View Full Version : SALE: 2022 Jan 29 - Lunar New Year Sale (5 Days)

01-27-22, 07:01 PM
5 Day Lunar New Year Sale



Appliance Information: (Credit: AnnirasSweets's CookBook and Recipe Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?112053-BS-Info-Thread-CookBook-amp-Recipe-Guide-(Updated)))


Dim Sum Station




8 Oven Element + 8 Wax Parchment

Release Date:

2015 Sep. 02 (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?84386)

2018 Feb. 15 (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?103211)

Release Type:

Lv. 25 Purchase

Limited Time Goal


Appliance takes up 2x1 squares when placed



Char Siu Pastries

Egg Tart

Bo Lay Tee

Guk Fa Tea

Shoumei Tea

CookBook Menu:

Counter Displays:


Echo Moon Festival Fountain


25 Gems


None (Comes Fully Built)

Release Date:

2022 Jan. 29

Release Type:

Echo Appliance


Jade Tea

Moon Flower Tea

Yunnan Coffee

CookBook Menu:

Counter Displays:


Echo Moon Festival Oven


25 Gems


None (Comes Fully Built)

Release Date:

2022 Jan. 29

Release Type:

Echo Appliance


Jade Pastry

Moon Cake

Pineapple Tart

CookBook Menu:

Counter Displays:


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01-29-22, 10:28 AM
Ahhhhh please stop putting old released ovens out for 25 gems!!

01-29-22, 10:41 AM
Not sure where to post this but there's an Echo Winter sale going on. It looks like S8 might really be doing the bi-weekly old-goal item sale. Loving it. Yeah, it is a shame that the old appliances are still 25 gems. Nice to see the dragons back on the market and the Festival bakers��

01-29-22, 10:48 AM
Okay so I just bought a echo moon festival oven and fountain for 25 gems a piece. On each oven the last two recipes says 5 days left. Does this mean you only have them unlocked for 5 days?? If so this is definitely a waste of 50 gems. I didn't buy these just to end up with only 1 recipe going to be left in it

01-29-22, 11:51 AM
Okay so I just bought a echo moon festival oven and fountain for 25 gems a piece. On each oven the last two recipes says 5 days left. Does this mean you only have them unlocked for 5 days?? If so this is definitely a waste of 100 gems. I didn't buy these just to end up with only 1 recipe going to be left in it

I second this. I only got one of each moon appliance but I bought gems just to get them because they were locked for me. But I DEFINITELY wouldn’t have paid 50 gems for 2 recipes! We need answers, I’m not a happy camper

01-29-22, 01:04 PM
I wasn't paying attention and put 100 gems instead of 50 lol.. I only bought one each as well, but I'm glad someone else agrees with me on this! Doesn't make since how they say we get all recipes unlocked if it's only for a certain amount of days. They should be clear on what they mean then. They not once said they was only for a certain time or I wouldn't have bought them!

I second this. I only got one of each moon appliance but I bought gems just to get them because they were locked for me. But I DEFINITELY wouldn’t have paid 50 gems for 2 recipes! We need answers, I’m not a happy camper

01-29-22, 01:18 PM
They should be clear on what they mean then. They not once said they was only for a certain time or I wouldn't have bought them!

That's the point. If they told you, you wouldn't have given them money :)

01-29-22, 01:28 PM
Hi all. I've created this thread for the Lunar New Year sale! Please continue discussions here. :)

I'm also checking on the limited time recipes. I'm do not think these recipes are supposed to disappear.

01-29-22, 02:45 PM
ok but this is too much for a goal locked appliance...:/

a goal locked 4x4 piece of deco can easily cost 50 gems and I'd buy it if I really want to have it but not an oven for 25 gems.

01-29-22, 03:10 PM
Hi all. I've created this thread for the Lunar New Year sale! Please continue discussions here. :)

I'm also checking on the limited time recipes. I'm do not think these recipes are supposed to disappear.

whoaaaa I'm glad I read this discussion first before buying. Please let us know ASAP if the recipes would stay or not, thank you!!

01-29-22, 03:43 PM
I just bought the dim sum station and three of the recipes are locked. I thought they would be unlocked as was stated. Is this a glitch?

01-29-22, 03:44 PM
Is storm8 going bankrupt or something? Why are things getting extortionate lately? Why add an appliance for gems when it clearly used to be for coins? Rip off

01-29-22, 04:07 PM
I'm not desperate to have all the goal locked appliances since I dont really care for the recipes.

I still find these sales featuring goal locked items from the past a great idea, at least you can buy decos and thats what really interests me. I wish they would do it more often.

01-29-22, 04:24 PM
I just bought the dim sum station and three of the recipes are locked. I thought they would be unlocked as was stated. Is this a glitch?

The three tea recipes on the Dim Sum appliance were added as part of a 5 Day goal, so they would be locked by goal.

I'll ask the team if they can be unlocked :)

01-29-22, 08:47 PM
I had to quit BS and RS for awhile so I’m happy when old ovens unlock but this is crazy if we only have 5 days to finish these recipes. I won’t be able to get them done, really frustrating because I bought gems to get these appliances.

01-29-22, 09:48 PM
I bought the u-festival baker coz i thought i still dont have the item because the inventory has no number on it but i was shocked to find out that i have the similar item with just a name of festival baker without u on it what does u mean and why they just name it as festival baker it was a trick

01-29-22, 10:12 PM
Same also with the oven and drink machine i just wasted 75 gems for identical items

01-30-22, 12:06 AM
Great. More red & yellow stuff. Because we don?t get enough of that.

01-30-22, 12:34 AM
I am waiting for an update on whether there?s really a time limit on some of the recipes in these two ovens. I don?t mind buying gem ovens but definitely not if most of the recipes in them were locked after a certain period of time.

01-30-22, 11:34 AM
I have had the oven and fountain unlocked since I played that goal when it was first released, but it too says I only have the recipes available for 5 days. Which sucks because I played that goal and they?re just going to take those recipes away? Not cool. I really hope they don?t do that!

01-30-22, 03:21 PM
I just bought the dim sum station and three of the recipes are locked. I thought they would be unlocked as was stated. Is this a glitch?

Same here. Bought the dim sum station 3 recipes locked

01-30-22, 04:20 PM
The only information we received was this:

Echo series ovens are previously released appliances with their classic recipes unlocked.
U- items are previously released goal items that are now unlocked!

This is from the pop-up that tells you the echo moon festival appliances are available for a limited time.

01-30-22, 05:29 PM
The locked receipes were a five day goal. I think they will remain locked because the appliance is on sale for coins. I think they are only unlocked when the appliance is on sale for gems.

01-30-22, 06:39 PM
I have had the oven and fountain unlocked since I played that goal when it was first released, but it too says I only have the recipes available for 5 days. Which sucks because I played that goal and they?re just going to take those recipes away? Not cool. I really hope they don?t do that!

Please note that the Echo Appliances are new releases of the old goal appliances. If you had unlocked the originals at the time of the goal, those appliances and unlocked recipes should still be available to you when you scroll further in the appliances tab. You should be able to buy more for coins if you like as well.

01-31-22, 04:06 AM
May I ask if I buy the Echo appliances will I get the all the recipes without it being limited to the event

01-31-22, 06:38 AM
Please note that the Echo Appliances are new releases of the old goal appliances. If you had unlocked the originals at the time of the goal, those appliances and unlocked recipes should still be available to you when you scroll further in the appliances tab. You should be able to buy more for coins if you like as well.

When you say we should be able to buy more with coins, do you mean more appliances? Could you clarify please? Thank you.

01-31-22, 09:00 AM
Wow, they're offering another Echo set sooner than I thought they would.

I really hope it continues as I really want the Floral and New York goal set from 2016. And would for sure pay as much gems as needed to to get both sets. Would buy multiples of each item as well, no matter the pricing. I just probably wouldn't get the oven / fountain / stove set. As I've never cared for the cooker aspect to them goals I just listed. Just the prizes / decorations.

01-31-22, 12:28 PM
Issue with locked recipes solved no time limit now and the 3 recipes which were locked are unlocked
Thank you very much for correcting this

01-31-22, 01:18 PM
When you say we should be able to buy more with coins, do you mean more appliances? Could you clarify please? Thank you.

Sure, let me elaborate:

The Moon Festival Fountain and Moon Festival Oven (the originals):

Originally introduced back in September 2015 (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?84747-BAKERY-GOALS-2015-Sep-16-Harvest-Moon-Festival) as goal appliances
Will only be unlocked for players who had unlocked them during the goals - anybody who didn't participate will see them as 'Locked By Goal' when they scroll through their inventory
Players who had unlocked these appliances during the goal have the option to purchase more of the original appliances with coins
Not affected at all by the release of Echo Appliances - these are completely separate!

The Echo Moon Festival Oven and Echo Moon Festival Oven (the "Echo" appliances):

Completely separate appliances from the originals
Available to anyone for purchase at 25 gems each - not purchasable for coins
Unlocked for everyone; no need to have participated in the original goals
Contain the same recipes as the original appliances

Essentially, the "Echo" appliances are a way for players who were not around at the time of the original appliance release to be able to enjoy those recipes through a new purchasable appliance. However, they are available for gems.

Hopefully this helps clarify things - I'll make a post on the Game Guide to further expound on this since it looks like these Echo Appliances will be a continuing feature.

01-31-22, 06:01 PM
I didn't have these appliances but when I bought the Echo stove, there were 3 recipes that I already mastered?

01-31-22, 07:57 PM
I didn't have these appliances but when I bought the Echo stove, there were 3 recipes that I already mastered?

Maybe you bought them before and sold them. I don't know if that'll keep your mastered recipes tho. But it probably could

01-31-22, 10:59 PM
I didn't have these appliances but when I bought the Echo stove, there were 3 recipes that I already mastered?

If you have the original version of the appliances, the new Echo versions will show the same mastery for the recipes as you achieved on the original versions.

02-03-22, 09:27 AM
Why did the dim sum station disappear? I was under the impression that it would be returned to normal in the menu once the sale expired, but it's gone entirely. I've been playing this game for over a year and it has been available for purchase this whole time, why now has it vanished?

02-03-22, 11:35 AM
What! I didn't even notice this... Glad I bought one more before it disappeared

Why did the dim sum station disappear? I was under the impression that it would be returned to normal in the menu once the sale expired, but it's gone entirely. I've been playing this game for over a year and it has been available for purchase this whole time, why now has it vanished?

02-03-22, 04:57 PM
I guess I didn't realize the moon stove and the echo moon stove were the same thing, such a bummer wasted 25 gems on it

02-04-22, 05:32 AM
Bought one of each during the sale. Didnt know Dim Sum Station would disappear after the sale since it has always stayed as a coin item. Feel like a big scam. I would rather spent the 100 gem to unlock the goal for those stoves instead of the way they did.