View Full Version : Bug on goal 9

09-17-19, 02:38 PM
I should have just finished uncertain waters goal 9, but it changed at some point to require 4 Marble Aquariums. I have only 3 listed, yet I had to craft a total of 8 to finish the 2 Aquarium Terrariums. It showed not enough water or stone, but again, I clearly had used plenty to craft the items. I got more water and stone, but the task is incomplete. I don?t want to waste supplies and make another marble aquarium, particularly looking ahead to a nightmare task 10. I pasted the statement from the current quest goal list with the 3 initially required marble aquariums. What happened, and any way to fix? Yes, I force closed after getting the water and stone, still requiring 1 more marble aquarium.

Goal 9:
* Gather water 0/20
* Gather stone 0/50
* Build Marble Aquariums 0/3
* Buid Aquarium Terrariums 0/2 | Workshop, 1 hour - 4 marble aquarium, 20 water, 50 stone
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +100 crowns

Edit: as others have found, when I crafted my “4th” marble (9th really), it reset to be the first. It is very frustrating, but hopefully will be fine since they seem to be needed (in big numbers) for goal 10.
SpiritWind: thanks for reporting it.

Ps. Is it a bug or by design that I get no energy-on-hit from the sharks? I get 2-3 energy when it dies, but nothing while hitting, and I don’t recall that being the case for any other monster. I should get back maybe 2 energy more per shark from hits.

09-17-19, 09:04 PM
I had same problem I crafted one more marble aquarium and then the goal said 1/4 made

09-18-19, 01:00 AM
I've reported this. Thanks.

09-18-19, 02:21 AM
Help S8! On goal 9, I had just about finished crafting my SECOND aquarium terr. (so EIGHT marble aquariums crafted) and a game reset randomly reduced my crated marble aquariums to 3...so now I am stuck on this goal until I craft another one??? Apparently I need a gazzillion more for goal 10, but I don't want to lose credit for having to craft another just to push thru this goal. This event is energy and resource intensive enough without these random game glitches making even harder for us!

09-18-19, 02:31 AM
Help S8! On goal 9, I had just about finished crafting my SECOND aquarium terr. (so EIGHT marble aquariums crafted) and a game reset randomly reduced my crated marble aquariums to 3...so now I am stuck on this goal until I craft another one??? Apparently I need a gazzillion more for goal 10, but I don't want to lose credit for having to craft another just to push thru this goal. This event is energy and resource intensive enough without these random game glitches making even harder for us!

SERIOUSLY?!? So I craft ANOTHER marble aquarium to complete goal 9 (and get to the needed 4, even though I have now crafted NINE in total for this step) only to find my marble aquariums have been reset back to ZERO and now I have to complete THREE more!?!? What do I have to do to get through goal #9! This is beyond frustrating.

09-18-19, 03:31 AM
SERIOUSLY?!? So I craft ANOTHER marble aquarium to complete goal 9 (and get to the needed 4, even though I have now crafted NINE in total for this step) only to find my marble aquariums have been reset back to ZERO and now I have to complete THREE more!?!? What do I have to do to get through goal #9! This is beyond frustrating.

I have exact same problem

09-18-19, 05:29 AM
SERIOUSLY?!? So I craft ANOTHER marble aquarium to complete goal 9 (and get to the needed 4, even though I have now crafted NINE in total for this step) only to find my marble aquariums have been reset back to ZERO and now I have to complete THREE more!?!? What do I have to do to get through goal #9! This is beyond frustrating.

Yep...happened here too. As someone in the event thread stated, what a boneheaded move. You can't change requirements midstream S8! Inexcusable!