View Full Version : Fed up of so many goals 😔

07-16-20, 03:50 AM
I love playing this game but I find I never get much time to actually "play" the game because there's so many goals that if you don't complete them you've lost the chance of that oven forever 😔

I've been playing this game on and off for many years and since starting to play it again it's just goals, goals and more goals. Where's the time to play the game for what it is 🤔

07-18-20, 10:40 AM
I agree with you, I miss the events just being one a month, and lasting for 30 days, that way there wasn't such a mad rush to do 3 events in one month. I can't even make past 4 million coins anymore, because I loose almost a million each event just taking losses to get rid of event food that customers just don't want. It's not fun and it's obvious that they don't care about those of us who aren't happy, because the people who are obsessed with events are pleased. (Those are the paying people too, you can't complete a single event without spending gems, it's not possible, not with only getting ten to fifteen parts a day.). And with only 10 gems available to earn per 22 hours (exactly 22 hours, and only appears when regular ovens are out, not with event ovens being out). They either have to prepare gems a head of time or can be up for 24 hours, without sleeping. I'm ready to go back to no event participation at all, save my gems and focus on what I want to do in the game. I'd like to have a design theme for each season of the year, and that's what my goal is. Plus trying to expand my oven limit (49 gems, so many gems!! And I spend anywhere from 30 to 50 with each 15 day event, depending on the 2nd half first goal part, because I ALWAYS forget it only takes 19 gems to skip the whole thing. And the oven building too.)

07-18-20, 12:38 PM
I agree with you, I miss the events just being one a month, and lasting for 30 days, that way there wasn't such a mad rush to do 3 events in one month. I can't even make past 4 million coins anymore, because I loose almost a million each event just taking losses to get rid of event food that customers just don't want. It's not fun and it's obvious that they don't care about those of us who aren't happy, because the people who are obsessed with events are pleased. (Those are the paying people too, you can't complete a single event without spending gems, it's not possible, not with only getting ten to fifteen parts a day.). And with only 10 gems available to earn per 22 hours (exactly 22 hours, and only appears when regular ovens are out, not with event ovens being out). They either have to prepare gems a head of time or can be up for 24 hours, without sleeping. I'm ready to go back to no event participation at all, save my gems and focus on what I want to do in the game. I'd like to have a design theme for each season of the year, and that's what my goal is. Plus trying to expand my oven limit (49 gems, so many gems!! And I spend anywhere from 30 to 50 with each 15 day event, depending on the 2nd half first goal part, because I ALWAYS forget it only takes 19 gems to skip the whole thing. And the oven building too.)

While I agree and preferred the old goal schedule as well, it is possible to complete the goals without gems. I've never received the free gem offer so I'm super stingy with the gems I do have and refuse to spend them on goals. Despite this, I am able to complete the goals, usually with a day or so to spare. Though, I do make sure to schedule my timing carefully (factoring in RL obligations) and stick to it but I can understand feeling like it shouldn't be so much work for a game.

Everyone plays the game differently, focuses on different aspects and finding a playing style that suits you is important. Goals or no goals, I say as long as you're enjoying the experience that's all that matters.

05-08-21, 04:43 AM
You don't have to do the goals

05-08-21, 08:52 AM
I’m not doing this side goal cuz I already have the prize. You don’t have to do every goal and I finish my goals without using gems with 4/5 days left. I don’t have those extra slots for oven even though I’m a level 99 player. I’m hoping goals will be better like this one as time goes by.

05-14-21, 02:22 AM
Those are the paying people too, you can't complete a single event without spending gems, it's not possible, not with only getting ten to fifteen parts a day

excuse me but you get 20 from gifts and 20 from request per day/reset?
how many neighbors do you have because I think generous neighbors are necessary if you wanna collect parts. I have over 300 and I'm lucky that most of them are active players.
I'd finish building 3 ovens for 1st part goal in 2 days mostly.

05-20-21, 08:15 PM
excuse me but you get 20 from gifts and 20 from request per day/reset?
how many neighbors do you have because I think generous neighbors are necessary if you wanna collect parts. I have over 300 and I'm lucky that most of them are active players.
I'd finish building 3 ovens for 1st part goal in 2 days mostly.

Also remember you can get goal parts from Collectibles

05-24-21, 11:45 AM
You don't have to do the goals

If you don't do the goals - there is no point in the game.

05-24-21, 11:46 AM
I haven't done/finished a goal since Christmas - it's getting too much and now I've gone back to work - I don't have time to play or catch up. It's a shame tho!

05-25-21, 03:30 PM
I agree with you, I miss the events just being one a month, and lasting for 30 days, that way there wasn't such a mad rush to do 3 events in one month. I can't even make past 4 million coins anymore, because I loose almost a million each event just taking losses to get rid of event food that customers just don't want. It's not fun and it's obvious that they don't care about those of us who aren't happy, because the people who are obsessed with events are pleased. (Those are the paying people too, you can't complete a single event without spending gems, it's not possible, not with only getting ten to fifteen parts a day.). And with only 10 gems available to earn per 22 hours (exactly 22 hours, and only appears when regular ovens are out, not with event ovens being out). They either have to prepare gems a head of time or can be up for 24 hours, without sleeping. I'm ready to go back to no event participation at all, save my gems and focus on what I want to do in the game. I'd like to have a design theme for each season of the year, and that's what my goal is. Plus trying to expand my oven limit (49 gems, so many gems!! And I spend anywhere from 30 to 50 with each 15 day event, depending on the 2nd half first goal part, because I ALWAYS forget it only takes 19 gems to skip the whole thing. And the oven building too.)
It is possible to finish without using gems. Difficult, for sure, but not impossible.

I am not one of the lucky ones who gets free gems, so I do not tend to use them on goals.

Also, you do not actually have to do the goals.

That said, I am sick and tired of goals coming right on top of each other and being so dang hard to complete. I feel like I am reaching my breaking point.

05-25-21, 03:45 PM
I don't think it's the amount of goals, rather the timing between goals.

Perhaps if they were spaced at least one week between each other, it wouldn't feel so stressful to some.

Having said that, goals are optional so it's best to only do the ones that you absolutely like & that way it won't feel like a chore.

Good luck! :)

07-13-21, 12:11 AM
Yea, goals are optional, but, who wants locked recipes…?
I think for a lot of players, especially us longtime ones, having locked recipes is worse than not getting goal prizes. I HATE having locked recipes.
Most of the time, I’ll work on a goal until I unlock the last recipe and then just give up. And I do not have 300 friends!! Maybe like 50-something. I’m a picky neighbor, and I’m not a religious player, so, it takes longer to earn parts.
It’s just super frustrating cause we all know the constant goals are a money-making ploy. They want us to spend $$$ on gems.
Sad, cause this game was super fun 10 or so years ago: prizes were cooler, recipe presentation was cuter, goals were more worth while (I mean, remember the Christmas goal with all of Santa’s reindeer…?!!). Bummer.

07-13-21, 05:52 PM
Yea, goals are optional, but, who wants locked recipes??
I think for a lot of players, especially us longtime ones, having locked recipes is worse than not getting goal prizes. I HATE having locked recipes.
Most of the time, I?ll work on a goal until I unlock the last recipe and then just give up. And I do not have 300 friends!!
I usually don't go for the goal prizes. Often I already have several of many of the prizes or have similar prizes.
How many dozens of fountains do I need? The prizes don't really interest me. My goal is to open up the last recipe. I used to always complete every goal. It is more difficult now. BS is more enjoyable than RS which takes more effort to get the final recipe Having 300 friends is not always helpful. I have many friends who have quit or are busy and take breaks. Many do not do the goals anymore. I

07-15-21, 07:59 AM
I am not one of the lucky ones who gets free gems, And I?m not sure why the icon just disappeared but still loving the game

07-15-21, 01:09 PM
Goals are optional. While there?s often a lot of time in between recipes making a comeback or rereleasing an old locked oven/appliance - I?ve been around long enough to see it happen a few times. Maybe your gameplay and style will have changed by then?

I get everyone?s game play is different but my advice is to find some neighbors that are helpful. If you have 300 neighbors and half of them are inactive, what are they really doing for you? Keep your list short ? quality over quantity people! Disclose up front you want active daily players who gift goal parts - they are out there.

Also, the collectible drops are majorly helpful. I usually trade in all of the collections I can to build the second oven or if I just need one part here or there. If it?s a timing thing that limits you - skip the low level goals with gems because they are often cheaper than the final steps.

More importantly, if you?re getting stressed out by a game - it may be time to reevaluate for you. Your quality of life shouldn?t be impacted by if you?ve unlocked all the recipes in your virtual bakery!