View Full Version : Goal Format Typo

02-01-21, 07:00 AM
I thought that I would report this issue because it has been going on for a while and seems like an issue with the goal format which has been overlooked.

On Goal 2 of every 15 day goal the task says "Serve" instead of "Build" for the oven task. The task still works as intended, so it is just a minor graphical issue.

02-01-21, 09:54 AM
Yeah, this is a well known issue and it was reported when it first happened way back in February of 2019 (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?107724) and yet it has shown up in every single 15 Day Goal we've received since. The same error also cropped up in the RS goals around that time and stuck around for ages. For some reason, they did fix the RS typo recently (like, a few goals back recently) but to my disappointment it remained in BS.

Seems to me like this is getting back-burnered since it doesn't alter the way the goal works unlike several other long-term issues that still need tended to. That said, the typo can be very confusing for newer players or non-native English speakers who think they're looking for a recipe instead of an appliance when they reach the goal. And let's be honest, it doesn't look great for them that they've let such a basic and easily fixed error exist for nearly two years...

Here's hoping someone finally gets around to fixing this issue!