View Full Version : Taking away gem dispenser

09-05-19, 02:56 PM
What the hecck is going on, the gem dispenser bought from last sale are removed from my game????
WHo gave permission to enter my game and remove items I bought ?

Anybody else has this same experience????

So annoying:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Elsa;1593919']The item was released in error and removed from the sale on discovery. We'll collect your feedback and forward it to relevant parties. If you have a concern about a real-world purchase you've made, you may contact support. Support doesn't have the ability to make changes to sales and would not be able to respond to individual questions unrelated to supported topics. We apologize for the inconvenience!

Edit for update: For the long-term health of the game, Gem Dispensers from the timeframe of the error were removed and the Gem cost has been refunded to those players. Gems earned from the item weren't removed and are yours to keep. We appreciate your understanding and have taken steps to prevent this from being an issue moving forward.

09-05-19, 02:58 PM
Yeah, I had 2, mine are gone as well. Really disappointed about this. But I guess this is their idea of fair, since they it was put into the game as an error on their part in the first place. They never meant to re-release it.

09-05-19, 03:01 PM
I just lost my gem dispensers too. Is this for real? Can we have an explanation?

09-05-19, 03:02 PM
In the sale thread, an S8 employee said it was released in an error. So I guess this is their attempt to "fix" THEIR "error".

09-05-19, 03:05 PM
Lost mine too.

Upside: They gave us our gems back.

Downside: Not really fair because others had the chance to buy it when they put it out the first time, and theirs weren?t taken away, but more importantly, why can they take back a gem dispenser but can?t give us a square bakery! ROFLMBO!!

I see some real irony in this. If you don?t laugh, you?ll cry! 🤣

This is my take on the whole thing...

Yes, it was released in error, and yes, they gave us our gems back, but it was released several years ago. Some got it, some didn?t, and some couldn?t, but whether in error or not, if they take ours back, which we fairly purchased, then they have to take ALL OF THEM back. Either we all get a crack, or nobody does...

09-05-19, 03:28 PM
This is sad.

09-05-19, 03:32 PM
This is my take on the whole thing...

Yes, it was released in error, and yes, they gave us our gems back, but it was released several years ago. Some got it, some didn?t, and some couldn?t, but whether in error or not, if they take ours back, which we fairly purchased, then they have to take ALL OF THEM back. Either we all get a crack, or nobody does...

Completely agree with this.

lmao @ your joke above that. That did make me laugh in the middle of my frustration.

I believe S8 made a bad move with this decision.

09-05-19, 04:02 PM
Very. Rarely do I make a comment on this game. I understand the need for profit, employee turnover and expense. BUT in the commercial world, even the smallest of companies I have dealt with, honor their mistakes. What a disappointment it is for those who gained something in a short time period, to have that joy taken away. This used to be such a fun game. YourTEAM seems to be totally unconcerned about your game. Participants. It’s a sad day for this game.

09-05-19, 04:03 PM

09-05-19, 04:05 PM
I don’t join in with the complaining folks do EVERY SINGLE month but this just takes the cake. I spent $35 to get gems to buy the dispenser. I didn’t want to use up the ones I had stored for the occasional gem purchase I do make. Now I have over 400 gems that I won’t use up for years.

This wasn’t released “in error,” this was a blatant money grab. If it truly was in error, they would refund the money spent.

09-05-19, 04:07 PM
I would like to know why I was removed by the gem dispenser without my authorization and after I buy them, I want them returned as it is my game

09-05-19, 04:10 PM
YES! I bought 2 gem dispensers in last week?s Back to School Sale and today they have been taken away. This is completely WRONG! Storm8, please return what I rightfully bought!

09-05-19, 04:11 PM
When a legitimate company makes an ?error?, they stand by it and make it right with their customers. This is completely wrong and they should give us what they bought.

09-05-19, 04:15 PM
I completely agree. We shouldn't have to suffer the disappointment because of their error. It sucks that other people missed out because they didn't see it right away, but the ones that did get it should be able to keep it. Any other company would honor their mistakes and not disappoint the customer.

09-05-19, 04:46 PM
Why do we have to pay for the mistakes of others. We bought the gem dispensers legitimately. It was for sale. I have never seen this in my life . I never experienced something like this; buying something and having it taken away. I understand that it was an error but let the players who bought the item keep it.

09-05-19, 04:52 PM
I've been saving the gems for when you guys want to put the gem back on the line and then buy them off, and you wonder if it s worth wasting time in the game years after years

09-05-19, 05:32 PM
I only spent the money on the gem dispensers because they are so rare and I really wanted them. Because they were so expensive, I wasn?t able to purchase anything else in the sale. Now the sale is over and what I purchased was taken away. My money is gone ..... I have no dispensers. I?d rather have my money back to spend as I please on something of my choosing, like my monthly bills. Not gems to spend in this game. What I buy with gems aren?t guaranteed. What I purchase can Disappear. Very upset with this decision.

09-05-19, 06:20 PM
Exactly - well said.

09-05-19, 06:31 PM
Great. Just great. What a way to wake up your morning to. Searching for that gem dispenser that I bought from the last sale to collect my gem and then realised that S8 have taken it away. All for the sake to "rectify" their error. We had the chance to buy it and so it should be ours to keep. Sorry to those who weren't able to get it but isn't that the same for those who bought them previously too?? This is so unprofessional. IF you're going to be "fair", then yeah I agree with LightAndLove83 that you should take all the rest of the gem dispensers from other players who had the opportunity to buy TENS of them in their bakeries!!!! If you hadn't released it in the first place, I could have used those gems to buy other pretty things that were on sale. That's an error on YOUR part so why do others have to suffer the consequences????? No thanks for ruining my day. ugh

09-05-19, 06:34 PM
I spent money on the sale specifically for the gem dispensers and am demanding a refund. Not only did I (and others) miss out on other sale items, but I’ve wasted real money and now have an abundance of gems I don’t need. Ridiculous. They have no integrity or morals and I think this was my final straw.

09-05-19, 06:56 PM

I just woke up to.find ALL my dispensers which I had been waiting to buy for years
My gems were returned...I've been playing for years now saving up for this item specifically
I bought them fair and square
Waited for the sale to start and whatever item was up for grabs bought it just like anyone would.
S8 you have hit an all time low with this one.
You cannot rectify your error by taking away what we RIGHTFULLY bought.
I demand what I bought back please as I did not buy the other items on sale BECAUSE I bought all the dispensers.

Oh and one other thing
In all my yrs playing RS and BS I've NEVER EVER seen S8 *rectify* an *error* so quickly ��

09-05-19, 06:59 PM
You CANNOT have people buy something with REAL money and then refund them with FAKE money! Can you say LAWSUIT?

09-05-19, 07:07 PM
You CANNOT have people buy something with REAL money and then refund them with FAKE money! Can you say LAWSUIT?

That's what I'm more upset with. Customers who bought ANY gems during that sale should have been given a full refund option if they felt so compelled to take items away. I'm contacting people tomorrow to deal with the money I invested into the game.

09-05-19, 07:10 PM
I could not be more furious about this. I will probably quit playing. What a freaking joke! Honestly, it’s illegal in my book.

09-05-19, 07:16 PM
I am sure those players who purchased gem dispensers during this sale are as annoyed as I am (I bought gems, and then purchased two gem dispensers). Removing them from those players who purchased them legitimately when they were offered (even though the offer was an error) is absolutely unfair. Why should the players who purchased them be penalized for the company's error?? How completely unprofessional, not to mention totally lacking in any sense of fair play. This truly shows a lack of respect for their customers. This is unbelievable! A responsible company would simply re-offer them (with an advanced memo informing the players) for a few days. At least they should have posted a memo mentioning what they were planning to do. They have posted memos previously, so that would have been possible. They have so little concern for their customers, it is mind-boggling!

09-05-19, 08:01 PM
That's what I'm more upset with. Customers who bought ANY gems during that sale should have been given a full refund option if they felt so compelled to take items away. I'm contacting people tomorrow to deal with the money I invested into the game.
I agree completely. Many players spent real money (as I did) in order to purchase the gem dispensers. The fact that they refunded the gems is inconsequential. I only purchased the gems to buy the dispensers. I want my real money back. They took away what I purchased. Therefore, I am entitled to a cash refund (as are the other players who bought gems in order to buy the item). This is out-and-out thievery. They have records of gem purchases, and, as such, they have the ability to issue cash refunds.

09-05-19, 08:04 PM

09-05-19, 08:16 PM
I agree how it?s not right to take away the gem dispensers especially with the fact that I spent real money to get them. I don?t want just gems with my real money purchase, I WANTED THE DISPENSERS!! I purchased 3 dispensers and that wasn?t cheap! Basically, I spend 34.99+2.76tax=$37.75x3=$113.25!!! I want a refund or my dispensers back!!!

You CANNOT have people buy something with REAL money and then refund them with FAKE money! Can you say LAWSUIT?

That's what I'm more upset with. Customers who bought ANY gems during that sale should have been given a full refund option if they felt so compelled to take items away. I'm contacting people tomorrow to deal with the money I invested into the game.

I could not be more furious about this. I will probably quit playing. What a freaking joke! Honestly, it?s illegal in my book.

I am sure those players who purchased gem dispensers during this sale are as annoyed as I am (I bought gems, and then purchased two gem dispensers). Removing them from those players who purchased them legitimately when they were offered (even though the offer was an error) is absolutely unfair. Why should the players who purchased them be penalized for the company's error?? How completely unprofessional, not to mention totally lacking in any sense of fair play. This truly shows a lack of respect for their customers. This is unbelievable! A responsible company would simply re-offer them (with an advanced memo informing the players) for a few days. At least they should have posted a memo mentioning what they were planning to do. They have posted memos previously, so that would have been possible. They have so little concern for their customers, it is mind-boggling!

I spent money on the sale specifically for the gem dispensers and am demanding a refund. Not only did I (and others) miss out on other sale items, but I?ve wasted real money and now have an abundance of gems I don?t need. Ridiculous. They have no integrity or morals and I think this was my final straw.

I only spent the money on the gem dispensers because they are so rare and I really wanted them. Because they were so expensive, I wasn?t able to purchase anything else in the sale. Now the sale is over and what I purchased was taken away. My money is gone ..... I have no dispensers. I?d rather have my money back to spend as I please on something of my choosing, like my monthly bills. Not gems to spend in this game. What I buy with gems aren?t guaranteed. What I purchase can Disappear. Very upset with this decision.

09-05-19, 09:03 PM
I?ve never commented on this game before but played for years. I can?t believe they way they rectify their error (and so quickly too! When soooo many other complaints are ignored!) is to REMOVE the legitimately purchased gem dispensers FROM OUR INVENTORY. Really??

If they won?t listen to the numerous complaints about this and if they close the help tickets automatically, hit them where it hurts. Just leave a one star review at the App Store or Google Play store. I just did.

09-05-19, 09:29 PM
I?m more than mad about this. I paid money to buy two gem dispensers and I want my money back. Not the Gems, I want my money returned to my apple account. There are tons of things I?d rather spend my money on than this game which has obviously been taken over by a group of people who don?t care about their customers. The fact I had to come on here to find out they made a mistake by releasing it is insane! They should own their mistakes not punish the people that pay their wages. What a joke. They won?t get another dime from me!

09-05-19, 11:07 PM
I’ve never known a company like this. My 2 that I bought a week ago have obviously been taken away as well. I noticed that I had a lot more gems than I should have and it took me a couple of minutes before I realised why. I’m totally shocked that they’ve done this. EVERYONE should get the gem dispensers back. I’m sure everyone would rather get them back rather than get their gems back and everyone that bought gems to to enable them to buy the dispensers should get their money back. It’s a very tiny percentage of bakery story players that visit this forum so most people will have no idea what has happened. They’ll be firing off complaints to Storm8 only to get an email back immediately closing their ticket. No one has any idea what they can do. EVERYONE that has bought gems to pay for the gem dispensers must get in touch with Apple to get their money back. We don’t want gems, we want our gem dispensers back or at the very least the money back if you had bought gems. What a bl**dy company! ��

09-06-19, 01:16 AM
S8 this was an illegal action from your side. The law says once an item legally bought it belongs to the one who bought it and no one ,nobody can take that item back without permission of the rightful owner at that moment.Bought is bought, whether it was a mistake to put it on sale or not.
Please correct this and give us back what legally belongs to us.
You made a mistake, take your loss like any other company would do. Your customers have a right on a descent treatment and do not put it off as being a mistake. The fact remains it was for Sale, it was bought by many customers and it belongs to the ones who bought it.
Think all the people who were confronted with this agree with me . So come on and give the ones who bought the gem dispenser back what they bought. Nothing else you can do, no apologies what so ever, just give us what we are entitled to.

09-06-19, 02:18 AM
When that happened? I didn?t see any sale of gem dispenser these days. The last one I know was years ago. Was it a glitch or something?

09-06-19, 02:34 AM
I am on iphone 6s and the sale didn?t show to me. So many bugs and mistakes. So sorry for all who bought and had the iten taken

09-06-19, 02:37 AM
You’re right,they HAVE to give us back the gems dispenser. It was their mistake not ours ! This is just unbelievable ��

09-06-19, 05:29 AM
So they can take back a gem dispenser in a minute, but fixing the notification issue take weeks and still not fixed?

09-06-19, 06:06 AM
Putting in a ticket with this company is useless. No matter what you need help with, they send an automatic reply saying it is closed. There is NO help for anything in this game. What a shoddy company.

09-06-19, 06:18 AM

09-06-19, 06:42 AM
I am very angry that you put up with the many articles, including the gem dispenser, and when you see that we all bought a few of you, and you would not take them away, where you were respecting the players, because they were only taking away the gem dispenser, and all the others bought it were not touched, they were honoured and you gave us the gems to dispense because they were not illegally obtained, they were bought with many sacrifices and a long wait, that is trap at their convenience, I'm going to find out who you can claim to make a dearly for, because if we re good for some things, it also has to be, what you have to do is put a limit but are not so brazen and everything will do so, we as consumers have rights, and in particular respect. Respect for respect.

09-06-19, 07:25 AM
This may be the soundest bit of advice, I’ve heard all day...��
Great idea about the credit card info. Apparently, contacting S8 is impossible, and if Apple is not helpful, either, that seems the only way to get satisfaction. Thanks for suggesting that idea. I guess I still had some optimism that S8 would show even a thread of dignity and responsibility, and refund the real money that players spent. But, alas, that will not happen.

09-06-19, 07:34 AM
Great idea about the credit card info. Apparently, contacting S8 is impossible, and if Apple is not helpful, either, that seems the only way to get satisfaction. Thanks for suggesting that idea. I guess I still had some optimism that S8 would show even a thread of dignity and responsibility, and refund the real money that players spent. But, alas, that will not happen.

I am sure this wasn't necessary for me to do, but, just for the heck of it, I took a screenshot of the sale items (floor deco). Of course, the Gem Dispenser is still on display there. I thought, for sure, that they would have removed it from that listing, since it was, apparently, an error. When I think about how much money they must have received from this item, I want to scream!

09-06-19, 02:07 PM
I am just venting here now...Of course the situation has not changed. I was just thinking that any company with employees who have an ounce of intelligence would foresee upcoming problems by not replacing the gem dispensers or refunding the money. Do they really think that players will purchase any gems after this illegal action on their part? Suppose they offer this item again, (or some other rarely offered item) sometime in the future...do they really think anyone would buy it, now that they opened our eyes to the fact that they can remove purchased items at their whim?
I sometimes wonder who is running this company. Children would have more common sense than these (supposed) adults. Is this what they learned in business school? If their desire is to continually make a profit, doesn't it occur to them that they just ruined it for themselves? I am not a business person, but even an idiot would realize that making customers this angry and upset is truly not in their best interests, in the long run. I guess they just wanted to fleece the players, get money from them, and then continue as usual. And now, I am going to call my credit card company to cancel this purchase. Thanks for letting me vent. I really needed to do this.

09-07-19, 08:55 AM
I lost my gem dispensers Too!! I have waited for YEARS to buy these gem dispensers, I was able to buy 5 of them in this game then by the time I went to my other phone the sale was over so I was not able to get more.

Please bring our gem dispensers back. I know they work fine because my original phone (which got accidentally wiped and I lost all my S8 games on it) had Gem Dispensers so I know they work just fine in my iPhone.

09-07-19, 08:58 AM
What the hecck is going on, the gem dispenser bought from last sale are removed from my game????
WHo gave permission to enter my game and remove items I bought ?

Anybody else has this same experience????

So annoying:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Quote Originally Posted by [S8] Elsa View Post
The item was released in error and removed from the sale on discovery. We'll collect your feedback and forward it to relevant parties. If you have a concern about a real-world purchase you've made, you may contact support. Support doesn't have the ability to make changes to sales and would not be able to respond to individual questions unrelated to supported topics. We apologize for the inconvenience!

Edit for update: For the long-term health of the game, Gem Dispensers from the timeframe of the error were removed and the Gem cost has been refunded to those players. Gems earned from the item weren't removed and are yours to keep. We appreciate your understanding and have taken steps to prevent this from being an issue moving forward.

JoeyBasenji, Where did Elsa post that original comment? I can't find it anywhere.

09-07-19, 10:56 AM
JoeyBasenji, Where did Elsa post that original comment? I can't find it anywhere.

It's been added to the first post of this thread by Elsa herself but was originally posted in the Sales Thread.

For future reference, if you click on the double arrows after the user's name in the quote, it will take you to the original posting. For instance, if I tap the arrows after JoeyBasenji in your post it will take me directly to the post you quoted.

09-07-19, 01:05 PM
?For the long term health of the game?? So basically, we do not get to keep our legitimately purchased gem dispensers because you want us to keep buying gems from you? You think angering people, stealing from them and committing fraud would protect the ?health? of the game. Just wow. Pure greed. Vile and dishonest.

09-07-19, 01:58 PM
It's been added to the first post of this thread by Elsa herself but was originally posted in the Sales Thread.

For future reference, if you click on the double arrows after the user's name in the quote, it will take you to the original posting. For instance, if I tap the arrows after JoeyBasenji in your post it will take me directly to the post you quoted.

Thank you! I thought it was a blurry smudge and didn?t realize that it actually did anything! LOL

09-07-19, 05:00 PM
“Contact support”??? What a joke. There is no support for this game. Any issue you have results in a automatic closed ticket. There is no “long-term health of the game.” There is only more money for Storm8, which is obviously more important to them than their reputation.

09-07-19, 11:48 PM
Man. This whole occurrence hurts my heart. I’m really starting to wonder if the game is on its deathbed or if the company is really that evil like Chiquita and Nestl?. What a disappointment for everyone that spent money for this.

09-08-19, 05:41 AM
This is an all time low !!!

09-08-19, 06:44 AM
[QUOTE=LightAndLove83;1594171]Lost mine too.

Upside: They gave us our gems back.

Downside: Not really fair because others had the chance to buy it when they put it out the first time, and theirs weren?t taken away, but more importantly, why can they take back a gem dispenser but can?t give us a square bakery! ROFLMBO!!

I see some real irony in this. If you don?t laugh, you?ll cry! 🤣

I agree with you about the removal of legitimately purchased gem dispensers in this current sale. Offering them, and then removing them from those players who purchased them was totally inappropriate, not to mention illegal. However, I do not think that players who bought them when they were offered a few years ago should have theirs removed. This situation is completely different. Then, it was offered to all players. As any other decor item, those who wanted them could buy them...as many as they wanted. Those who did not want them, obviously did not buy them. The thing is, they were offered to all players. The players made their own choices. This time, though, the entire situation, from offering them, selling them, and then, without any notice, removing them from those who purchased them was totally incomprehensible and illegal.

09-08-19, 08:56 AM

09-08-19, 01:25 PM
Show of hands, anyone who still wants to purchase gems, watch ads, leave positive reviews or do **** near anything in order to ensure the sacred future health of the game!

09-08-19, 03:24 PM
I was one of those who saw the Gem Dispenser for sale, intended to come back later and buy one, but missed out. I really feel for those of you who purchased one in good faith, only to have it taken away. This was an incredibly short-sighted move by those in charge of this game. I thought removing it from the sale was wrong, but then to remove a legitimately purchased item from an individual's game is just egregious and unethical. Yes, they gave you your gems back, but they still have your money. I hope they read these forums and understand how deeply they have wounded their customers. We have lost faith in you, Storm 8. I hope you figure out a way to make this right. And please S8, don't "apologize for the inconvenience." This is way beyond inconvenient.

09-08-19, 04:10 PM
Well said, BettiBoopsie!

09-08-19, 05:07 PM
So i guess this confirms we should never buy gems because they?ll just take the items we buy back. Thanks s8.

09-08-19, 05:11 PM
Also, offering something for gems and then taking it away and refunding gems and NOT the money used to buy those gems... absolutely evil. This was a cash grab and it worked.

09-09-19, 02:22 AM
Yes you made a mistake putting the gem dispenser in the sale, fine, but taking all the gem dispensers back from your customers who bought it legally is beyond words. this is so low and as said before once bought is bought. TAKE YOUR LOSS AND GIVE US BACK OUR GEM DISPENSERS.
You owe me 10 and I want them back.

Everybody knows by now that this item will never come back for sale, so I want the ones back bought Legally !

Correct your illegal action of taking the bought gem dispensers out of our Bakeries. THIS IS SO NOT DONE!

09-10-19, 06:35 PM
In my opinion S8 sucks. I will not spend another penny on their games and I intend to leave a 1 rating every day on BS and RS until I get my gem dispenser back.

09-20-19, 10:42 PM
When I think about how much money they must have received from this item, I want to scream!

To be fair, also monthly moneys from players, I have spend over 100 moneys this month,, and yet that was not because of the gem dispenser. I know, probably not the best way to spend it. And I think I add fuel to there madness. And make them think it ok.

I do hope S8 see and learn from there mistake and improve themselves to become better company.

As I would be upset to see there downfall, because I see so much potential and growth with S8. They have yet to achieve.

I will continue to support, as long as there is improvement and fairness amongst players.

Which lately, there has not been fairness - as obvious by this thread.

09-22-19, 11:03 AM
To be fair, also monthly moneys from players, I have spend over 100 moneys this month,, and yet that was not because of the gem dispenser. I know, probably not the best way to spend it. And I think I add fuel to there madness. And make them think it ok.

I do hope S8 see and learn from there mistake and improve themselves to become better company.

As I would be upset to see there downfall, because I see so much potential and growth with S8. They have yet to achieve.

I will continue to support, as long as there is improvement and fairness amongst players.

Which lately, there has not been fairness - as obvious by this thread.

I used to buy gems until I bought 6 gem dispensers when they were on sale a few year ago. I haven’t bought any on bakery story since. I do play castle story as well and I supported storm8 by buying gems on there. I’ve spent a lot over the years. No more though. I love castle story but I will never spend another penny with storm8 due to this. The way they have treat their customers is absolutely disgusting. This wouldn’t be allowed in any other type of business. They should hang their heads in shame!

05-03-20, 10:51 PM
I took a year-long break for this game and just read up on the threads. Have there been any updates regarding this? Am a bit concerned about possible recurrences - this technically can happen to any item that has been/ is offered to us (and explain why some users reported other missing items in inventory in the past).

05-09-20, 10:41 PM
Im just wondering what the sale price on the dispensers was...?
People were able to buy ten at once...? Wow.

05-10-20, 06:26 AM
Im just wondering what the sale price on the dispensers was...?
People were able to buy ten at once...? Wow.

230 gems each I think.

05-10-20, 08:42 AM
Im just wondering what the sale price on the dispensers was...?
People were able to buy ten at once...? Wow.

luincristiel is correct, it was 230 gems for the few hours it was available.

Here's a link to the original sale thread, if you'd like to see the images of the sale items that were offered: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?109325

05-21-20, 12:42 PM
Will they ever bring the gem dispenser back?

05-21-20, 12:47 PM
I can see my gem dispenser on my iPad, but not my Android phone.

05-21-20, 01:14 PM
I can see my gem dispenser on my iPad, but not my Android phone.

This has always been the case because the Gem Dispenser is not compatible with Android devices.

If you start playing solely on and Android device then you will still own your dispenser but you will not be able to see/interact with it. Insofar as I've seen, playing on droids means you can't even collect the daily gems from them. It's one of the reasons I always keep an iOS and droid device linked to my account.

05-21-20, 11:07 PM
This has always been the case because the Gem Dispenser is not compatible with Android devices.

If you start playing solely on and Android device then you will still own your dispenser but you will not be able to see/interact with it. Insofar as I've seen, playing on droids means you can't even collect the daily gems from them. It's one of the reasons I always keep an iOS and droid device linked to my account.

I play on both devices. I'm determined to get a iPhone next time I get a phone. Everything I want is not on a Android. It sucks, cuz I love my Android too!

07-17-20, 08:03 AM
Lost mine too then Appears with 62 gems missing

01-28-21, 12:13 AM
Does anyone know if they’
ll bring gem dispensers back this year? It’d be a nice change in 2021

01-28-21, 01:02 AM
Does anyone know if they?ll bring gem dispensers back this year? It?d be a nice change in 2021

There is unfortunately no news about bringing back the Gem Dispenser.

01-29-21, 10:13 PM
Okay thank you!