View Full Version : GOAL: Out of this World - 2019 Aug 20 (15 Days)

08-20-19, 12:02 PM
15 Day Goal - Out of this World
*Goal should end September 03, 2019*

Goal 1: Out of this World
Buy 8 Lunar Frame (16g to skip)

- Wallpaper

- $8,000 each
Buy 12 Moon Slab (24g to skip)

- Floor Tile

- $9,000 each
*Rewards: $2,620, 70 xp, UNLOCKS - Lunar Range Appliance**Side Goal Opens*

Goal 2: The Final Frontier
Build 3 Lunar Range (4g to skip)

- 1 Fully Built for Free

- $35,000 each

- 28 Range Brochure + 12 Space Spring
Serve 15 Tidal Cocktail (15g to skip)

- Lunar Range

- 2 Hours
*Rewards: $2,650, 70 xp, UNLOCKS - Moondrop Soup Recipe*

Goal 3: Up, Up, and Away!
Serve 20 Moondrop Soup (40g to skip)

- Lunar Range

- 4 Hours
Buy 2 Leaping Cow (4g to skip)

- Wall Deco

- $22,000 each
*Rewards: $2,700, 75 xp, UNLOCKS - Crescent Bites Recipe*

Goal 4: To the Moon and Back
Serve 25 Crescent Bites (63g to skip)

- Lunar Range

- 5 Hours
Buy ANY 1 floor deco (can't skip)

- Must be new purchase to count
*Rewards: $2,770, 75 xp, UNLOCKS - Lunar Liquids Appliance*

Goal 5: Orbital Observations
Build 3 Lunar Liquids (4g to skip)

- 1 Fully Built for Free

- $39,000 each

- 40 Fluid Dynamics! + 32 Neat Knob
Serve 15 Moonstone Mocha Chip (23g to skip)

- Lunar Liquids

- 3 Hours
*Rewards: $2,880, 80 xp, UNLOCKS - Full Moon Blast Recipe*

Goal 6: Stellar Friends
Visit 12 Community Members (12g to skip)

- Neighbors do NOT count
Leave 12 Tips (12g to skip)

- All tips left will count
Have 2 Close Encounters (4g to skip)

- Counter

- $15,000 each
*Rewards: $3,000, 85 xp, UNLOCKS - Night Timer Floor Deco*

Goal 7: Full Moon Room
Serve 25 Full Moon Blast (88g to skip)

- Lunar Liquids

- 7 Hours
Have 1 Night Timer (2g to skip)

- 1x1 Floor Deco

- $20,000 each
*Rewards: $3,300, 90 xp, UNLOCKS - Moon Tea Recipe*

Goal 8: Crater Escape
Have 4 Full Moon Table (8g to skip)

- $14,000 each
Have 4 Crescent Seat (8g to skip)

- $16,000 each
*Rewards: $3,470, 95 xp, UNLOCKS - Stargazer Floor Deco*

Goal 9: Launch Day
Serve 12 Moon Tea (60g to skip)

- Lunar Liquids

- 10 Hours
Have 1 Stargazer (2g to skip)

- 2x1 Floor Deco

- $32,000 each
*Rewards: $3,700, 100 xp, 1 Free Fountain of the Moon*

Final Goal Prize:
Fountain of the Moon, 4x4, 65 Gems

SIDE GOAL: *NOTE: Side Goal calls for the Basic Drink Machine that requires parts to fully build.*

Lunar Luncheon Part One:
Serve 10 Airline Lunch (30g to skip)

- Basic Stove

- 7 Hours *under Lunch tab*
Serve 8 Rocket Fuel Punch (35g to skip)

- Basic Drink Mixer

- 6 Hours *under All tab*
Serve 6 Technicolor Cake (20g to skip)

- Basic Oven

- 6 Hours *under Dessert tab*
Rewards: $1,800, 53 xp

Lunar Luncheon Part Two:
Serve 12 Airline Lunch (42g to skip)

- Basic Stove

- 7 Hours *under Lunch tab*
Serve 10 Rocket Fuel Punch (53g to skip)

- Basic Drink Mixer

- 6 Hours *under All tab*
Serve 8 Technicolor Cake (25g to skip)

- Basic Oven

- 6 Hours *under Dessert tab*
Rewards: $1,800, 53 xp

Lunar Luncheon Part Three:
Serve 14 Airline Lunch (60g to skip)

- Basic Stove

- 7 Hours *under Lunch tab*
Serve 12 Rocket Fuel Punch (70g to skip)

- Basic Drink Mixer

- 6 Hours *under All tab*
Serve 10 Technicolor Cake (30g to skip)

- Basic Oven

- 6 Hours *under Dessert tab*
Rewards: $1,800, 53 xp, 1 Free Digital Solar System

Final Side Goal Prize:
Digital Solar System, 1x1, 24 Gem Value (Released April 19, 2012 as 1st Prize in Futuristic Mystery Crate)

Basic Drink Machine Info:
August 29, 2019 - iOS 4 Day Value Pack:

Moon Landing is a 3x3 Floor Deco worth 80 Gems.
It was originally released December 31, 2014, and is currently available as a Market Purchase.

08-20-19, 12:04 PM
S8 should have done this goal during the 50th anniversary of the moon landing…

08-20-19, 12:21 PM
I think it's nice that they've been lowering the recipe levels for the Side Goals so that all players can participate. Good on ya, s8.

Also, really glad that the Goal Prize doesn't involve a handful of children standing around the item. It's great to see something different for a change.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with this one!

08-20-19, 01:51 PM
Ohhhh a big seal of approval from me :D Nice job with both the main and side goals!

08-20-19, 01:54 PM
Also, really glad that the Goal Prize doesn't involve a handful of children standing around the item. It's great to see something different for a change.

Ditto x 1000

As much as I love children in real life, seeing so many goal prizes involving children (on B.S. also) is ....well....just toooo much.

08-20-19, 03:48 PM
I think this proves that S8 didn’t take much notice of the feedback from the last time the put the drink machine in the side goal! There are people who did not do the side goal last time because of the building requirements, I’m guessing they’ll not be doing it this time either!

08-20-19, 03:56 PM
I can't recall exactly which thread it was in - but I recall reading that it takes a few weeks for the team to change things. It's likely we'll see the Drink Machine used for a bit before it gets fazed out.

Makes sense, they likely have goals completed well in advance and the changes they're putting into effect would be seen in goals weeks from now.

08-20-19, 04:12 PM
Really loving this theme i really really love space themes I'm a new player so I would really liking this side goal prize since I don't have it yet :D

08-20-19, 04:20 PM
Im glad that the main goal and side goal are related to each other

08-20-19, 06:28 PM
This is soooo not my theme.

But playing it anyway.

08-20-19, 07:29 PM
I can't recall exactly which thread it was in - but I recall reading that it takes a few weeks for the team to change things. It's likely we'll see the Drink Machine used for a bit before it gets fazed out.

Makes sense, they likely have goals completed well in advance and the changes they're putting into effect would be seen in goals weeks from now.
I’m sure that’s the case (forward planning of goals), however they’ve shown that they can change things quickly if it suits them, ie recipes on previous goal appliances. In this case, all they would’ve had to change is a side goal recipe from one, to another, and the side goal cards to reflect that change.

It seems that there’s only a “rush” when it has the possibility of affecting them financially negatively, so I guess because some people may use their gems to purchase parts, it’s in their best interest to not fix it, hoping that those people might purchase gem packs (probably why they’re on sale :p at the moment!).

08-21-19, 11:23 AM
I don’t have the basic drink machine in my inventory. Why would you put out a goal that uses a phased out machine. There’s no way I can complete the side goal without it. Just another disappointment in this game. Can you restore the machine for me? I’ve looked thru my inventory twice.

08-21-19, 11:45 AM
I don?t have the basic drink machine in my inventory. Why would you put out a goal that uses a phased out machine. There?s no way I can complete the side goal without it. Just another disappointment in this game. Can you restore the machine for me? I?ve looked thru my inventory twice.

That's odd, the Drink Machine should be available - it's never been removed from the market.

In my Appliance Tab it's right after the Sonic Grill and before the Kids Kitchen Set.

08-21-19, 03:03 PM
Ditto x 1000

As much as I love children in real life, seeing so many goal prizes involving children (on B.S. also) is ....well....just toooo much.

Ditto x 10,000. lol !

08-21-19, 07:11 PM
Thank you...3rd times the charm. I looked and it’s there now. Must have been magic!
And now the race is on!

08-21-19, 11:31 PM
Wow I am really happy with how everything fits the theme, even the side goal! And I'm not even really into space stuff. That Tidal Cocktail looks exactly like how a buffet style portion should look like on the counter and I am really REALLY PLEASED. I have not reached the next recipes so I can't say but I hope that they have pretty counter presentations too! Good job S8 and as always, thank you to AnnirasSweets for all your help!

08-22-19, 05:42 PM
Hi Everyone,
I just finished the side goals. Here is a picture of it in the front of my restaurant.

08-23-19, 07:22 AM
Hi Everyone,
I just finished the side goals. Here is a picture of it in the front of my restaurant.

Thank you so much for picture of item!!! :) and thank you @AnnirasSweets for information. ��:)

Question for anyone that do answer: I have no NBRS on BAW - not my decoy restaurants yet, but if I start to add my decoy restaurants now, will there be chance (if I send myself gift daily) that I can if way, complete goal? I really want prize. It look like it match Castle Ruin.

08-24-19, 06:30 AM
52768 moonstone mocha chip☹️

08-24-19, 07:21 PM
I am on goal 4 of the main goal. There isn't a button for me to buy a floor decoration. Any suggestions?

08-24-19, 08:16 PM
I am on goal 4 of the main goal. There isn't a button for me to buy a floor decoration. Any suggestions?

The 'Buy' button for Goal 4 hasn't been around in several months but it's not really needed to complete the goal. Simply opening the Floor Decorations tab and making any purchase will complete that portion of the goal.

08-24-19, 09:40 PM
The 'Buy' button for Goal 4 hasn't been around in several months but it's not really needed to complete the goal. Simply opening the Floor Decorations tab and making any purchase will complete that portion of the goal.
Thanks so much. You are correct. I knew that but my brain has been like swiss cheese from my meds. Thanks again.

08-27-19, 07:26 AM
I'm pretty sure I've fallen behind on this one though I have no idea how it happened. *shrugs* I'll play until the goal ends; if I don't win the final prize, at least I'll have opened all the recipes.

08-29-19, 06:56 PM
End goal offer actually really good.

The moon landing is 80 gems, and look, you only get it for the prize of 24 gem!!!

08-31-19, 07:09 AM
The counter presentation on manynof these is nice. I love the tea. It's not my favorite goal, but it was decent.

Oh, how I wish we had a hurricane goal so that we could put that stuff out at hurricane time. I realize that there is probably only one group of people who would want it as all of us live in Florida, lol, but still. Hurricane would be cool. I could totally come up with more ideas than they'd need.

09-03-19, 09:27 AM
I really like the final Goal Prize once placed - it goes great with items like the Midsummer Pool, Magic Dividers and the Fairy Jars. Sooo glad we didn't get stuck with another scene of kids playing in the garden - I'm beyond over those!

At first, I didn't dislike the new recipes but that's really all I thought of them. However, the Moon Tea on the counters looks amazing on my Autumn themed board. I'll definitely be revisiting this recipe every fall.