View Full Version : Faerie Respite

02-14-20, 10:19 AM
I took a long break from the game but have been back for awhile and working through some of the storylines I missed. I noticed on one of my neighbors that they had a goddess tree level 2, but mine is just labeled Goddess Tree, and I don't have the option to upgrade it. I've been looking through the storyline guide and discovered that I needed to complete the Faerie Respite goals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?94062-New-CS-Main-Story-Goal-Guide&p=1364388&viewfull=1#post1364388). I have the Faerie Respite (step 11) but I do not have the option to upgrade it (step 12). I'm pretty sure I've had the Faerie Respite since I came back, but I'm not 100% certain of that. I can't find any additional prerequisites to move this storyline forward. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

02-14-20, 04:47 PM
If you post all your main story goals I'll see if I can figure it out for you ;)

If your goddess tree looks like this then you've upgraded it. Should be really shiny pink.

02-14-20, 05:20 PM
My goddess tree does look like that, but it doesn’t show a level on it. Just “Goddess Tree”. Does your tree have the same description? I can’t upload a screenshot from my phone to show you. I’ve tried visiting some high RP community members but haven’t seen it out yet.

For goals, I have hammer time (visit some level 8 buildings), magic nursery: aqua panther cub, what storms may come part 3 (last step), and academy: triumph of the students (first step). I left off the event and daily trade goals. Maybe I already did it and just don’t remember? I appreciate any help. Thanks!

02-14-20, 07:03 PM
Yes mine is called just Goddess Tree - I only dragged it out to take a picture.

The goals you've listed don't trigger anything and are unrelated which is good news.

What does your Faerie Respite look like? If you have a PC I'd recommend you look at this link from Shibuya as it has pics but don't go there if you're on data as it will use up a lot (a lot a lot!). Wifi only no problem.

Here's a description of each level in case you can't see the pics.

Level 1: construction site
Level 2: beginning to see columns - 1 is built and the other 3 are stubs
Level 3: 4 columns built
Level 4: beginning of a circular roof added
Level 5: complete - lots of flowers flowing off the roof

No goals in your book about the faerie respite? If your goddess tree doesn't look like that, there should be goals for that too, but they are dependent on other goals. What does your tree look like?

02-14-20, 09:25 PM
My faerie respite matches your level 5 description. It has no level in its name either.

Unless something is triggered by an expansion I haven?t reached yet, I think I may have already completed these storylines. No level in the name really threw me off.

Thank you so much for your help spiritwind. You are awesome!

02-14-20, 09:33 PM
You're more than welcome! Good luck with the rest of your main story goals - you've quite a bit to get through, so you won't be short of having anything to do for a while :)

02-15-20, 08:49 AM
i went to your kingdom and both the tree and your faerie respite look fully upgraded to me