View Full Version : App keep stopping

11-26-19, 06:01 PM
I open my app and it keep stopping and closing what should I do I uninstalled and reinstalled and it keep closing

11-26-19, 06:06 PM
Yup experiencing the same thing too

11-26-19, 06:14 PM
It's been going on all day for me. Can we get confirmation from a mod that this has been reported?

11-26-19, 06:20 PM
Any technical issues experienced while playing should be reported in the Restaurant Story Bugs Forum which the team checks more frequently than this one: https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?14-Restaurant-Story-Bugs-amp-Issues

11-26-19, 10:18 PM
Have been experiencing the same issues all day as well. Glad to know I am not the only one. Hopefully the issue gets resolved soon.

11-26-19, 11:37 PM
got the same prob whole day today

11-27-19, 03:09 AM
Same problem here. Will report it.

11-27-19, 10:22 AM
I posted on the bugs forum, as have a dozen or more others... not sure if others in this thread noticed, it's only happening for me when using the goal ovens. If I ignore them, my other ovens dont crash the game, & I can collect tips, etc. Doesnt help those of you still completing the goal (all I need is the recipes currently finished on my 2nd ovens, so I feel the pain!)

11-27-19, 12:30 PM
Same here. Messaged all my neighbors today. A bunch of them are experiencing the same. All android users. If this can't be fixed, I'll have to stop playing. It's not the same if I can't do goals or new appliances.

11-27-19, 01:11 PM
It's happening to me too. It started happening yesterday. It does it when I try to serve or cook my food on the goal ovens. It's getting very annoying.

11-27-19, 03:14 PM
I have had this same issue since yesterday. It is very annoying and it is sucking up my goal time! Please fix this!