View Full Version : Advertising during game activities spoils game enjoyment

06-11-20, 08:03 AM
While I appreciate that you are trying to find additional revenue streams with your increased advertising activity I would like to point out that doing so during game activity has spoiled my enjoyment of the game, to the point that it’s days are numbered on my iPad.

There I am tapping away to make my recipe and up pops a video about bracelets, or metal signs. It’s incredibly annoying! I put up with the advertising all around my screen and when the game loads, I understand you are a business and need to make money, however I don’t want to be interrupted in my game play. Imagine if this was a warfare game and as soon as you lined someone up in your sights and go to pull the trigger up pops a video on save the Australian wildlife! It’s the same principle for when we are making recipes. It’s become an annoyance, one of many in the game. Why load advertising during a task? Personally I‘d pay a fee to remove advertising from the game.

As a long time player there are too many issues with the game that are limiting its enjoyment;
1) Storage and accessibility of decor items and recipe parts makes decorating and baking a heinous task. It’s no longer fun to bake and decorate!
2) The standard format for goals, just swapping out images and text, but 2 ovens, same baking times, same number of tasks makes the whole process repetitive. The number of parts you have to get and the way you earn them from making recipes does not inspire me to buy gems, it’s just aggravating.
3) Goals in general that are not bakery related, I play bakery story, not garden story. I would like see goal prizes that I can use in a bakery; when is the last time we had a new door, windows or a divider that you could buy in bulk? Have you seen how many people build amazing bakeries with stairs and platform effects, still using either the white or brown wooden divider that has been around since the beginning of the game? I‘m not interested in a unicorn, or people riding a bike, I like items to SCALE that are to be used IN my bakery, an occasional fountain or outside item is fun, but that seems to be the majority of goal prizes And boxes recently. And it’s depressing when you add a new item that you could use a lot of and make it a gem purchase. You have to balance the items, offer a new grey divider for $1000 and also offer a new grey brick divider (more artistic) for gems.
3) There are more bugs appearing; I have to reload the game every time otherwise it hangs, images appear as square white boxes, recipes are made on an oven but the images for mixing still appears just to name a few that are really annoying.
4) The recent debacle with the bait and switch of the gem dispenser.
5) The lack of response to serious issues with the game. It seems like all changes related to game play over the years have been driven by increased gem purchasing. In the past 6 years the game has not evolved for the better, I enjoyed playing it more 6 years ago than I do now.

For me the game is losing its appeal. I’d like to see it revived, I‘m hoping you listen to the many suggestions people have posted as ways to improve it.

06-11-20, 12:20 PM
I completely agree! With decorations and other limited time items that I place a lot of in my bakery, it is very annoying having to place something and then click through all my items (I have a lot of stuff) again just to place ONE more. I'd like to see the goals maybe have different timings for items, remove the trays and maybe a higher profit? The goals are always garden/forest theme and not everyone wants a garden in their bakery. More than half the items I own in bakery story are garden themed so I ended up doing a garden theme. I'd like some new dividers added as well. I have 3D stairs in my bakery where I used the white dividers, but I'd like to see some new ones. Like you said, maybe some detailed ones for gems and plain ones for coins. The bubble goal we had some time ago had a sweater hanging on a rack. Is there a reason for this? Literally, a sweater. I've never gone into a bakery and seen a sweater as a piece of decoration. Advertisements while playing this game are annoying. Im baking some food real quick and up pops a 30 second ad that won't even give me a reward. Bring back the gem dispenser!! Ads no longer work for me due to purchasing gems so if the gem dispenser returned, game-play would be much more fun and enjoyable. Another thing I'd like to see them add is a "gift all" button. Its so annoying scrolling through my hundreds of neighbors and clicking each one to gift.

Anyways, thats my little rant. I hope maybe some of these suggestions will be looked at and possibly added to make this game more fun. :)