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View Full Version : Wow! Talk about tap games!

04-26-11, 06:43 PM
Ok seriously!? I know it is a tap game but really it's a bit much, there are so many stars and apples flying around and so much tapping is getting me annoyed! Any one else feel this way?

04-26-11, 06:53 PM
Yes, yes a thousand times yes. TeamLava, are u listening? I think the consensus is pretty clear. Bag the bouncing stars.

04-26-11, 06:54 PM
Yeah! I don't think anyone likes having to tap on the stars, coins, and apples. I noticed tho that if you don't tap on them, after a few seconds they disappear, but you still get them. But I only noticed that when collecting money from my animals, so idk if it's the same when collecting crops. I just don't like how they're all over the place...looks messy lol

04-26-11, 09:37 PM
... so idk if it's the same when collecting crops.

It makes harvesting so difficult! The apples, coins and stars just sit there on top of the crops when you are trying to tap them. I tap 4 times to collect each crop! Uggh! 

04-27-11, 06:11 AM
Yes, yes a thousand times yes. TeamLava, are u listening? I think the consensus is pretty clear. Bag the bouncing stars.

So true. I wouldn't mind them if they weren't so intrusive, but they get in the way of harvesting crops and whatnot.

04-30-11, 11:37 AM
I think it should be in options. Turn bouncing stars on or off!

05-02-11, 04:14 PM
To collect crops, try tapping from the bottom row to the top row and they will get in the way less. That way you can also go over the food limit.

I don't really see why we need 2 coins for the higher value collections (each coin being worth a max of 1500). Maybe it's so it looks like more. I don't mind the coins/stars when I collect, it's the one that comes when i feed that annoys me because I usually tap them so I've just finished tapping a group from that animal & then another one comes. It's a nice relief when you play bakery or restaurant story and you can collect the tips with one tap.

05-02-11, 04:23 PM
Unless they raise the cap on the amount of food you can have, I disagree.
It is because of these bouncing apples that I can harvest as much as I can and go over the 10,000 food limit. If the bouncing apples were gone, I'd have to harvest 1-2 crops, collect+feed a few animals, harvest 1-2 crops again, repeat, repeat, repeat, until I'm done harvesting.
The bouncing EXP and coins should go byebye, but not the apples unless the food cap is raised to 99,999