View Full Version : Shoul I quit or continue playing

06-10-20, 02:22 AM
I started playing bakery story 2 months ago but I've been playing restaurant story for 5 years already. I notice that most of the playerd here are new coz they are level 50 and below and its rare to find level 90.Most of the neighbour stop playing or not that active. If i post on their wall my gift request they still send me food they dont read my wall or my post on their wall. The recipes here are more expensive in restaurant story. So I'm thinking if I should quit here coz my restaurant story neighbour are more active.

06-10-20, 08:02 AM
No one can make that decision other than yourself. However, if inactive/inattentive neighbors are your main reason for quitting then that is easily fixed and I would like to point you to the Add Me Forums.

Each s8 game has its own Add Me Forum in which players leave their information and most often include a brief description of their playing style to ensure that anyone who adds them is well aware of what they're getting in a neighbor. You can either go through the most current entries to find players you would like to invite or you can leave your own information for other players looking for neighbors to find and invite you.

I'd also suggest you cull through your current neighbor list and weed out all the inactive players then weed out the players who don't match up to your playing style and expectations. I have a note on my wall that clearly states my playing style so if any player has expectations that don't match mine then they immediately get removed with no hesitation or remorse. You can leave a brief message on their wall explaining the reason you're deleting them if you're worried about upsetting anyone.

I try to cull through my neighbor lists at least once a year (I only delete inactive or incompatible players) which I think is super important in any game but especially BS/RS where neighbor participation can make or break your own progress in goals. When I delete someone I leave a little note explaining that either: they are no longer active and can add me again if/when they start playing again or that our playing styles don't align and I'm removing myself from their list so they can add a better option for themselves.

There are so many players in the game that there is zero reason for any player to ever have to put up with unwanted neighbors. Curating a neighbor list that is specified to your exact needs is absolutely necessary (I think) for continued, enjoyable playing. Keep in mind that at any time you're only seeing a tiny fraction of active players in the Community tab and your own neighbor list is an even tinier fraction than that - despite how it seems, there are plenty of players to choose from I promise!

BS Add Me Forum: https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?42-Bakery-Story-Add-Me

RS Add Me Forum: https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?30-Restaurant-Story-Add-Me

06-16-20, 05:48 PM
Honestly, bakery story isn’t the game it used to be four/five years ago. I’m not sure why I’m still playing, it mostly stresses me out anymore with the 15 day goal ovens needing 40 and 72 parts and only getting 20 gifts and 20 requests per day.