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01-06-21, 10:19 PM
! Click on any of the following links for more information

Useful Links | Main Story Goal Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?94062-Castle-Story-New-Main-Story-Goal-Guide) | Building Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?76392) | Inventory Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?76375) | Story Outline Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?78821) | The HUB! sub-forum (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?356) | The Town Square & Crown Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?103750) | The Elven Outpost (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?94546-Castle-Story-The-Elven-Outpost-Runes-Boosts-How-it-works) | The Baron's Game Tent Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?92434-Castle-Story-The-Baron-s-Game-Tent-How-it-works-Prize-lists) | Monster Hunt Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?95433-Castle-Story-Monster-Hunts-Gold-Troll-tokens-How-it-works) | Adventure Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?76375-Castle-Story-Inventory-Guide&p=1026416&viewfull=1#post1026416) | Information Nugget #5 - Beasts (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?78732-Nugget-5-Beasts) | Update Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?75877) | New Player Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?98066-Castle-Story-Help-and-Information-for-new-players) | Add Me Forum (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?110) | Bugs & Issues Forum (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?109-Castle-Story-Bugs-amp-Issues) | Time Zone Converter (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html) (compare where you are with United States-California-San Francisco) | Forum Rules (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?6-Forum-Rules-amp-Policies)

Please stay on topic. All non-related or off topic posts will be removed.

01-06-21, 10:21 PM
Prize Information

If you do not have your Apotranus Bloom in your inventory, please contact Support so they can correct that for you.
RESTART YOUR GAME AFTER RECEIVING THE REWARDS (the gem item isn't showing in your inventory until you force close and reopen your game.)
You do NOT need to spend gems.

Pavo: 5+ Energy (daily dropper), 2325 coins
Portalpillar: Wood, Sap, Living Word, Wooden Beam, Patch of Tall Grass, Plant In A Log
Portalpillar Maximus: Glimmerdust, Pile of Seeds, White Petal, Orange Petal, Blue Petal, Purple Petal, Red Petal, Faeries' Murmur
Portalpillar Gigantus: Jewels, Pile of Seeds, Bread, Golden Egg
Oxa: Wool, Prime Cut, Red Ribbon, Fertilizer, Golden Fleece
Planomos Pine: Faerie Beam, Faerie Block, Faerie Paste, Faeries' Murmur, Fey Crystal, Faerie Jar, Faeriebulb Seeds, Faerie Essence
The Portal Lv. 7: Trade Ticket, Golden Egg, Earth Wisp, Golden Apple, Wisp Lantern, Spellbound Dew, Golden Nugget, Expansion Permit

To make your tree storable: purchase a sapling, place it on the board. Store it first.
Then place it again from storage. Grow into tree. Voila, you now have a storable tree.
I already made 20 and love them!

The ability to craft Portalpillars disappears once you craft all three!

If you want to craft more than one regular Portalpillar you must do it before crafting the Portalpillar Gigantus!

Wish I knew before I crafted all three ...
I wanted two extra regular Portalpillars.:blue:

SW could you please add this info page 1.
Also could you please request that Storm8 restore the ability to craft Portalpillars til the end of the event?
Thanks. :love_heart:x

Here’s my Portalpillar Grove...

01-06-21, 10:21 PM
Goal Information

Goal 1:
* Go Fishing (Visit the Pond!) x1
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp,

Goal 2:
* Place the The Portal x1
* Search Old Thomas's House x1
* Find the Celestial Rune x1
* Upgrade the The Portal to Lv.2
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp 1 Apotranus Bloom, 3 Eclipsed Elm

Goal 3:
* Clear Eclipsed Elms x1
* Gather Lunar Wood x1
* Tend the Apotranus Bloom x1
* Gather Apotranus Vine x1
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

Goal 4:
* Gather Lunar Wood (Clear Eclipsed Elms!) x5
* Gather Apotranus Vine (Tend a Apotranus Bloom!) x6
* Make Portal Beams (Craft this in the Workshop!) x1
* Upgrade the The Portal to Lv.3 (Use your upgrade supplies!)
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +10 crowns

Goal 5:
* Tend to Perihelion Hogs (Be careful where you step!) x1
* Gather Perihelion Muck (Tend to Pigs or Perihelion Hogs!) x6
* Defeat Portalpillars (Clear Eclipsed Elms!) x1
* Gather Glow Stones (Defeat Portalpillars!) x2
* Make Portal Blocks (Craft this in the Workshop!) x2
Rewards: 125 coin, 15 xp, +20 crowns

Goal 6:
* Make Portal Beams (Craft this in the Workshop!) x2
* Make Portal Blocks (Craft this in the Workshop!) x2 LL | x3 HL - the 2 blocks made in goal 5 count toward the 3 you have to make
* Upgrade the The Portal to Lv.4 (Use your upgrade supplies!)
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +30 crowns

Goal 7:
* Defeat Portalpillar Maximus (Visit Farmhouses!) x1
* Gather Portalpillar Slime (Defeat Portalpillar Maximus!) x4
* Tend to a Binary Bulb (These flowers stink!) x1
* Gather Binary Petals (Visit Binary Bulb!) x1
* Make Portal Ropes (Craft this in the Magic Forge!) x2
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +40 crowns

Goal 8:
* Make Portal Beams (Craft this in the Workshop!) x2 LL | x3 HL
* Make Portal Blocks (Craft this in the Workshop!) x2 LL | x5 HL
* Make Portal Ropes (Craft this in the Magic Forge!) x2 LL | x3 HL - the 2 ropes made in goal 7 count toward the 3 you have to make
* Upgrade the The Portal to Lv.5 (Use your upgrade supplies!)
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +50 crowns

Goal 9:
* Defeat the Portalpillar Gigantus (Visit the The Portal!) x1 | 12/12 hits to defeat - can drop multiple hides
* Gather Portalpillar Hides (Defeat Portalpillar Gigantus!) x2
* Visit a Hydronous Hollow (Hurry!) x1 | max of 2, 3 hour collection timer
* Gather Hydronous Waters (Visit Hydronous Hollows!) x8 | not a guaranteed drop
* Forge Oxa Saddles (Craft this in the Magic Forge!) x1
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +50 crowns

Goal 10:
* Place the Cavus Cavern (Buy this from the Market!) x1
* Tame Oxas (Tame in the Cavus Cavern!) x3
* Upgrade the The Portal to Lv.6 (Use your upgrade supplies!)
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +50 crowns

Goal 11:
* Tend to Oxas (Get them nice and fed!) x1
* Gather Portal Ores (Visit Oxas!) x18
* Defeat the Portalpillar Gigantus (Visit the The Portal!) x1
* Gather Portalpillar Larvae (Defeat Portalpillar Gigantus!) x14
* Make a Portal Key (Craft this in the Workshop!) x1
Rewards: 5000 coin, 10 xp, +50 crowns

In Goal 11, both the Oxa and the Level 6 Portal are spawning the Portalpillar Gigantus. The Portalpillar Larvae are therefore dropping from 2 places. That will speed things up a bit.

Goal 12:
* Make Portal Beams (Craft this in the Workshop!) x4 LL | x6 HL
* Make Portal Blocks (Craft this in the Workshop!) x5 LL | x8 HL
* Make Portal Ropes (Craft this in the Magic Forge!) x4 LL | x6 HL
* Make Portal Keys (Craft this in the Workshop!) x4 LL | x6 HL (they are 110 gems each to skip) - the key made in goal 11 counts toward the ones you have to make here in this goal
* Upgrade the The Portal to Lv.7 (Use your upgrade supplies!)
Rewards: 10000 coin, 50 xp, + Pavo

Supplementary Goal: Picking Up Portalpillars
* Place the Cavus Cavern (Buy this in the Market!) x1
* Collect Portalpillar Coins (Fight Portalpillars!) x125
* Summon Portalpillar (Summon to unlock Portalpillar Maximus!) x1
* Summon Portalpillar Maximus (Summon to unlock Portalpillar Gigantus!) x1
* Summon Portalpillar Gigantus (Summon the final Portalpillar!) x1
Rewards: 400 coin, 25 xp

Goal: triggered after goal 12
* Welcome Pavo to the Realm (It's been an adventure!) 1
Rewards: none

Crafting Information

Portal Beam: Workshop 30 mins - 6 Apotranus Vine, 5 Lunar Wood
Portal Block: Workshop 1 hour - 6 Perihelion Muck, 2 Glow Stone
Portal Rope: Magic Forge 1.5 hours - 4 Portalpillar Slime, 1 Binary Petals
Portal Key: Workshop 2 hours - 18 Portal Ore, 14 Portalpillar Larvae
Oxa Saddle: Magic Forge 1.5 hours - 2 Portalpillar Hide, 8 Hydronous Water, 30 Iron Ore
Oxa: Cavus Cavern 4 hours - 1 Oxa Saddle, 1 Light Armor, 1 Longsword
Portalpillar Gigantus: Cavus Cavern 10 mins - 160 Portalpillar Coin, 1 Truffle, 25 Corn
Portalpillar: Cavus Cavern 15 mins - 125 Portalpillar Coin, 3 Hearty Feast, 10 Tomato
Portalpillar Maximus: Cavus Cavern 25 mins - 135 Portalpillar Coin, 3 Simple Glue, 15 Glimmerdust

01-06-21, 10:21 PM
Inventory Information - added to the Guides

The Portal (Level 15+) (2x2) limit x Can/not be sold
This item was only available during the event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)it was released.
Info: A mysterious portal.Drops trade tickets and more!
Collection time: 1 hour during event | 12 hours post event
Speed up: 24 gems @ 12 hours
Drops: during event: portalpillar coins | post event: earth wisp, expansion permit, golden apple, golden egg, golden nugget, spellbound dew, trade ticket, wisp lantern
Cost: 12000 coins
Build/Level 1: no build required
Level 2: 1 Celestial Rune
Level 3: 1 portal beam, 40 wood, 20 sap
Level 4: 2 portal beam, 3 portal block, 35 sap
Level 5: 3 portal beam, 5 portal block, 3 portal rope
Level 6: 4 portal beam, 6 portal block, 4 portal rope
Level 7: 6 portal beam, 8 portal block, 6 portal rope, 6 portal key

Lower level requirements:
Level 2: 1 Celestial Rune
Level 3: 1 portal beam, 20 wood, 10 sap
Level 4: 2 portal beam, 2 portal block, 18 sap
Level 5: 2 portal beam, 2 portal block, 2 portal rope
Level 6: 3 portal beam, 4 portal block, 3 portal rope
Level 7: 4 portal beam, 5 portal block, 4 portal rope, 4 portal key

Info: A goat-like creature that loves to dig into the ground Feed to find Portal Ores.
Found: market during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops: pile of seeds, prime cut, red ribbon, wool
Collection time: 2 hours

Info: Pavo the start traveler. Visit him for to collect energy!
Found: Reward for competing Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops: 2325 coins, 5+ energy
Collection time: 22 hours

Planomos Pine
Info: This in not your average pine. Tend this tree during the event to collect more Portalpillar Coins, Perihelion Muck, and Portal Ores!
Found: market, 500 gems during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops: faerie beam, faerie block, faerie essence, faerie jar, faerie paste, faeriebulb seeds, faeries' murmur, fey crystal
Collection time: 4 hours

Info: The smallest of the Portalpillar species. Pet it to see what it found for you!
Crafted: Cavus Cavern during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops: living word, patch of tall grass, plant in a log, sap, wood, wooden beam
Collection time: 4 hours

Portalpillar trap
Info: Chop to lure a Portalpillar
Found: market, 20 gems during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Uses: chop to lure event monster. 5/5 hits to defeat

Portalpillar Gigantus
Info: The largest of the Portalpillar species. Pet it to see what it found for you!
Crafted: Cavus Cavern during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops: bread, fertilizer, golden egg, golden fleece, jewels
Collection time: 22 hours

Portalpillar Gigantus trap
Info: Chop to lure a Portalpillar
Found: market, 20 gems during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Uses: chop to lure event monster. 12/12 hits to defeat

Portalpillar Maximus
Info: A larger specimen of the Portalpillar species. Pet it to see what it found for you!
Crafted: Cavus Cavern during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops: faeries' murmur, glimmerdust, petals (blue, orange, purple, red, white) pile of seeds
Collection time: 8 hours

Portalpillar Maximus trap
Info: Chop to lure a Portalpillar
Found: market, 15 gems during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Uses: chop to lure event monster. 8/8 hits to defeat

The Portal
From Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops: earth wisp, expansion permit, golden apple, golden egg, golden nugget, spellbound dew, trade ticket, wisp lantern
Collection time:
Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?76392)

added missing inventory items 22/7/2021 here and to the Inventory Guide. SW

Apotranus Bloom
Info: A strange flower.
Found: reward from goal during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops post event: 1x1 decoration
Collection time: 2 hours

Binary bulb
Info: A beautiful celestial bloom.
Found: market 100 coins during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops post event: white petals
Collection time: 12 hours

Cavus Cavern
Info: A hive where Portalpillars love to hide.
Found: market, 2000 coins during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Uses post event: 2x2 decoration

Eclipse Elm
Info: An otherworldly elm tree.
Found: market 700 coins (comes as sapling) during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Uses post event: 1x1 decoration

Hydronous Hollow
Info: A pond with a mysterious glow.
Found: market, 5000 coins during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops: ~15 coins, blue fish, spawns dire boar, fish, water
Collection time: 3 hours

Lunation Limb
Info: A shrub that draws its energy from the moon.
Found: market, 10000 coins during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Uses: clear for event items

Perehelion Hog
Info: A sweet space swine.
Found: market during Out Of This World event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825-Castle-Story-1-7-Out-of-this-World-event-information-on-page-1)
Drops: ~30 coins, bacon, spawns fangbeasts
Collection time: 2 hours

01-07-21, 01:24 AM
The Portal Portal Beam Portal Block Portal Rope Portal Key Oxa Saddle | Celestial Rune Lunar Wood Apotranus Vine Perihelion Muck Glow Stone Binary Petals Portalpillar Slime Portalpillar Hide Hydronous Water Portal Ore Portalpillar Larvae | Energy Day Upgrade Day
The Portal L1 | | 0,00 1
The Portal L2 | 1 | 1 0,00 1
The Portal L3 1 | 5 6 | 50 0,17 1
The Portal L4 2 3 | 10 12 18 6 | 270 0,93 2
The Portal L5 3 5 3 | 15 18 30 10 3 12 | 548 1,89 3
The Portal L6 4 6 4 | 20 24 36 12 4 16 | 692 2,39 6
The Portal L7 6 8 6 6 | 30 36 48 16 6 24 84 108 | 1 910 6,59 12
Oxa 3 | 6 24 | 174 0,60 13
Total 16 22 13 6 3 | 1 80 96 132 44 13 52 6 24 84 108 | 3 644 12,56 13
Collector 17 23 14 7 4 | 2 86 103 139 47 15 57 9 33 99 127 | 4 057 13,99 14

Celestial Rune: 1 (Old Thomas' House)
Lunar Wood: 8,5 (Eclipse Elm [Grow: 5; Chop: 10; Drop: 2])
Apotranus Vine: 1 (Bamboo Fountain)
Perihelion Muck: 5 (Perihelion Hog [Drop Rate: 20%])
Glow Stone: 13 (Portalpillar [Spawn: 10; Defeat: 3])
Binary Petals: 1 (Binary Bulb)
Portalpillar Slime: 9 (Portalpillar Maximus [Spawn: 4; Defeat: 5])
Portalpillar Hide: 7 (Portalpillar Gigantus [Spawn: 1; Defeat: 6])
Hydronous Water: 3,1 (Hydronous Hollow [Drop Rate: 33%])
Portal Ore: 0,5 (Oxa [Drop Rate: 200%])
Portalpillar Larvae: 7 (Portalpillar Gigantus [Spawn: 1; Defeat: 6])
Energy per Day: 290 (Fully used for the event)

Apotranus Vine & Binary Petals will take long to gather! Set a timer on the Apotranus Bloom & Binary Bulb. The most challenging is to get 3 Oxas a soon as possible to collect the Portalpillar Larvae, that will be the ultimate challenge.
Total crafring time: 66 Hours

https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb810031.png_2v_31020.pngApotranus Bloom (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Apotranus%20Bloom,Name=tru e#_ApotranusBloom) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-ApotranusBloom.png))Storable:YesInfo:A strange flower. Tend to it to collect Apotranus Vines.Type:DecorationClass:OtherSource:EventSize:1 x1Requirements: 65 gemsSell:item cannot be sold!Drops:Apotranus VineEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:120 minutes // 2 hoursColl. Speed-up:8 gemsCap:2 (3)Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52585.png_2v_31020.pngApotranus Vine (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Apotranus%20Vine,Name=true #_ApotranusVine) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-ApotranusVine.png))Storable:YesInfo:This though vine will make for a good rope. Found by tending Apotranus Blooms.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirements: 9 gemsFound:Apotranus BloomUsed for:Portal BeamEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb810038.png_2v_31020.pngBinary Bulb (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Binary%20Bulb,Name=true#_B inaryBulb) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-BinaryBulb.png))Storable:YesInfo:A beautiful celestial bloom. Tend to it to collect Binary Petals.Type:DecorationClass:PlantsSource:EventSize :1x1Requirements: 100 coinsSell:item cannot be sold!Drops:Coins (590), Binary Petals, White PetalEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:720 minutes // 12 hoursColl. Speed-up:48 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52589.png_2v_31020.pngBinary Petals (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Binary%20Petals,Name=true# _BinaryPetals) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-BinaryPetals.png))Storable:YesInfo:Beautiful glowing petals. Found by tending the Binary Bulb.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirements: 50 gemsFound:Binary BulbUsed for:Portal RopeEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb153032.png_2v_31020.pngCavus Cavern (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Cavus%20Cavern,Name=true#_ CavusCavern) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-CavusCavern.png))Storable:YesInfo:A hive where Portalpillars love to hide. Collect Portalpillar Coins and tame Portalpillars here!Type:BuildingClass:CraftingSource:EventSize:2 x2Requirements: 2000 coinsEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52583.png_2v_31020.pngCelestial Rune (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Celestial%20Rune,Name=true #_CelestialRune) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-CelestialRune.png))Storable:YesInfo:A mysterious rune with an even more mysterious carving. Found when visiting Old Thomas's House.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirements: 6 gemsFound:Old Thomas' HouseUsed for:The PortalEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb810036.png_2v_31020.pngEclipse Elm (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Eclipse%20Elm,Name=true#_E clipseElm) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-EclipseElm.png))Storable:YesInfo:An otherworldly elm tree. Chop for Lunar Wood and other Crafting Materials.Type:DecorationClass:PlantsSource:EventS ize:1x1Sell:0 coinsDrops:Wood, Portalpillar, Sap, Lunar Wood, Living WoodEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb810035.png_2v_31020.pngEclipse Elm Sapling (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Eclipse%20Elm%20Sapling,Na me=true#_EclipseElmSapling) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-EclipseElmSapling.png))Storable:YesInfo:Water to grow into Eclipse Elm. Chop Eclipse Elms for Lunar Wood and other Crafting MaterialsType:DecorationClass:PlantsSource:EventSi ze:1x1Requirements: 700 coinsSell:item cannot be sold!Events:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:10 minutesColl. Speed-up:1 gemsLink:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:Will grow into a Eclipse Elm, water 5 times.
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52587.png_2v_31020.pngGlow Stone (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Glow%20Stone,Name=true#_Gl owStone) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GlowStone.png))Storable:YesInfo:A beautiful floating stone. Found by defeating Portalpillars.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirement s: 46 gemsFound:PortalpillarUsed for:Portal BlockEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb810039.png_2v_31020.pngHydronous Hollow (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Hydronous%20Hollow,Name=tr ue#_HydronousHollow) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HydronousHollow.png))Storable:YesInfo:A pond with a mysterious glow. Fish in it to collect Hydronous Water and other Crafting materials.Type:DecorationClass:OtherSource:EventSi ze:2x2Requirements: 5000 coinsDrops:Coins (15), Hydronous Water, Water, Fish, Blue Fish, Dire BoarEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:180 minutes // 3 hoursColl. Speed-up:12 gemsCap:2Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52591.png_2v_31020.pngHydronous Water (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Hydronous%20Water,Name=tru e#_HydronousWater) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HydronousWater.png))Storable:YesInfo:A strange glowing water. Found by visiting the Hydronous Hollow.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirements: 20 gemsFound:Hydronous HollowUsed for:Oxa SaddleEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52584.png_2v_31020.pngLunar Wood (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Lunar%20Wood,Name=true#_Lu narWood) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-LunarWood.png))Storable:YesInfo:A wood covered in glowing fungi. Collected when clearing Trees.Type:MaterialSource:EventFound:Lunation Limb, Eclipse ElmUsed for:Portal BeamEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb810037.png_2v_31020.pngLunation Limb (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Lunation%20Limb,Name=true# _LunationLimb) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-LunationLimb.png))Storable:YesInfo:A shrub that draws its energy from the moon. Chop for Lunar Wood and other Crafting Materials.Type:DecorationClass:PlantsSource:EventS ize:1x1Requirements: 10000 coinsSell:item cannot be sold!Drops:Portalpillar, Lunar WoodEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:Can be cleared in 6 actions
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb914015.png_2v_31020.pngOxa (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Oxa,Name=true#_Oxa) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Oxa.png))Storable:YesInfo:A goat-like creature that loves to dig into the ground Feed to find Portal Ores.Type:DecorationClass:AnimalsSource:EventCraft ed in:Cavus CavernSize:1x1Requirements: 90 coins // 1 Oxa Saddle, 1 Light Armor, 1 LongswordDrops:Wool, Prime Cut, Red Ribbon, Fertilizer, Portal Ore, Portalpillar Gigantus, FangbeastEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Production:240 minutes // 4 hoursProd. Speed-up:16 gemsCollection:120 minutes // 2 hoursColl. Speed-up:8 gemsCap:3 (4)Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:A fast celestial creature.
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52598.png_2v_31020.pngOxa Saddle (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Oxa%20Saddle,Name=true#_Ox aSaddle) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-OxaSaddle.png))Storable:YesInfo:A saddle that can tame even the brightest burning Oxa. Used to tame Oxas.Type:MaterialSource:EventCrafted in:Magic ForgeRequirements: 200 gems // 2 Portalpillar Hide, 8 Hydronous Water, 30 Iron OreEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Production:90 minutes // 1,5 hoursProd. Speed-up:6 gemsCap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:A saddle used to ride an Oxa.
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb914019.png_2v_31020.pngPavo (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Pavo,Name=true#_Pavo) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Pavo.png))Storable:YesInfo:Pavo the start traveler. Visit him for to collect energy!Type:DecorationClass:AnimalsSource:EventSiz e:1x1Drops:EnergyEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:1320 minutes // 22 hoursColl. Speed-up:88 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:Final prize of the event.
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb914022.png_2v_31020.pngPerihelion Hog (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Perihelion%20Hog,Name=true #_PerihelionHog) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PerihelionHog.png))Storable:YesInfo:A sweet space swine. Feed to find Perihelion Muck.Type:DecorationClass:AnimalsSource:EventSize: 1x1Drops:Coins (30), Perihelion Muck, Bacon, FangbeastEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:120 minutes // 2 hoursColl. Speed-up:8 gemsCap:10Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52586.png_2v_31020.pngPerihelion Muck (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Perihelion%20Muck,Name=tru e#_PerihelionMuck) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PerihelionMuck.png))Storable:YesInfo:A glue-like muck. Found by tending Perihelion Hogs.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirements: 18 gemsFound:Perihelion HogUsed for:Portal BlockEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb810040.png_2v_31020.pngPlanomos Pine (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Planomos%20Pine,Name=true# _PlanomosPine) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PlanomosPine.png))Storable:YesInfo:This in not your average pine. Tend this tree during the event to collect more Portalpillar Coins, Perihelion Muck, and Portal Ores!Type:DecorationClass:PlantsSource:EventSize:1 x1Requirements: 500 gemsDrops:Coins (180), Portalpillar Coins (180), Perihelion Muck, Portal Ore, Faerie Beam, Faerie Block, Faerie Paste, Faeries' Murmur, Fey Crystal, Faerie Jar, Faeriebulb Seeds, Faerie EssenceEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:240 minutes // 4 hoursColl. Speed-up:16 gemsLink:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52595.png_2v_31020.pngPortal Beam (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portal%20Beam,Name=true#_P ortalBeam) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalBeam.png))Storable:YesInfo:A beam blessed with the energy of the stars. Used to repair the Portal.Type:MaterialSource:EventCrafted in:WorkshopRequirements: 65 gems // 6 Apotranus Vine, 6 Lunar WoodUsed for:The PortalEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Production:30 minutesProd. Speed-up:2 gemsCap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:Used to upgrade the Portal.
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52596.png_2v_31020.pngPortal Block (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portal%20Block,Name=true#_ PortalBlock) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalBlock.png))Storable:YesInfo:A block blessed with the energy of the stars. Used to repair the Portal.Type:MaterialSource:EventCrafted in:WorkshopRequirements: 85 gems // 6 Perihelion Muck, 2 Glow StoneUsed for:The PortalEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Production:60 minutes // 1 hourProd. Speed-up:4 gemsCap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:Used to upgrade the Portal.
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52599.png_2v_31020.pngPortal Key (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portal%20Key,Name=true#_Po rtalKey) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalKey.png))Storable:YesInfo:A key to the portal. Used to repair the Portal.Type:MaterialSource:EventCrafted in:WorkshopRequirements: 170 gems // 18 Portal Ore, 14 Portalpillar LarvaeUsed for:The PortalEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Production:120 minutes // 2 hoursProd. Speed-up:8 gemsCap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:Used to upgrade the Portal.
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52592.png_2v_31020.pngPortal Ore (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portal%20Ore,Name=true#_Po rtalOre) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalOre.png))Storable:YesInfo:This powerful ore has the power to open dimensions. Found by tending Oxas.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirements: 10 gemsFound:OxaUsed for:Portal KeyEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52597.png_2v_31020.pngPortal Rope (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portal%20Rope,Name=true#_P ortalRope) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalRope.png))Storable:YesInfo:A rope blessed with the energy of the stars. Used to repair the Portal.Type:MaterialSource:EventCrafted in:Magic ForgeRequirements: 60 gems // 4 Portalpillar Slime, 1 Binary PetalsUsed for:The PortalEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Production:90 minutes // 1,5 hoursProd. Speed-up:6 gemsCap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:Used to upgrade the Portal.
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb914016.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar,Name=true#_Po rtalpillar) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Portalpillar.png))Storable:YesInfo:The smallest of the Portalpillar species. Pet it to see what it found for you!Type:DecorationClass:AnimalsSource:EventCrafte d in:Cavus CavernSize:5x5Requirements: 280 gems // 125 Portalpillar Coin, 3 Hearty Feast, 10 TomatoDrops:Wood, Sap, Living Word, Wooden Beam, Patch of Tall Grass, Plant In A LogEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Production:15 minutesProd. Speed-up:1 gemsCollection:240 minutes // 4 hoursColl. Speed-up:16 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb914016.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar (Spawn) (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20%28Spawn%29 ,Name=true#_PortalpillarSpawn)Storable:NoType:Spaw nSource:EventSize:5x5Found:Lunation Limb, Portalpillar Trap, Eclipse ElmDrops:Portalpillar Coin, Energy, Glow StoneEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:5 HP
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52594.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Coin (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Coin,Name=t rue#_PortalpillarCoin) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalpillarCoin.png))Storable:YesInfo:A coin used to summon pets in the Glow Cave! Rare drop from Portalpillars, guaranteed drop from defeating Portalpillar Maximus Gigantus.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirements: 12 gemsUsed for:Portalpillar, Portalpillar Maximus, Portalpillar GigantusEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:999Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb914018.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Gigantus (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Gigantus,Na me=true#_PortalpillarGigantus) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalpillarGigantus.png))Storable:YesInfo:The largest of the Portalpillar species. Pet it to see what it found for you!Type:DecorationClass:AnimalsSource:EventCrafte d in:Cavus CavernSize:1x1Requirements: 320 gems // 160 Portalpillar Coin, 1 Truffle, 25 CornDrops:Jewels, Pile of Seeds, Bread, Golden EggEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Production:10 minutesProd. Speed-up:1 gemsCollection:1320 minutes // 22 hoursColl. Speed-up:88 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb914018.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Gigantus (Spawn) (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Gigantus%20 %28Spawn%29,Name=true#_PortalpillarGigantusSpawn)S torable:NoType:SpawnSource:EventSize:5x5Found:The Portal, Portalpillar Gigantus TrapDrops:Portalpillar Coin, Energy, Portalpillar Hide, Portalpillar LarvaeEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:12 HP
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb810034.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Gigantus Trap (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Gigantus%20 Trap,Name=true#_PortalpillarGigantusTrap) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalpillarGigantusTrap.png))Storable:YesInfo:Cho p to lure a Portalpillar Gigantus!Type:DecorationClass:OtherSource:EventSiz e:1x1Requirements: 20 gemsSell:item cannot be sold!Events:Out of this World - January 2021Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:Can be cleared in a actions
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52590.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Hide (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Hide,Name=t rue#_PortalpillarHide) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalpillarHide.png))Storable:YesInfo:The cocoon of a Portalpillar. Found by defeating Portalpillar Gigantus.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirements: 55 gemsFound:Portalpillar GigantusUsed for:Oxa SaddleEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52593.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Larvae (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Larvae,Name =true#_PortalpillarLarvae) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalpillarLarvae.png))Storable:YesInfo:The larvae of a Portalpillar Gigantus. Found by defeating Portalpillar Gigantus.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirements: 16 gemsFound:Portalpillar GigantusUsed for:Portal KeyEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb914017.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Maximus (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Maximus,Nam e=true#_PortalpillarMaximus) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalpillarMaximus.png))Storable:YesInfo:A larger specimen of the Portalpillar species. Pet it to see what it found for you!Type:DecorationClass:AnimalsSource:EventCrafte d in:Cavus CavernSize:1x1Requirements: 250 gems // 135 Portalpillar Coin, 3 Simple Glue, 15 GlimmerdustDrops:Glimmerdust, Pile of Seeds, White Petal, Orange Petal, Blue Petal, Purple Petal, Red Petal, Faeries' MurmurEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Production:25 minutesProd. Speed-up:2 gemsCollection:480 minutes // 8 hoursColl. Speed-up:32 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb914017.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Maximus (Spawn) (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Maximus%20% 28Spawn%29,Name=true#_PortalpillarMaximusSpawn)Sto rable:NoType:SpawnSource:EventSize:5x5Found:Farmho use, Portalpillar Maximus TrapDrops:Portalpillar Coin, Portalpillar Slime, EnergyEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:8 HP
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb810034.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Maximus Trap (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Maximus%20T rap,Name=true#_PortalpillarMaximusTrap) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalpillarMaximusTrap.png))Storable:YesInfo:Chop to lure a Portalpillar Maximus!Type:DecorationClass:OtherSource:EventSize :1x1Requirements: 15 gemsSell:item cannot be sold!Events:Out of this World - January 2021Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:Can be cleared in a actions
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb52588.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Slime (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Slime,Name= true#_PortalpillarSlime) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalpillarSlime.png))Storable:YesInfo:A sticky goo that helps the Portalpillar stick to trees. Found by defeating Portalpillar Maximus.Type:MaterialSource:EventRequirements: 22 gemsFound:Portalpillar MaximusUsed for:Portal RopeEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Cap:99Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb810034.png_2v_31020.pngPortalpillar Trap (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Portalpillar%20Trap,Name=t rue#_PortalpillarTrap) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PortalpillarTrap.png))Storable:YesInfo:Chop to lure a Portalpillar!Type:DecorationClass:OtherSource:Even tSize:1x1Requirements: 20 gemsSell:item cannot be sold!Events:Out of this World - January 2021Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825Comments:Can be cleared in a actions
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb550086.png_2v_31020.pngThe Portal L1 (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=The%20Portal%20L1,Name=tru e#_ThePortalL1) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-ThePortalL1.png))Storable:YesInfo:A mysterious portal. Has a chance to drop Pana Coins. Will drop Trade Tickets and more at Lv. 7 after the Out of This World event ends!Type:BuildingClass:SpecialSource:EventSize:2x 2Requirements: 12000 coinsSell:item cannot be sold!Drops:Portalpillar CoinEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:60 minutes // 1 hourColl. Speed-up:4 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb550086.png_2v_31020.pngThe Portal L2 (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=The%20Portal%20L2,Name=tru e#_ThePortalL2) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-ThePortalL2.png))Storable:YesInfo:A mysterious portal. Has a chance to drop Pana Coins. Will drop Trade Tickets and more at Lv. 7 after the Out of This World event ends!Type:BuildingClass:SpecialSource:EventSize:2x 2Requirements: 1 Celestial RuneSell:item cannot be sold!Drops:Portalpillar CoinEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:60 minutes // 1 hourColl. Speed-up:4 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb550086.png_2v_31020.pngThe Portal L3 (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=The%20Portal%20L3,Name=tru e#_ThePortalL3) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-ThePortalL3.png))Storable:YesInfo:A mysterious portal. Has a chance to drop Pana Coins. Will drop Trade Tickets and more at Lv. 7 after the Out of This World event ends!Type:BuildingClass:SpecialSource:EventSize:2x 2Requirements: 1 Portal Beam, 40 Wood, 20 SapSell:item cannot be sold!Drops:Portalpillar CoinEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:60 minutes // 1 hourColl. Speed-up:4 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb550096.png_2v_31020.pngThe Portal L4 (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=The%20Portal%20L4,Name=tru e#_ThePortalL4) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-ThePortalL4.png))Storable:YesInfo:A mysterious portal. Has a chance to drop Pana Coins. Will drop Trade Tickets and more at Lv. 7 after the Out of This World event ends!Type:BuildingClass:SpecialSource:EventSize:2x 2Requirements: 2 Portal Beam, 3 Portal Block, 35 SapSell:item cannot be sold!Drops:Portalpillar CoinEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:60 minutes // 1 hourColl. Speed-up:4 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb550096.png_2v_31020.pngThe Portal L5 (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=The%20Portal%20L5,Name=tru e#_ThePortalL5) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-ThePortalL5.png))Storable:YesInfo:A mysterious portal. Has a chance to drop Pana Coins. Will drop Trade Tickets and more at Lv. 7 after the Out of This World event ends!Type:BuildingClass:SpecialSource:EventSize:2x 2Requirements: 3 Portal Beam, 5 Portal Block, 3 Portal RopeSell:item cannot be sold!Drops:Portalpillar CoinEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:60 minutes // 1 hourColl. Speed-up:4 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb550096.png_2v_31020.pngThe Portal L6 (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=The%20Portal%20L6,Name=tru e#_ThePortalL6) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-ThePortalL6.png))Storable:YesInfo:A mysterious portal. Has a chance to drop Pana Coins. Will drop Trade Tickets and more at Lv. 7 after the Out of This World event ends!Type:BuildingClass:SpecialSource:EventSize:2x 2Requirements: 4 Portal Beam, 6 Portal Block, 4 Portal RopeSell:item cannot be sold!Drops:Portalpillar CoinEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:60 minutes // 1 hourColl. Speed-up:4 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb550099.png_2v_31020.pngThe Portal L7 (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=The%20Portal%20L7,Name=tru e#_ThePortalL7) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-ThePortalL7.png))Storable:YesInfo:A mysterious portal. Has a chance to drop Pana Coins. Will drop Trade Tickets and more at Lv. 7 after the Out of This World event ends!Type:BuildingClass:SpecialSource:EventSize:2x 2Requirements: 6 Portal Beam, 8 Portal Block, 6 Portal Rope, 6 Portal KeySell:item cannot be sold!Drops:Portalpillar Coin, Trade Ticket, Golden Egg, Earth Wisp, Golden Apple, Wisp Lantern, Spellbound Dew, Golden Nugget, Expansion PermitEvents:Out of this World - January 2021Collection:480 minutes // 8 hoursColl. Speed-up:32 gemsCap:1Link:https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111825

01-07-21, 12:11 PM

You do NOT have to spend gems.

It starts out visiting a pond, then Thomas.

After completing, I was rewarded 1 of the apatronus bloom and 3 of the special trees. The bloom was not in inventory.
After I restarted, it was in my inventory.

The trees are for clearing.
The bloom has a 2 hour collection. So far you can only have 1 bloom unless you buy another for 65 gems.

01-07-21, 12:14 PM
This is goal 3. The bloom is something you ha e to buy with gems.. I?m not sure how to continue without using gems.


Edit add: checked my inventory and you get one free one.

01-07-21, 12:15 PM
Glitchy event so far. I started playing on Android and had to restart to be able to upgrade. Next, the reward of the apotranus bloom could not be found in my inventory. I switched to iOS and found it in my inventory.

01-07-21, 12:16 PM
Yeah, I'm not spending gems as a requirement to do this event.

Skipping this one

01-07-21, 12:18 PM
Yes, as I thought, aliens and a portal. These are not the kind of deco that goes with my queendom, and I have lots of energy generators, so we shall see what other rewards there be.




01-07-21, 12:18 PM
This is goal 3. The bloom is something you ha e to buy with gems.. I?m not sure how to continue without using gems.


Edit add: checked my inventory and you get one free one.

there should be one bush in your inventory. However I could not find it when I was on my Android phone. I found it once I switched to my ipad.

01-07-21, 12:18 PM
Yeah, I'm not spending gems as a requirement to do this event.

Skipping this one

Never been an event that required spending gems complete.. Spend Gems to Complete Faster maybe but thats the players choice

01-07-21, 12:18 PM
First glitch already. Flash screen said I got an Apotranus bloom as part of reward for upgrading. I did not! I’m not about to spend 65 gems just to continue with a somewhat silly event. I would do it as I don’t have anything else except for some academy stuff.

OK. Force quit and restart and bloom was in inventory. Two hour timer. BTW, I am playing on an iPad.

01-07-21, 12:21 PM
First glitch already. Flash screen said I got an Apotranus bloom as part of reward for upgrading. I did not! I’m not about to spend 65 gems just to continue with a somewhat silly event. I would do it as I don’t have anything else except for some academy stuff.
Restart your game. The apatranus bloom will be in your inventory.

01-07-21, 12:23 PM
First glitch already. Flash screen said I got an Apotranus bloom as part of reward for upgrading. I did not! I’m not about to spend 65 gems just to continue with a somewhat silly event. I would do it as I don’t have anything else except for some academy stuff.

Same here...
Nothing in the inventory.. only Apotranus bloom for 65 gems!

01-07-21, 12:23 PM
First glitch already. Flash screen said I got an Apotranus bloom as part of reward for upgrading. I did not! I?m not about to spend 65 gems just to continue with a somewhat silly event. I would do it as I don?t have anything else except for some academy stuff.

Same here. Couldn?t find it. I will wait until S8 puts it in my inventory. I?m not falling for that trap!. I don?t think it?s an bug.

01-07-21, 12:25 PM
Same here...
Nothing in the inventory.. only Apotranus bloom for 65 gems!

Close out ans restart, it should show up then. that’s how it worked for me.

01-07-21, 12:26 PM
Yes, as I thought, aliens and a portal. These are not the kind of deco that goes with my queendom, and I have lots of energy generators, so we shall see what other rewards there be.




I?m in the same boat, these don?t really go with the whole castle story decor. I don?t know how much of this I will do.

01-07-21, 12:26 PM
Thanks HuckleTown! After restarting my game, I found the bloom.

Now it’s a 2hr to see what’s next...

01-07-21, 12:36 PM
I am getting the logs from my aspen trees which I desperately need to chop if I’m ever going to waken sleepy friggin’ Maurice. So currently, no need for the elms. Also, seems to be issues with the ‘pillars. I’ve found 10 so far and only one dropped coins!

01-07-21, 12:43 PM
I am getting the logs from my aspen trees which I desperately need to chop if I’m ever going to waken sleepy friggin’ Maurice. So currently, no need for the elms. Also, seems to be issues with the ‘pillars. I’ve found 10 so far and only one dropped coins!

From my 14 farm houses, I got three caterpillars which gave me a total of ten gems.

01-07-21, 12:45 PM
Could this event be the same format as the Kung-fu Panda one? The three tamed caterpillars (or whatever they are named) made me think of the three pandas. But I'll have to check, it might be completely different...

01-07-21, 12:50 PM
From my 14 farm houses, I got three caterpillars which gave me a total of ten gems.

That?s awesome! Are you on Android? I?ve had 15 now from chopping trees and elms and still only 4 total coins. :(

01-07-21, 12:52 PM
That’s awesome! Are you on Android? I’ve had 15 now from chopping trees and elms and still only 4 total coins. :(

The ones from chopping are terrible drop rates.. The Maxiumus from Farmhouses are better.. Does a third one spawn somewhere?

01-07-21, 12:54 PM
The ones from chopping are terrible drop rates.. The Maxiumus from Farmhouses are better.. Does a third one spawn somewhere?

I tried the farmhouses and see it is a different kind of monster which takes 8 hits vs 5. Thanks for the farmhouse tip! Wonder where the other one might be....

01-07-21, 12:54 PM
It does have an alien vibe from the creatures and the quest. The unusual character shapes may not be unicorns, dragons, wyverns, tree ents, manticores, giant dire wolves or flying tigers, (and we have an Egyptian theme from the past) but they do seem like fantasy and I really like how colorful they are. I'm not too fond of the glitch shaped one but I've found a lot of things can be placed hidden behind something, while still allowing them to be collected from. I still don't have too many weekly energy creatures. So I'm going to give this one a try. :)

01-07-21, 01:03 PM
Could this event be the same format as the Kung-fu Panda one? The three tamed caterpillars (or whatever they are named) made me think of the three pandas. But I'll have to check, it might be completely different...

I believe it really is that format. I just looked it up and it also started with visiting a pond. For anyone interested: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111250-Castle-Story-8-20-Kung-Who-Panda!-event-information-on-page-1&highlight=Event+information

There was a goal in that event where we had to craft three fire pandas before we could start collecting some needed event material from them. Since this made it almost impossible to collect enough of those items for most players, it was changed during the event so that the first fire panda(s) started dropping it even before the rest were crafted. I hope they've kept that change, otherwise I predict quite a bit of uproar again...

01-07-21, 01:05 PM
... I still don't have too many weekly energy creatures. So I'm going to give this one a try. :)

Do you think the main prize in this event is a weekly energy dropper rather than a daily? If so, what makes you think that?

01-07-21, 01:08 PM
I’m not sure if I am going to do the event, but I am definitely going to buy the deal in the market. 10 trade tickets for five dollars is an awesome deal, imho.

01-07-21, 01:14 PM
The featured tab in the market has several interesting items for purchase. I bought a lunation limb (6 chops) for 10000 coins (drops lunar wood). It spawned a portalpillar (drops portalpillar coin) that takes 5 energy to defeat. The lunation limb is a pretty graphic. And there appears to be a new pond which I like.

I've planted some eclipsed elm saplings which remind me of the poinsettia trees from the Christmas event. I've not watered them yet so not sure what they drop. Edit...Reward for using drop from Thomas' house upgrading the portal to stage 2 is one apotranus bloom and 3 fully grown choppable (10 chops) pink flowered eclipsed elms. So you may want to wait on buying the elms until we have more info.


What do the Apotranus (2 hour collection.....and it has a floating animation)
and Planomus flowers drop?
What are the differences between the Portalpillar, Portarpillar Maximus and Portalpillar Gigantus traps?

Pavo is the Stitch character's name, he "chirps". Cute. :D. But the story line reminds me of Phineous and Ferb with the Meep storyline.

01-07-21, 01:16 PM
Do you think the main prize in this event is a weekly energy dropper rather than a daily? If so, what makes you think that?

You make a good point. I'm not sure. I remember the Cranberry faerie daily dropper nestled in amongst other creatures on the event display picture. This creature is by itself. It may not be significant but it felt like it was. I've only been around since May so I don't have the wealth of experience for a good guess.:). It could be a daily dropper. I'm beginning to appreciate my daily droppers more than the weekly ones now that I've accumulated a few of them.

01-07-21, 01:32 PM
I believe it really is that format. I just looked it up and it also started with visiting a pond. For anyone interested: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111250-Castle-Story-8-20-Kung-Who-Panda!-event-information-on-page-1&highlight=Event+information

There was a goal in that event where we had to craft three fire pandas before we could start collecting some needed event material from them. Since this made it almost impossible to collect enough of those items for most players, it was changed during the event so that the first fire panda(s) started dropping it even before the rest were crafted. I hope they've kept that change, otherwise I predict quite a bit of uproar again...

Thanks for the warning. I just took out all my pigs for later in the event.

It looks like we will be awarded a second bloom for the task I’m on which was a common request from the Kung Who? Event, so I think S8 took our feedback in consideration when designing this. I am hopeful we will be able to craft the creature as soon as we get the first set of supplies needed.

01-07-21, 01:40 PM
After completing Goal 3, you are rewarded again with 1 Apotranus Bloom and 3 Eclipsed Elm. As before, the Apotranus Bloom doesn't show up in inventory until I rebooted my device.

01-07-21, 01:44 PM
The bloom and elm are beautiful. Thumbs up for the artwork S8. And ever since I watched The Mandalorian I am much more down with aliens. :) looks fun and I am always excited for an energy dropper.

01-07-21, 01:52 PM
After completing Goal 3, you are rewarded again with 1 Apotranus Bloom and 3 Eclipsed Elm. As before, the Apotranus Bloom doesn't show up in inventory until I rebooted my device.

Same issue.
I do not have the bloom, and the game tells me to buy the 65 gem one in the store.

01-07-21, 01:53 PM
I do think it is like the panda event.

Cavus Cavern is the craft building

Purple portalpillar - 125 Portarpillar coins, 3 hearty feasts, 10 tomatoes from crops
Red portalpillar - 150 Portalpillar coins, 1 truffle, 25 corn
Blue portalpillar - 135 portalpillar coins, 15 glimmerdust

In case anyone needs to do the cooking or early gathering.

Eclipsed elm sapling (10 chops) dropped one lunar wood and spawned a Portarpillar to defeat.

01-07-21, 02:01 PM
The Portal level 2 doesn't drop anything. Do not waste your energy.

Thanks Stymie for the heads up to RESTART my game AFTER completing GOAL 3 (just like with goal 2) to find the second apotranus bloom.

01-07-21, 02:05 PM
Same issue.
I do not have the bloom, and the game tells me to buy the 65 gem one in the store.

Rebooted and still no bloom I inadvertently clicked the one for sale not realising it was gems ,not a happy chappy

01-07-21, 02:07 PM
The Eclipsed Elm that you receive as goal rewards appear in your inventory and can be stored.
The Elm Saplings that you grow yourself cannot be stored after growing up. So if you want to keep some Elms for decoration only, keep the ones you receive as rewards, don't chop them.

01-07-21, 02:14 PM
The elm tree caterpillar didn't drop a token.

I will not waste energy hoping for a token to drop.

01-07-21, 02:18 PM
Goal 4
Gather Lunar Wood, probably 0/5
Gather Apotranus Vine 0/6
Make Portal Beams 0/1
Upgrade the Portal to Level 3

Make Portal Beams (Workshop) 30 minutes
Apotranus Vines 0/6
Lunar Wood 0/5

Upgrade the Portal to Level 3
Wood 0/40
Sap 0/20
Portal Beam 0/1

01-07-21, 02:34 PM
The portal pillar doesn’t drop a coin every time. That’s a bit irritating.

01-07-21, 02:35 PM
From my 14 farm houses, I got three caterpillars which gave me a total of ten gems.

That?s awesome! Are you on Android? I?ve had 15 now from chopping trees and elms and still only 4 total coins. :(

I'm on an iPad. But I'm not in too great a hurry to get coins because I finished the panda event with 200 spare coins.

01-07-21, 02:53 PM
Could this event be the same format as the Kung-fu Panda one? The three tamed caterpillars (or whatever they are named) made me think of the three pandas. But I'll have to check, it might be completely different...

So no scrolls then? I guess I'll skip this one.

01-07-21, 03:00 PM
So no scrolls then? I guess I'll skip this one.

I skipped the last event because I thought it was just crowns. I didn't realize there were scrolls to be had until yesterday, and by then it was too late. Kicking myself.

01-07-21, 03:03 PM
I posted earlier but I think that the bush issues is bigger than just restarting for Android users. With both the first bush reward and the second bush reward, I restarted my Android phone to see if that would fix it. In both cases it did not. However, when I went to my ipad and restarted, they showed up. While I regularly go back and forth between Android and IOS, I think something is wrong this time for Android.

01-07-21, 03:04 PM
Prize Information

RESTART YOUR GAME AFTER RECEIVING THE REWARDS (the gem item isn't showing in your inventory until you force close and reopen your game.)

You do NOT need to spend gems.

I don't have the goals yet, so I'll write them when I can.

Reposting here Spiritwind because people don't read earlier pages sometimes ;)

01-07-21, 03:04 PM
Has anyone seen any sign of scrolls as rewards yet? @Stymie52?

01-07-21, 03:06 PM
I missed out on the panda event due to busy schedule irl so I’ll have to go check that thread. I have to say- I like the plants with this event a lot. I think they’ll look cool in my marsh area as I expand more there.

01-07-21, 03:12 PM
Has anyone seen any sign of scrolls as rewards yet? @Stymie52?

I am on goal 6 and there's only crowns in increasing numbers. I don't think there will be any scrolls to be had. :(

01-07-21, 03:19 PM
I don't know if this a bug or intended but I can neither store nor sell my Apotranus Blooms. It appears they will be stuck forever on display in my kingdom. Force closing doesn't amend it.

01-07-21, 03:20 PM
I hope my earlier post didn't make anyone think I was berating them for not wanting to do the event with the creatures not matching their kingdoms. That's completely understandable. :)

I wonder what the rewards are. I like the rewards the pandas give.

I agree, not all portalpillars drop coins. I don't know if it is related to the reward sapling or not but it was a good catch that it might be a problem. That might be worth testing.

My Aportranus won't store either. Is this fixable?

I also think that the plants in this event are gorgeous. I love the color scheme the art department came up with. While the character shapes feel a little off, I can see colorful glow worms (they don't glow but their markings make me think phosphorescence) from a cave being a neat idea.

01-07-21, 04:09 PM
Nice event but sitting it out... just cannot handle the overall needs these events require.. shooting to Energy build. Artwork,is awesome!

01-07-21, 04:23 PM
Ugh...so far I'm only getting 1 vine per bloom. This is going to be painful.

If I remember the pandas correctly, once the timing issue was corrected, it wasn't too bad, just so veeerrrrrrrry ssssslllloooooowwwww

01-07-21, 04:29 PM
I am on goal 6 and there's only crowns in increasing numbers. I don't think there will be any scrolls to be had. :(

Thanks for the update. Good luck!

01-07-21, 04:37 PM
I just got a pop up with 2 vines and 2 lunar beams. Thanks S8!

01-07-21, 04:38 PM
The Portal level 2 doesn't drop anything. Do not waste your energy.

Thanks Stymie for the heads up to RESTART my game AFTER completing GOAL 3 (just like with goal 2) to find the second apotranus bloom.

You make a good point. I'm not sure. I remember the Cranberry faerie daily dropper nestled in amongst other creatures on the event display picture. This creature is by itself. It may not be significant but it felt like it was. I've only been around since May so I don't have the wealth of experience for a good guess.:). It could be a daily dropper. I'm beginning to appreciate my daily droppers more than the weekly ones now that I've accumulated a few of them.

My level 2 Portal dropped a Portapillar coin.

Mei (final prize) from the Panda Event is a weekly energy dropper.

We also just received a gift from S8. Two vines and two wood.

01-07-21, 04:39 PM
After completing Goal 3, you are rewarded again with 1 Apotranus Bloom and 3 Eclipsed Elm. As before, the Apotranus Bloom doesn't show up in inventory until I rebooted my device.

Oh no! I force closed and restarted but did not find the second bloom in my inventory. Anyone else in the same boat as me?

01-07-21, 04:41 PM
I am on goal 6 and there's only crowns in increasing numbers. I don't think there will be any scrolls to be had. :(

This event rewards Crowns, Scrolls will return as an event reward in the future.

01-07-21, 04:46 PM
After completing Goal 3, you are rewarded again with 1 Apotranus Bloom and 3 Eclipsed Elm. As before, the Apotranus Bloom doesn't show up in inventory until I rebooted my device.

There was an issue with the Apotranus Bloom being rewarded twice when it was intended to be rewarded once, and it was the potential cause of it not showing up correctly. We have addressed this issue, and any players that received an extra Apotranus Bloom will be able to keep it. We will also make it storable post-event. We appreciate any and all feedback on this event, which we are continuously trying to improve, and will consider all of it for future iterations.

01-07-21, 04:55 PM
Interesting. The apotranus bloom floats in one direction and is stationary in the other. Also, I am pretty sure I saw the word Panda somewhere, maybe the ?back of the card for the coin in the cave. It is gone now.

01-07-21, 04:58 PM
I received the second Apotranus Bloom but it is not in my inventory after force closing and rebooting. My guess is some people were lucky enough to keep and some of us had it taken away.

01-07-21, 05:00 PM
This is a clone of the Kung Who - August 2020 event: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111250

01-07-21, 05:07 PM
We have addressed this issue, and any players that received an extra Apotranus Bloom will be able to keep it. We will also make it storable post-event.

What about Eclipsed Elm? Please make it storable too!

01-07-21, 05:54 PM
S8 - thanks for the gift to help us play the game. I was a little concerned when it looked like I was going to have to wait 12 hours to get the 6 vines needed for crafting. Also it seems like the next time I collected from the bloom, I may have received 2 vines not 1 like previously.

01-07-21, 05:55 PM
Thanks for that info!

01-07-21, 05:56 PM
I received the second Apotranus Bloom but it is not in my inventory after force closing and rebooting. My guess is some people were lucky enough to keep and some of us had it taken away.

Same here unfortunately

01-07-21, 06:41 PM
Same here unfortunately

Yeah, same thing here as well

01-07-21, 06:42 PM
I received the second Apotranus Bloom but it is not in my inventory after force closing and rebooting. My guess is some people were lucky enough to keep and some of us had it taken away.

You need to check what tab u had showing inventory. And please apologize after

01-07-21, 06:54 PM
You need to check what tab u had showing inventory. And please apologize after

Nope, they are not in my inventory

01-07-21, 06:59 PM
S8 - thanks for the gift to help us play the game. I was a little concerned when it looked like I was going to have to wait 12 hours to get the 6 vines needed for crafting. Also it seems like the next time I collected from the bloom, I may have received 2 vines not 1 like previously.

We have implemented feedback from previous events. One suggestion that we've implemented is the chance for the tendable items to drop multiples.

01-07-21, 07:09 PM
We feel heard, thank you SgtBeebo!

We have implemented feedback from previous events. One suggestion that we've implemented is the chance for the tendable items to drop multiples.

01-07-21, 07:15 PM
Btw, as with the bamboo saplings, the eclipsed elm saplings are storable cut the fully grown eclipsed elms are not.

01-07-21, 07:19 PM
I recommend only buying 1 of the hogs for now because pigs also drop the item. They are $10,000 each.

I did buy extra and will report if their drops are better.

01-07-21, 07:22 PM
I just spawned a Portalpillar from a willow tree. I had multiple spawns from willow including portalpillar, fang tooth and skunkupine. Oak and red acer had a ppillar spawn each. Multiple willow tree chopping netted good results of one to two ppillars per tree, plus the lunar wood. One tree that I chopped spawned four creatures. That was interesting. I think I chopped about 10 willow trees.

Not so great spawns with limited testing:
Out of two white birch trees, I spawned 3 fang tooth and one portalpillar
One spawn out of two crab apple trees.

I didn't try aspen or golden acer.

The grown eclipse elm cannot be placed in inventory.

19 black pigs and zero perihelion green glue. I sped up the two new perihelion hogs and got two glue. I think the drop table for black pigs might need goosing.;). It might work to collect from one perihelion hog and then try pigs. Royal pig dropped one.

01-07-21, 07:24 PM
500 Gems for the Planomos Pine? Are you kidding me with this noise? I won't even spend that on an energy dropper!

Like the good little collector I am, I was going through the Market and making my usual purchase of every item when I about choked on my coffee at the price on that one! Thank goodness I noticed the insane price before I placed it - can't imagine the buyer's remorse I'd have over that one, lol.

Just seems crazy to me that they're offering an event item for such a high price without us even knowing how useful it would be; not to mention the fact that we have zero idea what it will turn in to after the event ends. No matter how I look at it, I just can't wrap my mind around this one.

01-07-21, 07:53 PM
There was an issue with the Apotranus Bloom being rewarded twice when it was intended to be rewarded once, and it was the potential cause of it not showing up correctly. We have addressed this issue, and any players that received an extra Apotranus Bloom will be able to keep it. We will also make it storable post-event. We appreciate any and all feedback on this event, which we are continuously trying to improve, and will consider all of it for future iterations.

I went ahead and bought one even though I read in here to reset. I reset after the second drop so I am lucky enough to have 3. I also spent the massive amount of gems for the other one. Often these high cost items have HUGE payoffs and really help finish the quest line with much less stress and worry.

I too LOVE the artwork and am looking forward to finishing the event.

I also really appreciate that you guys are listening to us. StormWind and everyone on the forums are so incredibly helpful. Most games I play and have played don?t pay as much attention as Storm8 has done lately and it really means a lot. I complain often LOL but I try to give credit and appreciation when it?s due

01-07-21, 08:03 PM
And thank you S8 for the gift of extra drops and Sgtbeebo for monitoring the thread. :)

01-07-21, 08:08 PM
After completing Goal 3, you are rewarded again with 1 Apotranus Bloom and 3 Eclipsed Elm. As before, the Apotranus Bloom doesn't show up in inventory until I rebooted my device.

Same issue. I?ve closed and opened the game several times and even rebooted my IPad. This Apotranus bloom doesn?t appear. I also don?t think I got the Eclipsed Elms.

01-07-21, 08:24 PM
So I’m confused. After we have upgraded the Portal to Level 3, how many Apotranus Blooms and Eclipsed Elms should we have total?

01-07-21, 08:41 PM
So I?m confused. After we have upgraded the Portal to Level 3, how many Apotranus Blooms and Eclipsed Elms should we have total?Same here. So far for me it's just been a 2 hour waiting game. Now a 30 minute wait on crafting one beam.
Btw. I have 2 blooms.
And actually it was more like a 4 -6 hour waiting game for one beam.

01-07-21, 08:54 PM
I'm on goal 5. I only received 1 bloom and 3 trees. iOS btw.

01-07-21, 09:00 PM
Help timers are off. I only get 13 days not 14 

01-07-21, 09:09 PM
We have implemented feedback from previous events. One suggestion that we've implemented is the chance for the tendable items to drop multiples.

SgtBeebo - I collected from my first alien hog (can't remember the name) after the full 2 hrs and it did not give me anything (I used gems to speed one up at the start and received 1). I was VERY surprised. With a 2 hr clock, won't we need a guaranteed drop of at least one? I ended up buying 6 before I read another post that pigs also drop the item. The timer will be up in a few minutes for remaining 5, so hopefully I'll get better drops.

Update - after 7 collections I have 2 of the required drops. It's going to take a long time to get the 6 needed to craft and upgrade. Looks like I wasted 50,000 coins on extra hogs.

Update 2 - after collecting from 44 pigs, I picked up 9 more of the needed drops. Wish I wouldn't have spent extra coins on the hogs.

01-07-21, 10:35 PM
The bloom and elm are beautiful. Thumbs up for the artwork S8. And ever since I watched The Mandalorian I am much more down with aliens. :) looks fun and I am always excited for an energy dropper.

They are look cool and it's a shame the elms are not storable. I wanted to grow many to decorate my kingdom.

01-07-21, 10:48 PM
Help timers are off. I only get 13 days not 14 

The timers round off to the day until the final 24 hours so it only shows 14 days for a few hours directly after the event starts.

For example, the moment the timer goes from 14 to 13 days, the actual time left is 13 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. Since there's not enough room in the little boxes for all that info we just see the first bit.

01-07-21, 10:51 PM
Maybe you meant the trees? Because those are the ones you grow. Blooms come fully grown.

To make your tree storable: purchase a sapling, place it on the board. Store it first.
Then place it again from storage. Grow into tree. Voila, you now have a storable tree.
I already made 20 and love them!

01-07-21, 10:58 PM
Apotramos Bloom dont give me anything in 2 collection , is normal?

01-07-21, 11:12 PM
Maybe you meant the trees? Because those are the ones you grow. Blooms come fully grown.

To make your tree storable: purchase a sapling, place it on the board. Store it first.
Then place it again from storage. Grow into tree. Voila, you now have a storable tree.
I already made 20 and love them!

Yes, thank you, I fixed my post. And thank you for the trick but unfortunately it's too late for me. My saplings almost grown already.

01-07-21, 11:27 PM
So instead of collecting from Ivy's Hut (which I have avoided for the last day and a half) we get to place the Binary Bulb, and then wait 12 hours before we can collect.

Head meet wall.

01-07-21, 11:55 PM
Congrats to the lucky few who got 2 Apotranus Blooms for free. Seems like a huge advantage.
A shame this wasn't corrected by giving everyone an extra Bloom.

Good luck everyone! (we'll need it I bet)

Maybe you meant the trees? Because those are the ones you grow. Blooms come fully grown.

To make your tree storable: purchase a sapling, place it on the board. Store it first.
Then place it again from storage. Grow into tree. Voila, you now have a storable tree.
I already made 20 and love them!

Thanks for the tip Lyzau! I'm trying it out now :love_heart:

01-08-21, 01:58 AM
My Portalpillars don’t drop Glow Stones. I’ve restarted the game several times.
Is is a random drop?

01-08-21, 02:06 AM
My Portalpillars don?t drop Glow Stones. I?ve restarted the game several times.
Is is a random drop?

Just make sure it the ones from the eclipsed elms that give them, not the big ones that you trigger from the farmhouses.

01-08-21, 02:09 AM
This is a clone of the Kung Who - August 2020 event: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?111250

That event was a grind but the rewards were totally worth it.

01-08-21, 02:36 AM
Just make sure it the ones from the eclipsed elms that give them, not the big ones that you trigger from the farmhouses.

Thank you so much. I didn’t know that.

01-08-21, 03:12 AM
Oo an Energy dropper main prize, floating plants, cool color scheme that draws from pastels / some of the sea creatures and perhaps Mountain of the Wilds 🥰❤️
Wasn't too sure based on the preview and thought I might separate out the themed items but i'm lovin' the plants and overall palette.

Very cool.

I?m not sure if I am going to do the event, but I am definitely going to buy the deal in the market. 10 trade tickets for five dollars is an awesome deal, imho.

Yes please! ❤️ 10 Expansion Permits + the unlimited energy etc. 😍❤️

✨ Wonderful package. ✨

I wanted to experience the next Kung Fu Panda-esque event without purchasing boosts or bonuses (just to get a sense of its balance, especially since I went overboard last time), but since the packages were offered alongside this one again...
oh well. 😂❤️

I'm very happy to see we'll be getting more Academy Scrolls in future events, hopefully soon~ I was really enjoying those mixed Crowns and Scrolls! 🥰❤️

Good luck all! ❤️

01-08-21, 04:01 AM
Is there a max no for the hog?

01-08-21, 04:10 AM
Is there a max no for the hog?

Yes, you can have 10 max.

Oo an Energy dropper main prize, floating plants, cool color scheme that draws from pastels / some of the sea creatures and perhaps Mountain of the Wilds ��❤️
Wasn't too sure based on the preview and thought I might separate out the themed items but i'm lovin' the plants and overall palette.

Very cool. .....

I'm loving it too. :love_heart:
The floating Trees and Plants are awesome.
And the Hog is very cute. Looking foreword to Pavo! (mr. purple alien ;))

01-08-21, 04:41 AM
I went to go buy another Apotranus bloom from the market for I think is was 65 gems and the item is no longer listed for sale .Is there a cap on them ? Also I tapped on 45 black pigs 3 times and have got nothing .I only get Perihelion Muck from the beige pigs or the Perinelion hogs and even those are stingy .Is this what other players finding ?

01-08-21, 05:00 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Peroldrado View Post
My Portalpillars don?t drop Glow Stones. I?ve restarted the game several times.
Is is a random drop?

Just make sure it the ones from the eclipsed elms that give them, not the big ones that you trigger from the farmhouses.

Try cutting down one regular willow tree and see if that helps.

01-08-21, 05:07 AM
5 perihelion hogs - no drop
I said 19 earlier but I miscounted, it's 18 black pigs - no drop
Sir Pigglesworth - no drop
Fall uni-pig - no drop
Leaf pig - no drop
Ghost pig - no drop

I think there's a problem.

Was the apotranus bloom supposed to be removed from the market? I have two, was going to buy another.

01-08-21, 06:31 AM
Do we know whether the Perihelion Hogs are guaranteed to drop muck at each collection or if it's a chance? If it's guaranteed (or even just a significantly higher chance than normal pigs) then I think it's well worth the coin investment to get the maximum allowed.

01-08-21, 06:46 AM
I looooove the artwork, thank you Storm8! Especially the elm, the bloom, the cavus cavern and the portal. I also love sci fi, so I wouldn't mind at all if somehow the portal would transport us to other realms after the event finishes, like a real stargate :-D And like a "game within the game". Castle Story in space, the final frontier, conquer and decorate a whole new planet, grow alien plants and tend to fantastic creatures, go on space adventures through the otherworldly castle, trade with other civilizations in a brand new 2nd royal exchange space portal. The possibilities are endless :-D

01-08-21, 06:49 AM
Do we know whether the Perihelion Hogs are guaranteed to drop muck at each collection or if it's a chance? If it's guaranteed (or even just a significantly higher chance than normal pigs) then I think it's well worth the coin investment to get the maximum allowed.

Not a guarenteed drop, but I feel like they have a higher drop rate than pigs.
I just got 4 from my 10 Hog's.

01-08-21, 06:53 AM
I went to go buy another Apotranus bloom from the market for I think is was 65 gems and the item is no longer listed for sale .Is there a cap on them ?

Same for me too... not in my market anymore!

01-08-21, 07:07 AM
Not a guarenteed drop, but I feel like they have a higher drop rate than pigs.
I just got 4 from my 10 Hog's.
Thanks, Ronja!

01-08-21, 07:30 AM
The Portal (Level 4) just dropped a Portalpillar Coin 😊

Level 3 was still dropping just exp (collected from it accidentally a few times), this was my first collection from Level 4 but will update in an hour if it happens again. ❤️

(Edit: Oh, just saw a post that had a coin drop fron Level 2 Portal, so Not guaranteed and apparently can happen before too. 😅 )

I'm loving it too. :love_heart:
The floating Trees and Plants are awesome.
And the Hog is very cute. Looking foreword to Pavo! (mr. purple alien ;))

Yessss 🥰❤️

I wonder if he'll just breathe or perhaps do something with his arms/antennae? 👀❤️

01-08-21, 07:42 AM
I?m not sure if I am going to do the event, but I am definitely going to buy the deal in the market. 10 trade tickets for five dollars is an awesome deal, imho.

Did you mean 10 expansion permits? Not trade tickets.

10 expansion permits for $5 is part of the deal I see

01-08-21, 07:46 AM
Any prize info yet on caterpillars or portal?

The bamboo hut we upgraded in the panda event is a guaranteed trade ticket dropper. I once got a trade ticket AND expansion permit in same drop from it. So if the portal is going to be like that, I am in.

01-08-21, 07:46 AM
Did you mean 10 expansion permits? Not trade tickets.

10 expansion permits for $5 is part of the deal I see

Yes. 😥😅 Expansion Permits ! The little beauties worth 30 Trade Tickets each, early morning typo. Thank you! ❤️

Edit: Apparently I read that as directed to me somehow, i'd made the same typo as robotparade though when I quoted their post earlier so it all works out. 😂

01-08-21, 07:57 AM
I still haven’t had my apotramus bloom in my inventory. I have force closed 3 times but still no bloom

01-08-21, 08:02 AM
Any prize info yet on caterpillars or portal?

The bamboo hut we upgraded in the panda event is a guaranteed trade ticket dropper. I once got a trade ticket AND expansion permit in same drop from it. So if the portal is going to be like that, I am in.

The Portalpillar Caterpillar has a 4 hour timer. Will post drops as soon as possible.

01-08-21, 08:47 AM
Any prize info yet on caterpillars or portal?

The bamboo hut we upgraded in the panda event is a guaranteed trade ticket dropper. I once got a trade ticket AND expansion permit in same drop from it. So if the portal is going to be like that, I am in.

Portalpillar, as Stymie has said, has a 4h collection time. First collection, black flagged for wood but also dropped a plant in a log. Portalpillar maximus, 8h, unfortunately was also black flagged for red petals. Not collected from Portalpillar gigantus with 22h collection time. Not optimistic it will be an energy dropper because main prize drops energy.

Love the artwork S8!

01-08-21, 09:17 AM
I've found the drop rate from the hogs to be similar to my pigs.

I bought the $10,000 tree to see if it's worth it: NO. 5 hits one drop.

Like federgoat said earlier regarding the Ivy (like) item: head meet wall. Now on a 24 hour wait to complete goal 7, 38 hour wait for the next upgrade. S8 has figured out how to make the 12 hour collection item even more frustrating: make us purchase a new flower which won't be ready to collect for 12 hours.

This impacts the next time sensitive portion that ruined the Panda event for most players, crafting 3 warriors that had long wait times and critical drops.

01-08-21, 09:22 AM
5 perihelion hogs - no drop
I said 19 earlier but I miscounted, it's 18 black pigs - no drop
Sir Pigglesworth - no drop
Fall uni-pig - no drop
Leaf pig - no drop
Ghost pig - no drop

I think there's a problem.

Was the apotranus bloom supposed to be removed from the market? I have two, was going to buy another.

I tapped ten random pigs (mix of black, white, royal and green), got 2.
Ten royals pigs, got 4
Ten white pigs, got 3.
Ten black pigs, got nothing four times - not touching them again.
Ten royal pigs, got 5.

01-08-21, 09:34 AM
Is it true that the deal of 5$ is really 10 expansion permits??? Are you absolutely sure? If so then I?ll grab it!

01-08-21, 09:38 AM
Is it true that the deal of 5$ is really 10 expansion permits??? Are you absolutely sure? If so then I?ll grab it!

Positive! It rewards 10 Expansion Permits (worth 300 Trade Tickets 🥰 )

And the 10 min total of Unlimited Energy starts immediately (of course- just imagine if we could store it 😂 ), all Event items are awarded correctly too. 😊

01-08-21, 10:01 AM
I've found the drop rate from the hogs to be similar to my pigs.

I bought the $10,000 tree to see if it's worth it: NO. 5 hits one drop.

Like federgoat said earlier regarding the Ivy (like) item: head meet wall. Now on a 24 hour wait to complete goal 7, 38 hour wait for the next upgrade. S8 has figured out how to make the 12 hour collection item even more frustrating: make us purchase a new flower which won't be ready to collect for 12 hours.

This impacts the next time sensitive portion that ruined the Panda event for most players, crafting 3 warriors that had long wait times and critical drops.

Oof. Thank you, HuckleTown. I'm stuck in my first 12-hour wait for the Binary Bloom (it'll bloom at 2am which I won't be able to pick up 'til morning) - is it a guaranteed dropper for the Binary Bulb, at least, if you know?

For anyone curious of the wait: for part of Goal 7 we need 2 Binary Bulbs total (12 hour wait each, hopefully we get a Bulb each time we collect) for the 2 Portal Ropes (Magic Forge Craft 2 hours crafting time, takes 4 PortalPillar Slime that starts dropping from the Farmhouse-spawned Portalpillars once you're on Goal 7, and 1 Binary Bulb from the single Binary Bloom we can buy which has a 12 hour timer) which should be 2 Binary Bloom collections or 24 hours minimum wait time...

Anyone on Goal 8? 😥

01-08-21, 10:03 AM
BTW, they had the same deal in the Kung Fu Panda event - 10 expansion permits for $5. I think I blew through $15 just for the expansion permits that time.

01-08-21, 10:13 AM
BTW, they had the same deal in the Kung Fu Panda event - 10 expansion permits for $5. I think I blew through $15 just for the expansion permits that time.

Yes! 😍

It's definitely not a mistake, i'm very glad they brought it back- just the best permit deal they have. 😊❤️

I'm sure it's an excellent money-maker! 🥰❤️

01-08-21, 10:19 AM
You need to check what tab u had showing inventory. And please apologize after

I don't have to apologize for anything it is not in my inventory. Thank you!

01-08-21, 10:39 AM
In my currency the deal is $7.50 😐
Anyone knows how come we get exchange rates this bad?
Still worth it for the expansion permits though.

01-08-21, 10:40 AM
That is a bummer! 7.50 still worth it thou

01-08-21, 10:44 AM
Can these expansion permits goes over limit since we’re purchasing them? My exchange never has enough time to convert them

01-08-21, 10:45 AM
I still haven?t had my apotramus bloom in my inventory. I have force closed 3 times but still no bloom

I don't have to apologize for anything it is not in my inventory. Thank you!

A single Apotramus Bloom has not yet appeared in your inventories after multiple force-closures after you got the Rewards screen at the appropriate goal? We're only supposed to be awarded 1 Apotramus Bloom, and it's no longer appearing in Marketplace for Gem purchase for many players today.
Hopefully your accounts were not affected by the "fix"!

I think if the usual "come on game reload" options have failed, the only thing that can be done is reach out to Support about the bug. 😥

Hope they manage to fix the issue for you! ❤️

01-08-21, 11:00 AM
In my currency the deal is $7.50 😐
Anyone knows how come we get exchange rates this bad?
Still worth it for the expansion permits though.

Is $4.99 USD roughly equal to $7.50 in your local currency?
It's either Exchange Rates (probably not since that fluctuates, though it would be simplest if $4.99 USD = $7.50 value in your currency) or some weird "foreign currency tax" exchange surcharge ("foreign" meaning not the same country the company is based in, so they'd have to charge more of your currency to make the same amount due to tax on exchange or customs or something) or local laws (Aren't these technically online purchases?) Just a guess, i'm sure there's an official answer somewhere.

In other words, i'm leaning towards it's probably the same equivalent value in our currency's purchasing power but the number we see is different due to some kind of currency exchange, international taxes if relevant (again I have no idea), or other charge the company faces to get the $ into their accounts. 😊

01-08-21, 11:35 AM
I'm sure it's an excellent money-maker! 🥰❤️

I hope it is because then they?ll have it more often ;)

01-08-21, 11:47 AM
Thank you zoroak for the photo (p12). The creatures look very nice in your kingdom. There really are glowing elements to most if not all of the wildlife.

I've been curious about the portalpillar traps for sale in the market. I would like to get one just for decoration. It's very cute. It looks like the three portalpillars to be crafted are different sizes and I assume they coordinate with their traps in the market. I am guessing the portarpillar gigantis trap summons the rose colored gigantis portarpillar, the Maximus summons the medium sized Maximus blue, and the regular trap summons the purple. I don't know if you get more supplies upon conquering the larger portarpillars or not.

Has anyone placed a trap or used one? I'm curious if the three traps are different sizes once placed and if the drops from the conquered ppillars differ according to their size. And don't we sometimes get a trap in our inventory with the event? I don't think I have one for this event.

Edit: I was curious so I placed a trap. When almost buying one of the other different traps, but not actually placing it, they appear to be same in size.

01-08-21, 11:48 AM
Does anyone know where the deer creature comes in? It's in the spoiler picture with the other elements. See Gisellex16's picture at the bottom of page 1.

01-08-21, 12:05 PM
The cavus cavern looks really pretty rotated. I haven't finished it yet but the faerie respite might look good with some of these elements. I moved them all behind Thomas' house because he has a telescope attached to it. And the observatory is next door.

This does make me think of the phosphorescence art coloring I had mentioned in the idea thread. Thank you S8. This is a fun event with lovely artwork.:love_heart:

01-08-21, 12:09 PM
Has anyone past Goal 7 (possibly federerGOAT, zoroak, or Lyzau) run into the blue deer-like animal with fluorescent features yet? I am patiently, or not so patiently, waiting to collect from the Binary Bulb. Somehow the wait seems longer than waiting for Ivy.

01-08-21, 12:13 PM
First drop from the Portalpillar was 1 Sap, 1 Plant in a Log, and 90 coins.

01-08-21, 12:28 PM
Has anyone past Goal 7 (possibly federerGOAT, zoroak, or Lyzau) run into the blue deer-like animal with fluorescent features yet? I am patiently, or not so patiently, waiting to collect from the Binary Bulb. Somehow the wait seems longer than waiting for Ivy.

Queens_ransom mentioned earlier in this thread that it is a similar format to the panda event. Looking at those goals, I presume the deer-like animal might be the fire panda equivalent that you craft in goal 10.

I am not rushing this one as the binary bulb is expensive to speed up. 48 gems for 12h is a bit steep (Ivy’s hut is 24 gems to speed up for 12h). I’ve finished crafting all 3 portalpillars so the wait for me feels very long too!

01-08-21, 12:33 PM
Has anyone past Goal 7 (possibly federerGOAT, zoroak, or Lyzau) run into the blue deer-like animal with fluorescent features yet? I am patiently, or not so patiently, waiting to collect from the Binary Bulb. Somehow the wait seems longer than waiting for Ivy.

Just like you I’m stuck on waiting for the bulb. I’m not speeding so no idea about the deer yet. Could it be the mystery craft from the cave? I have only crafted the first portalpillar.

01-08-21, 12:39 PM
zoroak, has the fourth item after the Portalpillar Gigantus in the Cavus Cavern been revealed yet or does it still say "coming soon"?

01-08-21, 12:46 PM
zoroak, has the fourth item after the Portalpillar Gigantus in the Cavus Cavern been revealed yet or does it still say "coming soon"?

Locked by goal and coming soon.

01-08-21, 12:52 PM
Many thanks, zoroak!

01-08-21, 01:31 PM

A single Apotramus Bloom has not yet appeared in your inventories after multiple force-closures after you got the Rewards screen at the appropriate goal? We're only supposed to be awarded 1 Apotramus Bloom, and it's no longer appearing in Marketplace for Gem purchase for many players today.
Hopefully your accounts were not affected by the "fix"!

I think if the usual "come on game reload" options have failed, the only thing that can be done is reach out to Support about the bug. 

Hope they manage to fix the issue for you! ❤️

Thank you, I have emailed support but it says 3 to 8 days for response, so given up and bought one with gems otherwise I?ll not be able to get on with the event

01-08-21, 01:54 PM
Are we limited to ONE binary bulb? I received the slime/bulb/petals/ropes goal, bought a bulb, placed it, now it is no longer in the market. Closed and restarted, still not in the market. With a 12 hour timer, I don't see how this is supposed to work.

01-08-21, 01:55 PM
My Portalpillar (first craft) dropped wood and a plant in a log.

01-08-21, 02:23 PM
Collecting coins for crafting portalpillars is a problem for me due to time shortage, and actually I don't like their drops and appearance neither. Do you think this event is doable if I don't craft any portalpillar? Or will they drop something necessary for fulfilling the next chapters?
Thank you in advance.

01-08-21, 02:29 PM
Is $4.99 USD roughly equal to $7.50 in your local currency?
It's either Exchange Rates (probably not since that fluctuates, though it would be simplest if $4.99 USD = $7.50 value in your currency) or some weird "foreign currency tax" exchange surcharge ("foreign" meaning not the same country the company is based in, so they'd have to charge more of your currency to make the same amount due to tax on exchange or customs or something) or local laws (Aren't these technically online purchases?) Just a guess, i'm sure there's an official answer somewhere.

In other words, i'm leaning towards it's probably the same equivalent value in our currency's purchasing power but the number we see is different due to some kind of currency exchange, international taxes if relevant (again I have no idea), or other charge the company faces to get the $ into their accounts. 😊

Well the price in my (european) currency would convert to $7.50 USD if I brought it to the bank to have it exchanged is what I meant. So it must be some kind of tax. A tax of 50% is pretty high though

01-08-21, 02:33 PM
Are we limited to ONE binary bulb? I received the slime/bulb/petals/ropes goal, bought a bulb, placed it, now it is no longer in the market. Closed and restarted, still not in the market. With a 12 hour timer, I don't see how this is supposed to work.

Yes, one Binary Bulb is all we get. It is a very long time to wait.

01-08-21, 02:48 PM
Waiting around like everyone else for the 12 hour bulb. Using all my energy to keep collecting event resources. I so appreciate the advance views from SW and Shibuyacloth. Anyone yet know how much slime, muck, vine, lunar wood, glow stone etc that we need? I still rely on the daily energy, hoping I’m not wasting it by over-collecting. Thanks!!

01-08-21, 03:31 PM
Waiting around like everyone else for the 12 hour bulb. Using all my energy to keep collecting event resources. I so appreciate the advance views from SW and Shibuyacloth. Anyone yet know how much slime, muck, vine, lunar wood, glow stone etc that we need? I still rely on the daily energy, hoping I?m not wasting it by over-collecting. Thanks!!

If this event continues to follow Kung Who Panda, here?s what I have for upgrades for levels 5 to 7:
Lunar wood: 65 Apotranus vine: 78 Perihelion muck: 114 Glow stones: 38 Binary petals: 13 Portalpillar slime: 52

01-08-21, 03:36 PM
If this event continues to follow Kung Who Panda, here?s what I have for upgrades for levels 5 to 7:
Lunar wood: 65 Apotranus vine: 78 Perihelion muck: 114 Glow stones: 38 Binary petals: 13 Portalpillar slime: 52

Awesome! Thanks for the info and only over on the slime so far

01-08-21, 03:46 PM
If this event continues to follow Kung Who Panda, here?s what I have for upgrades for levels 5 to 7:
Lunar wood: 65 Apotranus vine: 78 Perihelion muck: 114 Glow stones: 38 Binary petals: 13 Portalpillar slime: 52

So if we need 38 petals, 12 hour timer, 2 collections per day, that would be 19 days. There better be multiple drops or another one as a reward. :(

01-08-21, 04:01 PM
So if we need 38 petals, 12 hour timer, 2 collections per day, that would be 19 days. There better be multiple drops or another one as a reward. :(

Only need 13.

01-08-21, 04:06 PM
Ive collected from the perihelion hog 4 times (with a two hour timer) without a single drop of perihelion muck. Im not sure how im supposed to be able to make 2 portal blocks, let alone what tasks come next at this rate. And the portalpillar coin drops have also been so low. I battled multiple and ended up with only 5 coins, with some ?battles? not dropping a single coin. Anyone else having bad drop rates?

01-08-21, 04:13 PM
So if we need 38 petals, 12 hour timer, 2 collections per day, that would be 19 days. There better be multiple drops or another one as a reward. :(
As federerGOAT said, we only need 13 of those. I think you misread because it said "Glow stones: 38 Binary petals: 13" in kellyandcopper's post. The 38 refers to the glow stones, then you have to imagine a comma or semicolon before "perals: 13". ;-) 13 is eminently doable in the 10-12 days most of us will have left when our binary bloom is ready to collect from for the first time.

01-08-21, 04:14 PM
Ive collected from the perihelion hog 4 times (with a two hour timer) without a single drop of perihelion muck. Im not sure how im supposed to be able to make 2 portal blocks, let alone what tasks come next at this rate. And the portalpillar coin drops have also been so low. I battled multiple and ended up with only 5 coins, with some ?battles? not dropping a single coin. Anyone else having bad drop rates?

Try collecting from your brown/orange pigs. They have a good droprate of muck.

01-08-21, 04:16 PM
Ive collected from the perihelion hog 4 times (with a two hour timer) without a single drop of perihelion muck. Im not sure how im supposed to be able to make 2 portal blocks, let alone what tasks come next at this rate. And the portalpillar coin drops have also been so low. I battled multiple and ended up with only 5 coins, with some ?battles? not dropping a single coin. Anyone else having bad drop rates?

If you have the coins, I urge you to buy as many of the hogs as you can afford (maximum allowed is 10). It's a random drop, but I always get a few (2-4) each time I collect from my 10 hogs.

01-08-21, 04:34 PM
My purple portalpillar dropped sap and a patch of grass with a black flag for wood.

01-08-21, 05:00 PM
As federerGOAT said, we only need 13 of those. I think you misread because it said "Glow stones: 38 Binary petals: 13" in kellyandcopper's post. The 38 refers to the glow stones, then you have to imagine a comma or semicolon before "perals: 13". ;-) 13 is eminently doable in the 10-12 days most of us will have left when our binary bloom is ready to collect from for the first time.

Yep I sure did read it wrong! Thanks

01-08-21, 05:09 PM
Unfortunately I have plenty of black pigs (who have never dropped the muck) and only 1 regular pig and 1 albino pig who have both dropped muck once each. I ended up buying two more perihelion pigs so hopefully thats enough.

01-08-21, 05:33 PM
Unfortunately I have plenty of black pigs (who have never dropped the muck) and only 1 regular pig and 1 albino pig who have both dropped muck once each. I ended up buying two more perihelion pigs so hopefully thats enough.

I think black pigs are useless in this event because I have burned through over 60 energy on them without a single muck.

What a pity. It’s going to be hard for lower level players who don’t have as many royal/albino pigs or money to throw around on the hogs.

01-08-21, 05:36 PM
I am really worried about the drops in this event. If the math is the same as in the Panda event we are going to need 96 vines and 132 of the muck. With on average 1 vine dropping every 2 hours, that right there is going to slow things down.

01-08-21, 05:55 PM
G'day all,anyone know if the gigantic portalpillar is spawning from anything? I've tried pretty much everything that's not trees or farmhouses,as they spawn the other two,but got nothing.

01-08-21, 06:03 PM
So instead of collecting from Ivy's Hut (which I have avoided for the last day and a half) we get to place the Binary Bulb, and then wait 12 hours before we can collect.

Head meet wall.

I also didnt collect from Ivy and have been thinking the Same thing all day. Eesh.

01-08-21, 06:04 PM
I restarted no bloom for me

01-08-21, 06:10 PM
G'day all,anyone know if the gigantic portalpillar is spawning from anything? I've tried pretty much everything that's not trees or farmhouses,as they spawn the other two,but got nothing.
It’ll spawn from The Portal once it’s upgraded to LVL5.
So from Goal 9 onwards.

01-08-21, 06:33 PM
Are we only able to purchase ONE extra Apotranus Bloom...so we can only have two in total?

01-08-21, 06:53 PM
Are we only able to purchase ONE extra Apotranus Bloom...so we can only have two in total?

Appears to be 2 total only, I was only able to purchase 1 on both my accounts, then it disappeared from the market.

01-08-21, 07:39 PM
Collecting coins for crafting portalpillars is a problem for me due to time shortage, and actually I don't like their drops and appearance neither. Do you think this event is doable if I don't craft any portalpillar? Or will they drop something necessary for fulfilling the next chapters?
Thank you in advance.

Yes you can complete this event without crafting the 3 portalpillars. They are a side quest like how we collect faeries and craft items in the faerie atrium for other events.

01-08-21, 08:23 PM
How did you know that you could collect from pigs. It worked. Thank you! Why didn?t I know that. Did it tell you or you just figured it out. Is there any other information you can give us. Why go to the pond ? It also drops from white pigs and the flesh color ones. I did not try the black ones.

Thank again. I wish there was another place to get the flower drops. Maybe the blue flowers. Lol.

01-08-21, 08:25 PM
Appears to be 2 total only, I was only able to purchase 1 on both my accounts, then it disappeared from the market.

Ok, thanx

01-08-21, 08:26 PM
I am guessing the higher level the portal is the more drops of the coins. Hopefully. Because the spawning of it is terrible. I chopped up 20 trees r more and only got 11 coins.

01-08-21, 08:28 PM
How did you get so far ? You crafted one and collected tooo wow

01-08-21, 08:58 PM
I am guessing the higher level the portal is the more drops of the coins. Hopefully. Because the spawning of it is terrible. I chopped up 20 trees r more and only got 11 coins.

Coins are random from the portal. You are not guaranteed to get any.

Try the farmhouses. The portalpillar that can be found in the farmhouses gives more coins.

As to how I got so far, I saved my energy for about a week before this event so I had energy stored that could be used for getting the event items or coins.

01-08-21, 09:08 PM
The apotranus vine will be my stumbling block. Can't stand to wait. So I bought one for 65 gems. Hope that eases the tension.
I already bought the package ($7.99 in Australia) and thought those extra vines would be enough, but maybe not. Love love love the expansion tickets S8.
I think the little bluish animal's horns look more like a goat horns than a deer antlers, only it has a skunkupine ****** down it's back. Wondering what they will call it.

Wish I had known earlier about the drops from pigs. I was getting really frustrated with the perihelion hogs, getting only 2 muck from 10 hogs each collection. Now that I collected from pigs the new hogs are coughing up more muck. (Pun intended)

01-08-21, 09:33 PM
Thank you, I have emailed support but it says 3 to 8 days for response, so given up and bought one with gems otherwise I?ll not be able to get on with the event

Ahh. 😥😣 Good luck with the Event!

I hope they'll surprise you and others stuck in similar issue and resolve the bug, so you'll have both the free one and your full gem's worth! ❤️

I restarted no bloom for me

Wow, another one stuck? S8, are you sure the Blooms are being credited appropriately since the fix? 😥

Well the price in my (european) currency would convert to $7.50 USD if I brought it to the bank to have it exchanged is what I meant. So it must be some kind of tax. A tax of 50% is pretty high though

Oh how strange, that is directly flipped. Must be some kind of international exchange conversion tax indeed. I'm glad everyone has a deal in their currency though, I assume this is what some old posts i've encountered meant about different Cost of Gems themselves in their RL currency too. I wonder if the relative deal is the same, 95% off vs what you'd pay regularly for the bundle? Presumably so?

Not sure, in any case enjoy your Permits! 🥰❤️

The apotranus vine will be my stumbling block. Can't stand to wait. So I bought one for 65 gems. Hope that eases the tension.
I already bought the package ($7.99 in Australia) and thought those extra vines would be enough, but maybe not. Love love love the expansion tickets S8.
I think the little bluish animal's horns look more like a goat horns than a deer antlers, only it has a skunkupine ****** down it's back. Wondering what they will call it.

Wish I had known earlier about the drops from pigs. I was getting really frustrated with the perihelion hogs, getting only 2 muck from 10 hogs each collection. Now that I collected from pigs the new hogs are coughing up more muck. (Pun intended)

It seems that one package or so helps get folks to around level 3-4-ish, there are plenty of drops that only unlock in later goals as i'm sure you're reading about so we won't get too far ahead in the Event itself with this first package... but ohhh those Expansion Permits. 😍❤️

The Goal that introduced the Event Perihelion Hog for purchase had fine print in the Goal description about collecting the muck from Perihelion Hogs or pigs. Once you collect enough of that item to check off the goal, that print disappears and if you try to look back at your goalbook for reference you just see the green checkmark without the little hint (same as the "Go" button disappears since you're "done" with that part and you can't just use it to be taken to wherever that item is in your realm after finishing that goal). I like the Community Events' setup because we have that neat reference sheet on the back of the goals so we can always check where to go from within our games, but for this type we have to catch or share the info ourselves first and reference the super helpful forum write-ups. ❤️
It'll be easier to catch those little details once we receive the event info and SpiritWind is able to add it to the front page! 😊❤️

Thank you to everyone who shares info as always and to SpiritWind and Shibuya for championing the front page! 🥰❤️

And just Because I can't seem to write any responses without addendum: Thank you to support s8 coders devs and the wonderful game artists as well, while i'm at it! 🥰❤️
The responsiveness as of late has been wonderful, there may be issues but seeing them handled makes me confident to continue financial support and invest time and energy into this game.
Thank you all for making this game and forum such a lovely escape/diversion/entertainment/project game/obsession. To echo other players in this thread, i'm so very thankful to you all!

Have a wonderful day! ❤️

01-08-21, 11:18 PM
Hi all, prize, goal and upgrade information is now available on page 1.

01-08-21, 11:30 PM
Maybe you meant the trees? Because those are the ones you grow. Blooms come fully grown.

To make your tree storable: purchase a sapling, place it on the board. Store it first.
Then place it again from storage. Grow into tree. Voila, you now have a storable tree.
I already made 20 and love them!

Spiritwind, Could you maybe post this info on Page 1?
I know it's not game-play related, but I'm sure a lot of players would be very interested to know this, and in the Comments it just disappears.

For clarity, Lyzau found a way to make the beautiful Eclipsed Elm storable.
Buy the Eclipsed Elm Sapling in the market and store it. Then take it out of your inventory and grow it. It can them be stored again as full Tree!
(I wish I had known this tick in the Panda event with the Bamboo Trees ;))
Thank you so much Lyzau! :love_heart:

Hi all, prize, goal and upgrade information is now available on page 1.

Thanks, that's super helpful! :D

.... Must be some kind of international exchange conversion tax indeed. ....

It's taxes. For me in The Netherlands it's 5,49 Euro, which is a lot more than $4,99.
It's still a good deal though for 10 Expension Permits + other goodies ;)

Locked by goal and coming soon.

Good to know all crafts disappear when you've crafted all 3 of the Portalpillers.
I've only crafted the first, but it seems like I can make more...
If I have enough Energy/Portalpillar Coins, I might try and make 2 Portapillar Maaximus before crafting the Gigantus one.
It will be a while before I'm there though,... If anyone else trys this, could you keep us informed if this indeed works?

01-09-21, 12:49 AM
Thanks SW, it's super helpful.
Thanks also to all you others who have been posting. It's a great help.

01-09-21, 01:06 AM
RonjaR82, I crafted my Portalpillar Maximus and it now says that the maximum has been reached. You can craft another purple Portalpillar, but not another blue Portalpillar Maximus.

01-09-21, 01:06 AM
Good to know all crafts disappear when you've crafted all 3 of the Portalpillers.
I've only crafted the first, but it seems like I can make more...
If I have enough Energy/Portalpillar Coins, I might try and make 2 Portapillar Maaximus before crafting the Gigantus one.
It will be a while before I'm there though,... If anyone else trys this, could you keep us informed if this indeed works?

You can only craft 1 maximus and 1 gigantus. Option to craft the smallest portalpillar remains after crafting 1 and maximus craft is unlocked. After crafting 1 maximus, maximus craft is locked. After crafting gigantus, all portalpillar crafts disappear.

01-09-21, 01:29 AM
RonjaR82, I crafted my Portalpillar Maximus and it now says that the maximum has been reached. You can craft another purple Portalpillar, but not another blue Portalpillar Maximus.

You can only craft 1 maximus and 1 gigantus. Option to craft the smallest portalpillar remains after crafting 1 and maximus craft is unlocked. After crafting 1 maximus, maximus craft is locked. After crafting gigantus, all portalpillar crafts disappear.

Thanks for the info Stymie and zoroak!
I remember having extra Coins to spare after crafting the 3 crafts in the Panda event (but not being able to spent them).
So I might try for an extra purple PortalPillar.

01-09-21, 03:08 AM
It?ll spawn from The Portal once it?s upgraded to LVL5.
So from Goal 9 onwards.
Cheers mate,you're a legend 🍻👍🏻. Dunno if I'll get that far. Already getting bored with this one. Feels like s8 just want us to use gems. And after 'losing' over 160 gems on an inadvertent double tap on an ali,I refuse to either buy any,or use my hard earned gems. At least until we get a much asked for confirmation button. I mean,seriously, we know they read our comments right? And Ivy's nursery and the faerie atrium ask us if we want to 'proceed' with a process that will 'consume' items. So why can we not have a similar message when it involves gems being used? is it really that hard? If it is,why don't s8 just come out and tell us? Ok,off to get another beer,lol. Have fun folks. Hugs from Oz. From a distance of course. Have to maintain social distancing.lol.🍻

01-09-21, 04:17 AM
From the first page: (thank you Stormwind for your work posting the walkthrough:love_heart:)
Planomos Pine: Faerie Beam, Faerie Block, Faerie Paste, Faeries' Murmur, Fey Crystal, Faerie Jar, Faeriebulb Seeds, Faerie Essence

I haven't reached elven stuff yet. Are faerie beams and blocks used frequently? Is this worth 500 gems?

01-09-21, 04:54 AM
Spiritwind, what will the perihelion drop? And will the apotranus drop anything?

I learned something new today. I'd not heard of perihelion before. It's definition is: the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is closest to the sun. Also: Aphelion is the point of the Earth's orbit that is farthest away from the Sun.

01-09-21, 05:22 AM
Portalpillar gigantus, 22h, first collection black flagged for pile of seeds.

01-09-21, 06:04 AM
Math & Pics on page #1!

01-09-21, 06:16 AM
From the first page: (thank you Stormwind for your work posting the walkthrough:love_heart:)
Planomos Pine: Faerie Beam, Faerie Block, Faerie Paste, Faeries' Murmur, Fey Crystal, Faerie Jar, Faeriebulb Seeds, Faerie Essence

I haven't reached elven stuff yet. Are faerie beams and blocks used frequently? Is this worth 500 gems?

As far as I remember you only need the Faerie blocks and beams for part of the Main Story Line. It?s usefull for that, but after that only for Elven trades I think..
And completing that part of the Story also gives an Item that drops Faerie Blocks and Beams

01-09-21, 07:11 AM
BUG ALERT..... Goal 9 level 5 the maximus is spawning from portal instead of the gigantus. Been trying since yesterday but no go. Held up until fixed.There's no skip either. Seems others have moved on so maybe only Androids (like me) are bugged.

01-09-21, 07:48 AM
As far as I remember you only need the Faerie blocks and beams for part of the Main Story Line. It?s usefull for that, but after that only for Elven trades I think..
And completing that part of the Story also gives an Item that drops Faerie Blocks and Beams
I'm confused about these drops. Why are we getting faerie beams and blocks S8?? Are you all coming out with some storyline that will require them? Because otherwise WHY?! Why not scrolls instead? Or something equally useful. Sigh.

01-09-21, 07:55 AM
BUG ALERT..... Goal 9 level 5 the maximus is spawning from portal instead of the gigantus. Been trying since yesterday but no go. Held up until fixed.There's no skip either. Seems others have moved on so maybe only Androids (like me) are bugged.

Thanks for heads up. On goal 8 and will only get to goal 9 tonight so not speeding up till it is fixed. I don’t think anyone has moved on but I have not read every single post recently. Am on iOS so will post much later if the bug is also on the iOS platform.

01-09-21, 08:25 AM
BUG ALERT..... Goal 9 level 5 the maximus is spawning from portal instead of the gigantus. Been trying since yesterday but no go. Held up until fixed.There's no skip either. Seems others have moved on so maybe only Androids (like me) are bugged.

Can you please tell about Hydronous Hollow?
How many can we have? What is the collection timer? And how many waters it usually drops?

01-09-21, 08:34 AM
I'm confused about these drops. Why are we getting faerie beams and blocks S8?? Are you all coming out with some storyline that will require them? Because otherwise WHY?! Why not scrolls instead? Or something equally useful. Sigh.

We're not! At least, not by default: The Planomous Pine that drops faerie items is the Optional 500 Gems purchase from Marketplace, it's not a reward like academy scrolls would be. 😊

As for why it's offered.. well I don't think there are many items that drop faerie beams and blocks, similar esque art and they're pretty.
(Edit: The item it mimics is the Faerie Bridge which is 2x2 with a 9 hour timer... rewarded from the Faerie Bridge Goal line (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?94062-New-CS-Main-Story-Goal-Guide&p=1364419&viewfull=1#post1364419).)

I would be heavily surprised by a tie-in to future requirements.

Portopillars that we'll craft just seem to drop items similar to peacocks, tree ent, etc. Just seems like more reskinned cool new art options as ways to get the same drops to me! 😊❤️

01-09-21, 09:23 AM
BUG ALERT..... Goal 9 level 5 the maximus is spawning from portal instead of the gigantus. Been trying since yesterday but no go. Held up until fixed.There's no skip either. Seems others have moved on so maybe only Androids (like me) are bugged.

I never got a gigantus. Ended up buying 2 of the traps for 20 gems each. So YES this is a major bug for Android users and since it is the weekend we are screwed.

01-09-21, 09:25 AM
Can you please tell about Hydronous Hollow?
How many can we have? What is the collection timer? And how many waters it usually drops?

You can only have 2 and it has a 3 hour timer. Only I water each collection.

01-09-21, 09:55 AM
I never got a gigantus. Ended up buying 2 of the traps for 20 gems each. So YES this is a major bug for Android users and since it is the weekend we are screwed.
Same here. Ended up buying the traps also. If this is a bug they need to give everyone free gems. This is terrible. Maximus is the only thing spawning from the portal.

01-09-21, 10:32 AM
You can only have 2 and it has a 3 hour timer. Only I water each collection.

@ShibuyaCloth has listed the limit on the Hollow at 1.

@Cheekyqueen20, you were able to buy 2?

01-09-21, 10:33 AM
When buying the Portalpillar Gigantus Trap for 20 gems, buy one at a time. My first trap dropped 2 Portalpillar Hides, so I only needed to buy 1 trap.

01-09-21, 10:40 AM
@ShibuyaCloth has listed the limit on the Hollow at 1.

@Cheekyqueen20, you were able to buy 2?

Yes, I have 2

01-09-21, 10:42 AM
When buying the Portalpillar Gigantus Trap for 20 gems, buy one at a time. My first trap dropped 2 Portalpillar Hides, so I only needed to buy 1 trap.

You need 6 hides to make 3 saddles to make 3 Oxas. I am not buying any more traps! Goal 11 and 12 are impossible without Gigantus spawning.

01-09-21, 11:36 AM
You need 6 hides to make 3 saddles to make 3 Oxas. I am not buying any more traps! Goal 11 and 12 are impossible without Gigantus spawning.

Gigantus just spawned for me at the Portal.

01-09-21, 11:47 AM
Hi! So, still stuck waiting for the Apotranus Bloom to give me vines - I only received one! - and have only gotten one vine per collection so it's taking forever. how did some of you get two without spending gems? that seems sort of unfair?

01-09-21, 12:37 PM
The Oxa, which we start to hear about in Goal 9, is probably the blue animal about which we have been speculating. Time will tell!

01-09-21, 12:54 PM
Hi! So, still stuck waiting for the Apotranus Bloom to give me vines - I only received one! - and have only gotten one vine per collection so it's taking forever. how did some of you get two without spending gems? that seems sort of unfair?

There was a bug in the beginning of the event that gave some players 2 free Blooms instead of 1.
We were only supposed to get 1 so they fixed it. But people who alreaddy received them could keep them.
I wish they would have given everyone the extra Bloom, but alas. We did get some extra recources to compensate so that?s something.
I have 2 Blooms, but I bought the second one (to stress a bit less, and hopefully complete the event)

01-09-21, 12:57 PM
Just collected for the first time from the Hydronous Hollows. One dropped 2 Hydronous Water and the second Hydronous Hollow dropped none. So it is not a guaranteed drop.

01-09-21, 01:25 PM
Same here im on step 5 or 6 restarted many times ive only gotten 1 too.

01-09-21, 02:48 PM
I don't know if I'm the only one having this issue but it's been two solid days I collect nonstop from the perihelion Hogs every 2 hours and I just been able to craft 1 portal block. I have 7 hogs I even my regular pigs but none of them drops muck not the brown, white, pink or special pigs. i have wasted so much energy just on collecting nothing from the pig/hog. im i the only one having this issue?

01-09-21, 03:02 PM
I've crafted one block (last night) and I have 11 perihelion muck left to work with. I've not done it every two hours. You may try putting all perihelion pigs in inventory, closing the game completely. Reopen and place them. I recommend you get the other 3 if you get one muck at all. I would ignore black pigs altogether. I didn't get any drops from them, and other pigs are low drop. I'm happy I broke down and bought all 10. I get 2-3 per round of collecting from the 10 I have. I hope it starts working for you.

01-09-21, 03:31 PM
I don't know if I'm the only one having this issue but it's been two solid days I collect nonstop from the perihelion Hogs every 2 hours and I just been able to craft 1 portal block. I have 7 hogs I even my regular pigs but none of them drops muck not the brown, white, pink or special pigs. i have wasted so much energy just on collecting nothing from the pig/hog. im i the only one having this issue?

I have a lot and different pigs and Perihelion Muck falls relatively well from them, but most often give royal pig. Only black pigs do not give Perihelion Muck.

01-09-21, 03:40 PM
Somebody mentioned s8 sent out a gift? What was it i never received anything

01-09-21, 03:55 PM
Gigantus just spawned for me at the Portal.
You have no idea how badly I want that to happen for me. All day. Every hour no gigantus. You on an android? I am, and still no luck.

01-09-21, 04:28 PM
You have no idea how badly I want that to happen for me. All day. Every hour no gigantus. You on an android? I am, and still no luck.

I am on an iPad. I am sure you have already tried rebooting. I hope all of a sudden that the Gigantus makes his appearance. May the POTP help you. Good luck!

01-09-21, 04:32 PM
After reading all these posts.. I am now not only happy but ecstatic that I skipped this event... sheesh

01-09-21, 04:45 PM
After reading all these posts.. I am now not only happy but ecstatic that I skipped this event... sheesh

I understand skipping events - I've done it before, too, and have never regretted it. However, I've decided to do this one and I'm happily plodding along without major issues. I actually enjoy that it's not an event I've had to babysit so far. While the pigs/hogs are ready to collect every two hours, it doesn't seem to be a problem to let more time pass between collections since the needed drop from the Binary Bulb with its 12-hour timer slows me down anyway.

01-09-21, 04:59 PM
I understand skipping events - I've done it before, too, and have never regretted it. However, I've decided to do this one and I'm happily plodding along without major issues. I actually enjoy that it's not an event I've had to babysit so far. While the pigs/hogs are ready to collect every two hours, it doesn't seem to be a problem to let more time pass between collections since the needed drop from the Binary Bulb with its 12-hour timer slows me down anyway.

At least this event keeps Ivy from players getting mad at her Hut. and in retrospect the times we all had to visit the "Hut" the entrance fee should be used to make it look like a Ivy Palace

01-09-21, 05:42 PM
Yes, I have 2

Good to know. Thanks.

01-09-21, 10:17 PM
Pavo: Energy
Portalpillar: Wood, Sap, Living Word, Wooden Beam, Patch of Tall Grass, Plant In A Log
Portalpillar Maximus: Glimmerdust, Pile of Seeds, White Petal, Orange Petal, Blue Petal, Purple Petal, Red Petal, Faeries' Murmur
Portalpillar Gigantus: Jewels, Pile of Seeds, Bread, Golden Egg
Oxa: Wool, Prime Cut, Red Ribbon, Fertilizer, Golden Fleece
Planomos Pine: Faerie Beam, Faerie Block, Faerie Paste, Faeries' Murmur, Fey Crystal, Faerie Jar, Faeriebulb Seeds, Faerie Essence
The Portal Lv. 7: Trade Ticket, Golden Egg, Earth Wisp, Golden Apple, Wisp Lantern, Spellbound Dew, Golden Nugget, Expansion Permit

What are these for?

01-09-21, 10:27 PM
Being someone who didn’t experience the ‘glitch’ I have been enjoying the odd occasions that I received 2 vines from a bloom collection as I have done my calculations on a normal 1 vine collection. So imagine my delight on getting 3 just now, oh happy days (not the words that echoed through the house), that’s a 4 hr saving!

01-09-21, 10:40 PM
You have no idea how badly I want that to happen for me. All day. Every hour no gigantus. You on an android? I am, and still no luck.

Me too,still no gigantus from portal. I used gems for traps with much regret. Thought maybe it would be ok in next goal but still no show. Won't lay out more gems for traps,too many needed so I'm stuck til fixed.
I'm Android also and think it may be only Androids bugged.

01-09-21, 11:01 PM
Somebody mentioned s8 sent out a gift? What was it i never received anything

It was a pop-up from Old Thomas saying You've Been Working Hard! and had 2 Lunar Wood and 2 Apotranus Vine.

01-09-21, 11:06 PM
The Golden Fleece was an item needed for one of the main storylines dropped by sheep. I don't remember which. I don't know if it is needed somewhere else either. I don't remember the red ribbon.

01-09-21, 11:32 PM
The red ribbon is a drop associated with a craft in the Love Shack (2013 event crafting building)

01-09-21, 11:37 PM
Aww, Love Shaaaack 🥺❤️

01-10-21, 12:50 AM
Not happy, seems very unfair for S8 to let some benefit from the glitch instead of taking the item away, I think they have done that in the past. I have asked 4 of the neighbours I regularly talk to, they all have 2 blooms. 3 have replied so far and all got the second one from the glitch, they didn’t buy one with gems. I know it’s only 65 gems someone will say but I only spend gems and money on things that work towards long term goals like expansions etc. I think we should get another vine giving bloom. I expect to get held up by the 12 hr item, not something else.

01-10-21, 01:07 AM
Gigantus just spawned for me at the Portal.

I was able to spawn the pink Portalpillar Gigantus from my Level 5 Portal on the first try as well.
I'm on iOS. Is that why, would device really make that big a difference?

Are others still having trouble getting it to spawn (for Goal 9 and beyond)? 🤔

Confused but grateful I didn't have to decide whether to spend gems on a Trap to continue making progress.

01-10-21, 01:22 AM
for everyone hating the wait on the 12 hour collection, at least you have gotten that far. The pigs and vine are giving me so few I'm only managing one beam and block per day, at this rate I have zero chance of finishing. I have ten of the pigs. The one bloom supposedly gives 2 vines per collection but I think sometimes it just doesn't count them, cause after my last collection I went from 3 vines to 3 vines, wow! So frustrated.

I think the little guy is really cute, but I'm not rich enough to spend the $100 or more it will take to speed up collections. Actually with the drop rate I'm getting probably $1000.

01-10-21, 01:55 AM
Just to clarify: i've purchased multiple Value Packs (due to the 10 Expansion Permits ❤️ ), so as a side effect i've been able to craft almost all my blocks and beams without needing to collect from the resources very often. I'm on Goal 9.

I have collected occasionally though so I noticed that my single Hog was dropping regularly and my pigs sort of randomly dropped a few mucks (I collect from them during the Unlimited Energy time from the pack for bacon truffles etc.) I'm swimming in Lunar Wood because i'm also chopping down batches of Aspen trees for the Academy questline.

I can't speak to the balance of the event and haven't done the math, but I hope those who are relying on drop rates get lucky.
I don't know if this event is facing the same imbalance as the Kung Fu panda event, and the chance to drop multiples of needed items would certainly help, but it does seem like it's necessary to move on quickly to the "big stretch" with the 12 hour timer and crafting Oxa.
I'm concerned for those who didn't even get 1 Apotramus Bloom free and had to spend 65 Gems to make Any progress. Seems like the fix wasn't fully working?

Good luck all. 😥

01-10-21, 02:11 AM
What are these for?

https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb50165.png_2v_31020.pngRed Ribbon (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Red%20Ribbon,Name=true#_Re dRibbon) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-RedRibbon.png))Storable:YesInfo:A bright red ribbon.Type:MaterialSource:CraftingCrafted in:Love ShackRequirements: 5 Wool, 1 Red DyeProduction:20 minutesProd. Speed-up:2 gemsCap:99
https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/rsc/thumb50175.png_2v_31020.pngGolden Fleece (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html?Pattern=Golden%20Fleece,Name=true# _GoldenFleece) - (Card (https://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GoldenFleece.png))Storable:YesInfo:?Type:MaterialS ource:StorylineCap:1

01-10-21, 04:08 AM
I was able to spawn the pink Portalpillar Gigantus from my Level 5 Portal on the first try as well.
I'm on iOS. Is that why, would device really make that big a difference?

Are others still having trouble getting it to spawn (for Goal 9 and beyond)? 樂

Confused but grateful I didn't have to decide whether to spend gems on a Trap to continue making progress.

I’m on the iOS platform and had no issue spawning the portalpillar gigantus since late yesterday. A few people have reported issues and were on Android devices, don’t know if this is a platform problem or not.

01-10-21, 04:23 AM
I’m on the iOS platform and had no issue spawning the portalpillar gigantus since late yesterday. A few people have reported issues and were on Android devices, don’t know if this is a platform problem or not.

Thank you!


01-10-21, 04:26 AM
I?m on the iOS platform and had no issue spawning the portalpillar gigantus since late yesterday. A few people have reported issues and were on Android devices, don?t know if this is a platform problem or not.

I'm on iOS, and the Portalpillar Gigantus spawned for me too.

01-10-21, 05:19 AM
The pigs and vine are giving me so few I'm only managing one beam and block per day, at this rate I have zero chance of finishing. I have ten of the pigs.

Are you also collecting from your regular pigs? Especially the royal ones (but not the black ones which apparently have abysmal or inexistent droprate)

01-10-21, 05:21 AM
I?m on the iOS platform and had no issue spawning the portalpillar gigantus since late yesterday. A few people have reported issues and were on Android devices, don?t know if this is a platform problem or not.

Most definitely a platform problem. I have 4 games all Android no gigantus from the portal on any of them. I skipped making the final two oxa by paying 180 gems (if I remember correctly). That is after buying two traps to make the first saddle at a cost of 20 each. After collecting from oxa's they have spawned the gigantus. THANKFULLY. So good news for Android users on that since so many are needed in final push. Oxa's save the day. However, I don't think I am willing to use 220 gems each on my other games to move on.

01-10-21, 05:32 AM
I'm on iOS, and the Portalpillar Gigantus spawned for me too.

I'm on Android and my Portal spawned the Portalpillar maximus instead of the gigantus. So yeah, it really does seem to make a difference which platform we are on. This is bad...

01-10-21, 06:09 AM
I'm on Android and my Portal spawned the Portalpillar maximus instead of the gigantus. So yeah, it really does seem to make a difference which platform we are on. This is bad...

:( Really bad, my sympathies to all Android users.

01-10-21, 06:54 AM
I'm on Android and my Portal spawned the Portalpillar maximus instead of the gigantus. So yeah, it really does seem to make a difference which platform we are on. This is bad...

If I remember the panda event correctly, You should be ok waiting until Monday for the fix. Spend today gathering materials for the beams, blocks and vines.

S8 has fixed the problem with crafting the three items so that we can begin collecting as soon as the first of three is crafted.

ALSO, someone should start a thread in the bugs section. Each android user should comment on the thread.

My second gigantus spawn did not drop a hide.
Both ponds dropped 1 water.

01-10-21, 07:07 AM
Oh no! I force closed and restarted but did not find the second bloom in my inventory. Anyone else in the same boat as me?

Same here. I am at level 4 on the portal already and still only one bloom.

01-10-21, 07:28 AM
Most definitely a platform problem. I have 4 games all Android no gigantus from the portal on any of them. I skipped making the final two oxa by paying 180 gems (if I remember correctly). That is after buying two traps to make the first saddle at a cost of 20 each. After collecting from oxa's they have spawned the gigantus. THANKFULLY. So good news for Android users on that since so many are needed in final push. Oxa's save the day. However, I don't think I am willing to use 220 gems each on my other games to move on.

You should email S8 support. In my experience, they have been good at rectifying issues due to coding errors or missing prizes, including issuing gem refunds where appropriate.

01-10-21, 07:37 AM
My second gigantus spawn did not drop a hide.
Both ponds dropped 1 water.

Yes, hides are a random drop from gigantus spawns (have had 2 once), but you only need 6 and should get them fairly rapidly due to 1h portal collection time.

Hydronous hollows can very rarely drop 0, 2 or 3 hydronous waters but usually only drop 1. Apotranus blooms mostly drop 1 vine but again very rarely drop 2. I can’t remember if these ever drop 3.

01-10-21, 08:01 AM
If I remember the panda event correctly, You should be ok waiting until Monday for the fix. Spend today gathering materials for the beams, blocks and vines.

S8 has fixed the problem with crafting the three items so that we can begin collecting as soon as the first of three is crafted.

ALSO, someone should start a thread in the bugs section. Each android user should comment on the thread.

My second gigantus spawn did not drop a hide.
Both ponds dropped 1 water.

Yeah, I'm not too worried. S8 generally makes up for these issues one way or another. I'm definitely waiting until tomorrow and not spending gems in the meantime.

Also, you are probably right that the bugs section is the right place for this...

ETA: I've started a thread in the bugs section, if anyone wants to chime in there. I tried posting a link here but for some reason that didn't work...

01-10-21, 08:40 AM
ETA: I've started a thread in the bugs section, if anyone wants to chime in there. I tried posting a link here but for some reason that didn't work...


01-10-21, 08:57 AM
Many thanks, Zoroak!

01-10-21, 09:40 AM
Yes, hides are a random drop from gigantus spawns (have had 2 once), but you only need 6 and should get them fairly rapidly due to 1h portal collection time.

Hydronous hollows can very rarely drop 0, 2 or 3 hydronous waters but usually only drop 1. Apotranus blooms mostly drop 1 vine but again very rarely drop 2. I can’t remember if these ever drop 3.

Once you get the gigantus spawn be prepared for low hide drops. Mine are less than 50 percent. (As mentioned above, we only need 6, 2 to complete goal 9). It shouldn't be a problem because the hydronous waters are also random and the collection wait time for those is 3 hours. We need 8 waters to complete goal 9 and 24 total.

01-10-21, 10:07 AM
It’s the number of portalpillar larvae and portalpillar ore that worry me, looking at page 1. Only got 1 ore from the first collection from the Oxa (4h collection time, you can make 3 Oxa).

01-10-21, 10:15 AM
I noticed that it's listed 280 energy per day to finish. I am in the higher bracket without a lot of energy droppers yet. 280 energy would be 7 times using 40 energy every two hours for 14 hours? I'm dyslexic with math so not sure I've got that. I hope I am wrong about the numbers. I'm about to update the portal to level 5. Am I a lot farther behind everyone?

I feel badly for players on Android devices. I really hope they get a quick fix in for you.

01-10-21, 10:56 AM
Same here. I am at level 4 on the portal already and still only one bloom.

There is supposed to be only 1 bloom. A lucky few got a second bloom but it was as a result of the bug that prevented anyone from seeing the first bloom until they did a restart. S8 fixed the bug and let the lucky few keep the second bloom. SgtBeebo explained this in post #60.

01-10-21, 11:01 AM
I noticed that it's listed 280 energy per day to finish. I am in the higher bracket without a lot of energy droppers yet. 280 energy would be 7 times using 40 energy every two hours for 14 hours? I'm dyslexic with math so not sure I've got that. I hope I am wrong about the numbers. I'm about to update the portal to level 5. Am I a lot farther behind everyone?

Well, I have quite a few daily and weekly energy droppers and I won?t be able to upgrade the portal to Level 5 till tomorrow morning. I don?t think I am behind.

01-10-21, 11:12 AM
I was lucky enough to keep the 2nd bloom. I'm trying to get more glow stones. Do these only come from the smallest portalpillar? And what is the easiest way to spawn him?
Also I've had no luck spawning a gigantus one

01-10-21, 11:28 AM
I was lucky enough to keep the 2nd bloom. I'm trying to get more glow stones. Do these only come from the smallest portalpillar? And what is the easiest way to spawn him?
Also I've had no luck spawning a gigantus one

The eclipsed elm tree and regular trees chopped, but I don't get one every tree for the smallest portalpillar.

01-10-21, 12:19 PM
I was lucky enough to keep the 2nd bloom. I'm trying to get more glow stones. Do these only come from the smallest portalpillar? And what is the easiest way to spawn him?
Also I've had no luck spawning a gigantus one

I have been growing and chopping the Eclipsed Elm, which spawns the small Portalpillar, which may drop a Glow Stone. This has been the best way for me to get the stones. However, sometimes I chop the whole Eclipsed Elm and do not get a Portalpillar to spawn. This is not a problem since the wait time for other necessary items is quite long. Good luck with spawning the Gigantus.

01-10-21, 12:31 PM
My portipillar gigantus drop rate is at 25%. The first 2 dropped a hide but the next 6 have not dropped one.

The ponds are 50%, each collection only 1 pond will drop the hydronous water.

01-10-21, 12:34 PM
Also I've had no luck spawning a gigantus one

The gigantus spawns in goal 9 from the portal. A few players have reported that only maximus spawns from the portal and they are on the Android platform. You may have to wait till Monday for S8 staff to fix the bug.

01-10-21, 02:34 PM
Not happy, seems very unfair for S8 to let some benefit from the glitch instead of taking the item away, I think they have done that in the past. I have asked 4 of the neighbours I regularly talk to, they all have 2 blooms. 3 have replied so far and all got the second one from the glitch, they didn?t buy one with gems. I know it?s only 65 gems someone will say but I only spend gems and money on things that work towards long term goals like expansions etc. I think we should get another vine giving bloom. I expect to get held up by the 12 hr item, not something else.

I agree with this. They should have just let people keep them and give everyone two blooms. It's as if they gave 65 gems to some players and not others!!! Happy people would have spent money/gems on other things instead, instead they created grudge. People with grudge do not spend money.

01-10-21, 03:14 PM
I seem to be getting Lunar Wood and Portapillars from any tree except Red Acer. Zero from Red Acers. Anyone else can confirm?

01-10-21, 03:39 PM
I agree with this. They should have just let people keep them and give everyone two blooms. It's as if they gave 65 gems to some players and not others!!! Happy people would have spent money/gems on other things instead, instead they created grudge. People with grudge do not spend money.

In the last event, I was one of the unlucky ones who reached the two goals where chests of energy were the prize but no energy was given. So S8 made up for it by giving everyone gifts whether they were affected or not, but we still lost the energy we'd won. I think S8 tries to be fair, but in the last event everyone benefited from the bug and in this one only some were able to benefit with the second bloom. I was lucky enough to get the second bloom this time.