View Full Version : Do not have Expedition Camp Tent in Studio

07-14-20, 06:40 PM
I?m having a issue where I do not see the Expedition Camp Tent in my Studio. I completed Goal 6 and am on Goal 7. Here is proof below. I tried reinstalling my game and it did not work. Can someone please report this over, I don?t have much time because the event is going to expire.


07-14-20, 07:10 PM
Did you swipe all the way to the right? I found my Expedition Tent recipe all the way at the very end.

07-14-20, 07:13 PM
Yes. I looked there too several times.

07-14-20, 08:41 PM
Seem like the issue has been fixed. not sure how. I’ll post again if it happens again.