View Full Version : Please Explain Gifts and Gift Parts

10-07-21, 06:03 PM
For a new person in game very confusing when people ask for "Basic Parts", "First Goal Parts". Please list and or give example. Gift section not categorized clearly enough. See the labels but for newbie doesn't help much.

10-07-21, 06:36 PM
There is not definitive list of "Basic" parts, normally players are simply referring to parts that are used in multiple appliances.

First/Second Goal Parts will be referring to the current goal at the time. Each goal released offers certain appliances that will require specific parts so when they ask for first goal parts, they're asking for the parts required to build the first appliance of the goal, and the second goal parts will refer to those parts needed for the second appliance.

Until you're more familiar with the game, for Basic Part references you can check the BS Parts List thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111139) - it lists every part in the game, what appliance uses them and how many are needed.

When it comes to goal parts, that will change with each goal which will have its own dedicated thread. Goal thread links are listed here (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111146) on their day of release so they're easier to find. If you check out a goal thread on the day a goal is released, the first post will have the complete details of the goal including which appliances will be included and what parts they need.

Hope this helps!