View Full Version : What would be your dream job?

04-21-11, 05:40 PM
Final poll for now: what would be your dream job? I'm not quite sure what mine would be...I'd like to know yours though! Please answer this and leave a comment to say why. Also, please vote on my other off-topic poll threads. Thanks and enjoy!

Apologies to Mogwai4111 for the 'misunderstanding' on a different thread. No more said about that please. Thank you.

This poll will be open indefinitely.

~Happy Easter:::Good Friday~

04-21-11, 05:47 PM
I'm living the dream :)

Ok, not quite accurate ....in 9 years I'll be living the dream with the perfect job. It's called retirement. My career goal is reaching it!

04-21-11, 05:49 PM
Successful programmer :p that way I can contribute to games like these... is that sucking up LOL...
Seriously, I've had an interest in programming for a long time... to be a game developer is my dream job.

But my other dream jobs is software or hardware design and development.

04-21-11, 05:49 PM
I chose to be in a court of law eventually. I'd like to be a barrister. You get paid a lot to argue. I like arguing, especially when I win, which is often (8

04-21-11, 05:50 PM
I'm living the dream :)

Ok, not quite accurate ....in 9 years I'll be living the dream with the perfect job. It's called retirement. My career goal is reaching it!

Oh, that's going to be my favourite! I just know it! I'll wake the whole house up with my laughter!!!

04-21-11, 05:50 PM
Unemployed! Well, you don't have the half-half. I always work for half year & off for half year to enjoy my life.

04-21-11, 05:51 PM
Your poll leaves out those of us already working  at our chosen dream careers.

There's an old thread here somewhere where you will see that there are a lot of us foggies playing the games

04-21-11, 05:52 PM
Successful programmer :p that way I can contribute to games like these... is that sucking up LOL...
Seriously, I've had an interest in programming for a long time... to be a game developer is my dream job.

But my other dream jobs is software or hardware design and development.

I think you'd improve them a lot. It's not particularly sucking up, no. Maybe TL would take you on as an apprentice for being such a dedicated customer. You never know!

04-21-11, 05:54 PM
Your poll leaves out those of us already working  at our chosen dream careers.

There's an old thread here somewhere where you will see that there are a lot of us foggies playing the games

Hahaha! I know that it's not just young people. However, a lot of people with jobs don't necessarily have their dream one. If you do, you're lucky. What is it?

04-21-11, 05:55 PM
Unemployed! Well, you don't have the half-half. I always work for half year & off for half year to enjoy my life.

Well, you can only have up to 10. I suppose that would be 'other'. That sounds a good plan. Thanks for that comment, it's the sort that I want on these threads!

04-21-11, 05:56 PM
Investigations 

04-21-11, 05:56 PM
Hey! Everyone. You're leaving great comments, but please actually vote on the poll!

04-21-11, 05:57 PM
Investigations 

Police investigations or what???

04-21-11, 05:58 PM
I think you'd improve them a lot. It's not particularly sucking up, no. Maybe TL would take you on as an apprentice for being such a dedicated customer. You never know!

aww, thanks :) lol. I'm still tryin to get my Bachelors, and i'm almost hitting 30's in a few years, so it's gonna be a struggle and fight with the younger devs who have their degree.

04-21-11, 05:58 PM
Hey! Everyone. You're leaving great comments, but please actually vote on the poll!

I would but I can't lol....well ok, I'll vote other for dreaming of making it to retirement.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate...happy weekend to all else


04-21-11, 06:00 PM
Thanks all.

04-21-11, 06:01 PM
Police investigations or what???

More specific law enforcement. I investigate and initiate prosecution of fraud against the government.

Maybe I'll see you around when you get your dream job.... Good luck and study hard!

04-21-11, 06:02 PM
aww, thanks :) lol. I'm still tryin to get my Bachelors, and i'm almost hitting 30's in a few years, so it's gonna be a struggle and fight with the younger devs who have their degree.

...you'll do fine. Anyway, as I say, if you get experience with TL who should be nice to you, a devoted customer, then get that on your CV. They won't have that!

04-21-11, 06:02 PM
More specific law enforcement. I investigate and initiate prosecution of fraud against the government.

Maybe I'll see you around when you get your dream job.... Good luck and study hard!

Thank you very much!:)

04-21-11, 06:03 PM
More specific law enforcement. I investigate and initiate prosecution of fraud against the government.

Maybe I'll see you around when you get your dream job.... Good luck and study hard!

Hang on, fraud!? How about TeamLava's mysteriously vanishing gems???

04-21-11, 06:09 PM
Thanks everyone. :p

04-21-11, 06:52 PM
My dream job is to be a programmer for TeamLava. Currently going to DigiPen in Washington (a school for video game design)

04-21-11, 06:56 PM
Programmer at Google, Author, or Motivational speaker on Youtube.

04-22-11, 01:00 AM
Wow! A lot of budding proggrammers! Good luck everyone!

04-22-11, 01:34 PM
Either a photographer or photo journalist :D

04-22-11, 01:45 PM
I'd like to teach younger kids, or if I got the chance, act on tv programmes

04-22-11, 01:48 PM
I'd like to teach younger kids, or if I got the chance, act on tv programmes

I'd enjoy either of those, I think. Thanks.

Happy Easter:::Good Friday.

04-22-11, 06:45 PM
I would love to be a designer because I have some games in mind I would like to create as an app for the Smartphones.

04-22-11, 06:48 PM
I would love to be a designer because I have some games in mind I would like to create as an app for the Smartphones.

I also want to be a Team Lava game programmer.

04-23-11, 08:12 AM
I also want to be a Team Lava game programmer.

We all seem to like TeamLava and programming. I suppose that's understandable: we like TeamLava enough to join their forums and we like games. On top of that, it's a pretty good and, I suppose, fairly fun job.

04-24-11, 09:09 AM
I'm already an accountant :)

On another note, professional driver wouldn't be too bad. I have done quite a few different driver training programs with my cars and wouldn't mind it but I suppose it could get tiring/exhausting.

04-24-11, 02:42 PM
I'm already an accountant :)

On another note, professional driver wouldn't be too bad. I have done quite a few different driver training programs with my cars and wouldn't mind it but I suppose it could get tiring/exhausting.

...and perhaps a bit boring after a while.

04-25-11, 06:00 AM
I guess because it's just a hobby for me, track racing and driver training is still enjoyable (and a bit of a workout)... if it was my day job I probably wouldn't enjoy it so much.

04-25-11, 12:52 PM
I guess because it's just a hobby for me, track racing and driver training is still enjoyable (and a bit of a workout)... if it was my day job I probably wouldn't enjoy it so much.

Exactly. I love track racing etc., but if I was eg. a lorry driver, the Motorway queues would become even more unbearable than usual. Saying that, I wouldn't mind working for the Motorway Police. That's very boring, but I reckon that I'd enjoy it for the tiny amount of excitement you get about once every week.

04-25-11, 06:03 PM
Funnily enough my family owns/runs a small lorry driving business so I've had my share of that.

04-26-11, 08:07 AM
Funnily enough my family owns/runs a small lorry driving business so I've had my share of that.

Did you enjoy it? I suppose it's novel for a bit!

05-20-11, 03:25 AM
I have my dream job right now (hence the lack of posting for the last month)

Payroll Officer at a mining construction and fabrication company. I get to use a computer all day (WHEE!) and I'm learning interesting things like EBA policies and mine rules etc ... and Quickbooks.

I'm quite content :)

05-20-11, 04:10 PM
I'm going with other. Absolute dream job (that will most likely never happen) - work for Kevin Smith. Realistic dream job - ultrasound tech. Hopefully will be starting school in the fall!

05-20-11, 04:36 PM
I'm going with other. Absolute dream job (that will most likely never happen) - work for Kevin Smith. Realistic dream job - ultrasound tech. Hopefully will be starting school in the fall!

Well, he says he's retiring from directing after his next movie, so get a move on. :cool:

My dream job is to work in the video game industry... and I do! </high fives self> :D

05-22-11, 10:46 PM
Well, he says he's retiring from directing after his next movie, so get a move on. :cool:

My dream job is to work in the video game industry... and I do! </high fives self> :D

He's said that a few times now! Still love him anyway! And good for you!

05-23-11, 09:59 AM
Well, he says he's retiring from directing after his next movie, so get a move on. :cool:

My dream job is to work in the video game industry... and I do! </high fives self> :D

Haha! I didn't notice my thread getting so much attention. You do well in the video games industry too. But I'd still like Lava drinks in RS even if we can't call it anything alcoholic because of age restrictions. But this isn't the place. It's meant to be O-T.

06-09-11, 03:24 PM
I chose to be in a court of law eventually. I'd like to be a barrister. You get paid a lot to argue. I like arguing, especially when I win, which is often (8

haha... me too

06-09-11, 03:28 PM
I already am in the design business...I am a graphic designer. When I was just out of college I worked as an animator for a computer game company.

06-12-11, 03:16 PM
We definately seem to revolve around gaming a lot:D

06-12-11, 03:35 PM
oke my dreamjob is tourleader, and that is what i do, next to other jobs, I love to see the world, so I can really say that taj mahal in CS doesn't look well and i would love an african story;)

06-12-11, 03:37 PM
oke my dreamjob is tourleader, and that is what i do, next to other jobs, I love to see the world, so I can really say that taj mahal in CS doesn't look well and i would love an african story;)

Hmmm...how about a Story for each continent?:D

06-12-11, 05:23 PM
I Would be A Teacher! I love children! Maybe like Kindergarten or First Grade! My Daughter is 2 and a half and she is sooo smart I love Teaching her new things! She already knows her alphabet and can count to 20 or to A 100 by 10's lol....

06-14-11, 04:38 AM
District Attorney :) Working hard to reach that goal right now

06-14-11, 06:53 PM
I'm currently a baker. Graduated from culinary school last year !

BUT, I'd love to just get by on drawing and painting. :P

06-18-11, 03:25 PM
I Would be A Teacher! I love children! Maybe like Kindergarten or First Grade! My Daughter is 2 and a half and she is sooo smart I love Teaching her new things! She already knows her alphabet and can count to 20 or to A 100 by 10's lol....

Wow...when I was that age...ooh...my brain (if I have one which is debatable...) is crunching to try and remember:p

06-18-11, 03:26 PM
I'm currently a baker. Graduated from culinary school last year !

BUT, I'd love to just get by on drawing and painting. :P

I thought you were a hippo:p? Lol. So, do you like BS or is it too much like work?

06-18-11, 04:51 PM
I Really Want to Work for My #1 Favoritest Music Group in the World, ORANGE RANGE (ORENJI RENJI) :D

06-18-11, 06:50 PM
I thought you were a hippo:p? Lol. So, do you like BS or is it too much like work?

I'm usually a hippo, except on Fridays.Then I actually have to MAKE the food I eat !

Bakery Story was what drew me into teamlava games to begin with. As much as I bake for a living, its still fun to design a bakery however you please, control what kinds of cute cartoon pastries go out and watching your little customers eat up !

Funny thing happened to me recently: I was at work, making a red velvet cake for a customer, and I had to stop halfway while icing it and turn around, flip open my phone and put out my Bakery Story red velvet cakes that were done. Then went back to finishing up my actual red velvet cake. I didn't even plan it that way, lol.

06-19-11, 02:12 AM
I chose to be in a court of law eventually. I'd like to be a barrister. You get paid a lot to argue. I like arguing, especially when I win, which is often (8

I used to think that way... until i got into law school and found out most of the stuff you watch on tv is fake :(

06-23-11, 11:53 AM
My dream job: Architectural Draftsman and Designer

06-23-11, 01:59 PM
I used to think that way... until i got into law school and found out most of the stuff you watch on tv is fake :(

I know that the TV stuff is fake;)!

06-23-11, 02:01 PM
I'm usually a hippo, except on Fridays.Then I actually have to MAKE the food I eat !

Bakery Story was what drew me into teamlava games to begin with. As much as I bake for a living, its still fun to design a bakery however you please, control what kinds of cute cartoon pastries go out and watching your little customers eat up !

Funny thing happened to me recently: I was at work, making a red velvet cake for a customer, and I had to stop halfway while icing it and turn around, flip open my phone and put out my Bakery Story red velvet cakes that were done. Then went back to finishing up my actual red velvet cake. I didn't even plan it that way, lol.

Great story!
Do Hippos need livings? If you're only a human (I assume that as a non-hippo, you're a human, correct me if not) on Fridays, surely a living is useless?

06-28-11, 09:51 AM
I want to work with animals

06-28-11, 09:55 AM
No, we just find a rich animal trainer and live our days out in a short and unaccomplished blaze of glory !

I want to work with animals

Trust me, whatever field you go in, you'll always work with animals ;)

06-28-11, 10:12 AM
I'm going to school for Visual Arts/Graphic Design. Was in University for two years studying English and though I love English, HATED the program and school. Yay for new schools doing what you love. :)

06-28-11, 12:55 PM
I'm going to school for Visual Arts/Graphic Design. Was in University for two years studying English and though I love English, HATED the program and school. Yay for new schools doing what you love. :)

Hear hear!:)

06-29-11, 05:49 AM
My dream job: Architectural Draftsman and Designer

How about that, I have your dream job. PM me if you ever need advice or anything.

I'm going to school for Visual Arts/Graphic Design. Was in University for two years studying English and though I love English, HATED the program and school. Yay for new schools doing what you love. :)

Hey, I've had your dream job too. I did graphic design for the city zoo while studying architecture.

I'm already an accountant :)

I also worked at an accounting firm while going to college. Not my favorite job, especially during tax season. The firm was too small for the number of clients it had so I'm sure that had a lot to do with it.

06-29-11, 05:58 AM
How about that, I have your dream job. PM me if you ever need advice or anything.

Hey, I've had your dream job too. I did graphic design for the city zoo while studying architecture.

Did you enjoy it? I love everything artistic. :)

06-29-11, 06:06 AM
Did you enjoy it? I love everything artistic. :)

It was great, probably my favorite job, really hard to make a career of it though. If you're not already interning as a graphic designer start looking in to that ASAP.

06-29-11, 06:09 AM
It was great, probably my favorite job, really hard to make a career of it though. If you're not already interning as a graphic designer start looking in to that ASAP.

I've got a job lined up for after I'm done. :)

06-29-11, 06:12 AM
I've got a job lined up for after I'm done. :)

Congrats, can't beat that.

06-29-11, 04:18 PM
Mog, are there any jobs you haven't done:confused:?:p

06-29-11, 04:31 PM
Mog, are there any jobs you haven't done:confused:?:p

Nope. I'm a regular jack of all trades, master of none, even interned at Disneyworld for a semester. Assistant coached a youth basketball team in Italy for a semester, and refereed YMCA (little league here in the US) football and basketball for a semester.

Try everything once, I say. Dang.. now I'm probably starting to sound old but I'm not really, I did all these while in school and only graduated a few years ago.

06-29-11, 04:33 PM
Nope. I'm a regular jack of all trades, master of none, even interned at Disneyworld for a semester. Assistant coached a youth basketball team in Italy for a semester, and refereed YMCA (little league here in the US) football and basketball for a semester.

Try everything once, I say. Dang.. now I'm probably starting to sound old but I'm not really, I did all these while in school and only graduated a few years ago.

No, you don't come across as ancient (or old, never fear). How does a
Circus Midget do so much?

06-29-11, 04:37 PM
No, you don't come across as ancient (or old, never fear). How does a do so much?

A strong strong sense of curiosity has always been my motivation. With that anybody can do anything.

07-01-11, 01:50 PM
I chose healthcare, though emergency healthcare is a close second. I want to be a healthcare provider (nurse practitioner) and health educator for impoverished communities here in America, and in developing nations. Ideally, I would travel a LOT. This is my calling; the best way to mix my passion with a salary. :p There are academic reasons for it too... I tend to tell people about basic sociological concepts concerning health and healthcare inequality, if they really want the random lesson! :p

07-02-11, 06:04 AM
I chose healthcare, though emergency healthcare is a close second. I want to be a healthcare provider (nurse practitioner) and health educator for impoverished communities here in America, and in developing nations. Ideally, I would travel a LOT. This is my calling; the best way to mix my passion with a salary. :p There are academic reasons for it too... I tend to tell people about basic sociological concepts concerning health and healthcare inequality, if they really want the random lesson! :p

That's a nice way to put it. OK, random lesson time;).

07-06-11, 01:44 PM
man.. have I posted in this before..? Idunno but XD there are so many things, one of them being an air pilot!

07-08-11, 10:58 AM
My dream job: Architectural Draftsman and Designer
How about that, I have your dream job. PM me if you ever need advice or anything.

I'm going to school for Visual Arts/Graphic Design.

Hey, I've had your dream job too. I did graphic design for the city zoo while studying architecture.

Lol I'm currently working as both.

07-10-11, 06:48 PM
when I was young (like elementary) I always wanted to be a professional dirt bike racer

I knew that wasn't going to happen though

P.s. I am a girl

07-10-11, 06:49 PM
]when I was young (like elementary) I always wanted to be a professional dirt bike racer

I knew that wasn't going to happen though

P.s. I am a girl

Now I figure I will go to college and study to be a baker

07-13-11, 12:47 AM
I want to drive....either NASCAR or Formula One.

God I have a lead foot and love the feel to racing.

08-16-11, 03:23 PM
I kinda want to be a photographer but I am not very good

Here's a pic I took

08-17-11, 01:52 PM
Hotel Industry!

"Hotelies make the dough"

08-17-11, 08:40 PM
I have worked in one dream job, and am in another dream job....sometimes you have to fight to remember why is was a dream job. Medic and teacher.

My other, not one I've done, is a professional genealogist. I love history and people....connections and being a detective to figure things out.

08-17-11, 11:01 PM
Fertility specialist. :) so i guess that goes with health care. Im fascinated by everything that goes on inside the body and how the smallest things can effect fertility good or bad.

08-19-11, 09:06 AM

01-08-12, 02:13 AM
What job do you wish you had?
What do you wish your career was?

Just being my curious self (:~

01-08-12, 02:14 AM
I am studying to be a Medical Examiner
I might move to Canada. Medical examiners get paid more there :p

01-08-12, 08:10 AM
Teacher. So that I can share my knowledge to all.

01-08-12, 11:10 AM
Labor and delivery nurse or lactation consultant

01-08-12, 09:52 PM
work for teamlava,so that I can get a employee discount.hahaha

01-08-12, 10:35 PM
A stay at home Mom / domestic goddess / chef / maid / taxi driver / nurse / tutor / counselor / boss /professional organizer / etc

(I'm already doing my career of choice)

01-09-12, 12:41 AM
A chef/interior and out door decorator

01-09-12, 12:55 AM
I'd love to work on Storm8's Customer Service team as a User Relations Associate. As that's not really feasible, certainly for me, right now (I'm the wrong side of the Pond), I'll go with liking law:).

01-09-12, 07:08 AM
My dream job would be stay-at-home mom.

But my current job/career is fulfilling and I enjoy it. I work in HRIS, meaning I write reports and make dashboards and do some project management.

01-09-12, 07:16 AM
A stay at home Mom / chef / maid / taxi driver / nurse / tutor / counselor / boss /professional organizer / etc

(I'm already doing my career of choice)
I'm the only goddess in this town :p ;)

01-09-12, 08:42 AM
I'm the only goddess in this town :p ;)

Good thing you're not in my town :p

01-09-12, 08:57 AM
I can feel the sparks flying;).

01-09-12, 08:57 AM
Good thing you're not in my town :p

The whole world is my town. ;) :p

01-09-12, 10:53 AM
I am feeling sad today, as if I was still in my previous job which I loved, I would have got to meet Richard Branson today! How cool would that have been?? Hahaha.

01-09-12, 11:16 AM
I am feeling sad today, as if I was still in my previous job which I loved, I would have got to meet Richard Branson today! How cool would that have been?? Hahaha.

Very cool? (Who's Richard Branson?)

01-09-12, 11:17 AM
The whole world is my town. ;) :p

I am the mayor of your town

01-09-12, 11:49 AM
Very cool? (Who's Richard Branson?)

Haha! He is an English business tycoon... Started and owns the Virgin Group.

01-21-12, 02:51 PM
I love the job I have right now as an author... :D

01-21-12, 03:49 PM
Just noticed the thread was merged :p

01-21-12, 04:46 PM
Just noticed the thread was merged :p

Heheh...this one's a little old, no???:confused:

01-21-12, 05:07 PM
Heheh...this one's a little old, no???:confused:


09-08-24, 08:14 AM
My goal by the time I reach my thirties is to work for Union Pacific or my state's local light rail or commuter train company. I love trains and would love to serve the community by working for one of them eventually. Especially if we continue to live in this country and state. I'll report back on this when I'm in my thirties and if the forum still exists by then.

I'm genuinely interested in working for either one at this point. Because what I'm doing now is so boring and depressing. It's not helping me at all. I need a change of scenery and working as a train driver instead would greatly improve things for me. I need to continue and keep my head up and look forward because it's something I want to do in my life.

Working as a pilot or captain would be nice too, but I would prefer to keep my business on the ground and not in the skies or seas. I have a fascination with planes like I do trains and even ships, but again not that interested in working up there or down there.

Alexa, play Ground by Khalid. Because that's exactly where I want to be. On ground, on land. Nowhere else.

Anyway, very excited thinking about this. I have this one very good friend who is a very big supporter of this dreams. He'll be in the stands cheering me on and that's the motivation that I need to continue working on this goal/dream. As he's always been there for me my whole entire life. His input genuinely means the world to me.

09-08-24, 08:25 AM
By the way, I know this is an older thread which doesn't see any engagement or activity anymore, however I wanted to share my dream job and hopefully revive this thread for the future by posting in here myself. That and the more interesting topics to discuss are years old. I like learning about people's lives (dreams, goals, that sort of thing) outside of the game(s). I hope everyone who has posted in this has either got their dream job or if they didn't, is working a very good job at least.