View Full Version : Dear TL, I am bored and closing temporarily! :(

04-28-11, 08:17 PM
Well, I've been playing bakery story for 4 months and love the game, but because we do not get the weekly updates promised on the app store, I am now bored and closing my bakery until there is new food to make and a better selection of decor. My bakery is the size I want it to be, and I have purchased all the coin-purchaseable decor that I want. I have also used all my gems and have no more left to earn. All I would be doing now is baking the same things day after day to no purpose because there is nothing more I want to buy.

If you want people to put money into your games, you have to keep them interested. I have no desire to put money into the game right now because the promised updates are not delivered and I am bored. :( I hope you will update soon so I can come back and enjoy my bakery.

04-28-11, 10:10 PM
I agree with what your saying about not enough variety and updates. I also think they should give us an option of paying coins for items only purchasable with gems. OR if they make the gems like one cent each I will have no problem spending $10 in buying gems very frequently. If only they listen to their customers they will profit much more I guarantee.

04-29-11, 02:13 AM
I agree with what your saying about not enough variety and updates. I also think they should give us an option of paying coins for items only purchasable with gems. OR if they make the gems like one cent each I will have no problem spending $10 in buying gems very frequently. If only they listen to their customers they will profit much more I guarantee.

I'm not sure how exactly they will profit with this plan you suggest lol. I doubt they will sell enough at the one cent price to profit them more than they are currently. I think too that there needs to be some special items as a reward for those players who do spend money on their games. It's just good customer service.

04-29-11, 05:48 AM
I'm not sure how exactly they will profit with this plan you suggest lol. I doubt they will sell enough at the one cent price to profit them more than they are currently. I think too that there needs to be some special items as a reward for those players who do spend money on their games. It's just good customer service.
They will profit more because more people will be able to afford the prices thus more people will be buying gems more frequently. For example in zoo story, I'm not willing to pay $25 for 105 gems which with 95 gems you can get a panda. With $25 I can purchase at least 10 games from the app store. I think they should be realistic with their prices and be fair.. Not to mention how many accidental gem purchases occur (talking from personal experience lost all my gems on collecting stupid crops :( so it's a sensitive issue for me lol)

04-29-11, 06:22 AM
They will profit more because more people will be able to afford the prices thus more people will be buying gems more frequently. For example in zoo story, I'm not willing to pay $25 for 105 gems which with 95 gems you can get a panda. With $25 I can purchase at least 10 games from the app store. I think they should be realistic with their prices and be fair.. Not to mention how many accidental gem purchases occur (talking from personal experience lost all my gems on collecting stupid crops :( so it's a sensitive issue for me lol)

Perhaps that is the case, but 105 cents are not equal to $25 so they would be making less even if lots of people bought then. You'd have to have a lot (sorry, I'm British, I can't understand your currency so I can't do accurate Maths) of people buying them. Wouldn't work. I agree about how bad the gem traps are though.

04-29-11, 10:44 AM
i think it makes a lot of sense, personally i won't spend 25$ just to get 1 panda but i would spend 105c or let's say 1$ for 1 panda. i will even buy more than one panda, i bet i could gather 25 of my friends who will not spend 25$ on 1 panda to spend 1$ for 1 panda.

let's put it this way, for example a store might only be able to sell 2 of 1000$ gucci dress in a day while H&M can sell more than 20 of 100$ dress.