View Full Version : Mystery Regarding...

07-10-20, 10:35 PM
I have a question regarding the bee tree for purchase of 25 gems.

I bought 2, and am able to view and enjoy them on my iphone.

But when I switched to my android (a Samsung note 9) I wasn't able to see them?

Let alone buy them

Trying to view them on my samsung, it leaves a blank/empty space. Like nothing is there.

Here is a screenshot from my note 9

And here is a screenshot from my iphone

As you can see, my Samsung is even registering the trees, as an empty space, hence the random mole collectible that popped up. Very strange.

07-10-20, 11:39 PM
I believe this item is iOS only.

07-14-20, 10:47 PM
I believe this item is iOS only.

Most definitely.

I've now stored my bee tree(s), as the people who use android - will not be able to see them when they visit my farm, it will appear to them as an empty space.

And I don't want there to be an empty space. So I'll store them, and buy the butterfly bush(?) Looking things when I can buy gems next time.

Anyways. Thanks Paul!