View Full Version : Requiring too much of one item for Cruise events!

05-30-20, 11:22 AM
Come on Storm8 this is ridiculous!!! Every recipes requires beef! 10,9.7 to make! This is insane! Also one recipes require over THIRTY items!!! How about you make a ?spice rack? so it will free up some pantry space?! These games keep requiring a huge about one item and to be honest I?m about done! I quite one of your games after being with you for years and about to stop them all! I?m even missing items I?ve paid for in another game and ha d begged and made several tickets just to be told to go to the forums and the forums tell me to make a ticket! They loop has me a little ?sea sick? not to mention the nasty players that have rude comments bc I keep coming to the forums asking for help ?as you instructed? only to be subjected to abuse! It?s just not worth it! Me and my pocketbook which I invite you to actually see how much real money I?ve put Into ?games? are about to abandon ship. Signed one very frustrated player!

06-01-20, 03:27 AM
I totally agree

06-09-20, 08:51 PM
totally agree
its becoming frustrating now to play this game.

2 days left. won't be able to master these goal recipes for the first time since a longtime

08-14-20, 01:17 PM
I go to the market place to get more ingredients. It?s pricey but what else to do with all this coin that can?t be spent? Speeding up a recipe item regenerate is only a few gems... again what else to spend these gem recipe drops on. I have 15,000 gems now saved up.

09-17-20, 03:06 PM
So for the latest cruise every new recipe requires sugar, two of them require flour and one requires 10 garlic! This is impossible.

09-17-20, 03:24 PM
So for the latest cruise every new recipe requires sugar, two of them require flour and one requires 10 garlic! This is impossible.

Please see the thread on this cruise:


09-17-20, 09:03 PM
This cruise has about put me over the edge! Glad Im not the only one irritated by them requiring too many items for one event! All that sugar for all three recipes then 10 garlic when it hardly ever drops garlic in the ?garden?. Ugh wellness cruise my butt! Its NOT healthy to be this ANGRY and for the poster who said just ?spend coins?. Really!! Maybe some do not want to BUY gems! There is a pandemic!! And some people cant afford their rent or groceries much less spend extra money on a GAME! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

11-05-20, 12:24 AM
I go to the market place to get more ingredients. It?s pricey but what else to do with all this coin that can?t be spent? Speeding up a recipe item regenerate is only a few gems... again what else to spend these gem recipe drops on. I have 15,000 gems now saved up.

"conveniently" in the time of cruise/ event, the ingredients that you mostly need won't show up in market place, or seldom do show up (such as sugar when the limited time receipes requires LOTS of sugar)

11-10-20, 05:05 PM
plus one to all that