not spend months cooking for gems just to use it and buy ovens to cook ugly food and win boring prizes.

It's clear Storm8 only want money.

maybe I'm oldschool but for me paying to complete a game defeat the purpose of a game, which is to win things because you worked at it. If I use gems to complete the goals it's like there's no real challenge anymore, no real reward for your effort. But the goals are getting near impossible if you don't devote your whole life to it. So I think I'm heading towards stopping those crazy goals altogether. Maybe check the prizes and do one once in a while if I really like it but that's it. And focus on making the bakery bigger. A bit sad cause I really liked those goals but a game is supposed to make you feel good, not stressed and disappointed.

04-17-22, 08:43 AM
This is joke and quite upsetting. The mail goal is hard enough and haven't finished one in months. Now there is another goal at the same time. You must hate your players.

04-17-22, 08:45 AM
You clearly do not care.

04-17-22, 11:54 AM
Y'all don't forget about the side goal too! That's 3 goals all at once!

I only have 19 appliances. No way am I spending my hard earned gems or money for more. The game should be fair to ALL players.

While some have $$$ to waste on it, others (like myself) rather spend that money on more important things in REAL LIFE. You know, the life we live outside a stressful game.

I did not spend months cooking for gems just to use it and buy ovens to cook ugly food and win boring prizes.

It's clear Storm8 only want money.

I have almost 40 appliances slots and it didn?t come from me spending real money on the game. I started playing when I was really young so I had time on my hands to do bonus gems quizzes and surveys, those would give me 25-50 gems. I knew I wanted my own Hulu subscription and I did the bonus gems task and got over 200 gems and it didn?t take anything from me since I was getting the subscription regardless. If I wanted a subscription I would check if there was a tasks for it since Im getting it anyway.

Bakeries that have a lot of appliance slots only worry about their neighbors doing their part with gifting and requests. I find that I can save gems and be more selective about if I want to complete a goal or not, I mostly complain about decorations more than anything else. I was able to level up recipes faster because I was making 12 of a recipe at one time on the basic oven so I got gems faster.

I wish the developers were less money hungry and werent so obvious and in your face with it but I know with the way things are set up there?s someone spending 100s of dollars a week or month on gems, so they have no reason to change the game if this is what bringing them the most money.

I obviously don?t know you so I don?t know how you choose to play and what your able to do but im just saying having more slots has made the game feel like less of a grind and extreme hard work for me. I am still a dependent so my priorities are not the same as yours. I have always said there needs to be more ways to gain gems and that has always been an issue of mine for years. I dont believe anyone should feel like they need to spend hard earned money to get by in a game, ive only done it 3 times and that?s only when my brother has told me to spend money on his card and I didn?t NEED anything at the moment. I?m not sure how many people can say it but my bakery came from me actually playing not spending money.

04-17-22, 02:39 PM
I didn’t participate in the five day goal too many things to do. It’s not worth it for me at least. I don’t like having two goals at the same time. I don’t spend money on this game it’s a waste since everything is expensive in life. Don’t give us two goals at once it’s the worse. People have things to do in real life and not sit around for BS. I don’t like how the team at Storm 8 is thinking it’s ridiculous. They don’t take our opinions and thoughts into consideration.

04-17-22, 07:47 PM
I think since some were telling that goals were always late to come out for the season, they started this goal immediately even 15 (14) day goal is still on going. But hopefully, they won?t do this again and try to make goals ealier than the coming seasons.

04-18-22, 05:26 AM
I would be interested to know what you think about both goals running at the same time? And this going to be the new normal storm8 goal schedule?

I personally feel the 2 hour beginning of baking for each oven in goals is holding me back. I would make it only 6 recipes 😂

04-18-22, 11:05 AM
What happened to the goal???!!?! I was setting alarms to get everything done on time. I log in, and the goal is expired!!!!!!! I still had 3 hours!!!!!!

04-18-22, 11:55 AM
What happened to the goal???!!?! I was setting alarms to get everything done on time. I log in, and the goal is expired!!!!!!! I still had 3 hours!!!!!!

This happened to me also, I was so close to finishing, set timers, knew what needed to go where (thanks covid having me stay at home for the last 10 days!!) and I was due to finish within time. Logged on, and it said it was expired 😭

04-18-22, 03:28 PM
Yup! Happened to me too! They cut the time too short! I had an hour n half of cooking to go, with three hours of goal time left! Go back within the hour n half to serve n get my prize. Only to find the goal was gone? WTH! Why give us something extra, during a major holiday, no less! Then cut it short??!! Last time I do five day goal during regular one! They're NEVER getting MY money for this stunt! I can't even complain to them, as I don't take photos of every game move I make!! That's just stupid!! I hope they listen to us and NEVER DO THIS AGAIN!!! :mad::mad::blue:

04-18-22, 03:49 PM
I contacted Storm8 and the response said “there are no issues with the game that would be causing your goals not to end on time”. I’m pretty frustrated that they refuse to acknowledge the fact that they had the wrong time remaining for the “Head in the Clouds Goal”����

***Hope anyone who had the same issues, contacts Storm8 as well! ****

04-18-22, 04:18 PM
I always complete the 5 day goals and the Side Goals early. This one closed a bit earlier than I thought. I had my last chocolate cakes almost finished. Everything else completed.

About both goals running at the same time..mostly I think people will be turned off because it?s hard enough to finish the 14 day & side goal that we have now. If you add the 5 day at the same time, it will make it more difficult to finish especially for this of us who only have the allotted 19 appliances. Also add the 5 days to the 14 days, giving players 19 days to complete the goals.

On the other hand, combining the goals, it would give people the option to choose which if any they wish to do.
Will be interesting to see how this turns out.

04-18-22, 04:21 PM
Yup! Happened to me too! They cut the time too short! I had an hour n half of cooking to go, with three hours of goal time left! Go back within the hour n half to serve n get my prize. Only to find the goal was gone? WTH! Why give us something extra, during a major holiday, no less! Then cut it short??!! Last time I do five day goal during regular one! They're NEVER getting MY money for this stunt! I can't even complain to them, as I don't take photos of every game move I make!! That's just stupid!! I hope they listen to us and NEVER DO THIS AGAIN!!! :mad::mad::blue:

Same thing happened to me. I had about half an hour or less to bake my last cakes. ����

04-18-22, 04:28 PM
What happened to the goal???!!?! I was setting alarms to get everything done on time. I log in, and the goal is expired!!!!!!! I still had 3 hours!!!!!!

I knew I would finish a couple hours before the goal ended. I checked when I had half an hour of baking and the goal was Expired several hours ahead of time!

04-19-22, 02:02 PM
With the 14 day and the 5 day goal going at the same time was very hard because I still had to build my last two stoves of the 14 day and try to build one stove of the 5 day goal. It wasted 16 parts that I didn't get for the main goal stoves. I don't have enough stove slots to do both goals at the same time. Now I have to build 5 stoves for 1st part of goal and 6 stoves for 2nd part of goal. On 5 day goal you need at least 4 stoves and then of course all the other items that need to be cooked. Then I have 4 stoves left to cook everything else and slots cost gems. How are we supposed to finish goals? Needless to say I didn't finish either goal this time around. It was hard enough to finish main goal in 15 days. This game not fun anymore