View Full Version : Stupidly bought gems, now daily gem videos are gone. Advice??

08-19-21, 07:50 PM
So I've always had the option to watch ten gem videos a day, every day without fail. Until recently I made the really dumb decision to buy a bunch of gems on sale and now the videos have disappeared. I know the ads are still available because I have the option to watch videos to speed up cook time and double the money I earn offline - just not to earn gems anymore. This really sucks because those ten gems a day were pretty much my only way of earning gems, and now all of a sudden just because I spent a couple bucks on impulse, they're gone.

Is there anything I can do to get the videos back? Ideally I would want to erase my payment data / completely reset my game if there's a way to do that, and if it meant the videos would come back. I tried restoring my iPhone but it didn't work. I'm just really bummed and in need of some advice, I love this game but don't want to keep playing if it means spending more money.

08-19-21, 08:25 PM
You need not buy or use gems to play the game.

For what it is worth, I never had those free gem videos. Some people get them, some don’t. They may start up again for you one day.

08-20-21, 05:08 AM
The gem videos are a promotional offer and are subject to change without warning. Like the player above shared, the videos may or may not return in the future, it's all random and out of our control. There's a thread on the topic here (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?93097) for further discussion/info on the matter.

As for resetting your game, that's sadly not an option either. Once a game is created with a Storm8 ID and password, that game will always exist and there's no option to reset progress.

It is possible to create a new account by downloading the game on a new/different device that is not already connected to an s8 account. To do so, simply download the game onto the new/different device and play through the lower levels until you can create a new s8 user id and password. Once you've created the new ID & password, you can then transfer the new account to any device by using the login feature (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?59955) to access it.

08-20-21, 10:21 AM
This worked, thank you Anniras!!

05-04-22, 07:37 PM
This worked, thank you Anniras!!

Hi, by this worked did you mean you made a new account and re started playing from scratch?

05-04-22, 10:29 PM
Hi, by this worked did you mean you made a new account and re started playing from scratch?
Yes, that's what was meant.

Closing duplicate thread. The main active discussion thread is linked above, so please post in that thread. Thanks.