View Full Version : SALE: 2022 Feb 04 - Valentine's Day (8 Days)

02-04-22, 11:59 AM
Valentine's Day Sale - 4 Days


- Echo sales are a way of relisting locked goal items so players can purchase them outside of the goal
- All sale items are either relisted items or duplicates of previously released goal items with new names
- Be sure to check your entire inventory in case you already own the original items
- Echo appliances offer the same recipes as their original counterparts but come fully built / require no parts to build
- For those that own the original versions of the appliances:
If you purchase the Echo versions, the recipes will have the same level of mastery as the originals.

Sale Items:

Appliance Details:

Original release info:

Will post Saturday

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02-04-22, 01:02 PM
I have to ask what are they thinking once again?

1. Only release ONE table and chair when there are so many. Why ?
2. Thank you for releasing the Fondue for Two oven but I will not pay 25 gems for this one. The oven is beautiful but recipes are UGLY.
3. Why not release all items from Valentines Boxes individually for sale?
4. Why such a limited sale? Its the same items over and over. Why not release all things Valentines? This way players get access to them and you make money with gems. This is just getting so frustrating. This game feels more like a job than fun. We wait all year for these sales only to be disappointed. Please release every single items for every single holiday or season and leave them out. i.e. Valentines should be released the day after Christmas and be available until day after Valentines. How hard would this be? Its a win win situation. Why so stingy with letting us have access to the items. Its a losing situation for both of us. One day I pray I get smart and stop playing as I have done many times in past. I keep coming back hoping things will get better, but they don't.

02-04-22, 01:37 PM
Infographic of Sale Items: (@Anniras - feel free to use this in your first post :) )


Echo Appliance Info Card:


02-04-22, 04:43 PM
Infographic of Sale Items: (@Anniras - feel free to use this in your first post :) )

Thanks pixie!!

02-04-22, 11:08 PM
That appliance is okay on the outside, but the recipes are nothing special. I don’t see people forking over all those gems for that.

Pick one that has recipes that people want to make!

The items are generally very nice. I love those valentine fountains. :)

02-05-22, 11:18 AM
Great sale! (^_^) I was especially happy to see the heart wallpaper! I've been wanting that one for years!

02-06-22, 06:20 PM
I wanted to see the magic appliances for sale. In the last about 5 to 6 big/ important sales those stoves have not been available for purchase. I do like that those valentines oven were brought.

02-07-22, 12:23 AM
please release the charming park bench for limited time! there are always the same items on sale every year

02-08-22, 02:06 PM
Hi everyone :)

Since the U-Decorations and Echo Appliances are a new addition to Restaurant Story, I've added a poll to this thread to gather feedback on the concept. Participants can choose multiple responses and submissions are anonymous. The poll will close in 5 Days.

As always, feedback that the poll can't gather is also welcomed via additional comments in this thread :) Thank you in advance to everyone who participates!

02-10-22, 03:19 PM
I prefer prices to be in coins rather than gems as I can't always earn enough gems

02-11-22, 07:56 AM
I love the idea of this, but it's a bit too expensive.

02-11-22, 08:01 PM
The sale is now over but the poll will still be open for the next couple of days. Thank you to everyone who has submitted feedback thus far :)