View Full Version : What is your favorite event type?

04-25-21, 03:55 PM
Hi all,

I thought that I would make a thread to see which event type everyone's favorite is! :)

I've also created an anonymous poll! Please note that you can only respond once and cannot change your response after submitting. (If you are viewing the poll on a mobile device, click on the "Full Page" option on the bottom of the page to display the poll.)

If you are unsure of the event types, you can read about them in the Dragon Story Game Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111718-%26%2311088%3B-Dragon-Story-Main-Guide-%26%2311088%3B)

Do you have an idea for a new type of event that you would like to see in the game? Any ideas for changes to the existing types of events? Anything else regarding events? Feel free to leave your feedback and suggestions here!

Make sure to be constructive, respect everyone's opinions, and follow the forum rules. :)

04-25-21, 06:47 PM
I'm mostly out of space so don't really play events anymore. Too many new dragons every month. The only thing good is essence and the events give very little.

04-25-21, 11:34 PM
None of them for me. I've played all the different types repeatedly over and over since; when was it? 2017?

I'm sorry to say it, but this poll only reminds those of us who are long-time, loyal players of the sad state this once fine game has stagnated into. :blue:

They could have done away with the need to breed the "common" dragon for each of the event types, but that hasn't changed despite all the requests made over the years.

We would love to have new base-dragon types but, all we've been getting are re-colorations of existing types. Just look at the recent Dino Type Dragons. I might have closed an eye and accepted them if they had recolored the existing Dino Types, but...

And the list goes on. There were dozens of other posts over the past years with all types of excellent suggestions. But, unless they have hired more developers to improve Dragon Story, any suggestions posted here are just going to be added to an overflowing suggestion box. :(

04-26-21, 04:35 AM
Those world events where we?re all working together to unlock things. My biggest gripe with tales is the common dragon hatch requirement because it never fails that it takes forever to breed it and it costs way too much on the market.

04-26-21, 05:44 AM
I’ve added an option for players who do not participate in events or enjoy them.

04-26-21, 10:52 AM
I voted community events because of the adventure tickets and because it?s a team effort.
My second would be Spin to Win - I wish it could be brought back a few times a year.

This game could start incorporating new types of events and more unique looking dragons. I do understand it takes a lot of work for events and to design dragons. It would be nice to see a new type of dragon along with habitats for it. It all has become very monotonous.

04-27-21, 11:40 AM
World Events and Tournaments are the best of the game. Dragon Tales are put on too much and the stories are cut and paste instead of creative. I would, once in a while, cut the Dragon Tales to two dragons instead of three and have the event last 7 days instead of 10. ************s would have another milestone dragon - a rare dragon and a habitat. Also, ************s would be only once a month not this 2 a month garbage.
The prizes in the Dragon Tales need to change. Why are we still making dumb objects in chapter 3 or 4 and get it as a prize at the end of chapter 8. Raw marble should be replaced with marble keys. Food given at the end of the chapters should be increased to 7,500.

04-27-21, 03:02 PM
World Events and Tournaments are the best of the game. Dragon Tales are put on too much and the stories are cut and paste instead of creative. I would, once in a while, cut the Dragon Tales to two dragons instead of three and have the event last 7 days instead of 10. ************s would have another milestone dragon - a rare dragon and a habitat. Also, ************s would be only once a month not this 2 a month garbage.
The prizes in the Dragon Tales need to change. Why are we still making dumb objects in chapter 3 or 4 and get it as a prize at the end of chapter 8. Raw marble should be replaced with marble keys. Food given at the end of the chapters should be increased to 7,500.

I love getting island parts for a prize even though I can?t use them

05-11-21, 06:24 AM
This game used to be so good.

05-27-21, 03:48 AM
World events

05-27-21, 06:25 PM
I haven't touched the game in over a month. I found another game that's much more user friendly....of course some of the long time players there still complain and it makes me chuckle a bit because it is so much easier to get their version of gold. It is prettty impossible to finish the events there without using their version of gold but if you don't get a dragon in the event, you have lots of opportunities elsewhere and the way they set up battling, it's much easier to match dragons.

I did vote, World event was always my favorite because it was my "relaxation" event. I almost always end up crafting the common dragon but with my set up, I had reached the last dragon like 2 days before the event ended.

The change to where it is what, Leaderboard-Tales-Leaderboard-Tales-Community was the beginning of the end for me - you only get Marble Keys in Community event and I was desperately running out of room, as well as the other events are more work.

About 6 weeks ago, I didn't finish Tales and found myself not caring. I had breed the common dragon just kept not going back in. Between crashes, resets, the grind, the fact that if I did get the final dragon, I didn't even have a place to put it...then I thought about the next one but just...meh....and man my gaming stress levels have decreased! I do miss the game a bit and some of the dragons but not enough to go back.

06-01-21, 11:18 PM
This game used to be so good.

This forum used to be so good.

06-04-21, 12:47 PM
Game has become repetative and boring and no one listens to us anyway so why bother asking.

06-27-21, 03:03 PM
It is very occasional now, but I have always enjoyed the spin to win with the tournaments in second place. The event I enjoy least, although it is the event that I benefit most from is the leaderboard event. I don’t enjoy it much for one very simple reason. I feel that I have an advantage over other players who don’t have the same resources that I have. I have more resources to spend than some other players so if I am willing to spend them, players with less resources will have difficulty competing with me. By the same token, I am in the same situation as others whose resources are greater than mine. I do enjoy the leaderboard, but I just don’t really see it as a real competition among players

07-01-21, 11:50 AM
Just saw this poll, but in June (:

It would be Leaderboard cos this event is the best of all .. it is a great self-reflection tool that brings out either the best or worst in you. ★

You either become so self absorbed, competitive and fight till end for the prize dragon or just working with others in teamwork unison and go all the way to achieve first price in the global leaderboard ★

I will not mind having this every week, the key is winning and fighting to lead with demonstrated consistently (: ★