View Full Version : Please, please, can we scroll?

11-29-19, 05:40 AM
I have to tap like 130 times for EACH PIECE of candy cane fence I put out.

We shouldn't have to tap thousands or tens of thousands of times to decorate.

Please make it scroll.

I know it's been asked before, but I just wanted to add my two cents.

Thank you.

11-29-19, 06:43 AM
I have to tap like 130 times for EACH PIECE of candy cane fence I put out.

We shouldn't have to tap thousands or tens of thousands of times to decorate.

Please make it scroll.

I know it's been asked before, but I just wanted to add my two cents.

Thank you.
I agree. Decorating is fun, but this really is annoying. Your idea is good. It would be even better if we didn't have to scroll at all. Once we place the first item (table, chair, floor tile...whatever we are placing...) the storage place should simply remain at the item we are choosing. If I place a table, that table should remain at the same spot for as long as we need it.

11-29-19, 10:47 AM
Agreed 1000%

12-03-19, 02:23 AM
I agree. Decorating is fun, but this really is annoying. Your idea is good. It would be even better if we didn't have to scroll at all. Once we place the first item (table, chair, floor tile...whatever we are placing...) the storage place should simply remain at the item we are choosing. If I place a table, that table should remain at the same spot for as long as we need it.

Yes. I don't know what that is called, but it works for items that are purchased with coins. I'd like it to work with gen items, as well.

It's ridiculous.

12-03-19, 10:16 AM
Yes. I don't know what that is called, but it works for items that are purchased with coins. I'd like it to work with gen items, as well.

It's ridiculous.
Gee...I have noticed that it does work with some items, but it never occurred to me that it was only for coin items. I guess I don't really pay attention,. But, as you said, it would be great if that feature applied to all items.

12-03-19, 11:06 AM
Yes, anything that no longer has a value attached to it, either coin or gems, once you place it in your Bakery the storage list goes back to the beginning and you have to retap all the way up to where the item is to place another. Can't even scroll - you have to tap. I just placed about 30 pieces of Snowy Fence and it took forever because they were way up in the storage list, something like page 50! And as Kayjo said, the Candy Cane Fence is even further up the list.

Agreed - the best thing would be for the list to stay at the place you're working from. The second best thing would be the ability to scroll. Certainly they have the technology to do that.