View Full Version : Sales & goals -- feedback

10-25-19, 03:07 PM
The last sale that had mighty/magic appliances was great - please consider offering those more often, I bought gems just to buy those appliances and need more now that I'm almost to 73 with more appliances to use.

Also, can the price be lower like they are in restaurant? For me, I will rarely pay more than $5 per appliance in any game, and these are $7 with a gem sale, so I won't buy many. I got only 2 in bakery, but 7 in restaurant and bought double the gems in restaurant that I did in bakery. With slightly lower cost, I would buy more in bakery. I have 2 accounts, and have to buy a few each time, so offering the mighty/magic appliances more often would be great, especially for slightly lower cost.

The sale item during goals needs to be offered earlier - I rarely buy them any more even when I want them because by the time it goes on sale I'm almost finished building ovens, often on my last one. I hate ending up with a bunch of useless parts, so I stopped buying the packs.

The parts in each pack should be adjusted - why is everything 15 when we need all different amounts??? Why is it not 5-10-15-20 of each part, from small to biggest matching how many parts we need? We need 12 of the lowest one - 5 is enough and even if I want 2 of the decor, if it only had 5 in it, that's only 10 parts. If the part needing 28 has 10 in the pack (being able to buy 2 packs to get enough parts to build 1 of each oven is 2 ovens for $10, with just a few extra parts needed. And if the part needing 40 came with 20 in a pack, that's ideal for buying multiple packs imo). One month I bought 4 packs - I mastered all the food before I used up all the first oven parts - still have a stack in inventory and it makes me unhappy, no way to delete them. I cannot just endless add these one appliance only parts every 2 weeks - my inventory will look like the parts list! Please reconsider the sale packs.

Add more time to goals - I can't master the food on anything because the goals happen too fast. The bakery goals are also insane - why do we need to make 23 of a low order time food on 2nd appliance? That is way too many! Restaurant is much lower and a reasonable amount, 23 is too high. It takes so long to get the 72 parts per appliance but I'm getting all 3 built each time before I make all the food. Those low cook time things spoil way too fast. Why does goal food spoil? It's not enough of a challenge to cook all that food and get 40-72 parts per appliance in 2 weeks? Is it possible for goal food to not spoil during the goal period? The one hour goal food is the worst - so much spoiled food and wasted money, between sales and goals I am broke again.

I would like to see the 5 day goals last a full 7 days and the 15 day goals last 21, with 1 of each during every month. So many times I am having to use gems to speed up cooking if I get spoiled food or am broke and start goals late (I spend a lot on decor, so I am always spending coins). It would be good if the start day for each story game was consistent - so for instance every Tuesday bakery and every Thursday RS. It is confusing now with alternating days and the weird 5 days that don't happen every other goal - I'm never sure when goals will start. Sometimes I forget and I'll redecorate then goals pop up and I cannot afford the wall/floor tiles. But with some regular schedule and known day of week, would make everything so much better for nbr gifts also.

10-25-19, 03:42 PM
Also, on some goals I need about 2-5 hours more time for the last food. I don't mind using gems sometimes to speed cooking, but it really seems to me like bakery is not enough time for the extra food we are required to cook. In restaurant I finish early and have time to build other appliances or master food, plus I get the decor early enough that i have some days to enjoy it all and add to that theme decor before the next goal starts. This last goal I finished 1 hour before end of goal, I didn't put out prize, came back to game later and had to buy new wallpaper/floor tiles for new goal. What was the point of spending 2 weeks getting something that now might not match my decor? Always bakery is like this, I finish with just hours left. I think you are missing the point of giving us decor as prizes - when are we getting the time to decorate with it in our bakery? Next year? Please consider lowering amounts of food we have to cook similar to restaurant, and/or extending time. I think longer goal time would be better, but some change is needed.

Lastly, please consider adding a month long historical goal option - a goal from a prior month/year giving 2nd chance to unlock that oven and recipes, and would pick up wherever goals expired for each person if it was unfinished. I see so many people get almost done and not making it, offering a 2nd chance goal monthly would be so great and allow some of these many, many locked ovens or foods to be unlocked. With the current 15 day back to back goals there's not much time for it, but if goals were extended so we got a short and long goal each month, that would allow some extra time. Personally I would like to see the priority be available appliances that aren't locked but have some locked food on them, things everyone can buy at any time - I'd like to see some way to unlock that food even if no prizes were offered, so a second chance monthly goal to unlock recipes might not be the best way to do it, but if it is possible to just re-activate goals that previously expired, it seemed like it might be the least work to do it that way.

10-25-19, 03:53 PM
If it's 6 days and 20 days for goals, then one ends the day before the next one starts, rather than overlapping like they do now. It would make gifting parts much easier with each goal on a different day. With goals also always starting on the same day of the week, gifting would be so so so so so much easier than now, especially with enough time that people could finish building all their appliances before next goal. Currently I have 4 nbrs with boxes from last goal still not finished with new goals going now.