View Full Version : Tell me your experience with account recovery due to forgotten password. All the deet

10-30-21, 07:36 AM
So I have another account. This account have some very nice and expensive ovens. (Mighty Oven)

For the life of me I simply can?t remember the full password. (Have too may passwords in my head.) I was just flat out lazy thinking won?t forget.

I know half of it. The latter half tried many variations because I actually recall saying to self. Also typed in a note the first part of it I know for fact what it is.

Other problem that phone is now a brick.

Now I?m debating on waiting until that password stored far away in my head comes fully back to me or should I ask to recover it with help from the devs.

Why I hesitant to ask help from support and or devs. My list below.

1. Will I lose all that nice appliance I bought from the recent Back to School sale?

Have 4 appliances I really do not want to lose. You currently cannot buy them now! Plus the costs me 42 gems each!

2. Will I lose what gems I had?

This one TBH don?t remember what I had. Probably 20?

3. Will I lose any and or all any of the decor I bought?

Again bought items from Back to School sale this year. Can?t easily buy them back. Not available currently.

4. Spent $50.00 on this account for 💎 💎💎💎!!! Would pain me, absolutely pain me to recover and see lost all the I items bought with my 💎💎💎. 😔😞☹️😔☹️😞

5. Proof I have is a screen shot of my phone last used that account on. Possibly my ip. Have VPN on most times though. There?s a much greater percentage that they do not have my ip. So if I do contact for help might be an issue. I do remember parts of my password so that part can validate it?s mine and I know when it was created. Can tell them that. Can even tell them the things I wrote on my wall. Things that can is just not the standard ?tips?, ?full? . Things I doubt others put on their own wall. Can list neighbor on it. So this part I?m confident I can pass the test of its ownership.

6. Will I lose the current level I was on? Hate to start new.

I wonder if I should hold off until password comes to me. Tried all the variations of what the latter part was. Tried about 30 different ways.

I?m tempted to recover it now with help from support/devs. But the above concerns have me thinking. I might get it back but then lose all the appliance and decore bought in back to school sale. It will just be another basic bakery. I could get a basic bakery simply by making an account on a fresh device.

Want this account back as is. The way I used it last time. Every single 💎 bought appliance and decor still there. So upset if I recovered and lost it. And devs have no way of reversing what was lost. If I know for fact lose my 💎 appliances and decor. Rather NOT ask to recover with help if support/dev. Might take a while or never but that password just might come back to me. Like I said I know tge first half of my password for sure it?s latter that?s troubling.

Want every single detail with your experience. Did you lose major items you simply cannot buy back? Because it?s was bought as limited sale item only. (Like in my case Back to School Sale.) All of it please.


10-30-21, 07:51 AM
If you cannot access your account and would like to recover it, please contact support using the link in my signature. Support will not delete anything from your account, but simply reset your password. If you have any additional questions about your account, you may add them to your ticket.

Unfortunately, discussing responses from support is not allowed on the forums, so I will be closing this thread.