View Full Version : Weekday Warrior more problems than usual

04-01-20, 11:49 PM
Aaaahhhhh, I need to vent! Out of the combined 20 minutes I am lucky if I got 7! I always lose 2 or 3 minutes force closing etc, from each 10 minute session. But this was ridiculous. Not my Android device, nor is it my internet connection.

I realize a lot more people may be playing than usual, right now. But, seriously ....I am frustrated and disappointed. 🤢🤬

I have checked the tips post. I don't know what to do differently.

04-02-20, 12:09 AM
You can't do anything different. It's been like this for lots of us since the beginning. I never do WW for the stress factor alone. To me, it's never been worth it. It's definitely not the same experience as there are many others who love it and get a lot out of it. Sorry it's not working out for you ... I agree it's frustrating and disappointing.

I'll delete your empty post from the other thread and given this is more of an 'issue' I'll move it to the other forum once I know you've seen this.

04-02-20, 11:59 AM
Thanks soooo much! You're a rock star.

At least it's not me 🙈. I am not going to plan for it next time, maybe I will be pleasantly surprised.