View Full Version : ?Bonus? Gem Offers That Actually Go Through

03-05-20, 09:17 AM
I don?t know how often but sometimes there?s a ?bonus? button with a gem in upper right hand corner and it brings you to a list of extra ways to get gems. They usually lead you on a stupid wild goose chase through surveys and such but has anyone had any of them actually process and give you gems?

I tried a couple last night and have only had 2 go through, even though a number had the same gem reward, similar requirements and ultimately brought you to the same site.

The ?pick your favorite social media site? for 11 gems I think it was went through for me.
The ?get 100 points and some random gift card? one that had a picture of Doritos on it went through for me too.

Has anyone else had any luck with them and if so, which ones did you try?

I?m sorry if this does not belong here and please feel free mods to take it down. I didn?t do any of the buy ones or use my real email address or info so I?m not advocating for people to give out information about them on the internet as you should NOT DO THAT, as I?m pretty sure these sites are not very protected and probably willfully sell any information you give them, though that?s to be expected on the internet. Sorry this was really long.

03-05-20, 10:12 AM
Well yes - and no.

Anyways. My SF bakery, I also got free gem options for surveys, download a game, take a quiz, buy some stuff on different games - whatever it was. I participated in some of it - besides the buy stuff on other games, because if that was the case, I might as well buy them up front, especially since the other games I don't play. But I got the earned gems.

But not on that account. I'm not sure if it was a bug, and it didn't register on that account. But when I switched to a different account I didn't even do the stuff on, I got the free gems.

Sometimes when I have participated in the past with this, I didn't get any at all.

I don't rely on any gem offers any more, unless it's to download a different Storm8 game. Especially since I don't get the free 10 videos a day anymore.

Because I'm fortunate enough have enough to buy gems regularly. But in the past, I was a bit off with gems, and didn't spend as much as I did now. So I was really taking chances to get gems within the game, especially if it was required to get said gems.

Especially since I didn't get the gems On the bakery I wanted them on.

04-10-20, 12:44 PM
Well yes - and no.

Anyways. My SF bakery, I also got free gem options for surveys, download a game, take a quiz, buy some stuff on different games - whatever it was. I participated in some of it - besides the buy stuff on other games, because if that was the case, I might as well buy them up front, especially since the other games I don't play. But I got the earned gems.

But not on that account. I'm not sure if it was a bug, and it didn't register on that account. But when I switched to a different account I didn't even do the stuff on, I got the free gems.

Sometimes when I have participated in the past with this, I didn't get any at all.

I don't rely on any gem offers any more, unless it's to download a different Storm8 game. Especially since I don't get the free 10 videos a day anymore.

Because I'm fortunate enough have enough to buy gems regularly. But in the past, I was a bit off with gems, and didn't spend as much as I did now. So I was really taking chances to get gems within the game, especially if it was required to get said gems.

Especially since I didn't get the gems On the bakery I wanted them on.

Speak of! I was on my little bakery (not kappy) but anyway. It showed this!



I wonder? Anyway. But I'm not going to try it, but I thought I'd bring this up! As I've only just recently got this pop up, on my kappy bakery, I didn't or haven't received it yet. :confused: