View Full Version : Where is this wallpaper from?

06-07-20, 01:56 AM
Hello, I recently visited someone's bakery and I saw that they had this wallpaper (the city scene) but I wasn't sure where they got it from since it wasn't in the store. Could someone tell me? Thank you

06-07-20, 08:42 AM
That is the City Nights wallpaper which was released with the August 24, 2017 Goal Summers in the City - it was removed after last year's Black Friday sale, though.

Original Goal Thread: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100465

Thread on item removal: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?109994-Item-Removal-2019-December-03

06-07-20, 02:02 PM
Ahh, alright thank you it's a shame though, it looked so nice.